Sibling Discovered Chapter 9

Kakashi POV

Sleep didn't come to me when I need it most. Tomorrow before sunrise, we head to the jutsu specialist and have her completely remove Sakura's seal. We worked out every route, and every problem that could occur. Fugaku and the other clan heads and subordinate members included really have come together during this operation and other missions with excellent cooperation. It seems to have boosted the clan's moral since the Nine Tails attack years ago and began rebuilding those broken bridges with the public. Itachi, whenever I saw him, is actually staring to open up now to more people. He and I have some small talk about our respective siblings. He worries for Sasuke. The young boy wonders about what happened to Sakura and why has she disappeared. He also shares that while his father will not admit it openly, he despises keeping his youngest son in the dark about his classmate who Sasuke may have been fond of.

After rolling around a couple times, I sighed in defeat and got dressed in some casual home clothes and went to the roof. Although it was past the full moon phase, the waning moon was still almost as bright, lighting up the surrounding roofs of the Uchiha Compund. Looking up to the moon, I began to wonder.

'What will happen after Sakura gets her seal removed? Will she still want to look like me? Will finally catch Danzo for all his conspiracies and treachery? Will Sakura and her parents be safe?'

All those and more began swirling around in my head to the point where I got a headache. Pinching my nose with my right hand, I felt something sharp embed between my open fingers. Jumping away alert and embarrassed for letting my guard down, I got into and balanced stance, ready for a fight. Only to find Capt. Fugaku standing before me, with his arms crossed in disappointment.

"To be honest, I'm disappointed Hatake. I heard rumors of your skills and your position as shinobi within our ranks. I thought you would have sensed my presence before I attacked you. I wasn't even trying to suppress my chakra," he noted with a serious voice, as if I was one his subordinates. I actually felt more ashamed of myself.

"Now don't put yourself down than I have done for you. You seemed very distracted. And you need your sleep," told me casually, sitting down next to where I was sitting. Pulling out the kunai from where it stuck earlier. He pulled out a cloth to clean his kunai and offered it to me to clean the scratches off my fingers. Relaxing, seeing that he no threat, I sat down next to him, taking the offered cloth and pressed it to my fingers to stop the bleeding. We sat in a comfortable silence.

"Don't worry about tomorrow Kakashi-san. Tomorrow, you and the family will be escorted to the specialist and return here safely. I only warn you to be always on your guard and to at least recuperate well for tomorrow. You should do that for Sakura and yourself. Whatever happens afterwards, happens. Those worries are for later on," he spoke without a doubt with a strong kindness that began to soothe away my worries. But also without a doubt is suggesting for me to relax, he is telling me to do so.

I looked a to his way little and nodded. Getting up to leave, I looked to leave, but turned back to Fugaku. "Thank you."

Unexpectedly he also said 'thank you' as well.


"Because you have watched over my eldest and guided him well when I couldn't," he answered in a solemn voice, detecting an edge of regret in it. I turned back to my original direction before halting with thought to share.

"It won't have to be that way. I know I have spent too long in the darkness. There's still time for Itachi to enjoy the light. I'm sure he wants to but chooses to still find the slivers of light in the darkness we cover ourselves in. As admirable as that is, my opinion, he should be living what our comrades died for before it's truly his time to give it all." And with that I flashed downstairs and back into the house. Still unable to feel even tired despite my fears calmed for the day, I trudged over to the kitchen to warm up some milk. Secret only known to myself, warm milk actually helps to knock me out. I chuckled to myself over that little fact and that I have never outgrown it. Pouring the milk into the pot and turning the stove on, I leaned on the side counter, impatient and restless for the sensation of tiredness to wash over me. Aside from feeling the surveillance team around us it was peaceful but comforting as I am not control of the situation and am reminded of our current problems.

"Ah, geez!" I heard a small voice groan then some objects tumbling to the floor. Creeping swiftly across the kitchen floor I poked my head out to the hall at the small and tired Sakura picking some books she knocked over. I forced a small cough to grab her attention, she looked up surprised, freezing from where she is.

"It's too early for you to be up Sakura," I noted, crouching down to help her to put the books away. I led her into the kitchen, at the table and pour some warm milk for her and myself before sitting down with her. We sat there quietly taking sips. Sakura looked like she wasn't getting any sleep at all.

"Can't sleep either?" I prodded. She looked up surprised but then looked away. Her fingers began gripping the cup, tighter as the seconds went by. She took another sip before getting up to walk to my side of the table. Just when I thought she was going to just say something, she instead wrapped her arms around me tightly as she could. As surprised as I was more than happy to return the hug. The need to comfort her, knowing that she is restless in her worries as well.

"We'll be fine Sakura. Just have some faith," she nodded and loosened up her arms. Seeing that she has relaxed, I took her in my arms and started carrying her to her room. Setting her down into the bed, I tucked her in and made sure she fell asleep. Then finally kneeling by her side, sleep came to me.

The next day

Sakura POV

When morning came, my mom woke both me and Kakashi-nii for breakfast. After that, Sasuske's dad and more ninja appeared in every day clothes to escort us to the seal lady. When we arrived, the lady was surprised to see all of us. All of us sat down while the lady got us tea. She looked at me, Kakashi, my parents and then Sasuke's dad.

"I see. So it has come to this? I told you, Mebuki, something like was going to happen. All secrets come to light eventually. This especially," she spoke calmly. "I suppose this time it is to remove the seal for good so that her true features may show?"

"Ye-yes," my mother answered.

"Does this bother you?" she asked pointedly at my father.

"No," he said without hesitation. "My daughter wants this and is aware of who she is. I won't deny her this."

She nodded before continuing. "Alright then, follow me into the library. I need help getting the formula ready. It will wear you out child but since the seal is weak, it would not be difficult to remove."

Over the next hour, everyone moved to her library and started preparing the room. After everything was set, the lady led me over to the center of a marked giant scroll. She kneeled next to me and began making a combination of seals with her hands. "Now I need you to breathe in and out dear. It's better if you calmed down."

I nodded, closing my eyes to take a deep breath and breathe out. I felt a hand on my heart and my head.

"Release!" she shouted. A bright light engulfed me and then I felt like my skin was trying to get away from me and suffocate me at the same time. I don't how long it went but it was over before I knew it. I felt a cold sweat cover me and my clothes sort wet.

"Quickly! Hand me that tea! It will help her recuperate her strength!" I felt a pair of hands lift my head and something wetting my lips.

"Drink sweetie. It's going to help you!" said my mother. I drank it and tasted its bitterness. If I had any strength at all, I would have spat it out but it wasn't an option. I felt darkness consume me.

Kakashi POV

After the seal was removed I could hardly believe it. Her face still had her mother's likeness but her hair was all Hatake. She will be exhausted for now but she will be fine after a well-cared rest. We discussed a couple things further with Higurahi. Fugaku will take her statement later this evening. For now, we needed to return to the Uchiha district. We managed to sneak back unnoticed and arrived back at the safe house. We were about a hundred yards from the door when heard some shouting and crashing, as a fight was going on in the house. We stopped dead in our tracks. Fugaku and I got in a stance for combat. The other officers got into a defensive perimeter around us and started towards the house. I began as well but Fugaku's hand on my shoulder signaled me to stay at my sister's side and wait. I felt a familiar chakra signature that felt a lot like Itachi's. Before they could get close to the house, an explosion pushed them back, sending wooden shrapnel towards us.

Hello my readers, sorry for not updating for so long and the cliffhanger but it's been really hectic. Writer's block is gone will update soon I hope! Please review they inspire!