So... Danny's an asshole in this one. But you gotta love him. Also, FALLINGNARWHALS, I AM SO JELLY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! EVERYONE WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I DO THIS TO EMBARASS ALL MY FRIENDS. I PARADE THEM AROUND AND FORCE PEOPLE TO WISH THEM WELL. Also, I noticed most aren't posting today... dunno if that's what we're supposed to do, buuu~uut whatever. I'm posting.


Danny was almost ready. He had been preparing for this since June. Running the checklist through his head as he placed everything into a black messenger bag, he grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

'Perfect...everything is ready.'

Cackling, he flew out of his bedroom.


He snuck into Sam's bedroom at midnight. He instantly made four duplicates, each with their own task. Danny had grown accustomed to ranking each duplicate. Alpha was the original. Beta was second, Gamma was third. Delta was numbering at four and Epsilon was fifth. Unfortunately for Epsilon, he got the task of keeping Sam asleep. Alpha and Beta were sneaking out all of her Goth wardrobe and replaced it with preppy school garb. Gamma and Delta paired up to renovate her bedroom. Working in silence and hast, they turned Sam's Goth cave into a Cheerleader's dream.


Meanwhile, another two duplicates were busy turning Tucker's room into an E.R. Suddenly, Zeta's eyes widened and his nostrils flared. Eta phased him through the wall and out of earshot. Zeta sneezed a hurricane, and though they were a block away, Tucker still heard it. Zeta instantly teleported himself to Tucker's side, overshadowing his best friend to keep him asleep. It was a trick he learned from Nocturne. Once Eta got back and shot Zeta the stink eye, he finished hooking up an IV, a heart rate monitor, and a defibrillator. The latter was just for show. Hopefully.


Theta, Iota, and Kappa were in The Ghost Zone, currently setting all of Clockwork's clocks ahead or backwards. Some be mere seconds, some by hours. They tore up his calendars and shut off his alarm. You can expect how they acted the entire time.


Lambda and Mu decided to go Old School for Jazz. Ensuring that their sister was asleep, they quietly moved everything over by a short three inches. It was so simple. Jazz would start doubting herself, psychoanalyzing her own psyche. A normal prank for a normal girl.


Nu, Xi, and Omicron had to become human for this prank. They messed with her ghost hunting equipment, with Technus' help, and made it so her sensors would assume she was a ghost. Not to attack, but to annoy. Her scanners would beep and buzz all day, leaving her frustrated and confused. Perfect enough to mess with.

He got home before breakfast, and crashed into his bed. The next morning, he found himself in the ghost zone, tied up with some ghost proof rope, listening to Kemper singing "Remember".