Guys, I've got to be honest with you...

Chapter Text

This chapter is more of a message than anything. For a while now I haven't felt as excited as I should have when writing/updating this story. I've pushed through it as much as I could but I'm reaching my wit's end.

Writing a new chapter for this thing has become a chore. Nowadays I find myself wanting to write literally anything else than High School from Hell. Part of this, I think, has to do with how I officially moved on from the Gravity Falls fandom. With no new material to sustain my interest, I looked for a new fandom to indulge in and, long story short, I found it.

I don't know what's going to happen to this story but I am giving it serious thought. I don't know if I want to push through because we're not close to the end what with so many things that need tying up. I don't know if I want to just force myself to wrap it up in 3 to 5 chapters - a part of me likes this because it gives High School from Hell an end but another part of me absolutely hates this because it doesn't do justice to the idea I originally had. I don't know if I want to write bullet points highlighting where I would have gone with this as a sort of summary. I don't know if I want to stop everything and just leave it here as is.

I don't know. I just don't know.

I'm assuming you guys now have a few questions on your mind. One question I'm going to anticipate right off the bat is : "If you drop the story, can someone else continue where you left off?"

My answer to this is no. If I drop it, I'm not giving anyone the permission to take over because this is my story and my idea. I don't believe anyone but myself can do justice to High School from Hell nor guide it to where it ought to end up at its conclusion. If this story is abandoned, it's abandoned for good.

So I'm going to keep mulling things over in my head and weigh my options. If you've got any questions or advice for me, leave it in the comment section down below.