"Misa-chan, I will teach you how to cook today" Takumi announced

Misaki stared at her husband for a while.

"So Chiyo, where was I...oh yeah...DONT GET MARRIED!" she yelled over the phone

"Misa-chan, don't ignore me" her husband whined.

"Misaki, you must be joking right? I can't run away right now it's only two weeks before the wedding" Chiyo said over the phone.

"There is plenty of chance left... you have time till the end of the wedding ceremony. You should run away while you can"

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because my husband is a whiny bastard and he would make a huge ruckus if I ran away."

"Oh come on. He wouldn't do that"

"I would do that" Takumi said leaning over to the phone

"Awww...That so cute"

"I seriously find it hard to understand how your brain works"

"MISA-CHAN LETS ME TEACH YOU HOW TO COOK!" Takumi started yelling

"What was that, Chiyo? I can't hear you"



"Never mind, Misaki, I will call you later"

"WHAT?...Hello? Chiyo?"


"SHE CUT THE CALL YOU CAN SHUT UP NOW!" Misaki yelled at Usui.

"Huff...thank god!" he said adjusting his voice


"Why are you so concerned with Chiyo? Just let her be."

"I am worried about her" Misaki sighed "I don't want her to suffer you know...not everyone will be lucky like me"




"Misa-chan..." Takumi chirped

"NO! Get away from me, you pervert" Misaki yelled "That's not what I meant...That's not it...I meant that she is stupid, okay? She is not a Pantomath like me"

"Yet you don't know how to cook"

"Cooking does not require intelligence"

"Apologize to all the Chefs on earth"

"What I mean is, cooking requires talent and I don't have that"

"So what? You have me! And as a cooking expert I promise you, even you can cook"


"If you don't cook then I won't cook"

"Okay then we will order something"

"Every day?

"Every day"


"Because you are filthy rich and your wife doesn't know how to cook"She pointed out

"Well this filthy rich guy won't provide any money for ordering food from outside"

"AHAA! I knew it. I knew you would use your money to trap male chauvinist!"

"I just want my dinner to be cooked by my wife, for god's sake!"

"If you want your dinner cooked by your wife, I suggest you getting married to someone else"

"I only want to eat dinner cooked by Mrs Misaki Takumi walker."

"Good luck finding a girl named 'Misaki"

"You don't mean that"

"Of course I don't. If you ever marry another woman, I will burn her, chop you into several pieces and then live happily"




"Why are you so reluctant about cooking?"

Takumi asked pouting at her. He sat down next to her on the couch and placed his cheek on her shoulders.



"Okay here's the deal" she sighed "a few months ago, I kind of tried to make an onigiri and the kitchen kind of exploded..."

"Was it Hikari's kitchen?"


"Thought so"

"Anyway, it's better for me not to cook"

"I still want to eat your cooking"

"The kitchen might explode"

"I am filthy rich."

"The house might catch fire"

"I swear to protect you from the fire"

"What makes you think that I can't protect myself?"

"Nice try. Don't change the subject"



"Okay! Let's get this over with!"


30 minutes later

"It looks...umm...unique"

"You can laugh if you want"

"I am not going to laugh at my wife's onigiri"

"Fascinating. Its glimmering at the sun's ray" Takumi said "Misa-chan, Can you get the hammer? I need to eat this"

" ." She mocked him

Takumi brought the onigiri closer to his mouth and bit it.


"It's crunchy."

"Be blunt about it"

"It's like eating a rock...a very salty rock"

Misaki stared at him in silence as he chewed it. The only sound from the kitchen was the sound of Takumi's teeth breaking down the onigiri.

10 minute later

"Done" he said in defeat

"Need some digestion pill?"

"No I am fine"


"How about a kiss for all the trouble I went through"

"Umm...okay. Come here"

"HUH? YOU ARE ACTUALLY GONNA KISS ME?" he asked in surprised tone

"Yeah. Something wrong with it?"She asked. He immediately shook his head in response. "Close your eyes okay? It's embarrassing as it is"

Misaki was blushing red.

"Cute" Takumi thought before he closed his eyes.

"No peeking okay?"




"Well I am surprised; I didn't know you were such an idiot to actually fall for that. I fear for your company."

"My wife is a bully" Takumi yelled on her ears "But you know, that was a pretty good act you put out there"


Takumi leaned closer to her.

"What are you doing?"

"Come to think of it. It's been a while since we kissed" he said as he pinned her down on the couch.

"Wha-" Misaki said blushing like a tomato.

"Ahh...even your ears are red. Misa-chan is so cute." he remarked "Don't worry I won't forcefully kiss you on your lips...we are going to lie in this position until Misaki takes initiative and kiss me"

"You mess with the bull you get the horns"

"Misaki" he said leaning to her ears, His hot breath on her ears.

Takumi abruptly reached out his left hand. His long fingers traced her lips. The clean scent of his soap tickled her nostrils. She quivered at the excitement she was feeling. She took in a long breath to calm her racing heart.

"I just can't get enough of you, Misaki"

He wrapped his long arms around her.

He leaned towards the nape of her neck and gently nipped at the place where his lips were. Misaki made a short intake of breath she was unsure about how to respond. She tried to struggle but felt weak as her body was giving into him.

"What in the hell are you doing to me, you sexually harassing pervert"

"Is that the way you speak to your husband, misa-chan?" he blew a hot breath on her neck. She yelped in response.

"So are you going to kiss me or are you going to let me harass you like this"

"So you admit that this is harassment"

"What is it then kiss or no kiss?"


"Well I am going to have fun" he said leaning back to her neck.




"You won't leave me hanging like earlier"

"Do I look like I am in the position to do that?" he shook his head.

"Close your eyes" she said timidly.

"Nope! This time I am going to see all the cute expressions you show before you kiss me"

"I hate you" she said closing her eyes


Misaki peeked at her husband who was smirking at her. His emerald eyes locked on her amber ones for a second. She immediately turned her head away from him.


"Come on Misaki, pull it together. Ignore him. Close your eyes and just kiss him"

Misaki closed her eyes and turned towards him

"Now go!"

"Oops you missed me"

"Huh?"She opened her eyes "You damn bastard, you moved!"

"So! How does it feel, to anticipate for a kiss and be left in the mid-air?"

"I hate you! Pervert .I hate you ... Let me go! Let me go. Why are you so goddamn strong?"

"Stop being so stubborn misa-chan" he leaned towards her, smirking.

"NO! NO!mphmm..."Takumi smashed his lips on to his beloved. As his soft lips closed in on hers, all the rage and insecurities vanished. After taking several short breathes. Takumi started kissing her deeply all over again. She unconsciously wrapped her arms around him. They embraced each other so tightly that they could barely breathe. Although his kiss was passionate there was something gentlemanly about it.

"I love you, Misaki"

"I love yo-"she immediately covered her mouth with her hands. They were both equally shocked.

"I mean I...I.."

Takumi leaned towards her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't worry, Take your time and besides I have to prepare my heart for it."

He brought his wife closer to him and hugged her tightly. Misaki smiled at his actions and gladly hugged him back.


"Honestly when my father told me to get married to someone whom I never met before, I was really worried. But to be with a gentleman like you, I am really fortunate" Chiyo said

"You're being frank as usual. I should be the one who's fortunate"

"No way...that's not true" she replied blushing.

"Yes it is Chiyo. To have a beautiful and generous woman like you as my fiancée, I really am blessed. I will be in you care from now on"

"And I will be in yours, Tora-san"