[Update! Same Chapter just letting you know the print version Presence: The Marked is now available as well! Hope you all enjoyed Rebukegeddon!]

Disclaimer: Still don't own Marvel but if you read Spider-Network you know that I do own Presence: The Marked by L.J. Branch available now on Amazon.This is all part of my master plan to get credit behind my name so that one day I could write for Marvel. Want me to write professionally? Support yo boy.

RebuffX7: Hell yeah, he got student loans to pay.

Every day my wallet asks, "why am I still here? Just to suffer?"

Will: *looks at own wallet, sees the dwindling (meagre) allowance for the week" Yorokobe Shounen.

Also, before we start people have been wondering what happened to the side plots/characters in this event. I'll explain now so there is no confusion though the chapter itself does a good job explaining it too. "Family Business" Is just one part of a bigger arc taking place right now. This is Spider-Man's section of this much bigger event taking place.

Wolverine and the kids will be explained in the Wolverine section coming up followed by Deadpool and Captain Marvel.

Now on to the chapter! Happy Rebukegeddon everybody!

Featured BGMs:

Scared of the Dark- Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse Soundtrack

Clubbed to Death- Matrix Soundtrack


Family Business #3

-Egypt: Cairo: Hotel-

"How do you feel?" Teresa questioned as Peter stepped out of the hotel bathroom while buttoning his shirt.

"Better, the hot shower helped with the soreness." Peter answered as he stretched his arms with a slight grimace. "Won't lie, I do not miss normal human durability and slow healing."

"Yeah, being human sucks." Teresa teased. "Well, I got some good news, bad news, and worse news. Which do you want first?"

"The good, let it soften the blow." Peter said as he tossed on his jacket while Teresa chuckled.

"Well the good news is a contact delivered us a welcome basket." Teresa said before she tossed a rifle to her brother while she grabbed two handguns and strapped them to her sides.

"Your private network never ceases to terrify me." Peter mused as he inspected the weapon. "And the bad news?"

"Mockingbird called, Black Widow went AWOL." Teresa said with an eye-roll.

"Excuse me!?" That definitely didn't happen the first time around.

"On their way to Germany, Natasha read the file you gave her. Still don't know what 'Red Widow' is about but apparently it was enough for Natasha to go MIA. Some loose ends she needed to settle before the world burned." Teresa said sarcastically before releasing a long breath. "Well actually Natasha called and said she knew we will handle it."

"Hold up, Natasha called? Better yet she called you?" Peter asked in confusion knowing how 'well' the two got along. However, to his surprise, Teresa's irritation toward Natasha seemed to have been replaced with confusion.

"While you were in the shower." Teresa explained. "She said…sorry…. And that the three of us had a lot to talk about."

"That's…unsettling…and the worse news?

"Front desk called, we're going to have to use them…like…now." Teresa said and before Peter could even raise his eye-brow, their door was suddenly kicked down as an armed man rushed into the room. Unfortunately for the intruder, he didn't make it far before Teresa threw her hunting knife with deadly accuracy, impaling him in his eye.

"Damn, I had a feeling we were followed."

"Really? Was that your Spider-sense talking, bro?" Teresa asked sarcastically. "Or maybe the fact the whole world is looking for us and you have the least inconspicuous mode of transportation I have ever seen!" Teresa said as two more intruders rushed in only to be gunned down by Peter.

"Hey, don't hate the Spider-Mobile! It's eco-friendly and got us from Europe to Egypt in record time!" Peter defended his pride and joy as they rushed out of the hotel. Peter cursed when they saw dozens of enemies rushing up the stairs toward them. "Did they really bring a small army?"

"Well, they needed one. If it's any consolation, they are all wearing Hydra's emblem." Teresa said before she hopped over the railing and landed on top of a Hydra agent on the floor beneath them. Rolling forward she pulled out her handguns and shot down to agents in front of her before reaching back and placing the barrel of her weapon against the forehead of the Hydra agent she had landed on.

With only five pounds of pressure, he would no longer be a threat to anyone.

"This isn't good!" Peter said as he provided cover fire. "If Hydra is working with Octavius then he must know about the weapon, it's the only thing that would get them to fall in line like this."

"And getting revenge on our parents is just icing on the cake." Teresa said as she found herself pushing one of the agents against a nearby wall before she delivered a devastating combination of punches and kicks that rendered them unconscious. Just as she finished her assault, two more tried to flank her only to get shot down by Peter.

"It must be the Zodiac, they have a habit of looking into the future and must have informed Otto what was going to happen." Peter said as he hopped down to her floor. Together, the siblings found themselves fighting for their lives as they attempted to leave the Hotel. Once they reached the lobby, many looked at them fearfully, having been frightened by the sound of gunfire. The only person who didn't look afraid was the concierge.

"Pleasure as always Ms. Parker." The concierge said as Teresa and Peter rushed out of the hotel. With a chuckle, she glanced back at the concierge and grinned.

"Put the damages on my tab."

"But of course, Ms. Parker."

Once they stepped outside, they were immediately confronted by the last three remaining Hydra agents. Fortunately, before anything could happen, the Spider-Mobile flew down and ran them over before it landed on the street. With a smirk, Peter turned to Teresa who just rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, I'm driving." Teresa muttered as Peter laughed. Rushing to the Spider-Mobile, Peter slid across its hood before he and Teresa climbed in.

"Let's go." Peter said before he glanced at the mirror and checked his face for any damage. "Good, they missed my face."

"Since when were you so concerned about your looks?" Teresa asked skeptically as they drove off.

"Since they became the key to saving the world." Peter answered. "I took after dad enough to be able to bypass his facial recognition scanners. "If we want quick access to the weapon, we need my face to be in one piece."

"In that case, suit up." Teresa said as she gestured to his web-ware. "The Spider-Armor should protect you enough, right?" Teresa said before she frowned as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. "That is…if it's not too soon…"

"No…no…you're right. This takes priority over my hang-ups." Peter said quietly as he typed away at the device on his arm. For a moment he hesitated before he tapped the screen one last time, causing the Spider-Armor Mk. IV to appear over his body.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, the suit is just a bit heavier than I remember, that's all." Peter explained, once more garbed in his Spider-Man costume. The two siblings refrained from talking anymore on the subject as they drove off to their next objective.

-One Hour Later:?-

"What better place to hide a secret weapon than an abandoned research facility?" Teresa asked before she shook her head. "Seriously, Dad, could you get any more cliché?"

"Hey if it's not broke don't fix it."

"Pete, it's always been broke."

"I mean…yeah for the people trying to keep the secret." Peter admitted as he walked up to a large door. "But I always found myself on the side that needed to find the secret, so predictability makes my life easier."

"Fair enough." Teresa said with a shrug as the mask on Peter's face peeled back so that his face could be scanned. For a moment, Teresa held her breath, nervous despite Peter's reassurances but soon enough she was able to sigh in relief when the scanner allowed them passage, believing Peter to be Richard Parker. "Looks like we got in."

"Indeed." A new voice said as Peter's mask immediately covered his head once more. As one, Teresa and Peter turned to find Gemini at the entrance of the base along with dozens of Zodiac henchmen.

"The Zodiac." Peter muttered as Gemini chuckled.

"Oh, don't be so surprised, this was all written in the stars after all." Gemini chuckled, "If anything I am the one caught off guard. To think, Peter Parker and Spider-Man was the same person this whole time. Though the future is clear to me, hindsight will always be twenty-twenty."

"I suppose it's too late to convince you that I'm just borrowing the suit?" Peter asked before both he and Teresa were forced to dive behind cover once the henchmen opened fire.

"Don't worry, Pete." Teresa called out purposely so that Gemini could hear them. "Your secret is safe, after all they aren't getting out of here alive."

With that declaration, Pete pressed a button on his Web-Ware and the massive doors to the facility slammed shut, trapping them all inside.

"What!?" Gemini asked angrily before she growled. "I don't know what you are playing at Parkers, but you've trapped yourselves inside with my army. Your fate is sealed."

"Go start up the weapon." Teresa told her brother who turned to her in surprise.


"Go! I can handle the rest." Teresa said firmly. "Every second we waste is another second he could microwave the planet, so go!" Teresa ordered before she softened her expression. "I can do this, trust me."

Peter cursed when he knew she was right. Even though his baby sister was practically dead on her feet, he knew that they couldn't afford to be delayed any longer.

"You better not die."

"I think that's more of your thing." Teresa joked and with that Peter quickly left, shooting down a few soldiers that tried to attack him. "Now then…" Teresa trailed off as she pulled a knife from her side and gripped her gun tighter. Gemini tensed when Teresa grinned madly. "…let's get wild."


"It is time." Taran said as she finished moving her brush on MJ's skin. "Stay still and take a deep breath, going to the astral plane will be jarring. Especially if you are not used to having your soul separated from your body." MJ shivered as she felt the cold stone of the temple floor pressed against her. Surrounding her was an intricate drawing of a spider which lay in the center of the floor. Above it was what looked like a circle of various runes.

"This…this won't hurt will it?" MJ asked nervously only for Taran to chuckle.

"On the contrary, it should be a new but pleasant experience for you. That was the point of our preparation after all, to make your trip as easy as possible." Taran said before she turned to Cindy and gestured to the circle. "Now the Bride just needs to sit still within the circle. Once the ritual starts, she will act as a beacon for you in the astral plane. Find her and you will find the dormant totem."

"So just sit still? Got it." Cindy said as she sat down in the circle. "I won't lie, this all sounds a bit too easy."

"Yes, well, seeing how we are going to try to be forthcoming with all needed information I must warn you." Taran began as she looked at MJ. "The astral plane is a dangerous place. I have faith in you because your heart and soul are strong, but you will not be alone in your journey. An ally of Lord Anansi, the patron goddess of Wakanda, Bast, will aid you."

"Can I trust her?" MJ asked with a frown. "No offense, but the god's kind of have a bad track record so far…"

"Your hesitance is understandable but fear not, she is repaying a debt she feels she owes after your love protected Wakanda from destruction." Taran explained as priestesses began to sit around the chambers and chant. "There will be no strings attached to her aid. As for you, Cindy, your job is simple. Wait for MJ to heal you, but be warned, it may take some getting used to your power once it's regained."

"Really?" Cindy asked with a frown. "I've had years with them I didn't think a few weeks would get me that much out of practice."

"It's not about practice, it's just your totem is being healed." Taran corrected. "When you received your powers, the Spider, Ero, split her totem in half to give to you and Peter. A lot of her power was lost as she tried to make it from him to you in her final moments. When she is restored, your totems will become one once more."

"Which means?" Cindy asked suspiciously.

"You will soon find that your power, together, is far more than your strength apart." Taran said before she tossed Cindy her Web-Ware "I suggest you put this on if you don't want to attract every totem eater in the astral plane and have them slaughter us all. The Inheritors are simply the strongest of the clans, not the only ones. It's the fear of them that keep the rest at bay as the Inheritor's have staked their claim on the Spider totem."

Blood completely drained from her face, Cindy quickly fastened her Web-Ware once more.

"Good, now it's time to see just how much Tantric energy your bond produces." Taran said as blue flames began to cover the priestesses and make their way across the floor, igniting the massive spider emblem. Taran chanted something beneath he breath as her web tattoo began to glow while she mixed herbs in a small bowl. Kneeling next to MJ, she used the blue fire to ignite the herbs before raising the bowl to MJ's face. "Close your eyes, in hell, and just let go."

Taking a deep breath, MJ inhaled the smoke and shuddered as she felt a burning sensation in her very blood. Her heart thundered in her chest loudly while her body began to trembled. MJ grit her teeth as she began to sweat profusely.

To Cindy it looked like MJ was in agony.

"Hey! You said this would be painless!" Cindy snapped and would have moved if Taran hadn't raised her hand to stop her.

"Stop. She is not in pain." Taran said as MJ's nails scratched against the stone floor. To Cindy's amazement, MJ's nails not only didn't break but it was the stone that began to crack. "So, this is true love, to think, she had this much power." Taran muttered as she rose to her feet and cautiously began moving back. "Mary Jane!" Taran called out as the temple began to tremble. "Let it out!"

And with that, MJ's eyes snapped, releasing scarlet flames as her body exploded in a rose-colored fireball that sent the priestess flying back into the walls of the chamber. A blue barrier shot up from the circle around Cindy and protected her from the shockwave.

"By the web…" Taran whispered incredulously, a bead of sweat sliding down her face as the other priestesses looked on in awe at the pillar of crimson fire that destroyed the ceiling of the chambers. "A bond sought by Mephisto that even The One Above All sought to protect…just how much power am I witnessing?"

What was truly frightening for Taran was that this power was just the strength available to the human half of Anansi's champion. If the Web of Life and Destiny liked anything, it was balance and order, which only meant…

"…just how strong is the Spider-totem you entrusted them with?" Taran asked no one in particular. If this was the strength of the human side, the Spider side had to match it and the thought of such combined power made Taran tremble.

-New York: Parker Residence-

Over the fireplace in the penthouse apartment, an ancient blade began to trembled before it disappeared in a crimson flash of light.

-Astral Plane-

When MJ opened her eyes, she looked down at her body in surprise for two reasons.

One, she was naked.

Two, her body seemed to be made out of a crimson light and covered by a rose flame-like energy. Even her irises were blood red and her hair seemed to gain a flame-like appearance as it floated up around her.

"Child, you've made it." Bast said before an ancient blade that was all too familiar to MJ slammed down into the ground between them. A moment passed as they both looked at the blade before each other.

"That supposed to happen?"

"No, it is not." Bast said which made MJ's shoulders slump as she glared at the blade, almost petulantly.

"I never should have bought you." MJ told the blade, confusing Bast even more. The blade seemed to shine even brighter at that, as if mocking her before MJ picked it up with a sigh. "Where are we headed?"

"Look up." Bast ordered and when she did, MJ gasped at the stars the filled the beautiful night sky. "Look closely and you can see the twelve zodiacs. However, there is one that reigns above them all. The thirteenth zodiac, the Spider."

After MJ was able to vaguely make out the first twelve constellations, sure enough she could see a few stars shining between them all in a pattern that resembled a spider.

"Where it casts its light, we must go."

"Then let's hurry then." MJ said and Bast nodded before she shifted into a massive panther and beckoned MJ to climb on her back. So, without hesitation and with sword in hand, MJ climbed on the back of the goddess idly wondering just when this sort of thing started to feel normal for her.


A demon.

She wasn't human.

This was the only explanation a horrified Gemini could come up with. All her men, slaughtered and by what? Some woman with no power at all to call her own. With each step, the bloodied and exhausted Teresa made toward her, Gemini felt her legs begin to buckle more and more. Finally, when Teresa was no more than mere feet away, she did something that made Gemini's heart freeze.

She grinned.

"What do you see in your future now?" Teresa questioned, tapping the side of Gemini's face with her gun as she made it clear that she would not wait long for an answer. At that moment Gemini chose to read her own fortune and what she saw…

…mad her cry.

"D…death…" Gemini whispered and Teresa snorted at the answer.

"Well I'll be damned, you really can see the future." Teresa said before ending the villain's life with a mere five pounds of pressure. Taking out a cigarette, Teresa lit it and went to find her brother, walking over the carnage she left in her wake. It only took a few minutes, but she soon found him typing away at a dust covered terminal.

"Those things will kill you." Peter said without even looking back at his sister who just rolled her eyes and flicked away the cigarette.

"I'm a Parker, pretty sure we were born on borrowed time." Teresa pointed out which just made Peter chuckle.

"True enough. Did you get everybody?" Peter asked curiously as he glanced at Teresa through the reflection of his monitor.

"Yeah." Teresa said as she made her way to him. "Anything I can do?"

"Yeah, I need you go over to that panel on the wall and remove the left-most circuit." Peter explained and Teresa quickly went to do what he had asked. However, as soon as she raised her hand to the panel, a well-aimed web ball hit her hand and webbed it onto the panel. "Still got it." Peter mused as Teresa immediately turned toward him, confusion on her face. However, before she could even open her mouth it was webbed shut by a second web ball.

If looks could kill, not even the Spider-sense would have been able to save him.

"Sorry sis, but this thing is too damaged to be piloted remotely." Peter said as he gestured toward the weapon which took the appearance of a heavily damaged mech. "Its weapons are down too but it has enough power left inside of it to cause one heck of an explosion."

Slowly, understanding began to dawn on Teresa as her eyes filled with both hurt and betrayal.

BGM: Sacred of the Dark- Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse Soundtrack

"I'm going to have to take this thing up into space and ram that lens. With Cap MIA it's the only choice we have left." Peter explained seriously as thrusters began to ignite on the damaged mech. "Now, this is probably a one-way trip so I need you to do this for me. I need you to deliver some important messages."

Tears fell from Teresa's eyes as she glared at him heatedly, trying in vain to rip off the webbing.

Still he could see that she was listening.

"Obviously, tell the girls I love them and I'm sorry and all that, that takes priority. Also, however, you need to tell the others...no…warn them…that this was all a set-up. Octavius was just a pawn." Peter continued and it was these words that made Teresa freeze as she looked at him intently. "All of this was to bring down the 'Trinity'. I see that now."

In hindsight it was obvious, Peter supposed.

"We're all separated right now. I've tried to get in contact with Logan and the kids but I can't reach them. Clearly something bigger is going on." Peter said seriously. "And…and I fear for our future. This unseen player, has more knowledge of us than I am comfortable with and was able to predict our moves to separate us so easily. There is only one thing we have to our advantage that gives us a chance at bringing them down and that is…that the Trinity is much bigger than they think…"

And that was true.

Though it had started as a way to give each other back up, their little team had become a movement. With every crisis more and more heroes joined them. Mockingbird, Silk, Spider-Woman, the kids, and hell he was positive that after this he could call on Black Widow or Silver Sable for assistance.

If he survived that is.

"Make no mistake, T. I'm not planning to die but I am crunching the numbers and my chances don't look the best." Peter explained. "But I've faced worst odds, and so have the others. Whoever is out there thinks that splitting us up will make us weak but they seemed to forget that were all loners in our own rights, even Carol. Alone, we are far from helpless. So just sit tight and have faith." Peter said as his mask pulled back and he gave his sister a wink. "Your big bro will be fine."

At this moment the ceiling began to split open and Peter began to climb the side of the mech, grunting as he did so.

"This was much easier with powers." Peter muttered before he glanced down at his distraught sibling. "That said, if I don't come back…well…make sure the family business stays strong. It's more than just a name it's a bloodline. From Fitzpatrick to Parker, well, don't tell Johnny but I think Storm sounds cooler than either of those." Peter teased, laughing loudly as his mask formed back over his face. "I'll see you later, T. I've got a job to do."

And with that, the mech shot off into the sky as Teresa fell to her knees, her body shaking from silent sobs.

-Astral Plane-

"We need to hurry!" MJ called out and without question, Bast picked up the speed.

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't know, but my chest…it hurts…" MJ said and Bast released a low growl the threatened to shake the realm.

"Your mate is probably doing something reckless then." Bast said knowingly. "Foolish Spiders."

"Yeah-look out, we have company!" MJ shouted and when the goddess looked forward, she glared as she saw pitch black feminine winged-figures with bright blue eyes descending upon them. There had to be at least a dozen and the number seemed to grow as they landed between Bast, MJ, and the large webbed sack.

"Spider-Wasps." Bast muttered. "We cannot let them eat the totem."

"And we won't let them." MJ said before she glanced at the blade in her hand. "If there was ever a time for you to do something, now is it."

Bast was confused by her words but tensed when she felt a shift in the woman's presence. Though her soul was still one born from passion, to Bast it was as if it had aged considerably in mere moments.


"Let's go." MJ ordered with a voice that was both hers and not hers. Cold blue eyes glared at the totem-eaters and without a second thought Bast charged forward into action, hoping that she didn't get MJ killed.

Death would come soon.

But it wouldn't be MJ's.

-Space with Spider-Man-

"D-damn…this is hell…" Peter thought as he flew up toward the satellites. Though his suit was geared for space exploration and would allow him to survive, without the extra endurance and strength of the spider it was farm more taxing than he realized on his body. Within moments, the satellites all began to link up and form a massive lens that Peter had no doubt was directed toward him as his vision began to swim, he realized that he'd likely be fried.

Fortunately, the weapon was far too durable to be melted before it reached its destination so the day would still be saved.

Even if he wasn't.

"Peter…" a voice whispered and his blood burned as the images of MJ and Cindy flashed through his mind.


He couldn't die yet.

He promised that he'd better, he promised them all that he wouldn't die on them.

Though he still had problems believing it, his friends needed him. Especially now that he knew that there was some unseen enemy that knew them at such an intimate level. One that managed to split them apart with such ease.

He couldn't die yet.

Not when he had a job to do.

"Web-Ware…initiate…Hell Drop protocol…" Peter gasped out as he relaxed his grip and fell from the weapon just as it exploded in a blaze of glory that shattered the massive lens. This set off a chain reaction as all the satellites began to explode one after another as a massive shockwave slammed into Peter and sent him flying back down to Earth. The last thing Peter heard as his vision went black was…

[Hell drop Protocol: initiated]

The legs of the spider emblem on the back of his armor all popped up and soon Peter's body was covered and cocooned by gallons of web-fluid, surrounding him in a massive web-ball that hurtled back down to Earth.

-Astral Plane-

Knocked off of the back of the goddess, MJ slammed into the ground before using that momentum to roll to her feet and behead one of the spider-wasps. Though the totem-eaters were strong, her blade was sharp and in the astral plane, she did not have to worry about the limitations of her body.


The only thing that matters was how powerful her soul was.

And its strength eclipsed theirs.

MJ rushed toward the massive web-sack and when the totem-eaters moved to intercept her, Bast appeared before them instantly. Transforming from panther to woman, she closet-lined two of the spider-wasps, her body unflinching as if it were forged from vibranium. Glaring at the rest, she released a massive roar which shattered the ground and sent the crashing away as MJ leapt high into the air.

"Wake up!" MJ ordered as she stabbed the sack and descended back toward the ground as her blade cut through the webbing. Blood poured from the cut and showered MJ as she landed. Stumbling back a bit, MJ stabbed the blade into the ground as a familiar blonde woman fell from the sack. Catching her, MJ grunted when they both fell to the ground as the last of the totem-eaters were destroyed.


"Damn it…she's weak…" Bast muttered as she saw Ero weakly open her eyes. "She won't be able to fend for herself here like this."

"Well how do we make her strong?" MJ asked worriedly as she held the daze Ero in her arms.

"She needs to feed." Bast explained and without any further inquiry, MJ gently lifted Ero's head so that she was nuzzled in the crook of the red-head's neck.

"Come on, Spidey, eat up. They need you back." MJ whispered urgently and that seemed to spark something in the blonde.

"Need…to…save…everyone…" Ero said weakly and with that, any doubts that MJ had that Ero was as much of Spider-Man as Peter was vanished. They truly were to halves the one idiotically heroic whole.

"Then come, Spidey, they need you." MJ said as Ero weakly opened her mouth, her fangs elongating as she did so before she buried them deeply inside MJ's neck. MJ gasped in both pain and pleasure as she felt herself being consumed. Only when she was being drained could she actually feel the amount of Tantric energy inside her.

However, as the moments turned to minutes MJ realized that though she could now feel the pool of energy…

…she could not feel its end.


Cindy gasped as a wave of pleasure suddenly hit her hard enough to fall to her side. Huddling her tightly, tears filled her eyes as the burning sensation course through her heart and blood. Soon, tears fell from her eyes which became completely white. After a moment, Cindy began to giggle and in moments that giggle turned into full blown laughter as for once she felt complete.

"Are you alright?" Taran asked as the pillar of crimson fire finally began to die out, ending MJ's connection to the astral plane.

"Alright? No, I am better than alright I feel whole, no, more than whole." Cindy whispered as she wiped her eyes. "MJ, how could I ever thank you?" Cindy questioned only to frown when MJ remained completely emotionless on the cold stone floor. "MJ? MJ! Wake up!"

"Relax my child, she is merely sleeping. This was very tiring for her." Anansi said patiently as he made himself known. "Come morning she will be back to normal. However, that is tomorrow, it is what must be done now that is truly important."

"What are you getting at?" Cindy asked suspiciously as Anansi rubbed his chin in thought just as Bast reappeared in the temple.

"Spending time with you all, and being forced to do a bit of soul searching I realized that perhaps it is time to go back to my roots a bit." Anansi began before a look of pure mischief appeared on his face. "How would you like to go on a small trip? A brief one to the future, about two years or so. I feel I am a few centuries overdue for a prank."

At his words a chill ran down Bast's spine.

"By the Vodu, no." Bast whispered in silent horror as signs of the trickster god began to show up once more as Anansi's smile widened. Cindy just blinked and tilted her head as she looked at him curiously.

"Come with me, I do believe I left a spare key laying around." Anansi said, snickering to himself as he walked away with a still confused Cindy and horrified Bast following him.


As thousands of satellites fell across the sky, looking like falling stars, Octavius couldn't help but sneer at the destruction.

"To think my plan would be foiled…" Octavius muttered as Scorpio just scoffed as he watched his henchmen dig into the ground as the Sinister Six stood guard.

"Isn't that how it always goes? Your plans being foiled by Spider-Man?" Scorpio asked sarcastically. "Why are you surprised? Not that it matters…" Scorpio trailed off as the earth crumbled and revealed the entrance to a cave that was blocked by a massive door. Above it, the twelve zodiac signs could be seen surrounding a pink circle. "…We now have access to the Zodiac vault. The true prize. With this comes the knowledge of everything that has yet to happen, a gate way to the future. No longer do I have to rely on Gemini's foggy visions."

Truly it was a great day to be Scorpio.

"To think it took you all this long. Access to infinite knowledge, Spider-Man dead, and all of that in my first encounter with him." Scorpio taunted the Sinister Six as he made his way to the vault, the key held tightly in his hand. "You failures should have worked for me long ago, maybe then you could have amounted to something."

"Beginner's luck!" Electro scoffed as Octavius sneered, never one to appreciate being talked down upon.

"Indeed, still, we should be thanking our gracious benefactor." Octavius said as his sneer turned into a smirk as one of his massive tentacles rose up menacingly behind the unsuspecting Scorpio. "After all we would have never acquired such a perfect tool." Octavius said which made Scorpio tense but before he could be betrayed what appeared to be a falling star slammed into the earth between the two villains.

When the dust settled, they looked down to see a flaming pile of…

"Is that web?" Chameleon questioned as he walked forward and inspected the empty sack of web. Quickly remembering what almost transpired, Scorpio forgot about the strange pile of webbing and swung the zodiac key at the Sinister Six, creating a wave of energy that separated him from them. Immediately, his henchmen began to attack the Sinister Six as he himself ran for the door.

"Nothing will stop me from claiming my prize!" Scorpio declared even as the Sinister Six began to run through his henchmen with ease. A news helicopter flew above the scene, broadcasting the pandemonium across the globe as Scorpio slammed his key into the door of the vault. Laughing maniacally, not once, did he notice the Spider-emblem fill the center-most circle above the door as the vault opened. "Finally, after all these years, I finally get what's coming to me!"

A blue light shone from inside the vault that was so bright that it caught the attention of the combatants who all turned to face Scorpio. As he laughed, his mind was bombarded with images from the future. Not once did he notice the growing silhouette of a woman until it was too late. A sickening crunch rang out through the area as Scorpio was lifted off the ground and away from the vault by a powerful blow. From the vault, a white-clad fist covered in web-patterns could be seen before Silk strode out from the door, closing it behind her with a resounding bang. Without even glancing back, she webbed the door shut to ensure it wouldn't easily be opened again.

Stepping over the groaning form of Scorpio, Silk stepped out from the cave and glanced around the battlefield. Soon she looked up in Octavius' direction and waved.

"Hey boo." Silk said, confusing all that heard her greatly…that is until Octavius realized that she wasn't looking at him. With a chill, Octavius glanced back behind him and there, standing on top of a nearby building was Spider-Man who looked completely unscathed. It was then that Octavius realized that Spider-Man had been inside that web sack but the fact he hadn't even seen Spider-Man leave shook him more than he cared to admit.

Spider-Man didn't quip, announce his appearance, nothing. He just stood there on the building and watched the Sinister Six as if it were the first time, he had ever seen them. Octavius blinked once and the next thing he knew, Silk was on top of the roof approaching Spider-Man.

"What's the matter, boo?" Silk questioned as Spider-Man continued to gaze down upon the Sinister Six who began to feel uneasy. They couldn't place it but somehow, somewhere, something had changed in this little dance they did with Spider-Man.

And they could feel it.

"I can't see them." Spider-Man finally answered and Silk furrowed her eyebrows.

"They are right there." Silk said as she pointed at them only for Spider-Man to shake his head.

"No. I mean. I can't see them. Before all I could see were the Sinister Six, misguided people I felt responsible for that had the potential to better the world." Spider-Man explained. "But now…all I see are liars and murderers. I see their victims. The families they have destroyed. The attempts on my own family, not to mention my life. I've really changed." Spider-Man muttered as he looked down at his hand and clenched his fist.

It was then a gentle hand covered his fist.

"Boo, I don't know what happened to you out there but you need to understand something. Liars? Murderers? That's all they've ever been." Silk said and for a moment Spider-Man no longer saw her. In that one instant she was no longer Silk and He was no longer Spider-Man.


In that moment he was the CEO and she was the Assistant. And just like all those nights they spent in his penthouse exchanging witty banter and plans to better the world, she kept him grounded as he was faced with the moral ambiguity of his very existence.

"Can they change? Sure. Hell, as long as you lived you probably seen them change." Silk said as Peter thought of the Superior Spider-Man briefly. "But how many people have to die while you wait on their change. I've always wanted to ask but why do you value their lives more than the lives of their victims?"

At those words Peter flinched.

"I don't–"

"I know. But it's all about perspective and that's how you come off to some people, even me until Ezekiel explained your whole guilt thing to me." Silk explained. "Perspective, that's all every action boils down into isn't it? To the populace you were a menace but you know you are a hero. Your perspective has changed." Silk sighed as Spider-Man remained silent. "Boo, I don't know what's wrong with you, you have to let me in."

"Then come in." Spider-Man said softly and Silk's eyes widened before she felt her Spider-Sense grow in intensity until she felt it slam into a 'wall'…


…it wasn't a wall, it was Spider-Man's Spider-Sense. Silk gasped as she felt them merge and become one. She could feel him, all of him as he could feel her. At that moment neither could tell where one began and the other ended.

BGM: Clubbed to Death- Matrix Soundtrack

"Web-Ware…Activate Dark Suit Protocol." Spider-Man ordered softly before a familiar black and inky substance spilled from the Web-wares. Briefly, Silk feared they would be broken once more but Spider-Man simply placed his free hand over hers as a comforting feeling overcame her. She gazed into his lenses as she found herself dragged into the darkness.

-Peter's Mindscape-

Cindy blinked as she found herself inside of a strange black and red realm. She said red, but that was only because the familiar rose-colored flame that seemed to illuminate the realm. In the horizon, she could see black webbing rise up into the air endlessly. As she walked through the inky substance, black trees began to rise up, forming a forest around her. As she traversed it, she stopped she saw Peter lying on the ground, aiming through the scope of a rifle.

"Welcome to what's become of my mind." Peter said as she looked to where he was aiming and saw black inky copies of the Sinister Six. Soon, they each transformed and turned into deer that began to frolic in the clearing in front of them.

"Don't forget to reload, son" Cindy blinked as she saw an older man that resembled Peter greatly toss him ammunition.

"He'd lose his own head if it wasn't attached to him, that boy." Richard said as he shook his head fondly while a brunette woman swatted him on the shoulder.

"As if you are any better." Mary said before she noticed Cindy. "Ah, I've been waiting to meet you. A bit unorthodox, but Peter feels a great deal about you. As long as he is happy, I'm happy, welcome to the family dear." Mary said before she gave Cindy a hug.

Captivated by the strange situation, Cindy hugged the woman.

"Son, teach your lady friend how it's done!" Richard called out and Peter gestured for Cindy to lie next to him.

"What the hell happened to you?" Cindy whispered.

"Long story." Peter said as he took aim at the deer.


"He must be scared." Electro taunted as if trying to laugh his way through the unease he felt. "If he won't come down here, we will just have to go up there–" Before he could finish talking a web-line attached itself to Chameleon and with a mighty pull, Spider-Man pulled Chameleon to the top of the building and grabbed him by his neck, now garbed in his Dark Suit.

Unlike the black suit, the dark suit, while still primarily black in color, now sported a red spider on the front and back of the suit. Its finger-tips were fashioned to look like talons and on his palms were a pair of red hour glasses. His lenses as well were now crimson in color.

Similarly, Silk's suit went through a similar transformation. Like with Spider-Man's, the web-patterns had all vanished. Everything that had been white had turned black as a pair of red hour glasses appeared on her palms. She gained a pair of red spider emblems on her chest and back. On the abdomen of the spider attached to her chest, a black S could be seen.

"Chameleon…" Spider-Man began.

-Peter's Mindscape-

"…powers, none, but he is a skilled master of disguise. Has ruined many lives and the only reason Octavius got this far was that he was able to flawlessly impersonate a member of the U.N." Peter explained. "Weakness? He is only human but can cause the most danger. It's why I caught him first." Peter explained as Cindy looked up at him with wide-eyes. "Leave. I don't want you to be complicit in this."

"No." Cindy whispered softly, almost mesmerized as her eyes hardened a bit in a way that reminded Peter of her older counter-part. "I want to see you do it."

With that, Peter pulled the trigger.


A crack echoed throughout the now silent night as the Sinister Six watched in disbelief as the Chameleon went limp in Spider-Man's grasp. Spider-Man dropped the body and leveled his unseen gaze on the rest of the villains.

"One." Spider-Man said to himself. "Octavius, you planned to burn the entire world today after manipulating everyone's fear for the planet to meet your own goal." Spider-Man called out. "Do you have any idea how many counts of attempted murder that is? Not counting those you probably killed and replaced with the Chameleon to get this done?"

Shaken but always one to show his pride, Octavius just sneered.

"So, what!? In what world is it okay for a mind as brilliant as mine to perish while the rest of these imbeciles get to live!?" Octavius questioned angrily, not even caring that he was being broadcasted around the world. He no longer needed the world's support anyway. "It doesn't matter now regardless, I have a much more important prize to claim! Sinister Six! Attack!"

So ruined by disease and anger was Octavius' mind that it didn't seem to be able to even register the fact his arch-nemesis just killed one of his underlings.

"Holy shit, holy shit, shit, shit, shit! He just killed Chameleon!?" Electro said before he clenched his hands tightly. "Fine then Webs I know we always tried to kill you, but if you really want to play for keeps then I won't hold back on you or that broad!" Electro shouted before he turned into a lightning bolt that slammed into the roof.

-Peter's Mindscape-

"You took that pretty well." Peter noticed as he loaded another bullet.

"I spent a decade in isolation with nothing to do but watch those assholes torture you over and over." Cindy said quietly. "I always asked myself why you didn't just end them, so why would I complain if you're finally going to do it?"

"Hm." Peter said before he took aim at another deer. "Electro, a living battery that can control electricity to a shocking degree. His greatest weakness? Himself."

And with that he pulled the trigger.


Electro was frustrated, lightning bolt after lightning bolt he shot at the spider but they avoided them with ease. What good was his speed if his enemies knew where he was going to be and what he was going to do before he did!? Attack after attack, all he managed to do was attack after-images.

"Enough!? Do you know who I am!? I am Electro!" Electro shouted as electricity exploded from his body. However, soon he noticed that the electricity leaving his body continued to do so even when he tried to end the attack. Looking around, he saw dozens of miniature robotic spiders around him, each extending thin rods that absorbed his power. Soon he had burned out, nothing more than a mortal man on his knees.

He blinked and the next thing he knew Spider-Man was before him, slamming a powerful right in into his chest. Electro felt a few bones crack before his heart simply stopped.

"Two." That was the last word he heard from Spider-Man. The ground trembled as the Rhino tore through a building and attempted to crush Spider-Man. However, instead of avoiding the giant man, Spider-Man slammed both feet into the ground, cracking the street as he cemented his feet to it. Rhino was surprised when Spider-Man chose to grapple him head on. A shockwave ripped across the street and tore it asunder as the men fought for dominance. Spider-Man felt his muscles tightening, almost ripping. However, he saw an image MJ flash through his mind along with the memory of him holding up the Bugle and stood his ground despite the protests of his body.

-Peter's Mindscape-

"Rhino." Peter said as he loaded another bullet.

"Let me." Cindy said as she placed a hand on the rifle.


"Peter you can't keep treating me as if we aren't the same damn age. I missed some schooling but I am still an adult." Cindy argued. "Besides, I'm not the same as you. Between the two of us I am more Spider than human."

Peter held her gaze for a moment before he surrendered and let Cindy take over.

"His weakness is-"

"-he doesn't cover his damn face." Cindy finished for him before she pulled the trigger.

"Oh, I like her." Will mused as he approached Mary and Richard.


"It didn't have to come with this." Spider-Man muttered. "Oksana wouldn't have wanted this."

"She is gone! And without her…there is nothing left for me!" Rhino shouted. "You wouldn't understand."

"Oh, Rhino, I'm the only one that could." Spider-Man said and Rhino's eyes widened as Silk appeared above them and landed on Rhino's shoulders. She stuck her feet to him as her fingers turned into claws.

"You helped in trying to kill the world because you lost someone?" Silk asked angrily as she thought about her family she had yet to be reunited with. The thought of them dying nearly drove her mad. "If you miss her so badly, then join her you damn hypocrite!"

Rhino realized what was coming when he saw the claw racing toward him. He couldn't stop it, so instead…

…he smiled.

"Three." Cindy said before she buried her hand up until her wrist into his head. She released him and let the giant of a man fall. Without a second thought, Spider-Man tossed a small gas bomb toward Cindy who caught it and primed it as Spider-Man ran to the end of the street. Turning, she threw the grenade toward a torrent of sand and disappeared in a blur of speed, leaving after-images in her wake. The sand soon rose up and created a massive monster of sand just as the grenade exploded and covered him in a green mist.

"Sandman." Spider-Man said from the end of the street as he pulled back on two black web-lines. "At first glance he's unstoppable." Spider-Man said as his lenses began to glow red as crosshairs seemed to lock on to something within Sandman. Removing his grip from the ground, Spider-Man catapulted himself into the mountain of sand.

Like a bullet, Spider-Man shot through Sandman's chest and exited his back gripping tightly onto a handful of sand. Landing at the end of the street, the side of his suit split open to reveal his utility belt where he pulled out a vial of acid.

"What the hell did you do boo?" Silk questioned as she landed on a street light.

"Think of Sandman like a hive-mind of sand. Which means out of all those grains…only one is calling the shots. Get that and you get him." Spider-Man explained as he poured the sand into the acid vial and shut the top. "Four." Spider-Man said before the world around them began to shift and change.

"Mysterio, master of illusions." Spider-Man said as he and Silk swing forward, ignoring the hellish and nightmarish monsters that tried to attack them. "Weakness…"

"…Spider-Sense." Silk finished for him as she rushed down the street ahead of him as he made his way to Octavius. As she ran, flipped, and dove through the city with her eyes closed and going well over 250 mph, she eventually cocked her fist back and delivered a vicious right hook into the thin air.

She felt glass shatter beneath her fist and when she opened her eyes, the illusion faded away and a horrified Mysterio collapsed, his jaw no longer attached to his head.

"Five." Silk said as Spider-Man simply strolled down the street toward a terrified Octavius.

"Doctor Otto Octavius." Spider-Man said as he simply dodged each strike of the massive tentacles with the slightest movements of his body. "I have something special planned for you." Spider-Man said as two tentacles shot past him. Cementing his palms to them, he pulled back and Doc Ock screamed when they were ripped from his body. Spider-Man repeated the process on the remaining two and before long he was standing over the sickly and dying man. "Weakness? Pride."

"Do it then, kill this dying man but know this. I will have the last laugh!" Octavius swore and Spider-Man chuckled as he pulled out a familiar golden octo-bot. "You mean this? Your last hoorah?" Spider-Man asked as Octavius trembled unable to believe that his true plan had been known all along. "Like I said, I have something special planned for you. A personal hell." Spider-Man said and the last thing Octavius would see was the golden octo-bot being lowered to his face. "Six."

"What now?" Silk questioned as she landed next to him.

"The Trinity was separated, we need to find them and figure out who the hell orchestrated all of this." Spider-Man said and before Silk could respond a voice shouted at them.

"Stop Spider-Man!" Silk blinked as she and Spider-Man turned to find Captain America and the rest of his Avengers. "The fuck are they mad at?"


"The six counts of murder on international television?" Spider-Man suggested as he jerked a thumb up at the news copter.

"Self-defense! They're clearly villains! One admitted to global genocide!" Silk countered, which made him snort. "We're not actually turning ourselves in, right?"

"Absolutely not. In fact, our get out of jail free card is right here." Spider-Man said as Sable's jet decloaked above them but it didn't even stop as it continued to fly. Grabbing Silk around her waist, Spider-Man shot a web-line at the jet and flew off with his companion. Thor and Iron Man flew after them as they climbed inside of the jet but before they could get too close, Spider-Man threw one of Sable's flash grenades at them, blinding them temporarily as the jet turned invisible once more and left the country.

"Next stop?" Silk questioned as she and Spider-Man sat down.

"Logan is probably the only one left on the planet if he hasn't been dropped down to hell. I got a read on the kids as well so we head back to New York, and then Japan. Before both of those stops, we need to hit Cairo so Teresa doesn't kill me for ditching her there." Spider-Man explained as Silk looked at him confusion.

"Why Japan?"

"Because it's Logan." Spider-Man said as if that explained everything.

"What? Is he like a closet weeb or something?" Silk questioned and with that Spider-Man burst out in laughter. Both surprised that Silk even knew what that word was, and that he could imagine the look on Logan's face if he heard her.

"I should have stayed in bed." Mockingbird muttered.

"What?" Silk asked still confused.

"Don't worry, I'll fill you in on some of the adventures of Wolverine while we take a breather." Spider-Man said as Silver Sable glanced back at him.

"Before that." Silver interrupted. "May I interest you in diplomatic immunity? We have a long flight ahead of us Mr. Parker and it looks like you will need it." Silver said with a smirk and she knew Spider-Man was probably shocked beneath his mask.

"W-what? How-"

"You called her from his Web-Ware, dumbass." Mockingbird said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Well…shit…" Spider-Man said as his mask pulled back. Mockingbird just shook her head before her expression softened a bit.

"Be more careful, please, I'm still employed as your bodyguard and that might be the only job I have left after everything that's happened." Mockingbird said which made Peter chuckle.

"Best bodyguard ever."

"Oh, and Parker?" Mockingbird continued. "Good to have you back. Both of you." Mockingbird smiled at the spiders before turning her attention to the front.

"Well now that that's all sorted out." Silk continued before she turned to Peter. "Story time."

"Well…James Logan Howlett is a complicated man…" Peter began dramatically.

Story continued in the next arc.

What happened to the kids?

Where is Logan?

Who is orchestrating everything?

Find out next time in…

Wolverine: Family Matters #1

Will: You know what time it is Lord Rebuke. *brushes off typing gloves* Total errors in the chapter: 41. You're welcome Lady Rebuff.


RebuffX7: Ha! A new high score!

Shit! Well, time for the reviews!

Darkerdeepdown: Glad you liked it, you sure picked a good time to read it because here's an update!

Docfrodo2: Thanks!

: Thanks, appreciate it!

Whytry7: Thank for the review and the words of encouragement! Make sure to help me in my master plan to write for Marvel *cough* buy my book*cough*

"Real, subtle there."

Shush Wade, glad that Spidey can still be read and enjoyed after all these years, its aged well! Hope you continue to enjoy what I write!

Akudi: That's interesting, I like Logan/Storm and Logan/Jean, and I'm interested to see if Marvel will actually do it. (Personally, I like storm a bit more because of their chemistry and how they bring out different sides to each other. I ship Jean and Logan too but was never sure if it'd ever be healthy. I'm down if they try it though.)

KaijuSentai: No. No he would not. Death by snu nu.

Swagwell: That's honestly what I've tried to do but SLIAG was just a roadblock. To be honest I handled that story poorly and it became a chore to write (But if you are keeping up with Rebukegeddon you know my answer to that!) Hopefully now the three stories, plus a little from Spider-Network will keep me writing monthly at least. I think I've updated more today alone then I did in the last half a year.

T-Biggz: Not exactly sure what Ghost Rider and Avengers academy have to do with this story in particular but I get your drift. At the beginning of this chapter I hopefully explained it better, they are there and will have their part. Family Business just isn't their arc. The characters will do their part when it is their time. Glad you liked the update though!

Radeisth: Same I used to wish Marvel would just pair him up with someone with powers but lately I've honestly just been more grateful for MJ. With her (when she's written right) you can see the power people without powers have in Marvel. Without her Spider-Man couldn't be at his best and a lot of people would suffer because of that. No one else is willing/able to deal with his baggage. If you read the comics you get a glimpse of Spider-Man with a powered lover when he dated Mockingbird but then you see that their hectic schedules basically destroyed that relationship.

Silver is bae though and if it isn't MJ I'd want it to be her if only because her whole spy/mercenary thing seems fitting considering Peter's parents.

I recommend reading Silver Heart of The Web by Sierra-021 if you want a decent Silver Spider fic.

I'm Hungry010: Thanks! Glad you like my work, honestly the problem with Spider-Man is that-for some reason- they think Highschool Peter would sell the best (despite him being out of school for most of his run) and they refuse to write him as a capable adult. They want him to be relatable, which is fine, but the average person honestly does not have that much bad luck. If they write him like they are supposed to, a hero who became a veteran, you see the best Spider-Man.

This is why I liked Spider-Geddon and the current run so much because he's closer to that kind of capable Spider-Man. His third fight against Morlun, 1 v 1, showed how much he improved and adapted. Anyway, ranting, thanks for the review!

Dxdragon3895: Thanks, we appreciate it! Glad you like this story and hope you enjoyed the conclusion of Spider-Man's section of this overall arc.

Lord Edric: Spider-Man PS4, new (good) comic run, Spider-verse movie, I could honestly cry as a Spider-Man fan. So happy.

Stratos263: It's been a long few days lol.

AJ Lexie: To be fair it has been awhile since I updated this story last but I appreciate the effort, Lex! And yeah, RIP to Stan, he was a legend as was Steve Ditko.

The Wolf Paladin: Oh yeah, its definitely been a minute, a re-read may be needed. I had to reread it and I wrote the damn thing lol. Also, normally I don't spoil anything but I'll stop you right there. Bast is not hinting at that nor did I mean to even imply that if I did. Black Panther is Bast's only champion. Again, I apologize if something I wrote misled you to think that cause that's on me.

Charles Ceaser: Took a bit longer but its here! Glad you liked the update!

Kal824: Happy New year and thanks for the review! Glad you liked the team up!

Rivet94: Interesting theory. Glad you liked the chapter!

CRUDEN: Of course, as a writer ups and downs are expected, not everyone loves every arc. I just hope his good is more consistent. My main, and really only issue, with Slott is that he had GREAT ideas as a writer. His execution was just terrible. Could you imagine how good Super Spider-Man could have been if the supporting cast didn't all take stupid pills? (Felicia can tell the difference between Ben and Peter but not Otto and Peter? Okay. Sure) The tension? The plot lines? The emotions? That could have been amazing.

Thanks for the reviews!

Remember to read and review!

And as always…

Stay Classy!
