Gravity Falls does not belong to me. It belongs to Alex Hirsh.

Okay, so this little story came to me after watching 'Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future'. There is a little bit of spoilers for that episode here, so make sure you're up to date. Well, truthfully, the spoiler doesn't come up until the end, so you can read it up until the last part.

Anyways, there have been theories about Stan breaking Ford's science fair project. One of the theories is that it wasn't Stan who broke it, but someone else. There have been thoughts that it could've been Blendin. Why him? Well, in the episode 'The Tale of Two Stans', "BLENDIN WAS HERE" was written on one of the boards that blocked the cave entrance. That means that Blendin appeared in the past at some point to write that. It doesn't exactly prove that he was there at the science fair, but he is a time traveler, therefore he has the means to go to the science fair.

And well, this is what I think could've happened.

Blendin Blenjamin Blandin grinned as he held his newly obtained tape measure time machine. Finally. FINALLY! After all those years of learning and training, all of those years of mocking and doubts... He was finally a Time Anomaly Removal Crew operative.

And what better way to celebrate than to leave his mark somewhere on the world?

The grin widened as he yanked the tape at a random length, not caring how far back he was going. He shut his eyes, pressed the button, and prepared to be sent back in time. With a flash of light, he disappeared into the past.

Feeling a small breeze and smelling salt in the air, he opened his eyes. No large skyscrapers, no wrecked buildings, no neon lights, no Time Baby... Instead, there were blue skies, some weird flying creatures in the sky, a large body of blue water, and sand covering a majority of the floor.

It worked! He traveled back in time!

"Go me! Go me!" Blendin fist pumped into the air, congratulating himself on a perfect time jump. He would have celebrated some more, but if his arm was not on fire. "O-oh gosh! Oh my gosh! Pat! Pat down!"

After quickly patting out the flame, he let out a sigh. Okay, so maybe it wasn't perfect. It was still successful.

The time traveler squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the bright, practically burning new environment. He spotted a wooden sign off in the distance, and decided to check it out. He cautiously approached it, making sure not to be seen by anyone. After all, he did not want to deal with any curious or strange people.

As he got closer, he could see what was written on the sign. " 'G-glass Shard Beach... H-home of g-glass shard w-water toffee'..." He read aloud.

He giggled to himself. So, the place that would forever have his mark was called Glass Shard Beach. Excellent. Now all he had to do was find the perfect place. It couldn't be anywhere important, like on landmarks or anything. That could seriously alter the timeline (he wasn't sure how it could do that, but time travel was strange and complicated thing). It had to be somewhere hidden. Somewhere that no one cared about.

A loud squawk caused Blendin to jump in surprise. A seagull had landed on the sign in front of him. He backed away, eyeing the strange creature, curious as to what it was doing. Suddenly, it began coughing and hacking, causing Blendin panic. What was this winged creature going to do? Was it going to attack him?

With one final hack, the bird coughed up a rock.

Blendin screamed and began running for his life.

Truthfully, this was just gonna be a one chapter one-shot. However, it turned out to be a little longer than I thought. I decided to break it up into parts, just so it isn't super long and hard to look at.

This is my first story, so how'd I do? Reviews, advice, and constructive critics are appreciated!