Disclaimer: I am but a humble hobby writer who can't even create my own characters and does this for love, not for money!

Note: We've finally finally come to the end. I wrote this as a one-shot basically and have just cleaned up a few unclear concepts. I hope this gives a nice rounded ending to what has been a really fun and angsty story. For those of you who have asked for more or a sequal. . . . first of all I'm flattered (blush) and know that I have been considering doing a kind of "Death Eater Chronicals" detailing the life of Hermione and Severus in this pairing in this world. You will see that certain things are hinted at in this final chapter that could be expounded upon later. Let's see. . . I have so many ideas to write it could be a while before that comes. Again thanks to all who have read this story!

18 Epilogue

The party in the ballroom had been going on for quite sometime, there seemed to be no end to the dancing, laughing and the screams of torture that often accompanied these events. Hermione sat at the head table, her husband to her left with the Dark Lord at the head – enjoying the festivities. Severus looked beautiful tonight, his robes were tailored to fit him perfectly, his Victorian style never ceased to get her hot under her collar, his hair pulled back loosely. He squeezed her hand twice and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. It was time, the sign had been agreed upon far in advance, and she knew exactly how much time she had.

She kissed him on the cheek, as she always did before asking him permission to leave the table, the Dark Lord turned and grinned at her. She shyly nodded her head to him and lowered her eyes, it was the celebration of her 3rd Wedding Anniversary to Severus and Voldemort had been gracious to throw such a huge party in their honor. It was not that she hadn't fought and scrapped for every last inch of honor and dignity in the eyes of the Death Eaters over the last 3 years, Voldemort had seen to that. However now, as the train of her emerald green satin dress flowed behind her, she could feel their revenge was close at hand. She picked up the front of her floor length dress, the deep and wide V cut of her neckline almost betraying her stress, her breast rising and falling quickly, as she hurried past the guards and down the hallway.

Hermione knew she would not be questioned here, and if anybody had, she was on her way to relieve herself – something she had not always been allowed to do in the presence of the Dark Lord. Suppressing the urge to run, she turned down a long hallway, which lead both to the toilets and to a small side kitchen where the house elves made the food. She made her way through the back entrance, the elves not paying her any mind. She removed two vials from her sleeve, sweat suddenly ran down her face.

Over the years she had learned to repress her fear reflexes, shaking, dry mouth, sweat. . . but now she was too close to the goal too nervous to do as she had trained herself. A golden goblet stood in front of her, with the potion for the Dark Lord's rejuvenation, she held two vials in her hand. One vial held a simple additive that would be harmless under scrutiny – the other held a poison so strong that only she or Severus could administer it. It had taken him two years to brew it, the heart of the potion was the mix of their fluids Severus had collected on their wedding night. The mixture was something so strong, the ingredient was so rare, that only the two who had done the act could murmur the spell to administer the potion. But she had to be sure. To pour the additive would ruin the base of the potion and thus the effectiveness of the poison – so she could not pour in both vials, the poison was perfectly matched to the base potion Voldemort took. . . both vials she had in her hans were the same color and almost the same smell.

She stopped a moment and tried to control herself. Sniffing each of the vials she contemplated which one was right, though she and Severus had been over it several times before. The plan was simple, pour the poison in the goblet and once the Dark Lord had drank it the Order would be called in. . . freedom from this hell. . . . .she could not fail them. . . she could not fail Severus. Checking them one more time she said a tiny prayer to whatever God might listen and poured one in. She said her words and left the tiny kitchen.

Hermione made her way back to the ballroom, and opening the door she wasn't prepared for the death and destruction that was before her. Blood filled the ballroom, covering its vast floor with inches of standing blood, as bodies of the dead and dying were strewn all over. She turned to see the Dark Lord laughing, Severus' head on a platter. . . She had chosen incorrectly and he knew. . . . oh Gods he knew. . . . she screamed as loud as she could as full as she could. . . .she screamed and screamed and screamed. . . .

She screamed until she sat up straight in her bed, sweat rolling down her face and body – her breathing rushed. Within seconds a strong arm came across her body and pulled her gently down, spooning her against a strong male body.

"Dreaming again darling?" His voice was groggy but still the same deep baritone voice she loved. He stroked her hair gently with his free hand.

"Yes." She replied shakily, enjoying the feel of his chest against her back, his warm breath on her neck.

"Let me guess, you picked the wrong vial again? Everybody was dead?" He was matter of fact as he continued to stroke her hair.

She nodded in response.

He exhaled deeply as they had been through this several times in the past. "It's been 10 years. Darling, of all the things you did as the wife of a Death Eater you choose this as your traumatic event?" He paused as she remained silent. "You tortured Bellatrix until we all thought she was dead - her screams were horrifying. You disemboweled a man in front of the Dark Lord because he insulted me, it was unspeakable to watch. . . . . you beat a woman to death for plotting against us. . . . . all of those things. . . . "

". . . . were necessary to keep us alive Severus. I have no bad conscious about that." With that she turned to face him, his eyes were gorgeous deep black depths. "If I had been wrong, we wouldn't be here now. . . everything would have been different. . . the children. . . " She paused as she saw him smile at the mention of their children. Tobias was conceived not long after they poisoned Voldemort and Anne 3 years later. Severus was a fantastic father, patient and loving. . . above all proud of his children.

He clutched her closer and began to kiss her neck, "The children are alive and well, we are alive. . . . . Voldemort is dead. You did everything annoying right as you have the tendency to do." Severus smiled at his own wit there, he enjoyed nothing more than to tease her this way. "So I beg you don't beat yourself up for something that never even happened."

"I just think of all we could have lost, and realize how any error could have changed everything we hold dear." She stroked his face gently.

Severus smiled warmly, "Sometimes I think you do this just to wake me for early morning sex."

She looked over at her Muggle alarm clock, 4:23 on the dot. . . she grinned as his kissing turned more passionate as he began to claim her body with his. She was taken back to a time when she was younger and innocent of the things that would come. The summer of her 7th year at Hogwarts, the summer where she came to know him better, to love him. . . . where they would put into motion a plan that would bring down the most evil wizard of their time. They had acted in that short summer, while they would never receive the credit that Harry and Albus had. . . . they didn't need it. All she had worth fighting for and all she ever wanted was here.