Im beyond pissed. I wrote most of chapter one and... I FUCKING FORGOT TO SAVE IT! #FuckingFailNeko anyway I'm rewriting it. I really hope y'all like it. Also so sorry I didn't update 'Heartbeats like Drums' okay one its difficult to write down song lyrics and listen to the song to make their movements fit and two... I've been hella lazy. I spend all day watching Omg Anime on YouTube. Those cracks have me dead! #NoLife. I also want to have them dating but have to figure out the kinks. Okay onto the story at hand.

Armin stopped by a tree and put a hand up. Immediately two apples grew to full size and fell into his hand. He nodded at the tree and walk to Eren's door.

"Eren? Eren c'mon get up!" Armin called out to the window. Armin sighed and tried the doorknob. It was locked. Armin groaned and closed his eyes when he opened them he was standing next to Eren's bed.

Before the blonde could say anything Eren's eyes opened to reveal a golden color. "Armin..." He said quietly before letting his eyes close again. When he opened them they revealed a Teal green color instead.

"Armin what are you doing in my house at" he stopped and looked at his alarm clock. "7:30 in the morning?!" He groaned while hiding under the covers. Armin flicked his wrist and the covers flew off Eren.


"Eren. What time did you go to bed last night?" Armin said calmly, though his eye twitched slightly.

"Uh... Like 1:30. Why" Eren said while sitting up and stretching. Armin flicked his wrist again and a book flew and hit Eren in the head.

"Ow! Damnit Armin!"

"Eren you dumbass! We have school today!" Armin said while rubbing his temples.

"Oh shit!" Eren exclaimed as he jumped out of bed and grabbed his uniform before running to the bathroom in his room.

"An abnormal is suppose to be more responsible then that!" He called to Eren, recievig a roll of the eyes in return. "What were you doing up at 1:30 in the morning anyway?" Armin said while taking a sip and frowning at his now cold coffee.

"Drawing!" Eren said while coming out the bathroom to grab his belt and running back to the bathroom.

"What were you drawing?" Armin replied while grabbing an art book. As soon as he opened it, it disappeared and Eren walked out the bathroom holding it.

"You don't wanna know" he replied nonchalantly while sitting on his bed to out on his shoes.

"Uh..." Armin replied, his eyes widening in slight horror.

"Don't ponder it. I'm not going to tell you" Eren replied after he tied his shoes. He grabbed his phone, his backpack and his keys before putting on his glasses and going downstairs and grabbing a banana.

"I got you an apple!" Armin exclaimed while holding the apple out toward Eren. Eren grabbed it and sit it on a small plant before staring intently at it. It quickly decomposed into mulch and the plant grew.

"Thanks. It needed that." Eren said before taking a bite out of the banana. Armin sighed and walked out the door

They began to walk down the path towards their new school. Armin took a sip from his coffee and sighed remembering that it was cold. He looked over at Eren who was taking a pretty deep amount of his banana into his mouth. Eren noticed Armin looking and quickly took a bite before grabbing Armin's cup of coffee and holding it. After a couple of seconds he handed it back to Armin. It was warm to the touch. Armin took a sip and smiled at the warmth.


"No problem"

After sometime their school came into view. Maria's University for the Magically Gifted.


"Levi. Try not to cause any problems this year." Hanji said while pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"For your information Hanji, I don't cause problems. I just finish what shitty little brats start" He stated while taking a bite of a poptart.

"Just try not to do it this year okay? Everyone has to get along if were bunking with each other"

"Tsk. As long as no brats test my patience then we'll have a good year" Levi scoffed while adjusting his glasses.

"Who would really try you? Your an abnormal. The only one who could really go against you is another abnormal. But they are so rare I doubt they'll be one this year"

"Well... Aren't I lucky?" Levi just rolled his eyes. Of course he had to be an abnormal. An abnormal is some one who is born with every power and they don't have to learn, train, or study to get or use it. It often caused problems with Levi. Everyone assumed that just because he was an abnormal that he was a stuck up little shit. But honestly, Levi would rather sit back and quietly observe.

Levi and Hanji made it to their new school and parted ways. Levi had science first. It was just science, it didn't really fit in a category of Biology or Chemistry so it was just science.

Levi packed in with the other students he looked and found a table with two name cards on it. One with his name on it. He looked over at the other card and in bold cursive writing it spelt 'Eren Jaeger'. Levi mentally rolled his eyes, what annoying little shit was going to sit by him this year. He was surprised when a male brunet with big green eyes came and sat by him.

"Your Eren I assume?" Levi stated when the brunet got his supplies out for class.

Eren seemed surprised but turned towards Levi and smiled while holding out an hand.

"Yep. Eren Jaeger, first year" he said while meeting Levi's gaze.

"Cool. Levi Ackerman, second year" he said while shaking the brunet's hand.

"Oh. Is that why you school vest is blue?" Eren said while pointing to the vest Levi was wearing over his white button up shirt.

"Yea. It changes by year. First years have green, seconds have blue, thirds have red, and fourths have free choice. Most go with a light blue" Levi said while shrugging and turning to the front of the class as the bell rang. And a teacher walked in.

"I hope we'll be good friends this year" Eren whispered with a smile. Levi let a small smile grace his lips and he nodded back.

"My name is Ms. Nanaba and I'll be your science teacher this year" she stated as she wrote her name in bold cursive on the board.

"Okay. This is the first day of a new year! Yay! Pretend like your happy we all don't wanna be here" she said the last part in a quiet yet jokingly manner.

"Okay today were starting with the body and its changes. Can anyone tell me about this?" She said while looking around the class. A random kid raised his hand. "Ah! You. Uh... Sorry I'm not good with names"


"Yes Jean. What do you have to say on this topic?"

He smirked while looking over at a black haired kid with freckles. "Well. Ms. Nanaba during this time males do seem to get a little bigger between the legs if you know what I mean" he said jokingly. The class was laughing except for 3 people. Eren, Levi and Ms. Nanaba herself.

She flicked her wrist and duct tape quickly covered Jean's mouth. "Anyone else wanna try?" She replied grimly while rubbing the bridge of her nose.

Eren slowly raised his hand. "I'll try." He replied quietly to get her attention.

"Okay. Uh..."


"Yes Eren. And please no comments like Mr. Jean over here" she said while motioning to the teen who currently had duct tape on his mouth.

"Sure. The change and growth in the body. Also known as puberty normally happens somewhere around the ages of the ages of 12 and 16 in boys and girls everywhere. 12 being the youngest and 16 the oldest. They're are common yet different changes depending on if the person is male or female. If it is a female she will go through a monthly cycle also known as a period. During these they bleed from their lower area over a period of several days due to the lack of fertilization of their egg. This happens to around the age of 50 in which is called metapause. Men do not go through this since they do not have the reproductive organs needed to create children. Yet some similarities include a new and unusual amount of body hair. On the underarms, legs and pubic area for females. And the armpits, face, chest and pubic area for males they also feel a sudden and strange need for sexual desires or a spike in their hormones." Eren said calmly while writing down what he just said.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Eren for how scientific and complete he was about his response.

"Holy fucking shit Eren! You smart!" A kid with a faded hair cut said while eating a pop tart. The teacher flicked her wrist and duct tape cover his mouth too. He was more upset he didn't finish his pop tart then he was being punished in the first place.

"Okay moving on... Since of course this is a magic school we should use some magic." She said while smiling. "You will receive a participation grade for this. The better the power the better grade. Well not really I'll grade you the same but it would be better if you gave more effort" She said when flicking her wrist and all the desks moved into a big circle with all the students sitting on their desks.

"Who wants to go first?" Ms. Nanaba said hike looking around the class. A girl with blonde hair raised her hand. "Ah! And you are?"

"Christa" she replied while stepping in the middle of the circle. She closed her eyes and breathed out slowly. Slowly vines grew around her and bloomed multicolored flowers. Everyone clapped and she bowed before the flowers disappeared.

"Next?" Ms. Nanaba said.


Everyone had went except for Levi and Eren. "Next" Ms. Nanaba called and Levi raised his hand. He walked to the center of the circle before taking off his glasses and his eyes changed dark blue. He looked at everyone before they shifted back to their normal Steel blue. In a split second he was back on his desk holding a soda. Everyone looked down and in thier hands and they were holding their favorite soda. Everyone smiled and opened it.

Eren set his in his bag before walking an sitting in the middle of the circle and he took off his glasses and closed his eyes. He slowed his breathing and concentrated. He sat there for about 10 second until he felt a tap on his leg. He opened his eyes to see himself. He copied himself. The Eren's smiled at each other before they heard a clank of a soda hitting the ground.

Both Eren's looked over to see Ms. Nanaba starring, wide eyed. Everyone with similar expressions.

"O-only abnormals can copy themselves..." She mumbled loud enough for them to hear.

The copy of Eren disappeared and Eren started at everyone. 'Shit! They know! They know now!'. Eren looked over to see Levi with his mouth agape he was about to say something until Eren and his bag disappeared. He teleported to the bathroom.

"Oh no. Why did I do that?! What now?" Eren sat in the center of the bathroom crying.

"Eren?" Armin called to him.

"Why did you follow me?! Go back to class." Eren yelled. He didn't want to see anyone.

"Eren come back to class." Armin said trying to coax him out the bathroom.

"No! Everyone will either fear me or hate me! I can't do it again! Why do you think I had to erase their memories the first time!" Eren yelled. His eyes flicked golden then back to green and he fell to his hands and knees and began to shake.

"Fuck! Armin! No don't let it take m-!" Eren's eyes changed full blown golden and he fell to his stomach and began to shake and thrash around.

"Eren! No, no! Not now!" Armin was holding Eren to keep him from thrashing around too much and hitting his head on the floor.

"Armin! Hellllpppppppp mmmmmmeeeeeeee!" Eren screamed while violently shaking on the floor.

"Shit Eren! Snap out of it! C'mon! Come back to me!"


Eren was in his inner mind in his memories. "No! Why now!" He tried to wrap around himself but he was pulled back to his memory of him when he was younger.

Him and all his friends were in the woods were they found a dead bird. Eren was so sad, he wanted to help it. He held the bird in his hands and covered it. He covered it until he heard it tweet again. He opened his hands to see the bird alive and well. He showed his friends and they screamed. Only abnormals could revive the dead.

They looked so afraid. They ran away from him. He called out to them. He could sense fear, terrible, horrifying fear. Before they ran out the clearing he appeared. He held it his hand and shifted his eyes gold, tears in the corners of them.

"I'm sorry." He cried before wiping their memories. He spared Armin cause he showed no fear. He didn't cry. He just nodded. He understood. Ever since then only Armin knew.


Eren stopped thrashing and cried 'I'm sorry' over and over. Armin hugged him close.

"Its okay. Its over." He whispered. The bell rung and Eren's eyes shifted green and closed. He passed out.

Armin was panting while holding Eren to his chest. Just then Levi came in, he was about to say something but the look on Armin's face stopped him.

He looked down at the unconscious Eren and picked him up.

"C'mon Armin. Let's take him to the dorm." Levi began while walking to the door until Armin grabbed the back of his shirt.

"My name... Eren... How do you know?" Armin said while looking Levi in the eyes.

"I'm an abnormal too." He said before walking away, Armin followed him.


Eren layed in bed. He could smell something, something sweet. No, it couldn't be? He smelt croissants, just like his mother made it. His eyes opened, but they showed golden. He couldn't see but he could sense. He could sense strong power. The power of an abnormal.

Slowly an image appeared in his head. It was Levi sitting at his feet eating a croissant while holding a plate full of them. Eren closed his eyes and opened them to reveal Teal green. He looked at his feet to see Levi starring at him, he was in the middle of eating a croissant.

"L-Levi?" Eren said in a groggy voice while sitting up.

Levi swallowed the croissant. "Ah! Brat, your awake"

"Brat? You were nice enough to call me by my name earlier"

"You mean yesterday?"

Eren's eyes widened in shock. Everything that happened flooding back to him. "What day is today? Where am I? What happened? How long was I out?"

Levi finished the last bit of the croissant before licking three fingers and licking the corner of his mouth and lips. "Today is Tuesday, your in our dorm room, you used your abnormal power and everyone was shocked. When I found you, you were passed out in Armin's arms and I carried you here. And about twenty three hours" Levi said nonchalantly.

"Wait. How did you know his name? And OUR dorm?" Eren asked confused.

Levi sighed. "Do I have to fucking draw a picture? Yea our dorm. You share with me, Erwin and your friend Armin." He said while pointing to a blonde teen in the bed above what was assumed to be Levi's before pointing to Armin in the bed above Eren.

"And I knew his name cause I reviewed him. I'm an abnormal too" Levi replied while rolling his eyes.

"Prove it."

"You could just review me"

"Prove. It."

Levi sighed before starring at Eren. Suddenly vines wrapped around Eren and pulled him out the bed and in the center of the room before hog tying him and covering his mouth.

"What the fuck?!" Eren mumbled.

Levi shrugged. "Wanted to test something" he starred at the vines an they bursted into flames before disappearing and dropping Eren on the floor.

"Ow! Fuck!" Eren sat up and glared at Levi. "Why couldn't you just manipulate fire and prove it that way?!"

Levi stood up and walked to the door before turning around and smirking at Eren. "Like I said, I wanted to test something. Now grab your breakfast, that I made and follow me. We have an hour until first period and you missed a lot. I'm showing you around"

"Uh thanks for the breakfast." Eren said while following Levi and taking a bite from his croissant. "What did you want to test?"

"Bondage." Levi said while smirking.

Eren coughed and choked on the croissant.

"I did a pretty good job. Could have been a little tighter. Anyway here is the common room" Levi pointed toward a room with a big couch and two chairs.

"Uh..." Eren was still shocked.

"Don't over think it." Levi walked off to the kitchen. "We put all the food here. Write your name on it if you don't want it eaten. Even then it still may be eaten" he then walked down the hall.

"How did you make these croissants they way I like em?" Eren said while picking up another croissant.

"I asked Armin what's your favorite breakfast food." Levi shrugged and walked by a couple of rooms.

"But how did you make them EXACTLY the way I like em?" Eren quirked an eyebrow.

Levi sighed, this was kinda embarrassing. "When I picked you up and carried you here you clung to me so deeply and shook so bad. You had so much fear and pain that I decided to make you something that you like. Something that soothes you. Something from your happiness. That's where I looked." Levi said quietly as he kept walking.

"Uh... Thank you." Eren blushed lightly.

"Don't expect me to be nice all the time. Consider yourself lucky brat. Now are you going to keep interrupting me or what? If so then I can go read a book."

"Wouldn't you want to go back to sleep?" Eren questioned

"I'm an insomniac. I don't sleep to very late and wake up really early. I drink tea, it helps." Levi shrugged and walked to the bathroom.

"Everyone gets roughly 15 minutes. Clean your own mess or I'll beat your ass and still make you do it." Levi turned around to stare Eren down.

Eren nodded quickly. Levi walked past him back to the living room.

"Clean up all your messes to MY standards or there WILL be hell to pay. Every Friday all of us here will clean this building top to bottom if it not done right we'll redo it." Levi said while sitting on the couch.

"You share classes with me. I don't know why... But, you will be up and dressed by 7 and we'll walk to class by 7:20. Don't make me drag you to class in your pajamas."

"I don't often wear any."

"Didn't need to hear that."

"It not like I said I sleep naked. And I do wear pajamas sometimes."

"Whatever go shower-" Levi stopped when his ears picked a faint sound of running. "Sit down by me real quick." Levi said while sighing.

"Um... Why?" Eren said a little surprised

"Suit yourself." Levi grabbed Eren's arm and pulled him down. It was so sudden that Eren ended up laying on him.

"Forcefield" Levi mumbled quietly, he was to lazy to focus his magic so he could do it with out speaking. Soon enough the footsteps got louder, even Eren heard them but before he could speak of it Hanji ran into the living room.

"He's up! Eren! Another abnormal! How di-" she ran into the force field and flew backwards. She stood up and poked it. "C'mon Levi! At least let me touch him! His arm at least."

"No Hanji. You kept trying to poke him in his sleep."

"I was curious!"

Eren laughed. It was a cute an adorable yet a happy laugh. "Sorry to interrupt your feud about touching me but I need to go shower be ready by 7. Levi's order." Eren stood up and starred at the forcefield. Using his power to drop it before walking to the bathroom.

"Someone has a doggy~" Hanji sung.

Levi stared at her and her sock caught on fire. "Shut the fuck up shitty glasses!"

She quickly took of her socks and cackled. "What ever you say, owner" she laughed before bolting out the room.

Levi sighed and took a croissant from the plate on the coffee table and took a bite. "Today is gonna e a long day." He sighed.


Chapter one is done. Finally after so many revisions and changes I finally got the full story idea in my head. Do y'all like chapter one? I believe I'm doing way better. If only my drawings were this good. I'm getting there. Anyway gotta finish my update for my one shot book. Enjoy lovelies! (I would love it if I got the same amount of reviews, likes and follows on this story like my one shot book.) And the cover photo may change.