"Welcome To Wolf Lake"

A Short Story based on the series "Wolf Lake"

Disclaimer : I make no claims to the ownership or rights of the series, Wolf Lake. I'm simply having fun with what its creators left us with. I am making no profit in writing this, or any other fan fiction stories.

Author's Note – Okay, first off, this story is going to be a short one, probably only three or four chapters in length. In a way, since it is sort of a prequel to the actual TV series, it can be considered as such for my two Wolf Lake Series. One of which most of you are aware of, "Conclusion to the Wolf Lake Series," and the other being the one that I will begin posting chapters on after CTTWLS is completed…

I'm not giving anything away about this series just yet, not even the title… All I will say is that it will be strictly L/S… It will be dark, sensual, and very, VERY erotic… More so than any of my other stories… (and considering how erotic my E:FC series is at times, that's saying a lot)

It will have an R rating on it though, something I haven't done with any of my other stories, so that is something one needs to realize when they want to track it down once it begins…

In a way, I kinda view this short story to be the prequel to this new series I've mentioned to you above… more so than CTTWLS… but either way, it works. And I thought it would be a nice treat for you all till I get out the finale ep. for CTTWLS… And no, I don't know when that will be. I'm pretty burnt out after those last two eps. I did back to back, and I have no idea when I will start back up on it.

So please, no pressure in regards to CTTWLS… Trust me, I WILL complete it soon… Thanks for being patient.

Enjoy, and please don't forget to tell me what you think of this story!

Welcome To My World… And Watch Your Step…

Summery – I always wondered what it was that Sophia was running from at the beginning of the Pilot episode, when John almost ran her over with his motorcycle on his way into WL, and we see that Luke had followed her… So I decided to do my own take on it. I hope you like! Don't forget to review!


"Welcome to Wolf Lake – Chapter One"


Sophia knew she shouldn't have agreed to come. Knew that this was a bad idea. Knew that if her father found out what she was doing, he'd probably lock her up in her room and throw away the key till she was thirty.

But, knowing all this, she hadn't been able to stop herself from forgetting everything that her father had warned her about. Hadn't been able to stop herself from climbing into that car that smelled faintly of smoke, liquor, and something else. Something… dangerous.

But most of all, she hadn't been able to turn away from the request of Lucas Cates.

Her feelings for him were confusing.

On one hand, she couldn't help but be drawn to him.

On the other, she knew he couldn't be trusted.

So why had she agreed to come? Especially now, when she was already sensing that this had been a very bad idea?

Sophia brushed away a lock of hair that had fallen into her face. Fingers tucking it behind her ear. She watched the trees whirring past outside as Luke drove them all up to the lake. Her fingers gripped at the side of the door to steady herself as he took it through a particularly nasty curve. She knew he watching her through the rear view mirror, but she refused to turn and meet his gaze. She had already done so a couple of times earlier in the trip, and the fact that he always held it till she looked away first had been disconcerting.

Things had been happening lately between them. Little things that she couldn't explain, wasn't sure she wanted to. Little things that she hadn't expected. The way his look would trail after her when she walked by him in school, the heat of it burning into her back. The way he would purposely brush into her, the contact of his skin against hers sending startling shudders through her body. His carefully chosen words when he would casually take up for her when the rest of his gang made fun of her when they 'thought' she was out of hearing range, knowing full well she heard every word. The way when he came to the Diner, whether alone or with a group – his group – he purposely sat in her section. Setting her completely on edge with his quiet observations and unspoken dares. 

And Luke's sudden change towards her wasn't the only one she had noticed. It seemed as if most of the younger Pack members were waiting… waiting, and watching. Pressure was building to see what would happen. Would she Flip? Could she Flip? Would she run from Wolf Lake? Would she stay and succeed in Changing, or die like the few half-breeds had before her?

Was that why Luke was paying so much attention to her lately? Was he thinking that he could sway her decision to remain human, and convince her to remain in this town? With the Pack? And if so, where did that leave her in the scheme of things?

She knew what would happen to her if she did Flip. Her father had drilled it into her so many times over the last few years, she was surprised he hadn't saved himself the time, and instead just have had it tattooed to her forehead.

She would be bound to this place, this world, this life. No chance of escape. No chance of freedom to do as she pleased. Hell, she wouldn't even be able to marry or reproduce without the permission of the Alpha. Locked forever to the rules and regulations that had supported the Pack for hundreds, thousands of years.

She didn't want to live like that. She wanted to travel the world and study the stars. She wanted her life to mean something other than Wolf Lake's half-breed amusement. She had always been an outsider here, and to think that it would be any different if she did Flip was ridiculous. She would always be considered inferior. She would always be considered impure to the Skinwalker species. Something that had had no right being created in the first place.

No, she wanted no part of that hell. Wanted no part of this world.

Then why, she thought for the billionth time, had she agreed to come?

Sophia shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the side of her bare hand coming up to rest on the chilled glass of the small window. The moon shone brightly overhead, but even its soothing glow could take away the sudden tension she felt building within her. She was starting to feel claustrophobic. The cram of the bodies into this vehicle was starting to get to her, as well as the consistent pounding and throbbing of the heavy rock music pouring out of the speakers. The sound made her head hurt, even though it kept any of them from initiating any conversations that she sure as hell didn't want to participate in at the moment.

Damn, how could they listen to it that loud with their supposedly highly advanced hearing?

Sophia closed her eyes and rubbed her cool fingers over her eyes in an attempt to relax. Feeling that familiar panic rising to the surface along with the sensation that she was being smothered. She wanted nothing more than to order Luke to stop the car and let her out here and now. The woods were looking more and more inviting at the moment. At least there she could escape this music, and be able to finally breath unhindered.

Clenching her fist at her side, she buried her short nails into her palm in an attempt to regain control over her wayward imagination. She was not being smothered, and although the air in the car was stifling, warm, and thick with the smell of beer, she could breath it just fine.

The contact of a jean-clad muscular thigh brushing up against hers 'accidentally', had Sophia flinching slightly. She glared at the already drunk Shawn grinning over at her. Mouthing an apology that she was sure he didn't mean. His body was pressing far too close to hers for comfort, and she had an insane instinct to swipe that leering smile right off his face. Instead, she looked away from him, and purposely continued to stare out the window. Berating herself yet again for even bothering to come along. Now her mood was starting to interfere with the way she dealt with her emotions, and that was something she had taught herself to never let happen.

Curiosity. She finally concluded that that was why she had agreed to come. That had to be it. She was curious about the Pack, and the "Hill" kids and this was a perfect time to satisfy that curiosity. And she had every right to do so, she reasoned. Whether she liked it or not, and whether 'they' wanted to admit it or not, Wolf Lake was still a part of her legacy, and one she had every right to learn as much about in the short amount of time she had left in this dark, secretive town. If only to help convince herself even further that she didn't want this place to own her anymore than it already did.

She rested her elbow on the door as raked her fingers through her loose hair. Discreetly moving closer to the door, putting a few more inches between herself and Shawn. Taking the hint of not only the sudden tenseness of the half-breed, but the subtle warning that Luke had sent him across the mental pathway, Shawn turned towards a dark headed girl next to him, and proceeded to entertain himself with one that was more willing.

Sophia closed her eyes at the sounds those two beside her were creating, and REALLY wished she could just disappear. She kept her face turned away, suddenly wishing she had a sudden and brief case deafness till she was able to get out of this car.

Unaware of anything else around her, Sophia failed to notice how closely Luke was observing her through the rear-view mirror. Watching the frown marring her smooth, pale forehead, and the sudden whiteness around her lips. The fast pace of her heart, and the rapidness of her shakily indrawn breaths. Realizing just how claustrophobic she was starting to feel, his hand wandered over to the side panel from where he was seated, and in two deft movements, both locked the doors to make sure she didn't get the urge to jump out before he was ready for her to, and pressed another switch that sent her window rolling down almost halfway.

Sophia jerked upright in surprise when she felt the glass pressing into her forearm give way, and the sudden coolness of the fresh clean air pouring into the too warm vehicle. Carrying with it the scent of night, water, earth, and pine.

Shooting a wide-eyed glance towards Luke, she met his gaze in the rearview mirror. She blinked in surprise when he smiled wryly at her. Revealing to her just how well she had 'hid' her feelings in regards to what she had been feeling.

A strange sensation began fluttering down deep inside Sophia's stomach, and she quickly turned away from that knowing glimmer in those pale green eyes. Pressing her hand discreetly to her abdomen in consternation of her own body betraying her. She tried to convince herself that it was the throbbing of the music echoing deep within her body, and not her response to that look he had given her. This wasn't the first time she had felt those odd butterflies when Luke had looked at her like that. But this time she couldn't deny the sudden headiness that accompanied it when she realized just how much he had been focused on her over the last few minutes. Enough so that he had sensed her emotions, had watched her subtle body language, and had sought out a way to relieve it.

She glanced back up at him when she sensed more than saw that his focus had reverted back to the road in front of him, as he turned onto a twisted gravel drive leading to the Lake's edge, and the area referred to as the Hill.

To her, he was one big, confusing, and dangerous contradiction. She didn't know what he would do from day to day when in her presence. She didn't know which side he would show her during those steadily increasing but erratic meetings that he kept initiating between them, and what was worse, is she didn't know which of his many facets was the real one.

Sensing that he was about to turn to look at her again, Sophia quickly dropped her gaze, and swung it back out the window, taking in a deep breath of clean air, smelling the scent of the forest, and the sensation calming her more than anything else would have at that moment. Who was Luke Cates? And just what did he want from her?

Luke observed the way she visibly relaxed once she had taken in a deep breath of the pine-scented air flowing into his car, and couldn't help the slight tilt of his lips at the sight. Yes, she was very much one with nature, whether she wanted to admit it to herself or not. He had lost count of how many times over the last few years he had stumbled upon her walking by herself in the woods. Sometimes during the day, sometimes during the night. She would never know about the dangers she had almost found herself in by doing that… She would never know about the times he had followed her, protecting her, guarding her from the shadows.

He only did what was expected of him, he rationalized each time he had secretly escorted her home.

He knew that the wolf within her was starting to rise to the surface, despite her attempts to stifle it. Smother it with the plain clothing, the glasses, and the human façade that she kept burying herself under. He knew it was only matter of time before it would begin to fight back against the restrictions that she had placed on that side of her nature.

His lips twisted a little further as he looked back at the road in front of him. Knowing that Presley was eyeing him from her position beside him, but wasn't about to say anything that would possibly stir his ire.

The rest of the 'Hill' kids saw Sophia as an interesting diversion… a challenge. A game. They all wanted to see what would happen over the next few months to the half-breed. To see whether she would Flip, and if she did, just whom might she Flip with.

And he also realized that many had their bets placed on him, considering that the sudden increase of his attentions towards her had not gone unnoticed by the rest of the younger generation of the Pack. And, considering the fact that he seemed to be the only male of their species she allowed to even get within three feet of her… yes, the odds were very much in his favor.

And he planned to keep it that way.

He looked back at her in the rear-view mirror, and watched her lean her head back against the headrest, closing her eyes as the cold air brushed over her face, sending tendrils of dark hair fluttering over her features, whispering against the skin of her neck, drawing attention to the way the moon cast a stunning glow over the flesh revealed through the v-neckline of her white t-shirt. Drawing attention to the still forming curves and hollows of her body.

He was starting to realize just how much he was going to enjoy the challenge of drawing her out of her self-imposed shell, and into the beautiful darkness of their world. The world that owned her, body and soul, no matter how hard she fought it.

She wasn't like the others. She would fight it; fight him, deny her true nature to the very end. But, in that sweet end, she would no longer be able to turn away from her true self.

He knew from experience, that soon the call of the forest would be too strong for even Sophia Donner to resist.

He smiled even wider as he relished that thought. His eyes glittered momentarily from their eerie pale green to an unnatural glowing yellow.

And he would make damn certain that he was there when that call came.


Ah well, you can see that Luke is still very much the bad-boy, beginning his pursuit to seduce Sophia… Which is why I created this story. To capture that essence that we all felt when we saw that first episode, "Meat The Parents."

This isn't going to be some lovey-dovey story either. No tender mushy moments are going to be found. (hell, she had to running away for some reason when she was almost run over by John.)

This is about Luke 'pushing' Sophia, to see just how high her walls really are, before he sets about tearing them down one by one. It's setting the mood of their 'relationship', but at the same time, despite what Luke thinks he feels towards Sophia, we all know that it goes far deeper than his initial belief that he only wants her for the thrill of sharing in her Flip. We see that throughout the TV series, (I didn't see him going to Presley when he needed help) and in that last ep. when he lost control and almost attacked Sophia's very-much human date. His feelings run far deeper than he really believes at this moment, and I plan to let that show through a bit in the next couple of chapters.

When you look at it, it's really Luke that is in denial, rather than Sophia.

Anyway, please, PLEASE review and let me know what you think so far! I'll be posting again soon!
