The Secret That She Hides

Hello, my fellow readers. The great James Stryker here bringing you another great chapter of The Secret That She Hides. Before you read this chapter, feel free to check out my Rucas pregnancy story Be My Baby. I really appreciate it if you get a chance to read and review it. I hope everybody's ready for the new chapter because Farkle was about to tell Maya something important. He was about to tell Maya the truth about her and Lucas. The truth will set her free! So here it is, chapter seven of The Secret That She Hides. Enjoy.

Chapter Seven

To Tell the Truth

(Maya's P.O.V.)

Since Riley is in the kitchen getting our drinks, Farkle and I just sat there by the bay window not saying a word to each other. I turned to Farkle and I smiled slightly at him and he smiled back at me.

"So, how's it going with you and Lucas?" Farkle asked.

"It's uh…it's going okay." I said.

"Really?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" I asked.

"I don't know. You two haven't said a word to each other on your date. You two had two, I mean, three awkward dates with no talking and no holding hands. I like it better when you teased him all the time by calling him names like Ranger Rick, Huckleberry and also saying…" Farkle said.

"Hah-hurr." I said smiling while thinking about the times I tease him.

"Yeah. Like it's the way he talks." Farkle smiled.

"Yeah." I said.

"You two get along together, I mean it's like he's your….whoa." Farkle said.

"What?" I asked. Farkle didn't say a word and tried to crawl out from the window until I pulled him in and grabbed him by his Einstein t-shirt. "Farkle, what are you trying to hide?"

"I'm not hiding anything." Farkle said.

"If you don't talk right now, I am going to hurt you." I said.

"I can't. I know that you like Lucas and that you and him almost kissed back in Texas." Farkle said.

"How did you know that we almost kissed?" I asked.

"I overheard you and Lucas talking on your third date at Topanga's. I know that you two almost kissed." Farkle said. "Now the important thing is, does he feel the same way about you?"

"I…I…I don't know." I said.

"I know, Maya. I know the reason that you and Lucas' relationship is awkward." Farkle said.

"What is it that you know?" I asked. Farkle turned his back to me and starts humming this song that he heard and started walking around Riley's room and checking his phone to see if Smackle messaged him. I marched over to Farkle and put him in a headlock to try to get an answer from him. Farkle yelped as I squeezed hard around his head while he tries to escape from my grasp.

"Listen here, Minkus. You're going to tell me what you know about me and Lucas. You have two options. Option 1: You tell me the truth about my relationship with me and Lucas. Or option 2: I rip your head off like the zombie's from the movie Day of the Dead. Your choice." I said in a threatening.

"You're being rough with me. I like it." Farkle smiles as I got him out of the headlock and stepped back away from him. "Geez. What are you a mud wrestler in your spare time?"

"Now, are you going to tell me?" I asked as I sat down on Riley's bed.

"I know the reason that you and Lucas' relationship is awkward. You had three awkward dates. You haven't said a word to each other throughout the date. Well, except for your third date. You two talked. And you haven't held hands. Here's what I know. You don't like Lucas as a boyfriend. You like him as a brother." Farkle said.

"You don't know anything." I said.

"Oh, really? Look what it's doing to Riley. She's heartbroken because she stepped back and she wanted you to be happy." Farkle said.

"I didn't mean to. I don't know how to handle these feelings. I never liked anybody before. I mean, how can I like Lucas as a brother?" I asked. "He's supposed to be Riley's brother."

"Because I've seen the way you tease him all the time." Farkle said.

"So what? Of course I tease him all the time. I tease him because I like him. And I'm scared because I don't know what's going to happen next. What if he doesn't feel the same way as me?" I asked.

"He might. But not like that because he sees you as a brother." Farkle said.

"What about Riley? If she doesn't want to be Lucas' brother, then what does she want him and her to be?" I asked.

"I….I….I can't tell you. Riley promised me and right now she needs some time and she's starting to fall for Charlie. The only thing that matters is this. Do you want to be with Lucas?" Farkle asked. Oh, why did he have to ask me that? I'm not sure if I want to be with Lucas. Well, of course he's sweet, charming and his Ranger Rick stories are enjoyable and I tease him all the time. Riley likes Charlie and I like Lucas and I'm not sure. Oh, God. What if that little genius is right? What if I'm the one who likes Lucas as a brother and Riley... "Holy cow."

"Maya, what is it?" Farkle asked.

"It's about Riley. She's hiding her feelings for Lucas and she's dating Charlie just to get over Lucas but deep down she still likes him. Farkle, is that her secret? Is that why she doesn't want me and Lucas to know because it'll ruin our friendship?" I asked as Farkle didn't say a word to me. "Oh, my gosh. Riley's my sister and sisters do not keep secrets from each other. And you knew. She told you her secret and you don't want anyone to know. I'm her best friend, we're supposed to tell each other secrets!"

"And I'm her friend and I care about her." Farkle said.

"We don't lie to our friends, Farkle. We're supposed to be honest to our friends." I said as I heard the door open up and Riley enters the room with three cans of soda.

"I brought us some soda." Riley said as she handed me and Farkle our drinks.

"So, what took you so long back there? We thought you were lost." Farkle said.

"No. Charlie called and told me that he's taking me out to dinner at Richard's Pizza and we're going bowling." Riley said.

"Sounds like fun." I said.

"Yeah. In fact, I asked Charlie if it's okay if you and Lucas could join us. It'll be a double date." Riley said.

"A double date?" I asked. Riley nods and I turned to Farkle as a devilish grin appears on his face. God, I wanted to smack him upside his head.

"So, do you and Lucas want to join us?" Riley asked.

"Sure. We can join you." I said. Well, great job Hart. You and Lucas are on a double date with Riley and Cheese Soufflé who seriously needs a haircut badly. What's next? I'm living a double life as a singer. You know, in this most important part of growing up, I have something to say about feelings…..

Feelings suck!

And that was chapter seven of The Secret That She Hides. Next time, it's a hilarious double date between Chiley and Lucaya with some cute Rucas moments. But don't worry, the big Rucas moment will be coming later in the story. Don't forget to review this chapter (No rude comments, please be nice) and I'll see you next time for chapter eight. Till next time my fellow readers.