"Ivan Braginski, do you plead innocent or guilty?"

Ivan smiled his childish smile and giggled, "I plead innocent."

"In that case, we sentence you to ten years in prison." The sound of the gavel on the table rang in Ivan's ears as he was lead back to his filthy cell block. The guard threw him inside, no small feat because of his size, and slid the door shut. Ivan sighed, and went back to drawing sunflowers in the dirt.


Ivan flinched. "D-da?"

"I said hello. What are you, thick?"

"O-oh. Hello."

"What's your name?"


The speaker had a British accent, and sounded irritable. "I'm Arthur. What are you in for?"

"V-voluntary manslaughter."

"Same." Arthur gave a dry laugh, then yelled to the rest of the cell block. "Anybody else in for manslaughter?"



"Me too!"

"I as well."

Arthur smiled bitterly. "I guess this block is where the bad kids hang out, hm?"


"Well, who was it?"

"I am sorry?"

"Your victim. Who was it?"

"My boyfriend, Alfred."

Arthur whistled. "Why?"

Ivan smiled. "Well, he was very annoying. He had a habit of chewing gum, no, not chewing. More like..." Ivan searched his brain for the word.

"..popping. So, he was popping his gum in my face, and I said, 'If you do that one more time, I will smack your face in with my pipe.' And he laughed at me, and said, 'Sure.'" And he did it again, so I smacked his face in with my pipe."

"I see." Arthur looked nervous.

"He deserved it." Ivan said cheerfully. Arthur shivered, and there was a sound of retreating footsteps.

"We have recess tomorrow. Want to talk then?" "Da. Sounds good."

There was a few moments of silence, then, "You won't smash my bloody head in with a pipe, right?"

"No, comrade Arthur."

"Alright. See you tomorrow."


Wow, short chapter is short! This is based off of the Hetalia version of the song "Cell Block Tango." Most killings will be from either me or that song, but if you have any requests, please tell me!