I don't own The Avengers or The Lord of the Rings. They belong to Marvel Comics and John Tolkien respectively.

Chapter III: Along Came a Spider

There aren't many people who could manage to make the transition from sitting at a table and discussing things with their superior, to riding a horse in the middle of battle without getting killed soon after. Luckily Natasha Romanoff was one of those rare individuals. While she was not a particularly competent rider, by any means, she did manage to grab the beast's reins and maintain control for the thirty-odd seconds that it took her to dismount and dodge away from the flailing hooves.

It took the Widow all of a moment to gather the basics of what was happening around her. Some sorts of monsters, vaguely similar to the Chitauri, were engaged in a battle with humans. The humans were mostly mounted upon horses, while the other creatures were far more numerous.

Natasha's side of the conflict was cemented beyond doubt when one of the monsters charged at her, its stinking breath nearly as dangerous as the flailing sword that it was swinging about. Natasha was decidedly unarmed, for her, with only a garrote wire up one sleeve. Even as she braced herself to meet the monster, she silently promised herself to bring her gun to her next private meeting with Fury, regardless of how twitchy it would make security.

A simple sidestep put the Widow behind her opponent, swinging handily on up onto the larger creatures back and getting the garrote wire around its throat. The beast was inhumanly strong, but Natasha was the best that there was at what she did. A little bit of leverage was all she needed to bring the dumb bruiser down.

In the confusion of the battle, Natasha quickly rifled through the downed monster's pockets, acquiring a couple of large knives to supplement her admittedly pitiful arsenal. Even as Natasha engaged her second monster, she noted that the men around her appeared to have the bulk of the creatures on the run, taking them apart with spears and arrows as the fled from sword range. Natasha, meanwhile, economically dispatched her second opponent with her knives and then waited to see if anyone else would be dumb enough to engage her again. None of the beasts lived to try it.

With the death of the monsters, the tall horsemen wheeled about to meet the strange woman in their midst. One man, probably the leader, spoke to her in a strange language. Apparently Natasha's look of confusion was clear to him, because he quickly changed tongues. Thankfully it was English. "Are you alright, Milady?"

The Widow actually flinched from the shock. It had been a long time since anyone other then Thor had called her milady, barring the odd undercover assignment. Was she in Asgard? "I'm fine, thank you. Where exactly am I?"

The blond man frowned slightly, obviously confused that she didn't even know where she was. "You are in the Kingdom of Rohan, Milady, close to the Fords of the Isen. I am Grimbold of Grimslade. May I ask who you are and what your business is in Rohan?"

"I'm the Widow." The codename came to her far easier then her own. It was only after she said it that she realized that the title meant nothing to the men before her. "Natasha Romanoff, is my name," she added awkwardly. "As for Rohan, I am here by mistake. I became separated from my friends on the road and came upon you here."

The tall man stared at her for a long time, apparently deciding that she spoke the truth. "I offer my condolences on the loss of your husband, Widow Natasha. Sadly, that sort of situation is becoming more common here in Rohan of late. The accursed orcs of Saruman are becoming a pestilence upon this land, surpassing any in recent memory."

Natasha did not allow herself to show a reaction to the false assumption regarding her title. Instead she took in the name orcs, assuming that the name went with the monsters that she and the men of Rohan had dispatched. "Thank you," she spoke softly, guessing by the lack of women that this was probably a male-dominated society. She was the Black Widow. Blending into the woodwork was what she did.

Grimbold smiled at her easily, before really looking her over and frowning again. "Perhaps you might like to borrow a traveling cloak, Milady? It would appear that you are ill-garbed for this country."

Natasha was just grateful that he chose to ignore the fact that she didn't have any luggage with her. Hopefully he assumed that it was with her lost companions. She accepted the offered garment with demure thanks.

"It is not great trouble, Lady Natasha. I must say that my men and I were impressed with your easy dispatch of the orcs. You put many a shield-maiden to shame with your skills."

"Captain Grimbold. We cannot find Lord Théodred amongst the bodies."

Grimbold turned, in shock, to face the younger man who had spoken. "I clearly saw Lord Théodred fall from his horse, Hilbard."

The youth shrugged. "I saw it as well, Captain, but he is nowhere to be found."

Grimbold excused himself from Natasha's presence briefly to personally lead a frantic search of the bodies for the mysterious Lord Théodred. Apparently that man was very important in Rohan. Unfortunately, Natasha had no more idea of where he might be then she did of where the hell she was. Rohan certainly didn't mean anything to her.

Grimbold returned shortly and offered a hurried, but still rather courtly, bow. "My apologies, Widow Natasha, but my commander has disappeared during the battle. My men and I must ride for Meduseld at once so that we might report the situation to the king and return to investigate in force. I would recommend that you ride with us for your protection."

Natasha felt the distinct temptation to snort at the Jekyll and Hyde nature of the sexism in Rohan. On one hand, the men apparently were ready and willing to accept that a woman could kick some serious ass. On the other hand, they were still treating her as if she was made of spun glass. She held her smile inside. Their willingness to dismiss her because of her gender would work to her advantage as it always did. Men didn't really appreciate just how dangerous she could be until it was waved in their faces. "My thanks, Grimbold. That would be most appreciated." Natasha silently thanked her experience with Thor for helping to prepare her to talk with the people of this society.

Grimbold nodded his satisfaction and turned to his men. "We ride for the Golden Hall."

Even as Natasha was helped onto a borrowed horse, she silently wondered where she really was and if she was truly alone…

And here we go again.
