"But I didn't do it. I'm innocent!" she screamed as they dragged her down the narrow hall to her cell. "Delusional mumblings from a old woman." The guard remarked as his partner unlocked the cell door before them. Madeline Reeves struggled to get a hold of her sanity as her body was thrown in her newfound home. This can't be real. Am I really losing it? I know I didn't do it. Right?

The walls felt like they were closing in around her. She was suffocating from the lack of air. There wasn't enough air to breathe. She was going to die in here for crime she didn't commit. She was innocent. Or was she?

Madeline let out a piercing scream as she clawed at her throat struggling to breathe.


One month later

Nikolas sat behind his desk working on some papers for work. It was getting darker and nearly time for dinner. It Sunday which meant it was almost time for his family to arrive. Spencer was at his piano lessons, held downstairs, he would be coming up any second. He had come a long way with his father's side of the family. He had a great relationship with his aunt Alexis, as well as her daughters, Sam, Kristina, and Molly. He had known Molly and Kristina all their lives. Sam was more of a recent discovery. They had bonded after the death of fiancé, Emily Quartermaine. She understood loss, pain, and the never ending rage that could sometimes consume you. She was there for him and his son. Since then they've always been there for one another.

Nikolas looked the small clock that sat on his desk. It was 6:15. Right on time Alfred came through the double doors with Spencer by his side. "Sir, dinner is ready." Nikolas nodded to his most trusted butler, who would be retiring in two weeks, and stood. "Father, what is on the menu for this evening?" Spencer chirped. Nikolas smiled down at his son and with his hand on his shoulder walked along beside him. "I'm not sure and you know you can just call me dad, right?" Nikolas said. Spencer cocked his head back, looking up at his father stubbornly. "I know that, but your more to me than just some flimy three letter word." Spencer said, causing Nikolas to laugh. "Okay. Whatever you say."

Soon after Alexis, Molly, and Kristina arrived. "Look at my favorite nephew." Alexis said, opening her arms for a hug. "Hello to you too, Alexis." Nikolas responded back. As he went in for the hug Alexis walked right pass him and straight to Spencer. "Not you. I'm speaking of my great-nephew." Alexis said, hugging a smirking Spencer. "Jealous, father?" Spencer asked in a boasting tone. Nikolas scoffed. "Of course not. The wrinkles of a great-aunt look good on you, Alexis. You wear them well and proudly." Molly and Kristina bursted out into laughter as Alexis frowned at Nikolas. Then glared back at her daughters, who instantly became quiet. "Aren't you just funny?" Alexis shot back at Nikolas. "Who's funny?" A voice from the doorway was heard. Everyone turned to see Sam unzipping Danny's coat and handing it to Alfred. Then her own. "Nobody." Alexis said sternly. Nikolas smiled and walked over to greet Sam. "Cousin?" Nikolas said, kissing Sam on the cheek as he pulled her into a hug. "You know I hated when you call me that? " Sam said, smiling at him. "And that's precisely why I do." Nikolas smirked.

While still in his embrace Nikolas whispered, "You look quite lovely." Sam pushed him away still smiling. "I try." Sam remarked shrugging. Nikolas doubted. Sam had a natural beauty to her. Something other women, with their tons of makeup and extensions, tried to achieve. Sam on the other had that beautiful olive oil Cassadine complexion with the natural dark hair. She was stunning. Absolutely astounding. And Nikolas desired her like the earth desired the sun. Unbearably and unnaturally.

Dinner was ready and the table was full. This dinner was solely for the Cassadines. Which meant no significant others were there. Nikolas had started this as a annual thing and soon made it a weekly event. It had got too hard to see his cousin every once in awhile. On special occasions or for holidays. This was a definite guarantee he would see Sam, almost every week. That was something he desperately wanted. "So...you've been smiling a lot, Sam. What's going on in your perfect blissful life?" Molly asked coyly. Sam rolled her eyes, seeing right through her sister's antics. "Molly is on to something. Sam you have been quite pleasant for the past few days now. You weren't even in a bad mood when I asked to borrow your car. So what's up?" Kristina pushed. Alexis turned her head to look at Kristina, who was sitting beside her. "You borrowed Sam's car? Why? When you have your own."Alexis said, raising a brow. Kristina took a sip of water, now conveying a look of panic. "I totaled it." Kristina mumbled. Alexis's eyes grew at those words and bulged a bit out her sockets. "You did what?" Alexis asked dumbfounded. "I knew you would act like this and this is exactly why I went to dad instead." Kristina said, picking at her salad. "Of course I would respond like this I just got you that car!" Alexis retorted. Nikolas was fond of his family, but was increasing growing impatient. "That's all fine and dandy, but I think Sam was just about to tell us all why she's so incredibly happy. Weren't you Sam?" Nikolas swiftly shifted his gaze from his bickering aunt and younger cousin to Sam, who was sitting off to his left with Danny and Molly. "I can't just be happy? I mean I have my beautiful son, I'm in a great relationship with Patrick, I love Emma, and were getting married." Sam said, taking a sip of wine. "You really should have got me a car instead." Molly pouted. Nikolas was stunned silent. "Oh my God! Did you just say you're getting married?!" Molly exclaimed, after realizing what Sam said. Sam beaming ear to ear extended her left hand and proudly show off her very sizable engagement ring. "Yes! Patrick proposed." Sam couldn't contain the overwhelming joy that consumed her Alexis and Kristina instantly ram to her side to hug her. Sam was in the middle of a Davis girls group hug with poor little Danny wedged in between. "Congratulations, cousin Sam. I find it to be quite superb." Spencer commented. Nikolas sat back in his seat, not knowing what to say or how to properly articulate what he was feeling. All these emotions were hitting hard at once. Confusion, doubt, disbelief, and a unbelievable amount of rage.

Nikolas poured another glass of wine and depleted it in a matter of seconds. Then poured him another glass and stood. Lightly hitting it with a fork. The room got silent and looked up at Nikolas, who was smiling brightly. His dark eyes masked with a look of integrity and exuberance. "Tonight is a good night. Not only are we all together as one, but my beautiful dearest, eldest cousin Samantha, is engaged to a wonderful man," Nik looked around at his captivated family members. We are flourishing and happy. This is the true meaning of being a Cassadine. Cheers!" As each one took a sip of their water or wine, Nikolas held his composure and continued to smile.

Later that night

Nikolas took another swig of Bourbon, straight out the bottle. Completely emptying it. Stumbling through the halls of his home he threw the bottle at a painting hanging a few feet above him. The glass shattered into pieces and falling just before his feet. "Thisss isss yor fault!" Nikolas shouted drunkenly at the portrait of his father, the infamous Starvos Cassadine. "I'm fucked up because of YOU! Thisss sicknesses you gave me! I...want it gone. HELP ME GET RID OF IT, FATHER!" Nikolas screamed, as he collapsed two his knees. Pleading and begging for it to end. "Please." The word came out hollow and full of desperation as well as contempt.

Somehow Nikolas was able to stumble off to bed. Collapsing on his king size mattress, as his face sunk deeper into his blood red velvet duvet his mind swirled with thoughts and images. He couldn't understand it all, but one thing was clear. The unnatural longing he had for his cousin was, foremost, in every way. Nikolas? A gentle sultry whisper came from the end of his bed. "Alfred, go away." He murmured into his comforter. Nikolas? The calling became more persistent and louder. Nikolas rolled over to see an ethereal figure standing before his canopy bed. A woman draped in a airy sheer white dress. He could see her breast and the curves of her hips as she got closer. "Who are you? What are you doing here in my home?" Nikolas questioned. His vision was still blurry from the alcohol but he was able to make out her face when she climbed on the bed. "SAM?" Her name got caught in his throat and came out like a strangled whisper. I've been waiting a long time for this. She licked her lips as she crawled on the bed, getting closer to him. The closer she got the more he could see of her. Her flat bare stomach and smooth tan thighs. By this time he could see the outline of her pussy lips. So small and puffy. His mouth watered at the mere thought of having just a taste. His dick harden as she began to straddle him. I want to feel you inside me. I want you. I want you. Without hesitation Nikolas pressed his lips firmly against hers. Letting his hunger take control. Her gown was removed, giving him a full view of her nakedness. The beast inside roared as he plunged deeply into her. Thrusting fiercely as she moaned in ecstasy. This was heaven, but as quickly as it came she was gone. Nikolas was alone with his still very much erect dick in his hand. Letting his imagination run wild he finish the job. Cummimg on his stomach. Exhausted he finally drifted off to sleep. His slumber was deep, but not without images of her flitting every few seconds or so.