Silent Demon (of the Leaf) 10-14-2015

Oblig - This is a fan fiction based on the manga by Kishimoto, he owns all rights to the characters.

Kakashi silent kill jutsu. Kakashi sees this as an opportunity to teach Naruto his father's signature technique. How will

Naruto tread down the path of becoming the Silent Demon of the Leaf?

(More realist type of Naruto. Rated M for possible mature scenes later)

A/N - After reading the first chapter of another fanfiction that continues in the vein of Naruto taking Zabuza's sword and

learning to use it, I determined that blade is an antithesis to Naruto's true nature. That blade regenerates by absorbing

blood, meaning it is used bloodily in combat, not something that is true to Naruto's powers in canon nor his intent in

canon. If anything, I decided what Naruto should take from Zabuza is the idea of the Silent Kill since that is essentially

what Minato's signature Flying Thunder God Technique was... killing without notice, quickly, precisely, without the

victim realizing what happened, before they could react.

Silent Demon

Naruto looked on as Zabuza finished off Gato, the tyrant who had hired and then turned on the Hidden Mist young genin finally understood what being a ninja was all about. It wasn't about saving a princess, defeating dragons, or about being a hero. No, being a ninja was about killing those who needed to die and protecting those who needed to live.

Zabuza was hired to kill Tazuna, but he wound up killing the person who truly needed to die, and failed to protect Haku, the one person in his life who needed to live. Zabuza failed the second part, but his honor was recovered by killing Gato. Naruto thought 'If only Zabuza's silent kill technique had worked, his plans would have protected Haku and likely he would have killed Gato in the end anyway.'

A day after the fight Naruto was still thinking about Zabuza's skill, sitting on the edge of the bridge looking out at the ocean. Kakashi, seeing Naruto was not his normal hyperactive self approached his young Genin to find out what was the matter.

"You seem preoccupied Naruto." Kakashi eye smiled at his student, while leaning against the same railing Naruto was propped against.

"Kakashi sensai, Zabuza failed in his mission to kill Tazuna, but he did kill the person who needed to die don't you think?" Naruto looked over at his sensai.

"As ninja we are paid to kill and protect many different people. Some of them are good people, and some are not so good, like Gato. But I would say you are right, Gato is the one who 'needed' to die for the situation to resolve in the best way possible." Kakashi said in an even tone.

"If he had been better at his silent killing technique than you were at defending against it, Tazuna would have been dead wouldn't he? The wrong person would have died because we wouldn't have been able to stop him. So I guess it's a good thing you found a way to overcome his technique." Naruto continued in the same stream of thinking.

"Yes, we were lucky though, few people survive silent kill techniques. And if it hadn't been for the blood on him, my pack of summons wouldn't have found him. The fight could have gone far different. But it didn't, so we won."

Kakashi wondered where this line of thinking was going.

"So the Hidden Mist technique isn't perfect, are there any perfect silent kill techniques?" Naruto looked at Kakashi earnestly for an answer.

Thinking for a moment on how to answer Kakashi wondered if he should tell Naruto about THAT technique. "Why the sudden interest in silent killing? Planning on killing someone before they can react?"

Naruto shrugged. "I don't know, it's just that I was thinking, having such a technique could eliminate some of the risk to the team and to those we are hired to protect."

Kakashi was somewhat astonished at Naruto's response. Silent kill techniques were mostly employed as offensive and assassination tools, not defensive ones. Thinking back, only one other person used a silent kill technique that way, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, and the father of the student asking the question, though Naruto didn't know that truth. Minato's most famous use of the technique, while technically offensive, was actually to protect the Leaf and defend it against Kumo ninja attack. The battle at Kanabi Bridge was the turning point of the 3rd war, and if Minato had not used that silent kill technique of his, many hundreds and perhaps thousands of ninja would have died.

"Naruto, what you just said is interesting you know. Most ninja use silent kill techniques like Zabuza did, offensively to kill or assassinate. But you are correct, such a technique could be a good defensive technique." Kakashi replied with a hint of respect in his voice for the seriousness of the question.

"Has anyone used such a technique that way sensai?" Naruto asked, wondering if such a thing indeed was possible.

"I know of only one man who used a silent killing technique like that, he was our 4th Hokage." Kakashi looked for Naruto's reaction.

"Really? The Fourth used a silent kill technique that way? I knew there had to be a reason he's my favorite." Naruto smiled thinking of the Hokage he most admired because he sacrificed his life for the village. Though lately his admiration had been somewhat diminished when he found out it was the 4th Hokage who had sealed the kyuubi inside him. But Naruto figured there had to be a reason that it was done, there just had to be a reason why he was chosen. It was one of the great mysteries of his life for which he'd yet to find an answer. "What was it called?"

Kakashi smiled at Naruto, intrigued by this turn in discussion. "Ever heard of the Flying Thunder God Technique? Other wise known as the Hiraishin."

Naruto thought a moment, he'd read about many techniques of the Hokage's, or as much as was generally written in the books to which he had access. "Yes, that's a silent kill technique?"

"Essentially yes, because the user can transport in the direct vacinity of his target if a Hiraishin seal is nearby. And then he can transport to another seal after finishing a quick attack." Kakashi explained.

"Awesome! The 4th used the Hirashin thingy alot?" Naruto questioned.

"Yes, he not only used it against opponents, but also to transport to the location of teammates, defensive positions, or to get something to eat." Kakashi smiled at the last part. Minato had actually placed a seal at Ichiraku Ramen during Kushina's pregnancy to quickly retrieve the weird varieties of ramen she would request Teuchi to make.

"Now you're just kidding me sensai!" Naruto frowned. Using a killing technique to get something to eat, unless it was for ramen he didn't see the point, he'd use such a technique to get to Ichiraku's if he could, believe it!

"Nope, no kidding, the 4th made the technique his own, but it was actually the 2nd Hokage, Tobirama Senju who created the technique, though in the 4th's hands it became a truly deadly killing technique. However, even the 4th had a sense of humor, and would use the technique in the village to get to certain places." Kakashi finished explaining part of what he knew.

"Well I guess it was OK since he was the Hokage and all if he did used it to get something to eat." Naruto grinned. "So can anyone learn that technique sensai?"

Kakashi looked at Naruto wistfully. The technique was a forbidden jutsu, protected by the village at all costs lest it fall into the hands of the enemy. Should he tell the boy that? He wondered for a time, staying silent. Thinking.

"Well sensai?" Naruto had been waiting for Kakashi to reply for a while.

"Sorry Naruto, I was just thinking." Kakashi paused for a moment. "It takes someone very special to learn the Flying Thunder God technique. They have to master travel techniques more advanced than chakra running and the body replacement jutsu. They must learn the body flicker shunshin, and they must understand fuinjutsu seals. And then they have to have enough chakra to use the technique effectively. In fact, the only way the technique is currently used today is an emergency transport for the Hokage into the field and that requires three ninja to accomplish."

"Really? That means I can't learn it then doesn't it?" Naruto looked down over the bridge staring at the water. The glimmer of hope he was nurturing was doused out in a second.

"I didn't say that Naruto, not at all. It's just that you'll have to speak to the Hokage about learning it. If he gives permission I can tell you more about it and help you with the other techniques necessary." Kakashi placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder, looking out across the ocean, thinking about what his dead sensai would say at a time like this.

"And Naruto, I think the 4th Hokage wouldn't mind if you learned it, I have a feeling he wouldn't mind at all."

"Hey sensai how do you know so much about the 4th Hokage? And why he wouldn't mind if I learned his jutsu?" Naruto asked eyeing his sensai with curiosity.

"Because I was one of his students." Kakashi had no idea the ordeal he was in for after that statement.

The conversation devolved from there as Naruto became entranced by the idea his own sensai was a student of the 4th Hokage and of possibly learning the 4th's silent killing jutsu.

It took a while for Kakashi to calm the young genin down, and over the next several days Naruto would pester Kakashi about the Hiraishin, the 4th Hokage, and what it was like to have the 4th Hokage as a sensai until he finally started teaching Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura the basics of the Shunshin movement. If one of Team 7 was going to learn it, all of them were going to learn it.

As Team 7 stepped foot on the Land of Fire side of The Great Naruto Bridge, Kakashi began to wonder just how much the mission had changed his team.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you like my writing, there are other stories I have written or am writing, check them out!

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