AN: Hey-oh I'm back with another chapter! I'm going to change this from 1st person to third, tell me what you think! Not really much else to say before I begin… sooo, enjoy!


A smiling Nashi stared down at Onyx as he slept peacefully on the couch that had served as his bed many times in the past years. Well, I guess I should wake him up the usual way she thought while her grin became an evil smirk as she lit her hand on fire. Nashi was thankful that most of the furniture in the house was fire-proof as an apparent wedding present from Mr. Freed almost 20 years ago. Backing up, Nashi began to charge up a wave of fire to wake up the heaviest sleeper in the guild.

With a whisper, Nashi sent a low-powered, Fire Dragon's Wing Attack at Onyx. The rapid rise in temperature instantly woke Onyx up who jumped off the couch in a panic only to immediately face-plant on the wooden floor.

"Nashi, why? When did you become so heartless?" Said Onyx in a tired tone with his voice being muffled by some of the blankets.

"Well, you are the heaviest sleeper in the guild, so either I wake you up, my dad wakes you up, or mom wakes you up. I like to think of myself as the lesser evil of the three alarm clocks." Said a giggling Nashi

"So, I could be roasted by you, sent into low orbit by your dad, or be Lucy-Kicked into sometime next year… Gee, so many wonderful options to choose from." Said a tired Onyx.

"Look, it's already noon, get up so we can go to the guild." Said a still laughing Nashi

"Fine, I take it that your parents are already there, or… not" Said Onyx as a Man with pink hair came tumbling down the stairs only to crash into the wall

"Natsu! Are you okay!" Came the worried voice of Nashi's mother from the top of the stairs

"Luce, I'm fine, oh, and Onyx is finally up." Said Natsu

"Yo" Said Onyx in a slightly less tired tone with a hint of excitement. After all, Natsu was a legend among Dragon Slayers with his immense power.

Sighing, Lucy came down the stairs and said "Now that everybody is awake, why don't we go to the guild, I'm sure that everyone wants to know how your job went."

"Yeah, and you can also tell them that you finally didn't destroy something important like the town hall." Said Natsu

"Dad, I might break things all the time, but you take the cake for the most destruction in the guild." Said Nashi with a grin

"Yeah, that's something that the Ice Princess can't say he's better at, even my daughter agrees with me!" Said Natsu

"Well, I don't think you should be proud of being classified as a low level natural disaster Mr. Dragneel" Said Onyx

"Just call me Natsu, and destroying stuff is a Dragneel family tradition! Right Luce? You even destroyed a few things during our adventures." Said Natsu while Lucy flushed in embarrassment

"Let's just go to the guild" Said Lucy

(Time skip to the guild)

When you open the door to Fairy Tail, chances are there will be a brawl in about five minutes, give or take a few wizards. As Onyx opened the door, he was dragged into a brawl with the Dragneel family close behind.

Man I've missed these brawls though Onyx as he ducked under a flying Edward. Was that Ed, well time to join in he thought excitedly as he threw himself into the fray.

(Time skip of sometime after the brawl)

"And then she threw me, my own mother, can you believe that!" Said Edward

"Well, you did make her drop her cake… so there's that" Said Katherine

"Oh yeah… never make Aunt Erza drop her cake, or she will hurt you. Remember what she did when Master Laxus bumped into her." Said a laughing Nashi

"That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I never saw Master run so fast or look so scared, and he's a Saint." Said Edward

"Such a shame I wasn't here to see that" Said Onyx with a grin

"Speaking of not seeing things, how did Team Hollow Flame's mission go?" Asked Katherine

"The village wanted us to take out a monster that was attacking the village so we began to track it. Thanks to Onyx's nose, we found the lair quickly and I fought the monster… which was a Skull Reaper in case you were wondering." Explained Nashi

"Wow, a Skull Reaper, never thought they'd come this far west, I take it that you had no trouble with it?" Said Edward

"No, Nashi eliminated it pretty quickly, to be honest, it was a bit of a let down, granted no armor can survive the force of a Slayer" Said Onyx

"Wait, you didn't help her out?" Asked Katherine

"I saw no need to, she's a capable fighter, but I was ready to jump in just in case" Said Onyx

"Anyway, are Silas and Ul not back yet? They took a small job, right?" Asked Nashi

"I wouldn't worry about them, after all, Ul can use some pretty powerful magic and Silas finally mastered Xaxis's Take Over Form, although he would only unleash it if they were in danger." Said Katherine

Spitting out his drink, Onyx looked at the group "He can use that? It seems everyone grew while I was gone… looks like I need to keep training. I barley mastered one of the… umm… I guess you would call them the Ultimate Dragon Slayer Spells" Said Onyx who was grinning at the thought of all his friends becoming powerful

"What do you mean by Ultimate spell, I though you could only use Secret Arts or something like that?" Asked Edward

"Well, my mom always tells me about how every branch of Dragon Slayer magic has different levels of 'Arts' as you know them. The first level is the Secret Art, generally unique spells that the caster creates. The second level would be Ultimate Arts that only the dragons know, they teach these spell to very few people and they take years and immense amounts of magic to use. My dad can use two of these arts." Said Katherine, who was always eager to share some knowledge on Dragon Slayers

"Well, my dad can use three Ultimate Arts, but even so Onyx knows one!" Said Nashi while turning her attention to Onyx

Blushing slightly, Onyx said "Yeah, but it takes a lot out of me, and unlike your parents, I was taught directly from my dragon, but that doesn't count for much when the powerhouses are involved"

"I've never seen these moves in use, are they that powerful?" Asked Edward curiously

"Oh yeah" Said Nashi "I saw my dad use one once while he and I were training. It was amazing"

"Well, there is actually a third level" Said Katherine while lowering her voice "I'll tell you about it outside." She said nervously while getting up from the table

Glancing at each other, the group followed the new generation Iron Dragon Slayer. They approached the back door and made their way over to the "picnic" area of the guild which basically was an area in the very back with several tables and a sand pit for sparing.

"Sooo, what's the third level kitte-" Edward was cut off as Katherine punched him in the face

"Stop calling me that!" Yelled Katherine which was followed by the laughter of Nashi and Onyx

"Okay, sorry… you were saying" Said Edward

"Well, I found an old book on a job a few weeks ago that had to deal with a more in-depth look into the powers of Dragon Slayers." Said Katherine "The book had a few training methods for building up magic energy and stuff like that. I can let you borrow it Nashi." She said before the pink-haired Slayer could ask. "The book had a coded section which I cracked about a day before Onyx came back and it talked about the Arts. At the end of the section, it had a warning about a third level, known as the Forbidden Arts, spells so powerful that they could alter the natural order of the world."

Gasping, Nashi, and Ed looked at her while Onyx remained stoic, processing the information.

"So you're saying that these spells could destroy the world or something?" Asked Edward

"No that powerful, but they must use a ton of energy and magic in order to be so powerful." Said Kate

"Obsidious warned me about these spells, mainly because they don't use magic energy." Said Onyx

"What do they use then? Are they curses like the Demons in the Books of Zeref?" Asked Kate

"No, they use the life energy of either the caster or their enemies. I was told that the spells would be better if they were lost to the Void" Said Onyx "After all, one of those spells is the reason why Obsidious died, remember?"

"I thought he died of old age" Said Edward

"No, he used one of those spell a few hundred years ago, and in doing so, he put himself in a state of, as he put it, Void; neither existing nor being non-existent, if that makes sense." Said Onyx

"Oh, now I remember!" Exclaimed Nashi "Didn't you say that he did it in order to slay one of his enemies or something"

"That's somewhat true, he told me that he sealed whatever the enemy was away in a place that nobody would think of." Said Onyx with a proud tone

"That's certainly impressive, but why don't we go back to the hall, I'm sure that we can find a local job or two to do in the city" Said Edward

"Alright, let's rock a job, I'm picking this time so no complaints" Said Kate

"Sure, just as long as you don't pick something boring" Said Nashi

"Fine, let's go and maybe not destroy something in the process of a simple job… again" Said Kate

Laughing, the rest of the group followed Kate into the Fairy Tail guild hall in order to pass the time while waiting for Ultear and Silas to return.

\\End of Chapter/

AN: So how was this? Did you love it, did you hate it, or were you on the fence? Anyway, I will see you guys next week. Peace out and have a better that average day!