A/N: Tumblr prompt sentences from alwaysbellamyblake. Disclaimer: Sure wish I could say I owned something, but I don't. Read and review my loves. Thanks for all the support you guys give me, it means a lot.

Prompt 9: Don't ever do that again!

Chloe gets tipsy pretty fast. Everyone knows what she's like when she is drunk. The guys love the gorgeous redhead. Chloe has beautiful sky blue eyes, a smile that outshines the sun and the body of a goddess. Beca gets so mad because these pricks only have one thing in mind...getting Chloe's pants.

She's not going to let that happen. Beca watched from the other side of the Trebles yard. Chloe was dancing and drinking surrounded by six college douchebags. Of course they were cheering her on those horny teenage bastards. Chloe pulled her shirt over her head as the guys whoop and whistled. She twirled it above her head and jumped up and down with excitement. A blonde haired guy stepped closer and grabbed Chloe's waist and pulled her close to him.

That was the last straw for Beca as she ran across the lawn toward the guys holding Chloe. She tapped his shoulder and he turned around.

"Hey, jerk! Get your fucking hands off her!" Beca yelled and threw a punch at his jaw. He flew back and fell to the ground. Everyone around was shocked at the tiny brunette's strength. She took Chloe's hand and they walked back to the Bella House.

[The next morning]

Chloe opened her eyes slowly and grumbled while her head pounded. As she stretched she felt a body next to her which belonged to on Beca Mitchell. The redhead's eyes bulged from her head wondering what the hell happened last night.

Beca opened one eye "Morning red."

"Uh...morning." Chloe looked confused at the tiny woman in her bed. "Beca, what happened last night?" She questioned.

"Well...you were pretty drunk and dancing and stripping for the guys, until I intervened. Geez Chloe! Don't you ever do that again!" Beca scolded. Chloe winced at Beca's tone.

"S-Sorry. And thank you Beca."

"I can't stand those guys looking at you like a piece of meat. You're not some campus slut." Chloe smiled at her words.

"Beca, you sound like a jealous boyfriend."

"Yeah...well...I kinda like you Chlo." Beca confessed.

"You like me? Like, like me?"

"Yes." Chloe leaned in and kissed Beca's cheek. It seems that the girls have to have a conversation about this newly found confession.

A/N 2: Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more of our girls. xx