But Does She Love Me?

Last Time, on Dragon Ball Z: (Lol) Pearl had just confessed her love for Amethyst, but she fell asleep. What's going to happen now that Pearl's confession fell on deaf ears? Will she wait for the right moment and make it a wonderful spectacle, or will she wait too long and have Amethyst question her very emotions. Let's find out, shall we?

This morning was a peaceful one. Pearl could hear seagulls by the beach, hunting for fish to feed off of. She could smell the salty air through the screen door of the house. She really did love how calming living here was.. But most of all that made the pristine gem feel at ease was the purple gem sleeping in her lap.

The light coming through the windows made the shadows and features of Amethyst's face truly something to behold. The feel of the smaller gem's hair through Pearl's fingers was absolutely exquisite.

Pearl watched her girlfriend sleep throughout the entire night. Sure, it may be considered 'creepy' or may be seen as 'stalking', but what else was the pristine gem supposed to do? She didn't want to move and risk waking her beloved girlfriend, and she didn't want to sleep herself just in case she were to stir. So she sat, quietly, taking in Amethyst's beauty as her fingers took in that beautiful white hair.

Pearl did nothing but stay with her girlfriend through the night.. well, nothing but that and thinking. She confessed.. well, technically. She came to terms that she did indeed love the purple gem, but as Garnet said, more time may be good for the pristine gem. More time would be good for Amethyst as well.. Even though age was of no concern to them, to move too soon in a relationship is always a risk.

Pearl was brought from her reverie by a knock that came from the door of the house. Looking over, she could see through the screen door that it was Connie. She was very early.. Not wanting to make any noise, she gestured for the human girl to come in with her hand, though she used her other hand to place a finger to her lips, signaling Connie to try and be quiet.

Nodding, Connie slowly opened the screen door, trying to keep the squeaking to a minimum. Once she was safely inside with the door closed behind her, she walked up to Pearl, speaking in a quiet voice.

"Hey Pearl. I heard about Steven's feet from my mom.. That must be horrible for him.."

"Oh, it's not so bad. He's just being dramatic, is all. You know how he is." Pearl spoke quietly as well, glad that Connie understood the situation so quickly.. Amethyst was not to be woken by an outside force at any cost.

Connie chuckled, looking up towards the room that Steven was now most likely still sleeping in.

"Yeah, I do.. So what's with this?" Connie turned back and gestured to the sleeping Amethyst in Pearl's lap. "I heard that you two can barely stand to be in the same room, let alone letting her sleep on top of you.."

"Yes, well.." Pearl looked down at the sleeping Amethyst. "Things change.."

"Oh my gosh.." Connie clasped her hands to her mouth in sudden realization, hopping on the balls of her feet in excitement. "You guys are a couple, aren't you?!" Connie had to strain herself to keep from shouting.

"Yes.. yes we are." It made Pearl even happier to confirm Connie's question. The girl could barely contain her excitement. She sat beside Pearl, making sure to leave plenty of leg room for Amethyst.

"Okay, you have to tell me all about it. Oh man, this is so exciting!"

Pearl thought for a moment. Maybe confiding in someone who she hardly spoke to would be good for the pristine gem. So she started talking. She told the human girl everything. She talked about how the two were afraid that they hated each other, about how Amethyst pretended to be asleep while eavesdropping, about how she admitted that she liked when the smaller gem acted out, and about how Pearl was afraid to say 'I love you'.

She talked about burning her hand and having Amethyst treat it, she talked about being the first to kiss the purple gem, which Connie bounced excitedly at. Pearl smiled widely at this and explained about the corrupt gem, and finally how she had kind of confessed to Amethyst the previous night after the movie.

"And.. it feels like I should wait longer." Pearl concluded, gently stroking the purple gem's hair through the entire speech. "I told myself I would take more time, but it's barely even been three days.. It's hard to hold back when she's right here, you know?" The pristine gem looked down at Amethyst's face, finding it incredibly beautiful to look at. Especially since the sun had risen so much now that her face was completely in view. Wait.. how long had Pearl talked?

"I can kinda get what you mean.." Connie said, a small red blush on her face. But she shook her head. She was still too young for a relationship. At least, to her parents. "Well.. I can't really give you any advice. I've never been in the same situation you're in. But, I'm sure things will work out." Connie really couldn't do much for the pristine gem. She was many thousands of years her younger, anyway.

"Thank you, Connie." Pearl smiled at the girl, who nodded. Garnet walked down the stairs, Steven being carried on her hair, which was usual as of late.

"Hey Connie!" Steven's voice was loud and excited, which caused Amethyst to squirm. Like a child, she turned her body toward Pearl's, wrapping her arms around the slender gem's waist with a grunt. Connie giggled before standing from the couch, looking up to talk Steven in the eye.

"Hey, Steven. How are your feet?"

"They feel okay."

"No they don't." Garnet interrupted, her arms crossed.

"Yes they do!" Steven argued, looking down over the tallest gem's hair t her face. "I just still can't walk cuz my blisters will hurt then, right?"

"That's right."

"Then they feel fine right now."

"Well, you got me there." Garnet raised her hands in defeat, which caused Steven to raise his fists in victory.

Connie giggled while Steven laughed.

"So we rented the first Dogcopter yesterday. You wanna watch it?"

"Oh my gosh it's been so long since I've seen that movie! Of course, let's go!" And like that, Connie ran passed Garnet up to Steven's room, and Garnet followed. She was glad to be able to help her little one get around, but this was more exhausting than fighting Jasper.

Pearl sighed, actually quite glad to get all of that off her chest. She was sad to have to stir Amethyst from her sleep, but it was the morning, after all.

"Amethyst.." Pearl whispered, gently shaking the purple gem's shoulder. She only whined, squirming at pearl's touch.

"..five more minutes, P.." The pristine gem actually giggled, finding her girlfriend's sleepiness rather cute.

"Come on.." She leaned down, whispering in her Amethyst's ear. "I'll give you a kiss if you get up.."

Amethyst opened one eye, looking sideways up at her girlfriend. Now this was a dilemma.. Sleep, or that amazing feeling on her lips whenever she kisses Pearl.

"Screw it.." Amethyst sat up, quickly pushing her lips against Pearl's, wrapping her arms around the slender gem's neck. Pearl returned the hug, a hand on the back of Amethyst's head while her other rested on her back. This kiss was.. different. Not too different. It just lasted longer, but it also felt better, probably because it lasted longer in the first place.

Their lips acted as if they never wanted to leave each other, gently smacking against each other as kiss after kiss went by. Their kiss was so heated, that even when they finally separated, a glazed look over both of their eyes, their breath was heavy despite not needing air. They rested their heads together, a light glow coming from both of their gems. So this is what Garnet felt like..? This was the very feeling of fusion, but the two gems were separate. This was what Garnet felt all of the time, what Ruby and Sapphire felt, all the time..

"Gosh, Sweet P.." Amethyst broke the silence, a large smile on her face. "Talk about a wake up call.."

"I'm glad you liked it.." Pearl giggled as she looked into her girlfriend's eyes. It was so hard.. It was so, so very hard to not say those words. Why should Pearl have to wait anyway? Why couldn't she just say it and get it over with, living happily with her beautiful Amethyst? They were already happy.. so what could be the harm?

Well.. Amethyst could question Pearl. She could question if Pearl actually loved the purple gem, which would cause her to question her own emotions as well. Pearl didn't want to be questioned.. she wanted to be understood. She hugged Amethyst to her, stroking her hair once again. Just another day or two.. then she'd say it.. hopefully when Amethyst is awake.

Connie came down the stairs, standing at the base of the steps as she looked at the couple.

"I forgot, but Pearl, do you have my history book?"