
Thank you to everyone who followed/favourited/reviewed this fic!

Also - Welcome Aubrey.

Chloe shook her head from her thoughts and quickly rushed to catch up with Beca, the brunette had reached the door by the time Chloe arranged her thoughts. Beca glanced over her shoulder and smirked as she held the door open for Chloe.

The air was crisp and their surroundings were eerily silent. Chloe puffed out a large breath as Beca closed the door behind them. Chloe suddenly realised that this was the first time Beca and her had been left alone apart from the time in her 'cell.'

"You ready?" Beca asked nudging her, Chloe nodded with a small smile. Beca took off in the direction of a black 4x4, Chloe hastily followed.

"Where are we going?" Chloe asked as they reached the car.

"To my place, I'd feel bad leaving a member of my team in that place" Beca pointed in the direction of the building, both of them entered the car. "Plus I can't trust you so…"

"What? Why?" Chloe asked aghast, she thought that by getting Beca's money she would surely be valued as one of their own.

"Well you did shoot one of my guys in the leg so… what can I do?" Beca asked grinning lightly.

"Well you could tell your guys to pay you on time and then there wouldn't be this problem" Chloe said a little too harshly crossing her arms, Beca raised both her eyebrows as she drove away from the building.

"You have some nerve red" Beca said laughing.

"Well its true!" Chloe said huffing, Beca side eyed her.

"Hey don't be judging my leadership skills" Beca scrambled as she turned the corner.

"But-" Chloe began turning to her, Beca reached up her hand and placed it over Chloe's mouth to shut her up.

"No, not another word about it okay?" Beca said slightly laughing, Chloe rolled her eyes and slumped back in her seat with Beca's hand still over her mouth. Chloe noticed this and an air of mischief came over her, she confidently licked Beca's palm.

"Ew that's gross!" Beca screamed wiping her hand over Chloe's arm as she tried to concentrate on driving. "I can still turn back!"

"No please I'm sorry" Chloe pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh god that look is sickening" Beca glanced at Chloe to which the redhead furrowed her eyebrows, "I was joking, but after a look like that if I was being serious I couldn't do it now"

Chloe grinned and sat back in her seat silently celebrating. The rest of the journey to 'Beca's place' was relatively quiet, the only sounds were the radio and Beca's light humming towards certain songs. Chloe couldn't help but notice that Beca had a nice voice.

Chloe must have been distracted by Beca's humming because before she knew it they were pulling up into a small driveway.

"Well here we are" Beca said apprehensively turning off the engine. Chloe looked towards the house in disbelief. "Go on say what you're thinking, I can tell your itching to say something"

"No its nothing" Chloe said shaking her head, Beca looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "I just thought you would have a huge house, with flashy sports cars and like palm trees and shit."

"Dude I'd stick out like a sore thumb!" Beca cried in disbelief, "I need to be subtle, so the police don't come calling"

"Oh" Chloe said embarrassed of her stupidity, Beca laughed and exited the car. Chloe quickly followed. The house looked quite old and small, the paint was peeling off the window sills and door frame.

"Home sweet home" Beca said opening the door and turning on the light, the place looked homely and tidy, Chloe smiled to herself. Chloe walked in behind Beca closing the door, Beca came behind her and locked the door.

"Just make yourself at home." Beca said standing awkwardly in front of Chloe, Chloe started to take off her shoes.

"You have a nice place" Chloe said straightening up.

"Thanks" Beca said smirking, "Do you want anything to drink? Tea? Coffee?"

"Tea please" Chloe said nodding, Beca nodded and scurried off into the kitchen.

"Oh Chloe, no one knows where I live and I want to keep it that way" Beca said warningly, Chloe stiffened slightly at the change of tone, "Think of it as your first trust exercise."

"Of course I won't tell anyone" Chloe said walking towards the small kitchen where Beca was boiling the kettle. "My lips are sealed" Chloe did a sealing motion to which Beca laughed allowed.

"Weirdo" Beca mumbled as she poured them both a drink, Chloe thanked her as both of them sat down in Beca's living room.

Chloe felt strangely comfortable inside of Beca's house drinking tea. Chloe could laugh to herself at the absurdity of it all, Chloe didn't feel scared of Beca at all although her face had slowly started to throb.

"Once second, I'll get you an icepack" Beca said placing down her cup, Chloe's heart swelled slightly. Beca returned with what looked like a bag of frozen peas in her hand. "It's all I had sorry"

"It's fine, thank you" Chloe smiled at Beca as she took the peas off her, "you're very confusing Beca"

"How so?" Beca smirked as she sat forward.

"Well at first you seemed so badass" Beca smirked at this remark, "But now you seem such a big softy, drinking tea and getting me an icepack"

"Well you don't know me very well Chloe" Beca replied finishing her drink, "I can say the same about you"


"How are you not scared of someone who almost killed you?" Beca asked tapping her head in confusion.

"I don't know, I'm just not" Chloe shrugged her shoulders. Chloe wasn't afraid of Beca, the smaller girl seemed so tame when she's not around her team.

"you're something else Chloe" Beca smiled, "Come I'll show you to your room"

Beca stood up and tapped Chloe on her shoulder to get her to move, Chloe placed down her drink and followed Beca up the small staircase. Chloe was quick to realise that Beca didn't have any photos on her walls which made Chloe wonder. The pair reached the top of the stairs and Beca showed them to the door slightly to the right.

"This is your room" Beca said opening the door, the room was plain and simple with just a bed and a wardrobe. "I know it's not much but it hardly gets used."

"Why?" Chloe asked stepping inside, Beca shrugged.

"I don't get any visitors" Beca said honestly, Chloe turned to face her with a sad look on her face. "Don't look at me like that, I'm not exactly one for hospitality." Chloe nodded, "Okay the door next to you is the bathroom, I'll lay out spare towels and a toothbrush."

"Thank you" Chloe said daring to take a step towards Beca.

"My room is down the hall," Beca motioned down the hall, Chloe yawned slightly. "Get some rest you have a big day tomorrow"

"Doing what?" Chloe asked excitedly, Beca grinned.

"Introducing you to the team" Beca said, "But go to sleep, I'll let you know what's happening in the morning"

"Sure, but could I get a shower?" Chloe asked timidly, Beca smacked her head.

"Of course! I'll get you some PJ's" Beca said flustered, Chloe giggled. "Yeah I'm not winning the award for the best hostess."

"It's fine, I mean it's been a while since we were kids and had sleepovers" Chloe said flicking her wrist, Chloe noticed that Beca had turned a bright shade of red. "Oh my God!"

"Shut up!" Beca screamed as she turned to walk out of the door.

"That's so cute!" Chloe called walking after Beca, "I can't believe you've never had a sleepover!"

"I'm not listening!" Beca shouted as she turned to head down the stairs.

"You are adorable," Chloe shouted leaning over the banister, "This is going to be your first sleepover!"

"I will drag you back to the warehouse if you're not careful!" Beca exclaimed although it had a joking edge to it. "Totally not adorable!"

Chloe laughed as she entered the bathroom. Finally, Chloe was alone, she turned on the shower and stepped inside. Chloe's pain started to ease from her face from the hot water, she stayed for a while under the hot water letting it flow over her. Chloe thought about what was going to happen tomorrow, she felt nervous and scared but for some reason knowing that Beca would be there it made Chloe relax a little.

Chloe couldn't understand how the brunette had made such an impact on her, the girl was enduring and mysterious and Chloe had to find out more about her. Chloe didn't care that Beca was a leader of a mob, she had to get to know her more.

Leaving the bathroom 20 minutes later Chloe noticed that Beca had left her a spare change of clothes and some PJ's. Chloe smiled as she brought the fresh pair of PJ's to her face breathing in Beca's scent.

Chloe shook herself from her daze realising she must look rather creepy. Chloe put on the PJ's and crawled into bed, falling to sleep straight away from sheer exhaustion.

Tap tap

Chloe woke suddenly, momentarily forgetting where she was, she let her eyes adjust to the room. The early morning sun was leaking through the windows causing Chloe to jump up and out of bed.

"Chloe are you awake?" A voice from the other side of the door made Chloe jump. She rushed over and opened the door, stood inform of her was a fully clothed Beca with her hair and make-up done, Chloe glanced down at her PJ's.

"I'm awake, but I'm not ready" Chloe said smiling at Beca, Beca rolled her eyes.

"Obviously, get ready I'll make us breakfast" Chloe nearly squealed at the offer but thought better of it. She nodded and closed the door and started to get ready.

Chloe quickly got changed and left her room to the smell of fresh coffee. Chloe glided down the stairs and walked into the kitchen where Beca seemed to be cooking. Chloe tilted her head slightly at the sight in front of her. 'I could really get used to this' Chloe thought but quickly shook her head as Beca looked up at her.

"Oh hey, bacon and eggs okay?" Beca asked smiling as she plated up their breakfast. Chloe nodded and helped her carry the plates to the table.

"It smells so good" Chloe murmured as she felt her stomach roar.

"Well dig in" Beca said in a sarcastic tone. Wasting no time Chloe started to devour her meal. "Okay slow down" Beca said laughing, "We are meeting the guys at 11 by the way"

Chloe looked at the clock seeing that they had an hour left before they had to leave. Chloe nodded but carried on stuffing her face.

"What's gonna happen?" Chloe asked between mouthfuls.

"I'll take you down to see the guys and I'll just introduce you as our new member" Beca said taking a sip of her drink, "They'll probably make remarks and shout things but you can handle that"

Chloe nodded, she couldn't really focus on anything other than food at the moment. 10:3 rolled up pretty quickly and the pair had started to get ready to leave. Beca grabbed her car keys and Chloe followed her out of the door. Beca locked to door and led them to her car.

"You nervous?" Beca asked as they sat down.

"Not really" Chloe said honestly, Beca side glanced her as they left her house. The journey was quick but Chloe could feel her nerves starting to creep up on her. Before long, Beca started to pull up alongside a building that looked like a nightclub.

"This is Amy's business by the way" Beca said as she turned off the car. "Stacie works on the bar here on nights when it's open" Chloe looked at her confused. "What? We all have regular jobs, working as a criminal doesn't always cut the bills"

Beca left the car and Chloe quickly followed, Beca led them behind the club and up a small set of stairs to a door marked 'STAFF ONLY.' Beca punched in a key code and let the pair in.

The door seemed to lead underground, the staircase was dimly lit and Cloe could hear murmurs and chants emanating from a door at the bottom. Beca motioned her to follow her as The door behind Chloe slammed shut.

"When we go in wait at the back" Beca said straightening up slightly, "I'll then introduce you and all will be good, okay?" Beca looked at Chloe worriedly, Chloe breathed out and nodded.

Beca grabbed the door handle and paused slightly, Chloe noticed that Beca's demeanour had changed. Beca seemed to give off a different vibe to earlier, before Beca seemed nice and sweet but now she seemed almost scary and dominant. The vibe she was sending Chloe was not to mess with her, it made Chloe step back slightly.

Beca opened the door to cries and cheers, Chloe walked in behind her but stayed near the door. The small room was packed with people screaming and chanting as Beca walked through them, all of the people parting as did.

"Hey hey HEY!" Beca called, the crowd immediately quietened down. "You guys are giving me a headache"

"Sorry boss" everyone murmured, Chloe giggled slightly as everyone looked slightly ashamed of themselves.

"Now I bet you're all wondering why I've asked you to come here?" Beca called walking around the formed circle of people. The crowd hummed its agreement. "Well it looks like we have a new member joining us"

The crowd gasped in shock which then turned into mumbling, Chloe glanced around and noticed that Stacie had barged her way to the front near Beca.

"Say a warm welcome to Red over there" Beca cried pointing straight at her, Chloe wanted to cower away with all the attention on her. But she pushed her fears to the back of her mind and walked forward with her head held high.

Chloe could hear a few mumbles and a few people turning to speak to each other, she glanced at Beca who seemed to be smirking.

"Hey wasn't she the girl that shot Luke?" A large man asked through the crowd. Everyone went silent and continued to stare at Chloe.

"Yes she did" Beca began to walk around the circle again.

"Well I don't trust her; I don't want her on the team." The large man stated, this earned a few hums of agreement.

"Well Bumper I want you to take your egocentric, idiotic head out of your massive asshole, but as we all know I want never gets" Beca retorted bitterly, the whole crowd laughed and cheered as the man named Bumper looked down embarrassed.

"Oh my god why are you making such a noise?" A shrill voice arose from the back of the crowd.

The crowd went eerily silent and even Beca seemed to have stopped in her tracks. The crowd parted and through it emerges a tall slim woman with blonde hair. She looked around smiling to herself as a large man stood behind her.

Chloe noticed that Stacie had moved to stand beside her and that Beca had moved behind her and Stacie.

"Stacie why the fuck did you invite her?" Beca asked in a harsh whisper.

"I had to she's our boss" Stacie replied in annoyance, Chloe heard Beca groan from behind her.

"Where's the little troll?" The woman asked to the crowd,

"How are you horse face?" Beca walked from behind Chloe to in front of her, the blonde smiled slightly at Beca's insult.

"So who's the new recruit?" The blonde haired woman asked looking at Chloe.

"Chloe" Chloe replied praying that her voice didn't come out to shaky, the blonde stepped forward and bent slightly towards Chloe.

"Is it true you shot Luke in the foot?" The blonde whispered. Chloe nodded, the blonde smiled as murmurs and whistles erupted around the room.

"Listen up dicklicks, the girl stays" The blonde announced, the crowd was silent for a moment but then erupted in cheers.

The blonde smiled at Chloe once more and then at Stacie, Chloe smiled back. Beca seemed to be quiet, Chloe glanced at her and she just looked dumbfounded.

"Everyone get out!" The blonde yelled, everyone seemed to follow her order immediately as they all scurried out. "You three stay"

"Ugh thank God I didn't want to be seen with that crowd" Stacie moaned as she stretched her arms, the blonde giggled slightly.

"Well Stace you do work with them" Beca said rolling her eyes.

"So I hear you're the girlfriend of that boy that stole my money?" The blonde asked to which Chloe nodded sheepishly, "But you're helping us find him?" Chloe nodded more eagerly. "Great! Let's get started, Oh and my names Aubrey by the way."

So let me know what you guys think?

I know nothing much really happened buts shits going to go down soon!

Also quick question - who would like a little bit of Staubrey?