Resolution and Lovers in the Kitchen

Hermione stood watching as the laughter from her family carried itself to the high windows of their manor. The letter was clutched in her shaky hands as the words echoed through her mind. She wondered for a moment what her husband would say once he read it. No doubt he'd say something like "We don't have to go if you don't want to love," leaving her with the most impossible decision to make. Scowling she shoved the letter into her pants pocket and left the room. Walking down the spiral staircase of the expansive Manor, she turned and headed to the backyard knowing she wouldn't be able to put off telling her family for much longer. The letter had arrived almost a week ago but she had lacked the courage to even open it let alone show it to anyone. Finally, when a second letter arrived that morning bearing the same seal, her curiosity overrode her lack of courage. Truly wishing she hadn't opened the damned letter, she opened the heavy oak doors that lead to the impressive back gardens. Standing on the porch, bracing herself from the cold, she saw her children and husband airborne as they engaged in an entertaining game of Quidditch. Her breath quickened as she saw her daughter dive for the quaffle and for a moment she had to close her eyes. Hearing soft chuckling behind her she opened her eyes, turning to see her husband hovering on his broom, his face just inches from hers. Looking into his cool grey eyes, Hermione forgot for a moment why it was that she had come outside.

He leaned forward and pecked her on the lips lightly before saying, "Honestly love, I thought you were used to seeing Rhaella on a broom."

Throwing a small glare his way Hermione replied, "Doesn't mean I have to like it."

Still laughing, Draco Malfoy descended from his broom and took his wife in his arms, "Have a little faith love. She's better than me… and Scorpius."

"Hey!" a voice objected above them, "I heard that!"

"Ha! See dad does think I'm better than you," cried a sweeter feminine voice.

"He's just saying that," Scorpius said as he descended and jumped off his broom.

"No he's not," Rhaella argued as she too joined her family on the ground, "You aren't just saying that are you dad?" she asked after a moment's hesitation.

"No, of course not sweetheart," Draco answered softly throwing a look to his son.

Hermione smiled, enjoying the sound of her family's banter. In that moment the torrid letter was forgotten. She placed her hands on Draco's firm chest as her children bickered back and forth. Looking up, she saw Draco looking at them thoroughly amused. He seemed to sense the weight of her gaze on him as he turned and looked down at her, his eyes slowing becoming laced with worry. He pressed a kiss to her temple and Hermione knew that now was the moment to tell him.

"A letter came," she said softly enough for only Draco to hear, "From London."

At her words, his arms tightened around her, "What did it say?"

At this she couldn't help but chuckle a little, it seemed all so foolish now. A simple letter causing her such grief, but she had learnt a long time ago, words had the power to destroy a person more so than actions did. "It's an invitation," she answered slowly.

"An invitation to what?"

"To the twentieth reunion…at Hogwarts," Hermione said looking carefully at her husband. His fine features contorted to shock and then slight hesitation as the realisation dawned on him. It took them a moment to realise their children had stopped fighting and were looking at them with intrigue. The mention of Hogwarts had caught the attention of the Malfoy children.

"So…are you going?" Scorpius asked hesitantly breaking the silence.

"Well that all depends …" Draco started looking at his wife, "If you want to go love."

Hermione avoided the urge to roll her eyes at her husband's expected reply. She really did know him too well. "I…I don't know," she told them honestly. It had been nineteen years since she left home. Nineteen years away from her family and the friends that turned their back on her. It seemed like a lifetime ago yet like it all just happened yesterday. With Draco's arms still securely around her, Hermione looked at her children wondering if returning would be the best thing.

Like his father, Scorpius Malfoy looked every bit the Malfoy. Tall, quite certainly taller than his mother with a lean built that came from hours of Quidditch practice. He was the very image of his father at sixteen with the only exception of his remarkable blonde hair falling loosely on his collar rather than the traditional slick backed Malfoy way. His silver eyes held mischief that their friends often claimed came from his mother. He now regarded his mother with a cool stare as she lost herself in her thoughts. Beside him, Rhaella stood pulling her blonde curls loose from her hair tie. Her long locks fell all the way down her back, and with the same distinct Malfoy colouring, she really was breathtaking. She had her mother's soft sweetheart shape face and tinkling laughter. Being a year younger than Scorpius, she barely reached his chin.

"Mum?" Rhaella probed lightly wondering what her mother was thinking, as she leaned on her broomstick.

"What would they say?" Hermione whispered looking down at her feet. "They will hate us all." She said softly. "That's not fair to any of you."

"We don't care what they say, mum," Scorpius said. Rhaella nodded fiercely looking between her brother and parents.

"Scorpius is right Hermione," Draco said gently, "You shouldn't care what they say."

"Mum?" Rhaella asked again as a dangerous thought dawned on her, "You…you're not ashamed of us are you?" As she spoke she avoided her mother's gaze, feeling her curls fall into her face and blocking her face from her parents.

Moving faster than Draco realised, Hermione was at her daughter's side pushing the blonde curls away from her delicate face to look into her poignant grey eyes, "I could never be ashamed of you. How could you think that sweetheart?"

Looking slightly tearful Rhaella looked at her mother as she answered, "Its…it's just that I know the Malfoy name isn't regarded with much love there …and I …I well I –"

"Oh! Sweetheart," Hermione said hugging her daughter close, "Please don't ever think that we never returned to London was because I was ashamed of my choice to marry your father. You're my greatest achievement. All three of you, and I wouldn't change any of it for the world."

"But why didn't you ever return?" Rhaella asked.

"Well your father and I did speak about it a few times, but in the end, we decided it would be better if we stayed away from prying eyes. It's like you said, not everyone back home regards the Malfoy name with much love. Look at how annoyed your grandfather gets every time he has to leave the manor!" Hermione said with a small smile.

"That's only because grandma Cissa takes forever to get ready," Scorpius said with a small laugh.

"Yes…well that too I suppose," Hermione conceded. Turning to her look at her daughter, she tucked a few soft curls behind her ears, "You have nothing to be ashamed of, and you Rhaella Lyra Malfoy," Hermione said tickling her daughters sides eliciting small giggles from the blonde, "are intelligent and beautiful and most definitely a better Quidditch player than your brother."

"Mum!" Scorpius whined, "That's not fair!

Before Hermione could respond, a shriek erupted from the house followed by the heavy doors being pushed open and a flash of blonde hurling itself at Draco.

"Daadddyy!" the sweet girlish voice cried launching herself into Draco's arms, "Zeus is trying to eat me!"

Chuckling Draco ran a soothing hand over his daughter's curls as she hid her head in the crook of his neck. "Thea, I don't think Zeus wants to eat you, sweetheart," Draco said soothingly. He looked to the porch where the said Siberian husky sat watching them with keen eyes, tail wagging innocently.

"Yes he does!" she cried. "He even licked my face!"

"I bet he thought you tasted nice" Scorpius teased unable to resist the urge to tease his littlest sister.

Hearing the big gasp emitting from her, the rest of the Malfoy's around her couldn't help but laugh before Hermione took pity on her daughter. "Don't' listen to him, bug," she said trying to throw a disapproving look at her son but failing miserably at it, "He's just upset cause Rhaella beat him in Quidditch…again."

"She didn't win!" Scorpius pouted.

"I so did!" Rhaella said gleefully.

"Maybe Zeus should eat you," he said playfully bumping her shoulder. Rhaella stuck her tongue out at him choosing not to say anything.

"Don't let Zeus eat me…or Ly," little Althea said drawing the attention back to her. Scorpius couldn't help but chuckle at his sister. The three-year-old was often described, by their uncle as a little nymph. Her hair was just like her siblings, blonde and delicately curled like her sister's. Like her siblings, she had the silver eyes of the Malfoy's but hers were lightly tinted with hues of soft blue. One could spend all day admiring the little blonde's beauty and mischievous nature. What Scorpius had found most intriguing was the mystifying relationship Althea had formed with their dog, Zeus. The Siberian was massive in form with grey and white fur and equalling captivating blue eyes. On most days Althea and Zeus were inseparable, but they seemed to enjoy the love – annoy relationship they had going on. Yet Zeus seemed to take to the youngest Malfoy the most and Draco and Hermione didn't have the heart to separate them.

Looking to the porch, where the massive dog sat, Scorpius swore he thought the dog was laughing at them. Shaking his head, he reached over and took his sister from his father's arms. "Come on little Thea," he said holding her high in the air. Her giggles filled the garden as Hermione and Rhaella joined Draco where he stood, "Let's see if he really wants to eat you… I bet he's really hungry," the teen joked causing Althea to wriggle in her brother's grasp.

"Daddy," she called helplessly, "Make him stop! Scorpy stooooop!" Althea cried as he started tickling her before the husky took off the porch and made its way towards them at an alarming pace. "Scorp! He's coming! Run!"

Scorpius barely had time to put Althea down before he was tackled by Zeus. The heavy dog flattened Scorpius and then sat with half his body over the young blonde's chest, looking up at the rest of the family with a very pleased look in his eyes. Althea's laughter rang loud in the gardens and soon her parents and sister joined in as they saw Scorpius struggling to move the massive dog off him.

"Thea!" he called, "help me," Scorpius called to his sister. She shook her head and hid behind her father's leg. "What if he eats me?" he asked feigning hurt. Her big silver eyes reappeared from behind their father's leg, she looked contemplative for a moment but then she merely shrugged and disappeared from sight again; though her melodious laughter could be heard. "And I thought you were my favourite sister," he huffed, "Lyra I guess that means I love you more than Thea." Hearing this Althea gasped in shock.

"You can't do that!" she said coming out from behind her father's legs. She marched over to where Scorpius lay on the ground with the still ungodly sized dog on him.

"Of course I can!" Scorpius argued back, "What do you say, Ly?"

Rhaella smirked down at her brother, "I think …we should move you down in the ranks of favourite siblings."

"Oh yeah and how are you going to do that?" he asked quirking an eyebrow, 'In case you've forgotten Lyra, you only have one amazingly awesome brother. That by default puts me at the top."

"Amazingly awesome brother?" Rhaella questioned disbelievingly before a mischievous glint appeared in her silver eyes, "More like amazingly stupid."

"No… it's definitely more like amazingly awesome… unless you want to go with super amazing?"

"I suppose we could go with super amazingly stupid... after all what idiot doesn't realise the giant dog sitting on top of him is peeing on him?..."

"What are... oooh shit! Zeus!" Scorpius cried as he tried shoving the dog off him, "Zeus! Get off! …Thea get your stupid dog off me!"

Althea's laughter rang loudly as she reached over and petted the Siberian atop her brother with her small hands. Draco looked down at his misfortunate son and couldn't hold back his laughter. Rhaella was clutching at her sides as she watched her brother struggle with Zeus.

After much shoving, Zeus finally relented and moved off Scorpius taking a casual stroll back to the house. Scorpius lay stunned for a moment as he tried to regain his muscle movement after having the gigantic dog on him. "Mum look," he said scowling at his shirt. Hermione chuckled as she pulled out her wand and within a blink of an eye the stain and smell vanished off his Quidditch shirt. Shaking his head, he looked to where his sisters stood with their father, "You Malfoy women play dirty," he sighed.

"Believe me, son, you don't know the half of it," Draco said looking at his wife. She threw a playful glare his way before they all started back to the house. Once they had reached the door, Hermione chased her family up to get cleaned up for dinner. In the quiet of her kitchen, as she moved effortlessly around, Hermione thought back to the letter that now sat on the island counter. She once again asked herself if returning would be the best thing for her family. It wasn't long till Draco joined her in the kitchen; silently wrapping his arms around her waist. She leaned her head back onto his chest as her hands continued working.

"You still worried about the letter love?" he asked gently. She nodded slowly but remained silent. "I meant it earlier, we don't have to go if you don't want to."

"Do… do you want to go?" she asked hesitantly. Hermione knew Draco wouldn't go if she wasn't comfortable with it despite how much he might want too. "It is your reunion too."

Surprisingly Draco chuckled, "I highly doubt anybody is going to be looking for me." seeing her probing look he added, "But I imagine it would be nice to go back and see the castle. I have missed it." Hermione nodded feeling slightly guilty. Ever in tune with his wife, Draco sighed as he said, "We go only if you want to."

"I know," she sighed, "It's just… scary to go back after so long… and what about the public? How do you think they will react when they find out about the kids?" she asked putting the knife down and turning to face him, "It's going to be a lot for everyone to take in, and I don't want the kids to fall victim to our choices." Draco frowned for a moment and Hermione panicked wondering if she gave Draco the wrong idea, "I meant what I said to Rhaella. I don't regret marrying you Draco, or the life we have today. It's more than what I could have imagined…I just don't want our kids to get caught up in the mess the media is going to make of this."

Draco lightly ran his finger across Hermione's cheek, tucking her disobedient curls behind her ears as he cupped her face, "Mione, I have never doubted that you regret marrying me. I know that because I see it every time I see you with our kids." He said placing a soft kiss on her forehead, "I just don't think you're giving them enough credit."

"Draco you know what people are like back home," she tried to reason, "It's why we choose to stay here. It's why your parents come here every other Sunday of the month to see us and it's why my parents are still in Australia. You remember what it was like living with everyone watching your every move, don't you?"

"I do, but love we can't hide them from the world all their lives. They're stronger than you give them credit for. We can't hide from the world any longer…"

"I know," she sighed, "But Draco they're just children. It's going to be brutal. You know that."

"I do," he said his forehead touching hers, "A war heroine ran off and married an ex-death eater and had not one, not two but three kids with him. If that doesn't shock Britain, I really don't know what will love."

Hermione laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer, "You really think they'll be okay with this?"

"I do." He answered honestly but seeing the worry still evident in her eyes he continued, "Scorpius is strong and I know for a fact that he will protect the girls till the end of time," Hermione couldn't disagree with this. If there was one thing Scorpius inherited from the Malfoys it was that they loved fiercely and protected them with an iron hand. "As for Rhaella… well, she is truly every bit your daughter so how can you doubt she won't be able to handle this?" Draco asked rubbing his thumbs across her cheeks.

"And Thea?" Hermione questioned worriedly about her little baby.

"Aah Thea, our little nymph," Draco said with a fond smile, "I believe she's going to be the bravest Malfoy yet."

"You really think they're ready?"

"I really do," he said. Before Hermione could question him further, Draco closed the gap between them and stole the question off her lips as his moved expertly over hers. In all the years they had been married; his power of touch over her had not diminished. She felt her thoughts running from her as Draco masterfully distracted her. Moving one hand from her cheek down to her waist he pulled her closer, fitting her petite body perfectly to his.

"EEEWWWW!" a voice cried causing them to break apart. Draco kept his hands firmly on his wife's waist as they turned to see their little nymph standing at the entrance of the kitchen, dressed in her ladybug pyjamas. "Mum that's gross," Althea said scrunching her face.

"What's gross Thea?" Scorpius asked as he entered the kitchen with Rhaella behind him. Both looked cleaner as they had changed out of their Quidditch gear.

"Mummy and daddy were kissing," she said dragging her stuffed ladybug as she walked to the island where her brother and sister sat.

"That is gross," Scorpius teased making a face.

"Could you not do that around the food… and us," Rhaella said and then added "…especially us…" as she watched as Althea tried to reach the island stool. "Want help squirt?" she asked smiling down at her sister.

"You two forget that it's thanks to that that you're here today," Draco said rolling his eyes. Hermione elbowed him in the stomach "Ow! What? it's true…"

"Daddy," Althea sang as Rhaella helped her climb up the stool, "Where do baby wizards come from?" Both Draco and Hermione visibly paled as they looked at their daughter who was staring back at them with her innocent silver eyes. "Do they come from the same place as baby witches? Do they? How do they get here?

Hermione and Draco looked at each other before replying simultaneously, "Magic."

"Magic? What sort of magic?" Althea questioned. Scorpius and Rhaella looked thoroughly bemused as they remember what their parents had told them when they had asked that question.

"It's a special kind of magic sweetheart," Hermione answered gently, "And when you get to be big like Lyra then you'll understand all there is to know about this special magic."

Althea seemed to think over her mother's answer, "okay," she said simply. "Mummy?" she called not a moment later as Draco held his breath for the next question, "Can we have treacle tart for dessert?"

Draco let out an uneasy breath while Hermione smiled at her daughter. "Of course sweetheart."

Soon the Malfoy's were seated at the table passing the pumpkin juice between each other and laughter rang out as the kids joked back and forth. It had become somewhat of a custom for them to have dessert in their manor's brilliant library. And so as dessert rolled around all five Malfoy's were seated in the cushioned chairs around the dancing fire in the library. Althea sat in her father's lap as he held her treacle tart steady and she ate. Hermione was beside him and on the opposite chairs sat Scorpius and Rhaella. Every so often Rhaella would attempt to steal an extra spoon from Scorpius who had his head buried in a book. "Lyra, get your own," he objected knowing it wouldn't stop his sister.

"But yours taste so much better," she whined.

"It's the same thing!" he said.

"So?" she questioned as her spoon withdrew from his bowl heavy with treacle tart. Knowing it was pointless to argue further Scorpius merely shook his head at his sister's antics.

"Have you decided what to do about the letter mum?" Scorpius asked putting his book aside.

"I have." She answered after a moment. Draco looked to hear what her answer would be. "I think we should go."

"You do?" Draco questioned.

"I do." Hermione said softly, "You're right Draco. We can't hide away from the world forever. And I am dying to see the castle again." Draco smiled and leaned over pressing a small kiss to her temple.

"I do love it when I'm right," he chuckled lightly.

"So …what now?" Rhaella asked.

Hermione smiled broadly, "Pack your bags, kids, we're going to be visiting your grandparents in England."

The preparations were made and the great shuffle began. They were to arrive a few days before the reunion and would be staying at Malfoy Manor with Draco's parents. With a few hours to spare before they were expected to arrive at Malfoy Manor, everyone was running around trying to track lost shoes, mismatched socks and missing earrings. Draco had been with Althea for over an hour as he picked and she refused everything he attempted to put in her suitcase. As he was about to throw the damned bag out the window, Hermione entered. Within a few short minutes, Althea's bag was packed and she was ready to go.

"How on earth did you do that?" Draco asked as they walked back to their room, "She refused to take that silly pink dress three times!"

Hermione laughed, "Call it a mother's touch." She walked over to her vanity and picked up her wand. With a quick wave, their clothes neatly folded itself into their bags. As she checked her reflection in the mirror she saw that she had on the emerald earrings Draco had given her many years ago. Around her neck was her most precious piece of jewellery. It was a small dragon in flight, faint and tiny in nature, with its tail wrapped around another emerald. It was the first gift Draco had given to Hermione after Scorpius was born. He even had Scorpius' name engraved on one of the delicate wings of the dragon. It had since become a tradition, and Rhaella's name was added to the other wing and Althea's alongside her sisters. The craftsmanship was so flawless one wouldn't even notice the names unless they inspected the intricate dragon closer.

"Ready love?" Draco called. Hermione nodded and put her wand into her bag before throwing it over her shoulder and following Draco out the room.

They walked to the drawing room, where their children stood waiting for them. Scorpius had an upset Althea in his arms. "She wants to bring the dog with," he explained to his parents.

"We can't leave him behind daddy," she cried, "he's going to get lonely. And who will feed him?"

"Sweetheart, Tuppy will be able to look after him," Draco said. But Althea shook her head fiercely, adamant in her request.

"You can't leave him behind." She said firmly, "We wouldn't leave you behind." She argued.

"Bloody hell you're as stubborn as your mother," Draco cursed under his breath. Hermione swatted his arm to show she had heard his comment. Sighing he ran his fingers through his hair, "Fine! He can come… let's see what your grandfather has to say about this." Hearing this Althea was suddenly all smiles and no tears.

The ticking alarm clock that was acting as their portkey started to glow indicating it was ready. Everyone reached forward and touched the clock. Rhaella brought Zeus closer as she felt an unsettling tug at her navel. The shapes disillusioned themselves as they were all transported from one drawing room to another. In a matter of seconds, the Malfoy family stood in the Malfoy Manor drawing room trying to regain their bearings.

"Grandpa!" Althea called as she wriggled her way out of her brother's hold. She flew across the room in a matter of seconds launching herself at her grandfather who caught her with experienced ease.

"Hello princess," Lucius said gently.

"Draco!" Narcissa greeted walking towards them. "It's been too long since I've last seen you dear!"

"You saw us last week mother," he said avoiding the urge to roll his eyes at his mother's dramatics.

"Oh hush! You know what I mean," she said as her other two grandchildren greeted her with warm hugs. "My! Rhaella you're looking more breathtaking with each passing day!" Rhaella blushed at having such a compliment thrown her way from the matriarch of her family. "And Scorpius! Aren't you looking dashing!" she said approvingly of the black jeans and light blue golfer he had adorned.

"Oh Cissa, enough. You're going to embarrass the boy," Lucius said walking over to them with his granddaughter in his arms. Narcissa ignored him as she greeted Hermione. Rhaella and Scorpius stepped forward to greet their grandfather and Draco followed after, extending his hand to his father.

"Come on dears," Narcissa said, "I'm sure Tilly has the tea ready –"

"What is that?" Lucius asked down at the Siberian on his Persian rug in horror. Draco smirked at his father's expression while Hermione fought hard to hide her smile. She knew that there was no way Lucius would deny his grandchildren anything. If Althea wanted the dog to stay then the dog would stay.

"It's Zeus, father. You remember him?" Draco said gleefully. Watching his father cave to his children's most absurd requests was Draco's new favourite past time.

"Yes, I remember your blasted dog," Lucius said with an elegant eye roll, "Why is it on my Persian rug?"

Althea giggled, "We couldn't leave him alone at home grandpa! He'd get lonely," she said as if her grandfather was so silly not to know this. Seeing the not to impressed look on his face, Althea pouted, "You're not going to send him away are you?" she asked solemnly.

Lucius looked down at his granddaughter and sighed. Damn! She's making that face again, the very same one that he could just never say no to. He refused to look at the other adults in the room, knowing how amused they must be by this, "Fine Thea," he sighed, "You dog can stay. But if he misbehaves we're sending him back home!"

"Yay!" Althea cried kissing her grandfather on the cheek, "Thank you. Don't worry grandpa, Zeus will behave… won't you?" she asked looking down at the dog. Zeus barked jovially and Lucius winced wondering just what it was he had agreed to.

"Come on," Narcissa said leading her family out the drawing room and towards the gardens.

Draco took Hermione's hand as they walked through the manor. It should have brought horrible nightmares for Hermione to return back to Malfoy Manor, but Narcissa had done such a wonderful job with redecorating the place that it was like a new beginning altogether. The walls were warm and welcoming, the air light and fresh and as they walked into Narcissa's garden a sense of homecoming washed over them. Hermione didn't realise it until she was looking out at the beautifully maintained gardens, just how homesick she had been.

They all took their seats and as the kids chatted amicably with their grandparents, Hermione sat back in her chair and watched with a fond smile. "You okay?" Draco whispered reaching for her hand.

She nodded, "Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. I can't remember when last I saw your mother this happy," she said.

"She misses them," Draco commented.

"I miss you all," Narcissa said shocking them with her super hearing skills.

Before Draco could reply Tilly reappeared at the door, "Misses Malfoy, you is having a guests." The little elf said.

"Who is it, Tilly?" Narcissa asked, "If it's that wretched woman from the… Oh, Blaise dear! How nice to see you!" she said smiling.

Draco turned at the mention of his best friend. Seeing the tall Italian walk through the door, he couldn't help the grin that formed. "Draco!' Blaise called with a grin of his own, "Good to see you mate!" he said as Draco stood to greet him.

"You too!" Draco replied. He looked behind him to see more figures emerging from the door. "Pansy!" he called at the black haired witch walked around her husband to hug Draco.

"It's so good to have you guys home," she said warmly, "Hermione!" she called excitedly launching herself into an excited hug on the other witch.

"Hi Pans," Hermione laughed as she returned the hug, "It's really good to be home."

"Hi aunt Mione," a voice called beside them.

"Selene!" Hermione gushed looking down at Blaise and Pansy's fourteen-year-old daughter. She looked exactly like her mother with her beautiful dark hair and alluring green eyes but she had her father's tan complexion. Hermione looked to the tall figure beside her. At sixteen years old, Damien Zabini was the splitting image of his father. "Damien," Hermione smiled as she hugged both kids.

"It's good to see you again aunt Mione," Damien smiled politely. "Ow!" he cried as Scorpius gripped his shoulder, "Yes, yes it's nice to see you too as well." He said with mock exasperation. Rhaella stuck her tongue out at him before calling out in delight to her friend.

Despite living in two different countries, the Malfoy and Zabini kids were the best of friends. Blaise and Pansy had made it a constant effort to visit Draco and Hermione as often as possible over the years. What stemmed was more like a familial bond than one of friendship. Scorpius and Damien took their seats a little away from their parents as they began discussing the latest Quidditch season, while Selene and Rhaella sat on the perfectly mowed lawn.

Pansy seemed to notice the absence of the youngest Malfoy first, "Where's Thea?" she asked.

"Probably off with that dog somewhere in the gardens," Draco answered. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew that his daughter was safe so long as that dog was around. "The wards won't let her get too far," he said.

"So any plans now that you're back?" Blaise asked as everyone took their seats again.

"We're only back for the reunion Blaise," Hermione said slowly. Blaise didn't bother to hide his disappointment.

"Why?" this time it was Narcissa that spoke.

Hermione and Draco looked at each other before Hermione answered, "Cissa when people come to know that I'm Hermione Malfoy and not Hermione Granger well… it's going to get very interesting to say the least. We've agreed that the kids were ready to come back but only for a short period of time. I don't think moving back permanently is going to suit them," She said looking out at the lawn where her daughter and goddaughter sat laughing.

"I guess that does make sense," Pansy said ignoring her husband's dejected look. "We'll just have to make do with the little time we have with you guys."

Hermione laughed, "You make it sound like you'll never see us again. You know we'll see each other every other Sunday for family brunch."

"Yes," Pansy said waving her hand dismissively at that, "But it's not the same thing Mione! There's just something about having you guys home. It feels like you've been gone for too long."

Hermione and Draco smiled at their friend's persistence. "So let's not waste any time," Blaise said rubbing his hands together.

"Oh sweet Merlin," Draco mumbled, "Blaise do I even want to know what you have planned?"

"Relax mate," Blaise smirked, "I was only going to suggest going for a Quidditch match. It's been a while since I've last gone and I'm sure the kids will love it. Come on it will be fun!"

"Well, that sounds lovely Blaise! We can discuss all this over lunch. Come on dears," Narcissa said with a motherly smile. "Tilly has lunch set up for us," she added looking at the house elf who reappeared.

"Sounds good," Blaise said as they all made their way to the dining room. As they all took their seats, conversation amongst the adults grew serious. "Any news on these attacks Lucius?" Blaise asked.

Solemnly Lucius shook his head, "The ministry says they're doing all they can. But unsurprisingly they've found nothing."

"What attacks?" Hermione asked looking at Draco to see if he knew anything about this. But he merely shook his head and looked at his father.

Lucius shifted uncomfortably before receiving an imploring look from Narcissa, "There have been a number of attacks recently. By some extremist who believes it's their civic duty to… help where the ministry has fallen short… or so they believe."

Hermione and Draco both looked outraged at Lucius' words. "I can't believe this is happening again," Draco mumbled, "Have any measures been taken towards keeping the muggle-borns safe?"

"Ah well you see that's where this gets interesting," Lucius said, "It's not the muggleborns being attacked."

"It's not the muggleborns?" Hermione asked confused.

"No, it's the purebloods," Lucius answered. Draco looked at his father with a calculating expression.

"What else are you not telling us?' he asked, "Don't lie about it either father."

Sighing heavily Lucius leaned forward in his chair, "It appears that it's not just purebloods that are being attacked but the families of once Death Eaters." He looked down at his hands as he said this. Hermione gasped in shock as Draco clenched his fists.

"I don't understand, what could they possibly get from attacking ex-death eater families?" Hermione asked.

"They haven't established a reason yet," Lucius answered.

"They haven't established much," Blaise said with a solemn expression, "The ministry hasn't even confirmed this theory to the public yet."

"But how could they not have?" Draco asked, "Sure if someone is going around attacking ex-death eaters it would raise some… uh suspicion?"

"Well that's just the thing," Pansy said, "They're not attacking the death eater's, but their families. It's the people that only other Death Eater's would know about. Because most of the public are not aware of the actual links to these old followers they believe its just random attacks." Draco nodded in understanding but Hermione remained confused.

"Wait, how can the ministry not know about these families?" she asked, "Surely they have records of such things."

"Not really. During the second war, a lot of records were destroyed. Mostly by orders of the Dark Lord. Most death eaters took advantage of this and erased the existence of their family from such records. If the ministry had no idea they existed then they would be safe." Lucius explained to her, "Now almost nineteen years later these records have not been amended so the ministry has no way of linking the attacks. Of course, because we were… affiliated with such characters at the time, we know of their history."

"So is it possible that another death eater is behind this?" Hermione asked dreading the answer.

"It's possible but also very unlikely. I see no reason why any one of them would want to do something like this." Lucius answered.

"Just last week I heard that Mia Dolohov was taken from Diagon Alley," Narcissa said and they looked over to the other side of the table where all the children sat engaged in their own conversation, "Mia is the granddaughter to Antonin Dolohov. Not a particularly nice man but his granddaughter is innocent."

"Oh, Merlin! Did they find her?" Hermione asked shocked.

"Yes. She turned up almost three hours later at the leaky cauldron." Narcissa said aggrieved, "Nobody knows where she was for those three hours or who took her. Strangely though, it's believed that little Mia is a half-blood. So whoever took her obviously didn't know, and it lessens the theory that it is an old death eater."

"This is absolutely horrible," Hermione said. They had talked through most of the lunch about the attacks and now coffee was being served by Tilly. As cups of coffee appeared in front of them all, the conversation took a turn to happier topics. Draco quizzed Blaise about his new company while Lucius listened with keen ears, offering insight every now and then. Narcissa and Pansy gave Hermione a detailed explanation of all that she had missed since her leaving.

"Wow! Luna had twins?" she said with a smile.

"Yeah Lorcan and Lysander," Pansy answered. "They're quite charming though definitely just as… uh eccentric as their mother." Hermione laughed but then grew hesitant thinking about the questions she really wanted answered. Or did she? She had lived nineteen years without knowing. Seeing this hesitation Pansy said, "It's okay to ask about them. They're still your friends."

"They haven't been my friends for a very long time Pans," Hermione said sadly. "It feels wrong to want to know about them."

"But it's not," Pansy reassured her, "Besides what happened was not your fault."

"I know," she sighed, "So, how are Harry and Ron?" Hermione asked after a moment. Pansy grinned as she flicked her hair over her shoulders.

"Harry and Ron are well." She started diplomatically, "Potter and Weasley married shortly after you left and they have three kids… but I'm sure you heard that much" Hermione nodded so Pansy skipped ahead, "Their youngest son is in his sixth year at Hogwarts, with Damien."

"And Ron?"

"Ah well that Weasley never married," Pansy replied shocking Hermione, "He came rather close once… almost married that annoying bint Brown, but he called it off that morning. He's had a rather successful career as an Auror. He's actually Deputy under Potter of course."

"I'm glad to hear things have worked out so well for them," Hermione said.

"You are?" Pansy questioned disbelievingly.

"Yes, I am!" Hermione laughed. "How can I be upset when clearly my life turned out great for me too?" she asked turning to look at her husband who was engaged in deep conversation with Blaise and Lucius. Sensing her gaze in him, Draco turned and caught Hermione's eye. He winked playfully at her before turning his attention back to the men.

Pansy considered her friend for a moment, "I suppose that makes sense." She said with a smile before clapping her hands together "Well now that you're here, there's so much that we need to do! Obviously, a trip to Diagon Alley is the first thing on our list!"

Hermione laughed at the beyond excited look on her friend's face, "I suppose Lyra and I will need some outfits for the reunion and –"

"Oh! There's this wonderful little boutique that's just opened up not too far from Madam Malkin's" Pansy squealed excitedly, "You're bound to find something gorgeous in there! And afterwards, we can catch you up on everything you've missed."

"That sounds like a great idea Pans!" Hermione said enthusiastically but then stopped when she saw Blaise's worried expression. "What's the matter, Blaise?"

"I don't think it is such a good idea for us to be wandering around Diagon Alley right now, given the recent events," he said slowly and sadly for all the women. Both Draco and Lucius looked like they agreed with him.

"We can't stay locked up in our homes waiting for the ministry to catch this guy," Pansy said annoyed, "I will not be scared of living my life. Might I remind you Mr Zabini that I am no helpless witch," she added stubbornly, "I can take of myself and Selene just fine thank you very much!

"I'm not saying that Pans," Blaise sighed, "I just don't think going right now is wise considering the most recent attack was on a little girl. Clearly, these people are dangerous, as they have no problem with harming women and children. I'm sorry Pans; I don't feel comfortable letting you and Selene wandering alone in Diagon Alley."

Pansy grumbled but didn't argue further. She knew he was just being cautious. It didn't seem like the most convenient time to be wandering around out in the open. But Hermione had a different idea, "Well we don't have to go alone you know. I do believe that as our husband's, it's your job to protect us?" she teased looking at Draco. He narrowed his eyes sensing the game his wife was playing, "So won't you accompany us to Diagon Alley tomorrow?"

"Doesn't that sound lovely Draco? A day spent shopping with all the women," Blaise said sarcastically earning laughs from the two men beside him.

"So it's agreed then!" Hermione said grinning, "You'll come with us tomorrow."

"Wait now, we didn't say we agreed to this," Draco said though he had no intention of saying no to his wife. It was always nice to rile her up every now and then.

"Well, you certainly didn't say no. Either way, we're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow with our without you." Hermione said. "I agree with Pansy. We can't hide and allow ourselves to be scared by this."

"Mum's right," Rhaella said bringing the attention to the children seated further down the table. "We can't let them scare us into hiding. We haven't been to Diagon Alley in ages and we do need dresses for the reunion." She reasoned.

"And more toys," Althea chimed in as she fought with Zeus over a garlic roll. Scorpius reached over and took the garlic roll away from her before she could attempt to eat it.

"I think you have more than enough toys sweetheart," Hermione said.

"More books then," she said throwing her most adorable look at her mother.

"Besides I thought Malfoys aren't supposed to be scared of anything?" Rhaella said challenging her father and grandfather.

"That is true," Lucius answered, "But Malfoys also live by another principle." He looked to his grandson, "Tell them what that is."

"A Malfoy always protects their own," he answered without hesitation.

"Exactly," Lucius said with a smile. "That occasionally means knowing the difference between it's wise to do something and when it's downright foolish." Lucius had been rather insistent on not going but there was nothing he had ever denied his grandchildren before. But this was a matter of their safety which was a different matter entirely.

"So does this mean we don't get to go tomorrow?" Rhaella asked hesitantly.

Everyone else remained silent. If Lucius thought it unwise to go into Diagon Alley then they had no reason to dispute that. It had become somewhat of an unspoken understanding that his only concern over the years had been the safety of his family. More often than not, his decisions had been undisputed when concerning the welfare of the Malfoy family, especially the children. The women seemed to be anticipating the idea that visiting Diagon Alley would have to wait a while, but they had a saving grace in Althea.

"Please Grandpa… can we go?" Althea asked as she innocently batted her eyelashes. Lucius sighed heavily not knowing what to tell her. "Daddy pleeaaase?" she asked again trying her luck with her father.

"Lucius let them go." Narcissa said softly, "They deserve to be out having fun, not be restricted to the manor. Besides, there's no doubt they'll be safe with Draco and Blaise."

"Lucius if it would make you feel better, why don't you and Narcissa accompany us tomorrow?" Hermione suggested.

"All right," he conceded looking around the table, "You Malfoy women do know how to get your way," he added under his breath but it was drowned out as ecstatic squeals erupted around the table.

It wasn't long after that did the Zabini's bid them farewell with promises to meet them early the next day. The children excused themselves and wandered up to settle themselves into the manor as did Draco and Hermione.

"You did the right thing," Narcissa commented as they walked around the expansive Malfoy gardens. "Nothing is going to happen to them. Not with you, Draco and Blaise around."

"But Blaise was right, these people are dangerous. Merlin knows what's going to happen tomorrow when people realise that Draco and Hermione are back." He said frowning, "Especially those friends of hers."

"You heard Hermione, they haven't been in contact for years now." Narcissa reasoned.

"That doesn't stop them from being any less stubborn… or dangerous."

"It's going to be fine Lucius," Narcissa said soothingly. "You worry too much."

Lucius chuckled at this, "That's funny considering at one point you were telling me I didn't care enough." Narcissa shot him a look to which he only laughed even more before turning serious again, "Draco is the one thing we did right Cissa. His life with Hermione is what we always hoped he would have. You know that I feel it is my obligation to keep our family safe considering all the harm I put everyone through in the past."

"And you've redeemed yourself for that. Beyond all out expectations," she said softly. "I know you worry about them but you need to realise that Draco married a strong woman. Their children possess the strength of a true Malfoy but the heart that had been denied to our family for so many years. If anything they are the only ones I'm not worried about." Narcissa said looking at her husband with sincere eyes, "But I know you. And I know that telling you not to worry is of no use." She smiled as Lucius gripped her hand tighter.

"It's my job to worry Cissa," he simply said, "After everything that has happened, it's only fair that I get to worry about these things." Narcissa didn't say anything but she didn't need too. Instead, they continued walking through the blissful gardens basking in the peace it offered.

Disclaimer: Most characters belong to JK Rowling. The plot, as well as characterization of Rhaella and Althea are mine. The name Rhaella was taken from George RR Martin's series A Song of Ice and Fire - named after Queen Rhaella of House Targaryen.

A/N: Hello!

This is my new story, its a little different from Chance Encounters (which i have not forgotten about btw). I already have chapter 2 all written up, but i really want to hear what you think first so please drop me a review! I welcome all constructive criticism.

The chapter title was taken from the song " Selene" by the Imagine Dragons.

As always, i have to thank my dear friend Katy for her wonderful help!


Immortal Dragon Empress