Ezra was sleeping away in his bunk when he received the vision. Screams of pain, crying and there were people… the inquisitor, but he was with someone else. Whoever this was he was very dark, very dark his force presence was pitch black and there was anger, so much anger, but he got flashes of two people hugging, a young couple looking so happy and then he got blurry flashes of a man. He had orange, red hair and he saw the young woman "Luke" she said, but then it was covered with death and hatred and pain and panic. He then saw… his parents and the man with orange, red hair giving them a small bundle "you must never let the empire have him" the man said. Everything was getting so confusing and so cold Ezra didn't know what to do he wanted to call out, but it felt useless he just wanted to curl up and cry. He didn't know what to do, but then he felt something, someone shaking him, trying to bring him to the light "…ezra… ezra … Ezra… Ezra… EZRA…" and that was when he noticed he was face-to-face with Kanan.

Kanan was meditating when he felt the dark presence sweep over the ship. Kanan used his mental shields to block against it, but it was looking to invade his mind, it was looking for something, someone. Suddenly he heard Zeb yell "Kanan something wrong with the kid" "Ezra!" he knew the presence wasn't looking for him, but his padawan. Kanan raced through the ship to Ezra's quarters when he saw what Zeb was talking about. Ezra was crying out, both out loud but also in the force, his back was arched and his head was tossing and turning. He rushed over, shaking the kid to wake up "EZRA, EZRA!" he yelled, but even in his arms the kid kept twisting and crying he then lowered his mental shields, trying to help clear away the darkness trying to grab his Ezra when the kid's eyes started to flutter open "…ka…nan…" he said in a shaky voice, still crying "ssshhh… ssshhh it's alright" Kanan said as Ezra buried his face into kanan's chest. "What's wrong with him" Zeb asked "nothing, every things fine could you just give us a few minutes" and with that Zeb went on with his day, closing the door as he left. "…ezra are you okay…" Kanan asked in a soft voice "…no…" Ezra said in between his sobbing "it's okay I've got you" Kanan said changing his position to hold the kid better "it is okay…" Ezra wasn't entirely sure that what Kanan was saying was true, but he didn't care as Kanan slowly rocked him back to sleep with the soothing force presence he emitted.

After the kid had fallen back to sleep Kanan exited the cabin, closing the door behind him and started heading towards the cockpit "whatever the presence was it was definitely looking for someone and it found him" Kanan thought "but who was that it wasn't the inquisitor his presence isn't nearly as dark as that one" and that part truly bothered Kanan he didn't know who was after his padawan so he didn't know how to protect him, but soon enough he was in the cockpit were Hera was. "Kanan what happened I thought I heard Ezra crying" she said in a worried tone "yes" he replied "someone very dark in the force was looking for him" "who" she asked "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling we'll know soon enough" he said as he stroked his beard as the ship exited hyper-space revealing Lothal.

- Across the galaxy Lord Vader was staring out the command deck window of the Executor as he found what he had been looking for, for the past 15 years he had been looking for it and he had found it…

His child

He had known that his old master Obi-wan would have tried to hide his son from him, but he never would have guessed that he would have done such a good job. And that last bit annoyed Vader deeply even after all these years he couldn't not find his son, his heir, but thankfully he finally found the boy. He was 15 now and was incredible strong in the force and much to Vader's delight he felt something very interest his presence, he had already had given himself fully to the dark side once. He could still feel the small amount of fear of doing it again, but he then he was taken back by something he did not expect, another presence… a jedi. He had manage to push Vader's presence back and was help to protect the boy from it and that did not please Vader. He could feel the care and love that the jedi was using to help clear the boy's mind of his presence and helping to make his mental shield stronger, he was training his son. Though Vader was happy that he would get to kill another jedi soon he didn't like that this jedi was teaching his child, caring for his child and Vader would not stand for it. "Lieutenant!" he commanded "set course for the Lothal system" "yes sir" and the small lieutenant ran off, thankful for not having his head cut off and set out the orders to jump. So as Darth Vader strode back he went over to the ship's communicator and called his agents in the Lothal system "inquisitor" "yes master" "there is something we must talk about"