Now this does not mean I am back just a little thing I'm putting together but I Hope you and enjoy

A Shield Reunion

Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns were in the locker room when they found out who their partner was going to be when facing The Wyatt Family

Roman looks at Dean "Seth?"

"that's what Jessica just told us" he says

Roman sighs "I don't know if we can get along"

"well you guys better be on the same page if you want to beat The Wyatt Family" Jessica says

"she's right" Dean says

"I know I am" she kisses Roman on the cheek "good luck"

"thanks baby" he says

Jessica smiles and walks out. Dean runs his hand through his hair "I don't know what to say"

"me neither but lets focus on the match" he says

Dean nods "yea" he begins to tape up his wrists

30 minutes later Seth is pacing outside the locker room thinking if he should go in or not. Jessica walks up to him "what's up two tones?"

"you can't see I'm nervous I haven't crossed paths with Dean and Roman in months" he says

"yes I can see that and I can also see you're pacing back and forth outside the locker room" she says

"I know Cesaro told me they were in there and my stuff and locker is in there as well" he says

"well I haven't seen them go out the back way but Dean and Roman's locker is all the way at the back of locker room" she says

Seth sighs "how did they react to finding out I was their partner?"

"they surprisingly took it well but Roman said he didn't think you guys could get along" she says

"yea cause you were in the room but we don't know what they said when you left" he says

"true but go inside and see what they actually say to you" she says

"you sure?" he asks

"yea go" she says

he picks up his title and walks inside the locker room. Roman walks out of the bathroom stalls and stops when he sees Seth. Neville looks at Dolph "lets get out of here"

they grab their bags and walk out. Seth stays frozen in his spot "R-Roman"

"Seth" he says

"look I'm not trying to cause friction between you and Ambrose but when Hunter said you guys needed a partner I'd stop I step up" he says

"step up?" he asks

"yea" he says

"do you realize what you put me and Ambrose through?" he asks

"I know but I've been thinking lately and I totally regret what I did last year" he says

"you regret what you did? It's been a year Seth! A year" he says

"I know" he says

"look lets just get through this match and go on with out lives" he says

Seth nods "yea well my locker is up here"

"alright" he walks back to his locker

Dean looks at him "what?"

"nothing lets just get through this match" he says

Dean nods and the begin to warm up

What's going to happen?

I've decided I'll make this into a chapter story

R&R :)