DISCLAIMER: i do not own crimson peak or the characters.

It was a beautiful windy afternoon when I finally arrived home, my elegant home appearing in the distance. It looked the same, it looked like it hadn't changed at all...but I knew that was wrong. I could feel something in the air around me. I could feel a strange change, a strangeness that had forced me to come home earlier than I had planned. My sister was always the one with the spirit visions, but I had always had feelings. The air would change, the atmosphere or there would be some little tingling in the back of my mind when something would happen...and right now I could feel it, like a small migraine.

Looking up, I saw that the carriage had stopped and I got out,walking to the doors while the maids got my bags out. Still the same, I looked around the house, smiling softly as I made my way towards my fathers office. I took a deep breath and knocked, waiting for my father to call me in.

"Enter" my fathers warm voice sounded from the other side and I opened the door, smiling brightly when he looked up and saw me walk in. "Iliana!" My father got up and walked to the other side of the desk. "You are back early!"

I laughed softly, meeting him half way and giving him a hug. "Yes father. It's good to be back."

When he released me he sat on the edge of his desk and motioned for me to sit in the chair. His smile never leaving his face. "How was your trip?" I say down and crossed me legs, something that people in the town never liked but I was never one to follow rules. "It was great, father! There were so many amazing sights!...I would like to go back one day...but sadly I got homesick." I leaned forward. "How have things been here?"

My father, who had been smiling as I spoke, frowned and rubbed his temple. "Things have been...good. Your sister has found a suitor..."

There were warning bells ringing in the back of my head but I smiled brightly at my father, this must be why I had come back. This must have been why I kept feeling that strange sensation. "REALLY? That's great, father!" My fathers frown deepened. "...what is it? Is there something wrong with the man? Does he treat her badly?" I asked, making my voice sound afraid.

I could tell that my act was working. My father had never really paid much attention to me as Edith and I were growing up. She had always been my fathers favorite while I had been my mothers, he never knew how to treat me after our mother had passed away. So it was always very easy to play him, make him think what I wanted him to think.

"No, no. He treats her with the outmost respect..." My father scratched his cheek, looking away as he thought of what next to say. "There is just...something off about he and his sister."

This was most definitely why I had come back. All the bells in my head were ringing now. I couldn't let my father know, though. So I sat back and smirked, playing it off. " father...could it possibly be because he is courting your eldest daughter?" I asked, a smile in my voice.

My father, still looking away in thought, shook his head. "No, I was fine with Alan trying to court her."

I laughed out loud and sat back, my elbow on the armrest and my head on my hand. "Yes, well...we've know Alan all of our lives. Of course you would be fine with that courtship...now this person is a complete stranger." I stood up and walked to him. "If it will make you feel better...I will try to get to know this brother and sister. Be near them, and analyze them for you. You know how Edith and I are, we are a package deal. They won't think something is going on. I will keep an eye on them for you."

Father turned his head towards me and nodded, smiling softly at me. "If you do not approve of him, if you see anything wrong with him...you will let me know immediately?"

I smiled brightly, saluting him. "Of course!" I patted his shoulder. "I will go look for her now."

"They will be at the party in the park." I nodded and started to walk away, my father stopping me with his next sentence. "Oh...how about we find you a suitor now, since your sister has found one? I remember you two promising to have a joint wedding?"

I turned to him and laughed. " No." I turned and began to walk away again. " I am still a child, father. You can't make me get one...I mean you CAN but I hope you don't."

I stopped at the door opening it. " you are eighteen, Iliana. The same age as your sister and she has a suitor."

I turned to my father, a pout on my face. "But she as always been the more mature one." I stepped back and closed the door, hearing my fathers loud laughter through it.

I smirked and walked away, today would be fun. This suitor of my sister would never see me coming, he would be in a world of pain if he wanted to harm my sister. He and that sister of his.

A.N: What did you think?