Gray POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. 'What is that noise?' Beep. Beep. Beep. 'There it is again!' I hear sniffling to my right. I try to open my eyes but they feel so heavy. So I just settle on feeling my surroundings. I rub my hand against what feels like wrinkled paper. "Gray?" I immediately recognize the voice. 'Zach!' Then everything comes back to me like flood.

My eyes shoot open and I jolt into a sitting position, body racking with shivers. Zach is by my side in a matter of seconds. He shushes me in a calming manner and whispers soothing words to me, but I can't hear any of it. As I recall everything in vivid detail, the screams of the people ringing in my ears, images of the chaos blockin my view from the real world. The corners of my eyes start to blear. Breathing deep, I repeat to myself, 'in and out. in and out.' Soon I feel myself calming down, I can now hear Zach's reassurances and I can finally see my surroundings. I'm sitting in a hospital bed and the room is nauseatingly white. I feel pain everywhere but the most unbearable pain is in my right knee. I look down at my legs but all I see is a leg…

I can feel a lump in my throat. Slowly looking up to face my brother I can see him looking down at his feet with unshed tears in his eyes. "What happened?" I ask, my voice sounding little and broken. Tears begin to roll down his face and I hear a strangled sob come from his throat. "The Indominus, i-it cut your leg." He begins, holding down sobs, most likely for my sake. "the c-cut was too deep i-it… D-doctors couldn't s-sa-save." He breaks down into a full blown sob. But he doesn't need to continue. A single tear rolls down my cheek.

'Now I'll never fit in.'

A few minutes pass. Zach eventually calmed down and we sit in silence. "Where's Aunt Claire and Owen?" I eventually ask. "Aunt Claire got a phone call about 30 minutes ago and had to step out. As for Owen, he's probably keeping the press away." Then I ask the question that apparently both of us were dreading. "How long was I out?" I can hear his breathing hitch. "Five days."

"FIVE DAYS!" I suddenly yell as if it could be a mistake. Looking over at Zach I can now see the bags that had formed under his eyes. "How long have you been awake?" I ask, my voice considerably softer but laced with concern. "Haven't slept in maybe one or two days." He responded before stifling a yawn. I place a hand on his shoulder. "Get some sleep." He opens his mouth to protest but I cut him off. "Please, you need it. I'll be fine." By the way his face is scrunched up like that I can tell that he is really conflicted.

But after a minute or so he finally nods. I pat the space next to me on the hospital bed and try to scoot over, but I hiss in pain instead. Zach then scoops me up and places me to the side of the bed and crawls in next to me. He ruffles my hair before falling asleep. I lay my head on the pillow and close my eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep.

Claire POV

I watch the bitter sweet moment between my nephews from the window in the door. I really want to go in there, but I hold back. They need this time alone. I had to even keep the doctor from going in. "Claire?" I turn around to see Karen walking towards me with two cups of coffee in her hands. "What are you doing out here?" She asks handing me a cup. "The Boys are talking." Is all I can say. "WAIT, WHAT!" She almost yells but caught herself. "What do you mean the boys are talking?!" She asks, lowering her voice considerably. "I mean Gray is awake and the boys are talking." She starts to go for the doorknob but I stop her. "Karen, don't. They need time alone, after all that has happened. Just let them be, for now." I practically plead. She lets out a sigh but I can see the little smile tugging at her lip as she looks through the window. "Well I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want to join me?" I look back at the boys who are sleeping now. 'They will be fine.' I reassure myself. "Ya, why not. Just let me go and find Owen. Wait for me here, ok. I'll be right back." I say walking off. "I'll be waiting." Karen yells to me.

Karen POV

I wait until Claire's out of view when I grasp the doorknob to my sons' room. I take a deep breath before turning the handle and opening the door as quietly as I can. When inside I take in the sweet view. Walking over to the bed I gently bend down to kiss Gray's forehead. Then I walk over to the side Zach is on. I whisper to him, "Thank you, for taking care of your brother." I place a kiss on his forehead and start to head out when I hear a mumble from Zach that I can't understand. I look back at the sleeping forms of the brothers before quietly slipping behind the door and back into the hallway.

Zach POV

"Love you mom."

A/N: BOO! How are my little reading monsters. XD I'm just messin with ya'll. I'm in the Halloween spirit. Today at my school we got to dress up and the school also had a Halloween party earlier tonight. Guess who I dressed up as… Claire Dearing! I'll post a picture on my Tumblr (AvatarAstrid) probably after Halloween. So please check it out :) Hope ya'll liked this. I have decided to continue this story. P.S. ZACH AND GRAY ARE JUST BROTHERS! NOTHING ELSE! Well bye for now. See Ya Dinos!