Serena looked at the dark-haired man sitting on the stool next to her. She did not know why it took this long for her to realize that he was perfect. Perfect for her plans.

"It's rude to stare, Meatball Head," Darien said as he sipped his coffee while reading the newspaper.

It was starting to unnerve him. Serena had sat down on her usual spot next to him and just proceeded to stare. There was no banter or rude comments thrown at him. Which was very unusual indeed.

Everyone at the Crown Arcade knew that these two were not known for their civility. It was more like a war zone whenever these two were together.

"Whatever, jerkface. I actually have a question for you," Serena said trying to force her annoyance down to a minimum at his use of his favourite nickname for her.

"As long as it's not you wanting to know the meaning of life. As amazingly intelligent as I am, even I don't know the answer to that. It actually amazes me that you have a job," Darien replied trying his hardest to get a rise out of her. Because no matter how much he denied it to other people, fighting with Serena was the highlight of his day. The usually stoic man just about comes to life whenever the blonde was around.

Serena tried her hardest to ignore that insult. And if it was not for the fact that she actually needed his help, she would have bitten the bullet already and retaliated.

"I was wondering if you could please do me a favour?" Serena asked through gritted teeth.

Darien turned towards her, suddenly intrigued.

"A favour?"

"Yes. If you don't mind," Serena added.

"What kind of favour?" Darien asked narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

"Just for the record, I am asking because there is absolutely no one else I can ask and I am desperate," Serena explained trying to stall. Now that the time had arrived for her to ask, Serena suddenly found herself at a loss for words.

Darien just became even more curious at this. What wound make Serena this desperate that she would come to him for help? Granted, they had known each other since they were in their teens but she had never approached him for help before.

"I need for you to pose as my fiancé for two whole weeks in front of my family," Serena blurted out.

Darien promptly choked on the coffee that he had been drinking and managing to make a mess on the bench top.

"Seriously, dude, I just cleaned that," sighed Andrew, the manager of the Crown Arcade, best friend of Darien and surrogate older brother to Serena.

"Did I just hear your correctly, Meatball Head?" Darien asked ignoring his best friend. "You want me to act as your fiancé?"

Where does Serena come up with these ideas, he had to wonder.

"Yes?" exclaimed Serena.

"Why?" Darien asked.

"Because I told them that I was bringing my fiancé to this function and they don't believe that you exist," explained Serena. But that explanation just confused him even more.

"But, why me? Why not Andrew?" Darien pointed out. Everyone knew that Serena had a massive infatuation for Andrew for a very long time.

Andrew just shook his head at this.

"He can't! My family knows him. They all know that Andrew only thinks of me as his little sister."

Seriously, if Serena thought that asking Andrew to be her fake fiancé would work, she would have not approached Darien at all.

"Okay. But I still don't understand why it has to be two weeks," Darien replied.

"Because we're going to be spending two weeks at my grandparents' estate. One of my cousins is getting married to this uber rich guy and ever since they announced their engagement, all everyone kept asking me was, how about me? When am I getting married? Then because I got so sick of it all, I just blurted out that my fiancé would be attending the wedding," Serena poured out.

In her family, it was all about who was marrying who. Serena belonged to a very old family who were very prominent in New York. She did not keep it a secret but she also disliked advertising the fact that she was the daughter of the heir of the biggest business empire in the northern hemisphere. She strived to be as normal as possible in everything she does.

"What's in it for me?" asked Darien. It was only right that he ask about this. After all, Serena was the one who was benefitting out this predicament of hers.

"I'll pay for all the expenses the whole two week," offered Serena. Of course, she would. She was the one who was asking for the favour.

"Tempting, but no. I am a man, after all. Got anything better?" Darien chuckled.

"What?! That was the best I could think of," cried Serena.

Andrews, listening to their conversation, just silently laughed at the scene being played out before him.

"How about your word on granting me a wish, any wish I have at the end of the two weeks?" Darien suggested.

Serena just looked at him incredulously.

"A wish! That's what you want? A wish?" asked a very shocked Serena.

"Yes, Meatball Head. I want a wish and you have to grant it no matter what I ask for," grinned Darien, an idea forming in his head.

Serena thought about it. She was thinking that it would not be so bad. If it came from someone else. But coming from Darien, she just knew that whatever he asked for was going to be evil beyond comprehension. But what choice did she have? None, whatsoever! Serena was desperate and Darien was the only one who could pull off being her fiancé. As hard as it was to admit, Darien knew her better than anyone, including her four best friends.

"Okay, deal," Serena said as they shook hands.

Pefect! Now just to get through the next two weeks.