Paris, France - January 1999

"Attention passengers, the Paris-Geneva Train, will be leaving platform 24 in fifteen minutes. We repeat, the Paris-Geneva..."

Dame Integra Fairbrooks Wingates Helsing lowered her cup of tea and tore her gaze away from the newspaper which was spread out on the small table before her. Glancing around the bustling transit area of the Paris train station her sharp eyes noticed her ever present butler, Walter C. Dornez pushing his way through the crowds, four or five newspapers folded under his arm.

"I have to ask," Integra said once the older man had come to her table, looking over the papers which he had set onto the table, " are you expecting a calamity or have you placed bets on horses over the phone?"

Walter chuckled, "Miss Integra, although I have an interest in horse races and bets, it has thankfully not yet evolved into an obsession." He smiled as he opened up each one and removed, much to Integra's surprise, only a few folded pages before he closed all of the papers and tossed them aside onto the table near them. "Although you are right when it comes to games in general which I enjoy quite strongly." He held up the pages he had taken to show that they were various puzzles.

"And what of the newspapers themselves?" Ingetra asked, eyeing the pile of wasted funds.

"I donate them to the bored public of this station, which I am sure are in greater need of them than I." Walter replied in mock pride. "It is the very least I can do for the people of Paris."

"Right." Integra shook her head and finished her tea, "But enough chit chat. We have a train to catch." She carefully slipped off of the high chair which always seemed to be popular in train stations and airports before taking up her bag. "Now should be the perfect moment to go, so as to miss the crowded shouting of imbeciles who feel that the trains staff can change the tickets they thought they bought."

Hearing this Walter shook his head with a slight laugh, "If you hate public travel so much we should have flown." he said following her with a bag of his own.

Not looking back Integra continued on her path, her high heeled boots echoing in the cavernous transit hall, "Walter you know very well that I fly exclusively in UK airspace. I refuse to fly on commercial flights, and my helicopter would need governmental airspace approval which in turn would utterly destroy any sense of secrecy the Vatican requested for this meeting."

Walter shrugged, as he puffed on, doing his best to keep up. "Knowing Section XIII, and Maxwell himself, I'd say air travel is their exclusive transport. Any secrecy of this meeting is probably long gone."

Hearing this Integra shot Walter a side glance, amusement twitching at the ends of her lips, "Walter, give our rivals some credit. You know as well as I that this meeting has been planned out for over four months, our men spent hours working on every last detail of this treaty; from our territories of operation, to how we will deal with the threats we face. I highly doubt that after so much work the Vatican will risk exposing any of that to our enemies by making a ruckus which might tip them off."

Walter frowned and threw glances around him, making sure that no one had just heard what Integra had just said, though from the disinterested faces of the travelers going to and fro in a sea of human movement, it seemed like no one cared in the least. A good thing too. he thought before turning his attention back to his employer, "Maybe yes, or maybe no." he said, hauling his bag over his shoulder, "Honestly Section XIII has become much less careful since your father's day." he paused while he thought over Maxwell's leadership of the organization, comparing it to that of his predecessors. "But I guess they wouldn't." he finally agreed.

"Exactly. Maxwell might be an ass of the highest order, a despicable human being, and a pathetic excuse of a man but he is not one to risk the Vatican's positions for personal comforts. So it would do me no good to pull out my private helicopter or plane to get to Geneva when we have a wonderfully perfect rail system Plus, the longer I stay away from Enrico Maxwell the better." she smiled just as they approached the station. A large bustling place it was full of passengers who were busy making their way into the train Integra meanwhile calmly removed her ticket from her bag and made her way through into first class where the activity was much less severe. Handing the Conductor her ticket she gracefully stepped up and entered the corridor which led to her compartment with Walter close behind.

Twisting and turning through the human traffic which filled the tight space of the train's corridor Integra and Walter forced their bodies and bags through, all the while keeping an eye out for their number; inside of which they would find a pair of bunk beds and a table in between against the wall under the window. A standard compartment for an overnight train. "I must say," Walter puffed as he forced his way around the people, "I never thought your room was so far back. It's almost second class."

Integra didn't answer, now seeing a need, as she counted the numbers upon the sliding doors, counted until she found her place. "There we are." she said opening the door and slipping inside with a satisfied smile. Just then the peace of the train was interrupted as a voice erupted from the entrance from which they came.

"Questo รจ un oltraggio!" the voice shouted followed by a slurry of Italian.

Integra froze, every limb in her body tensing. No. she thought, It can't be. Slowly turning Integra made her way to the door, the feelings of anger and frustration beginning to rise within her.Of all the transports in this city he had to walk into this one. And to think, she had just a moment ago comforted herself with the thought that she would not have to spent time with this man for a few more hours. Sighing Integra slowly exited her room and glared at her nemesis and seemingly constant bother Enrico Maxwell, Head of Vatican Section XIII as he continued his argument with the train's conductor, his arms flailing wildly despite the tight space of the corridor.

As she watched Integra found that she could no longer understand his words as he was now talking much too fast to catch. "Well..." Walter said, glancing at his employer, "It seems like you haven't escaped him after all." he chuckled turning his gaze back to Enrico just as Integra glared daggers at him. "Shut it." she snapped before turning back into her room and sliding the door harshly into place.