Title: Control
Author: kikokus (AoiTsukikage)
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Law/Sanji, Ace/Sanji, Ace/Law, Ace/Law/Sanji
Chapter: 1/?
Word Count: 4518
Summary: In which Sanji and Ace are models for a BDSM site and Law's the new guy doing his first shoot (Dom!Ace, sub!Sanji-and-Law)

Chapter One

"So you've never worked with this guy?"

"Nobody has," Ace shook his head, hands stuffed casually in his pockets as they strolled down the hall. "From what I've heard, it sounds like this is his first time doing anything like this."

"Huh," Sanji pursed his lips, wondering why somebody would pick this as their first foray into porn. Normally he liked to have a bit of information on who he was working with, but if the guy was as new as Ace said, that wasn't really possible. "Guess we'll have to start slow."

"I've got some ideas, don't worry," Ace flashed his signature thousand-watt grin at him and Sanji figured that if any of the doms here could make somebody feel comfortable, it was probably Ace.

Okay, he might be a little biased since he and Ace didn't exactly confine their interactions to work, but he trusted Ace more than any of the other guys there. They weren't a couple or anything, but since he and Ace ran in the same circle of friends anyway it was easy to meet up…and, well, Sanji had realized soon enough that outside of work Ace wasn't nearly so set on being in control all the time.

In fact, Ace was kind of a giant dork, and sometimes it was hard for Sanji to reconcile the almost-cocky persona he had at work with his normal easygoing nature.

"Do you know anything about him?" Sanji stopped in the hall before they entered the room they'd be working in and Ace flipped through a stapled packet of papers he was carrying.

"He's 26, 6'3"…his hard limits are in line with yours which is probably why they put you together," Ace noted, and Sanji could see the logic in that. "I've heard he's gorgeous," he added, waggling his eyebrows, and Sanji snorted.

"Most of the people here are, you realize, or else we probably wouldn't have gotten these jobs," he snagged the file and looked it over, humming appreciatively as he got to the information about the mystery man's measurements. "Nice."

"Yeah, knew you'd like that," Ace took the papers back and leaned back against the doorframe. "So? Ready to get started?"

"After seeing that?" Sanji moved closer so that he could trap Ace against the door and leaned in to kiss him. "Yeah. Let's do this."

"Cool," Ace nudged his nose against Sanji's in a playfully affectionate gesture before reaching behind him for the doorknob and letting the door swing open.

Sanji strode in, knowing the layout of the room by heart after being here so many times. However, he could instantly tell that the guy seated in a chair off to the side was out of his element.

His body was too tense, for one thing, and he jumped when the door slammed behind Ace, but one glance at him let Sanji know Ace hadn't been lying about his looks.

He was gorgeous, all long limbs and bronze skin, and when he glanced toward them Sanji can see his eyes flash gold in the low light of the room.

"You're Law?" Ace broke the silence first, walking toward the other man and holding out his hand. The man nodded, standing up to return the handshake and then going back to his rather closed-off position. "Great! I'm Ace, I'll be your dom for the shoot," he added, barely getting a shrug in return. "This is Sanji. I suggest you get to know him because you're going to be getting very close in a few minutes," he smirked and Sanji nudged him with his elbow.

Law's eyes flicked up and down his body before he shrugged again, which hardly gave Sanji any insight into how he was feeling about the entire situation.

In fact, he was mostly acting as if he didn't want to be there, but obviously that wasn't the case since he would have had to have gone through an extensive application process just to get to this point.

"Um. Right," Ace flailed his hands a little and Sanji could tell he was put-off by the man's icy attitude as well. Normally Ace could get anybody to open up to him, no matter how apprehensive they were, but this guy wasn't responding at all. "So, just…pull your chair out to the middle of the room and we'll get the pre-shoot interview started. Okay?"

The man didn't reply, but he did as he was instructed, and Sanji went to get his own chair and sat down beside Law.

He had a feeling this was going to be a challenge, and right now, he wasn't sure if that was a good thing.


The pre-shoot interview was…interesting. Law answered the questions readily enough, but when it came to the standard 'what's your previous experience with bondage?' and 'what aspects of it appeal to you?' queries he didn't offer much more than shrugs and a rather half-hearted reasoning of 'I wanted to try something new.'

Because, to Sanji, 'trying something new' was maybe asking somebody to tie your hands to the headboard one night, not full-out device bondage with a complete stranger.

Law nodded absently while Ace went over the safe-words and Sanji could tell that the man's utter lack of any sort of emotion was affecting Ace's normal bubbly personality as well.

They finished with Ace telling them to take a few minutes while he set things up, and Sanji snuck after him instead of staying there with Law.

"So. I guess it's a good thing he's fucking hot, because his personality isn't going to win him any awards," Sanji leaned back and watched Ace set out a few coils of rope, his eyes lighting up at some of the other things placed on the table beside them.

"Tell me about it," Ace sighed, leaning back against the table. "I've never seen anybody so guarded here. I mean, there's only so stoic you can be when the end result is getting tied up and coming on camera," he grinned as Sanji settled himself beside him. "I'm gonna start with him, though…see how he handles things at first, and then bring you in a little later. Okay?"

"Sure," Sanji was actually happy about that, since it meant he got to spend at least a bit of time just with Ace and he was never going to complain in that situation. "C'mere," he hooked an arm around Ace's neck and pulled him in for another kiss, trying to reassure the older man that they could do this.

He wasn't sure how just yet, but between the two of them, they'd get Law to open up and enjoy himself.



Law didn't say a word to him from the moment he returned until the time Ace called for him, leaving Sanji to wonder again how they were going to put on any sort of show that the site members would want to watch. Law was beautiful, yeah, but that by itself wasn't going to keep anybody's attention.

He took a few sips from a bottle of water, slumping back in the chair and biding his time until the door leading to another set opened and Ace snuck back in. He was dressed differently now, wearing a tight sleeveless shirt that showed off his arm muscles and slim black jeans that Sanji knew could be pulled down enough for easy access to his dick.

"So? How goes it?" Sanji stood up and stretched, bending back in a move that most people wouldn't be flexible enough to pull off before flipping back to his feet again.

"Show-off," Ace grinned. "He's stubborn…it's like he's trying hard not to react, but I could work with it. He's fucking sexy, Sanji, like…holy shit," Ace laughed, sounding adorably nervous, and Sanji felt his cock twitch because if Ace was that affected Law's body really had to be something special.

"No sense in wasting time here then, is there?" Sanji headed for the door as Ace snickered.

"Sure, now you're eager," he stopped with a hand on the doorknob. "Got your character?"

"Yep," Sanji reached down and picked up a backpack that he slung over his shoulder, jamming a baseball cap over his hair and trying to tamp down his excitement.

The scene they were doing wasn't original by any means, but it was an easy way to get Law into the swing of things. And hey, it wasn't as if the people that watched these shoots cared about the storylines as much as the content, so the more cliché, the better.

"Give me thirty seconds and then come in," Ace winked and disappeared behind the door, leaving Sanji to count out the required time before he slammed the door open.



"Where is he?!"

"You have the money?" Ace's voice was low and dangerous, so different from the man Sanji had been talking to less than a minute earlier.

"I have the fucking money, now where is he?!" Sanji threw the backpack down on the table, hoping he sounded panicked enough. "You've got what you wanted, now let him go!"

"Patience," Ace never broke eye contact as he slid the backpack over to him, only looking down to open it and start counting out the contents. "I have to be sure you're not trying to short me."

"Look, it's all there," Sanji injected a note of desperation into his tone. "Please, I need to know he's safe."

"He's safe," Ace waved off his words, still counting. "You'll get your friend back soon enough."

"Fucking sicko," Sanji spat, baring his teeth. "If you've hurt him, I'll…"

"You're not in any position to make threats right now," Ace snapped, zipping the backpack up and tossing it off to the side. "Well. It seems like everything's in order."

"It is," Sanji swallowed heavily. "So where is he?"

"Don't worry," Ace smirked and moved behind him. Sanji forced himself to keep looking forward, since his natural inclination was to follow the other man's movements but he was playing somebody much more naïve and not trained in martial arts. "You'll see him soon enough."

"What's that supposed to…" Sanji gasped when an arm clamped around his waist, reaching back to push it off and letting Ace grab his wrists in his free hand. "Let me go!" he struggled a little, just enough to make it believable, as Ace chuckled darkly in his ear.

"Oh, no. Pretty thing like you? We're going to have some fun," he spun Sanji around and marched him to a waiting dining room chair, pushing him to sit. "I'd suggest you stay here and behave if you want to see your friend alive again," he whispered, and Sanji gasped, trying to speed his breathing up.

"Wh-what did you do to him?" he asked fearfully, resisting a little when Ace lay his arm on the arm of chair and tied a length of rope around it and his wrist so he couldn't get away. He did the same with the other arm before shoving Sanji back so he was sitting upright.

"Nothing compared to what I'm about to do to you," Ace promised, tickling his fingers almost playfully under Sanji's chin. He bent down and caught Sanji's ankles, lashing them to the legs of the chair and effectively immobilizing him.

Sanji closed his eyes, outwardly panicked but inwardly anxious for a much different reason. The first teasing brush of soft rope against his skin was enough to excite him, his body thrumming with arousal.

"Where is he?" he said again, weakly, his breath cutting off in a gasp when Ace knocked the baseball cap from his head and caught his hair in a tight grip.

"I'm getting tired of that question," Ace pulled something out of his pocket, moving it so that Sanji could see it was an O-ring gag.

"No! No, please, I…" Sanji tried to move his head back but Ace grabbed his chin and forced the gag into his mouth, fastening it tightly behind his head.

"Much better," Ace patted his cheek, fingers tightening in the fabric of the old T-shirt Sanji was wearing and then pulling so it ripped right down the middle.

Sanji moaned around the gag, a thin trail of saliva already streaking its way off of his chin to drip against his bare chest.

"Look at you," Ace murmured, and Sanji knew that was as much out of character as it was in. "Sit tight," he brought his palm down hard against Sanji's chest, the resounding 'smack' echoing around the room as Sanji whined, and then he was gone.

Sanji slumped back against the chair, letting his mind drift until Ace came back. He was alone, which surprised Sanji a little since he'd thought they'd get started with him and Law together, but he was hardly going to complain about getting to spend more time with Ace by himself.

"These are in the way," Ace grabbed the elastic waist of the gym shorts he was wearing (and hah, Sanji would never wear anything like that in real life, but since most of what he wore here ended up ruined, it didn't pay to ever bring his good clothes). "Let's see what we're working with here," he yanked the shorts down as far as they could go with Sanji's legs tied, his hand immediately seeking out the bulge in Sanji's underwear and cupping it.

Sanji gurgled something around the gag, hoping it sounded enough like a protest and not a plea for Ace to keep touching him.

"I'm the 'sicko', huh?" Ace grinned, pulling the thin material of his briefs tight against the head of his cock. "You're already wet. You fucking getting off on this?" he murmured and Sanji's eyes rolled back when Ace squeezed a little harder. He tried to look down, seeing that there was indeed a visible wet spot on the fabric and feeling a little embarrassed about how needy he was being. "Hm. Let's see what else that mouth of yours can do besides whine."

Sanji shook his head rapidly, trying to move back when Ace stood up and shoved his pants down just low enough for his cock to spring free. "Suck. And make it good. Maybe then I'll let you see your friend," Ace sneered, but his fingers in Sanji's hair were gentle at first before he yanked the blond's head forward.

Sanji couldn't do much more than obey with his mouth forced open, bobbing his head and sucking obediently under the excuse that he really wanted to see Law and not because he actually enjoyed it.

"Mm, yeah," Ace bucked his hips forward and Sanji took it as best he could, though he still ended up gasping and with drool running down his chin when the older man suddenly pulled away. "Good boy," Ace reached to undo the gag and Sanji worked his jaw once it was out, forcing himself to shiver.

"Please…please, I did what you asked me to, please…"

"I suppose you've earned this," Ace clicked his tongue, tucking himself back into his pants. "Sit tight," he leaned down to grip Sanji's cock again before leaving. Sanji could hear chains clinking in the adjoining room and when the door opened again he had to swallow to wet his suddenly-dry mouth.

Holy shit. Ace hadn't been kidding about Law's body, and it was making his cock even harder. He wasn't hugely muscular, which Sanji could tell even fully-dressed, but his entire body was toned and well-defined…though even more noticeable than that were the tattoos covering his arms and chest.

They're…hearts, for the most part, and Sanji had no idea why his first thought was that they somehow suited Law when he effectively knew nothing about the other man.

"You've got a visitor," Ace murmured, shoving Law to his knees, and Sanji could see there was a heavy collar around the other man's neck that was attached to a chain Ace was holding.

Law's eyes flicked up to him and Sanji can see his face visibly pale which, if nothing else, meant that he at least was willing to act the part.

"No," he gasped and Sanji struggled a bit against his bindings, like he was trying to get out of the chair and run over. "You idiot! Why did you come here?" Law snarled, his teeth bared, and Sanji felt a surge of heat in his belly because if Law wanted to play it that way he was more than happy to.

"Because he set a ransom on you!" he exclaimed. "What? Were we just supposed to leave you…"

"Yes," Law's chest was heaving as he sat up higher on his knees. "It was never about the money! And now…"

"And now I've got two of you to play with," Ace grinned, leaning down to caress Law's cheek almost tenderly. "Get over there," he shoved Law off-balance and the man growled at him, starting to get to his feet before Ace tightened his grip on the chain. "Crawl."

Law did, but not before glaring daggers at Ace, and Ace didn't let him stop until he was between Sanji's spread legs.

"You two…you're friends, right? I mean, he seemed awfully concerned," Ace clicked his tongue and Law gave a scathing laugh.

"We know each other. They probably sent him to deliver the money so that if something horrible happened nobody would miss him," he snorted, his breath cutting off in a gasp when Ace grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled his head back.

"I didn't ask for your life's story," Ace hissed into his ear. "Both of you are too fucking mouthy. I already made your friend here use his mouth for something other than talking, so it's only fair that you get the same treatment," he shoved Law forward so that his chin was resting on the seat of the chair, and Sanji tried to hold back a groan because the thought of Law's mouth on his dick was making him even hotter.

"Well? Don't make him wait," Ace bent down and yanked Law's arms back, and Sanji heard a 'click' that probably meant Ace had cuffed his hands behind him. "Look at him, he's leaking already. I bet he's always wanted to see you on your knees, humiliate you a little, hmm?" Ace gave Sanji a pointed look and Sanji knew they were both thinking the same thing: as long as the way Law was directing the scene still fit with what they were trying to do, they'd let him lead.

"No," Sanji shook his head when Law looked up at him. "No, You don't have to do this…I never wanted, I just wanted to make sure you were safe…"

"Actually, blondie, he kind of does have to," Ace pulled a switchblade from his pocket, holding the back of the blade to Law's throat. "Unless you want his blood quite literally on your hands."

Law gulped, and the look in his eyes then was more than a little apprehensive.

Sanji knew Ace would never hurt them since knife-play wasn't something either of them had agreed to, but Law probably didn't have quite the same trust in Ace that he did.

"Then kill us," Sanji snarled. "Fuck, if you're just going to use as…as sex slaves, what's the point? You're not going to let us go, so just kill us!"

"Sanji," Law hissed, and Sanji blinked in surprise because he hadn't even realized Law had bothered to learn his name.

"I didn't say I wasn't going to let you go. Just not yet. But if you insist…"

"No," Law craned his neck forward, gulping when the blade pressed against his skin, and closed his lips over the bulge of Sanji's cock in his underwear.

"Law…" Sanji's eyes fluttered closed without him meaning them to. "Oh, fuck…"

"Good boy," Ace chuckled, pulling the knife away. Law kept sucking, wetting the fabric and moving his lips down the length of Sanji's now completely hard dick.

"Gh," Sanji tightened his fingers around the arms of the chair, trying not to buck his hips because he needed more.

"That's enough," Ace pulled back on the chain and Law grunted as his head was forced away. "Up. Sit on his lap."

Law scrambled to his feet, a little awkwardly with his arms chained behind him, and hesitated for only a moment before he complied.

Sanji moaned softly since the action caused Law's naked cock to press against his clothed one, and he watched impassively as Ace leaned down and tied Law's legs to the chair's as well, the ropes binding Sanji's ankles even tighter.

"I'll let you two catch up," Ace pulled on the chain again, tying it off around the back of the chair and forcing Law's face close to Sanji's so that they were almost sharing breath.

Ace left them there like that, the door slamming behind him as he went back to the outer room, and Sanji kept the terrified look on his face until he saw the red light on the camera blink off.

"Hey. You okay?" he murmured, and Law's eyes flicked back to him.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" he blinked and Sanji laughed softly.

"The camera's off, you can drop the act," Sanji smiled and Law's body immediately slumped, his nose pressed against Sanji's neck. "Hey," Sanji nuzzled at his hair, glad that Law was opening up a little.

"Sorry. I'll…"

"Stay," Sanji whispered and Law slid forward as much as he could so their bodies were pressed together. "You're okay, though?"

"Overwhelmed," Law admitted. "But yes, I'm okay. I don't like feeling out of my element," he continued, and Sanji breathed a sigh of relief that Law was finally opening up a little. "I did ample research before coming here but being subjected to it…emotionally I wasn't prepared."

"Yeah, it's like that for everybody, I think," Sanji leaned his head against Law's. "But just remember that you're completely safe, okay? Ace is a fucking sweetheart and I think if he ever hurt somebody, even accidentally, he'd feel bad about it for weeks," he pulled back when Law looked up at him, eyes narrowed.

"You and he…are you…"

"No," Sanji laughed, although he couldn't blame Law for reaching that conclusion. "We're friends…I've known his brother since we were kids and yeah, we fool around sometimes, but it's nothing official."

"Mm," Law hummed in acknowledgement and leaned in, nudging his nose against Sanji's. "I do feel safe."

"That's good," Sanji promised, and now that Law was actually talking to him he could see that the other man was so much more than just a pretty face and an impressive dick. "So what's the real reason you're here?"

"Quite honestly, I was curious. I'm…going to medical school, so as you can imagine, finding time to cultivate any sort of serious relationship is nearly impossible," he shrugged. "And trusting anybody with this sort of thing goes against my nature. So knowing that there was an environment where I could be completely monitored and in control of what happened to me was appealing."

"I get that," Sanji nodded, since he'd heard similar things from other people.

Law was so close, his eyes flicking down briefly before he met Sanji's again, and Sanji parted his lips a little. "I apologize if this is forward, but I…"

Law's nervousness was so fucking endearing, especially considering their current position, but Sanji had an idea of what he wanted and he definitely wanted the same thing.

"Look, he's gonna make us kiss at some point, so if you want a head start…"

Law leaned in then, barely pressing his lips to Sanji's and holding his place until Sanji licked at his lips and returned the kiss.

Fuck, he wanted to touch Law so badly, but of course that was impossible so they had to make do with just kissing.

"Well, you boys seem to be getting along," Ace's voice was much too close and Sanji pulled back, clearing his throat.

"What's up?" he asked, humming when Ace tilted his head down to kiss him. "Are you jealous?"

"Uh, yeah," Ace laughed, his eyes raking over Law's body. "I mean, look at this guy."

Law blushed and Sanji snickered, although he couldn't really deny Ace's words. "Um. Thanks," Law glanced sideways and Sanji nuzzled at his nose again.

"So what's the plan?" Sanji decided to change the subject since Law obviously was uncomfortable talking about his looks (which, to be honest, Sanji didn't quite understand because somebody that looked like him had no reason to be unsure about his appearance).

"Ten minute break and then we'll set up the next scene," Ace reached down to untie Sanji's arms first. "So go get some refreshments and then meet me back here," he knelt down to do their legs and Sanji flexed his fingers, settling his hands on Law's hips and rubbing his skin gently.

"Fuck, I've wanted to touch you since we started," he admitted sheepishly and Law turned an even deeper shade of red.

"I'm glad. You're…both of you are very attractive as well," he amended and Sanji didn't even have to look to know Ace was grinning at that.

"Okay," Ace stood up, reaching to unlock Law's cuffs and Sanji felt a tiny thrill in his stomach that Law's hands came to rest on his own hips as soon as they were free. "Lemme get this off and you guys can go chill out in the lounge," he unhooked the chain from Law's collar before undoing the collar itself and slipping it off. "I'll grab you guys some…" he stopped as one of the camera guys wandered over, passing two bathrobes to him, and grinned. "Thanks, man."

Sanji pulled the remnants of the ripped shirt off of his body and slid his shorts off altogether, waiting until Law stood up before he took the robe and slid it on.

"Ace?" Law sounded as if he wasn't sure he could address the man by name but Ace blinked at him.

"Hey, outside of a scene I'm just a guy," Ace leaned heavily on Sanji's shoulder. "So whatever you wanna say or do, it's cool."

"Right. Well, then," Law stepped forward and Sanji realized that he was probably a few inches taller than Ace, but Ace didn't seem intimidated and he grabbed the front of Law's robe, yanking him in for kiss.

Yeah. Sanji knew Ace had been wanting to do that since he'd laid eyes on Law. Law's hands were clenched at his sides until he breathed out and lifted them, one pushing back Ace's shaggy hair from his face and the other set in the small of his back.

"Holy fuck," Ace pulled away and laughed. "Okay. So," he cleared his throat.

"Ten minutes, right?" Sanji decided he'd help the man out since Ace seemed incapable of stringing two thoughts together at the moment.

"Yeah. And then…" he glanced at Sanji, eyes flashing. "Well, you'll see."

Sanji gulped, sensing the promise in his eyes, and felt his cock twitch again.

He couldn't wait.


1. So…I'm really nervous to post this fic because of the content, but I've got a few chapters (or scenes) planned for this situation and then I guess we'll see…if you have any interest at all, please do feel free to leave a comment (and thank you to those who encouraged me to write this – especially okama-kenpo for suggesting Ace as the dom)!