Summary: It's New Year's Day and Mika decides to start the year off cooking for Yuu, but it doesn't go quite as he'd had liked. This takes place at a point in the future when Mika and Yuu are working and moved into an apartment with each other.

Yuu's eyes snapped open to the smell of bacon wafting into the bedroom. Sitting up in bed, his eyes darted to the empty, wrinkled space next to him with blankets strewn about, which meant that Mika was cooking him breakfast; something he didn't do too often due to his busy schedule…and due to the fact that Mika was not as good of a cook as he wished to be. He had a tendency to burn or over-season food, or sometimes his boyfriend would add too much of something to the recipe on accident. Yuu had always appreciated Mika's attempts to bake cookies for the holidays or the thoughtfulness of wanting to cook a nice homemade meal, but for the sake of his taste buds and his stomach, he wouldn't mind if Mika took a cooking class or five before trying to cook for him again.

Yuu hoped he wasn't wrong in thinking Mika couldn't screw up a simple breakfast like eggs and bacon and got out of bed, getting dressed and running a hand through his hair quickly before he stepped out of the room. He could see Mika in the kitchen, his back facing Yuu as he stood at the stove, arms crossed as if he were waiting for something to finish up cooking. Yuu took the fifteen steps to the kitchen, a smile crossing his face as he realized Mika was wearing a red cooking apron with the words "kiss the cook" written on it – something Yuu would be sure to do. Now that Christmas was over, the mistletoe had gone down, as well as the amount of kisses shared between Yuu and Mika, the former always "accidentally" knocking himself and Mika underneath the mistletoe to steal a few extra kisses from Mika's soft lips.

"Smells as good as you look," Yuu said, leaning against the entryway of the kitchen.

Mika turned his head in Yuu's direction and grinned, his eyes lighting up. "Thanks, I just hope it tastes as delicious as you," he replied effortlessly with a wink. He returned his attention to the pan of eggs before him, mixing around the scrambled pieces. He then moved to the fridge and snatched out a bag of shredded cheese, opening it and dropping pieces over the eggs.

Yuu raised an eyebrow, inclining his head towards the pan. "Not that I don't appreciate the meal, but what's with the cooking? You never make breakfast."

Mika didn't look at him as he answered, his face pouting, voice sounding a little disheartened. "I thought it'd be a nice surprise for you since it's New Year's Day and all…I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed so I could be the first thing you woke up to this year."

Yuu loved hearing Mika's idea about cooking and waking up to the new year to Mika's face and food – his second love since Mika would kill him if he said it was his first. It was a cute idea that he would have loved to wake up to, actually. "Well, there's always next year, right?" Yuu said, smiling as he watched his boyfriend close up the cheese and put it away.

Mika nodded, offering a small smile in return. "That's true, especially now that one of my New Year's resolutions is to become a better cook, hence the apron." Mika laughed a little, gesturing at the apron. "I thought it would help motivate me." Mika's voice grew more serious, his hand grabbing the spatula and shooing Yuu away. "Now sit. I'll serve you when it's all ready."

Yuu sighed in compliance, a bit nervous for the food to be finished with Mika's track record. "Alright, I'll sit. But I must give my cute cook a kiss first." Yuu moved toward Mika, but he stuck out the spatula in front of him, shaking his head.

"You can't kiss this cook until you brush your teeth and try some of my food once it's done," Mika said in a lecturing tone, shaking the spatula toward the bathroom.

Yuu's mouth opened but no words came out. He wanted to feel offended, but Mika did have a point; he wouldn't want to kiss Mika with morning breath. He blew out air and turned around. "Fine, fine. Whatever you say."

"You'll thank me later when I don't recoil from your breath!" Mika called out as Yuu stomped off to the bathroom to brush his teeth. "Food will be ready in a moment anyway!"

Yuu brushed his teeth quickly and hurried to the dining room table they had in the apartment, pulling out a chair and plopping down on it. He scooted closer to the table in time to lay his eyes on the gorgeous plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast Mika set in front of him. His hand snaked over to the toast, about to pick it up when Mika smacked his hand away with the spatula. Yuu frowned and looked up at his boyfriend.

"But I'm hungry," Yuu whined, crossing his arms over his chest as he sank into his seat with a pout. It wasn't fair that he couldn't try the meal Mika had prepared for him. Sure, tasting it made him nervous in case it tasted funky, but he was hungry. To keep him away from food would be like keeping away a child from their Christmas toy; it was inhumane.

Mika stepped to the table with his own plate of food and two sets of silverware, handing a pair to Yuu. He then grabbed two glasses of orange juice and handed a glass to Yuu. "Well for one, you didn't even have any silverware. And two," Mika relaxed in his chair, resting his elbows on the table as he leaned forward, chin in folded hands. "I wanted to see you try it. Now you may eat."

Yuu grinned, snatching his fork and stabbing into the eggs with it. They looked fluffy and cheesy, which was a very good sign compared to the last time Mika had made eggs – they were blackened and plain that time around. Yuu stuffed a bite in his mouth and nearly choked. They were dry with too much salt, so Yuu had to chug it down with the orange juice Mika had given him. He tried his best to resist sticking his tongue out in disgust and moved on to try the bacon. The bacon was better than the eggs, but it seemed Mika had made them a little too crisp, the taste of burnt bacon fresh in his mouth. He swallowed down the taste and bit into the sausage, the only good part of the meal it seemed. It was edible and pretty good, so at least there was something salvageable from the meal. He tried the toast last, the butter making it a little too soggy for Yuu's taste, though it wasn't as bad as he'd expected. Overall, it wasn't a bad meal; he could eat it for Mika's sake.

Mika bit his lip, eying Yuu uneasily. "You hate it, don't you?"

Yuu waved him off, acting casual. "What? No, I don't hate it. The sausage is really great, actually," he commented, chewing another bite of sausage. "Your cooking has improved a lot since last time, have you been taking lessons?"

Mika's expression led Yuu to believe his boyfriend didn't believe him, completely ignoring Yuu's question. "You wrinkled your face in disgust at everything else." He sighed, breaking off a piece of bacon. "Is it really that bad?" He took a bite and spit it out, sipping some of his orange juice, sighing as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I just wanted to make a nice meal for my Yuu-chan."

Yuu stood up and wrapped his arms around Mika, resting his head on his shoulders. He appreciated the gesture, and even if the food wasn't gourmet, he didn't see reason for Mika to stress about it so much. Yuu kissed Mika's cheek, speaking softly into his ear. "Well, you know what? I know we have that party to go to tonight, but we should ditch." Mika began to protest but Yuu shut him down. "Just listen to me. I say we should crack open a bottle of wine and cook something together tonight. We can curl up on the couch and binge on that Real Housewives show I always hear you watching once I go to bed and have a nice night in."

Mika gasped, his cheeks burning red at the mention of his show. "You know about that?"

Yuu laughed at Mika's shocked expression and horror in his eyes as if he thought Yuu would judge him for his choice in show, releasing his hold on Mika. "How could I not notice when I hear those women screaming at each other over every small issue that comes up?"

Mika's eyes averted to the plate of food, biting his lip as his face burned red from his cheeks to his ears, his voice practically groaning. "I'm a disgrace to Yuu-chan."

Yuu chuckled, shaking his head and raising an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I just offered to watch your TV show with you, shouldn't you be happy?"

Mika still didn't meet his eyes. "It does make me happy, but you always make fun of shows like that," he muttered quietly, his hands fidgeting. "I figured you would mock me if I watched something like that."

Yuu placed his hands on Mika's cheeks, feeling heat radiating off them as he did. He watched Mika's eyes settled on him, wide from surprise and embarrassment, his mouth opening to say something, though words failed to tumble out. Yuu offered Mika a comforting smile. "I don't care what shows you watch, you idiot. All I care about is that you aren't ashamed to tell me about them, alright?" He leaned in and kissed Mika soft and quick, finally happy to have kissed his cook. He pulled away and moved to sit back down in his seat, grabbing his fork.

"Y-Yuu-chan, what are you doing?" Mika questioned, frowning as he watched Yuu as he took another bite of the sausage. "I thought you didn't like the food?"

Yuu shrugged, a bit sad that he'd finished up the best part of the meal. "I told you the sausage was good; everything else I can stand." He stabbed the eggs and took a bite, swallowing down what tasted like a lump of salt. "Besides, you made this for me, it's only right that I eat it after your hard work."

The frown remained on Mika's face, his eyebrows knitting together in question. "But it's not worth eating it if you don't like it."

Yuu set down his fork and covered his ears with his hands, talking over Mika. "Oh what's this? I can't hear you, I'm too busy enjoying my first meal of the year that my boyfriend made me!" Yuu removed his hands from his ears after adding in some random "la la la" in a sing-song voice. "So are we on for tonight?"

Mika finally smiled then. It was a tense smile that didn't fully spread across his lips, but Yuu knew it would be the best he could get out of Mika for the moment. Mika nodded, seeming to relax a bit more. "Yeah, it sounds like a plan."

Yuu grabbed the soggy toast and tore off a piece, speaking with it between his teeth before chewing. "You're too tense today." He chewed the toast and swallowed it down, sticking the rest of the bread in his mouth as he stood up and walked over to their coat hanger. He grabbed Mika's coat and tossed it at him, covering his face as Mika struggled to pull it off, giving an inquisitive glance toward Yuu.

"What's this for? Are we going somewhere?"

Yuu grinned, removing the bread from his mouth before answering, "We're going outside for a snowball fight. You need to unwind and it's the perfect idea. So put on your coat and gloves and prepare to lose."

Mika rolled his eyes then, his genuinely happy smile gracing his face as he put on his coat. "Don't cry to me if you lose, Yuu-chan. I've won the past few rounds, I suppose I could add another point to my total."

"Oh we'll see about that." Yuu threw on his coat and quickly dug out his gloves. "While your New Year's resolution is to become a better cook, mine is to demolish you in a snow fight. We'll see who accomplishes their resolution first." With his gloves on, Yuu dashed to the door and opened it, cold wind blowing at him as he stuck his tongue out at Mika. "I'll meet you out there, loser!"

Yuu slammed the door shut without hearing Mika's retort, stepping into the snow and looking up at the gray, overcast sky with a smile. He knew that win or lose, good food or mediocre food, just spending the day with Mika would make this New Year's the best one yet.

A/N: I wanted to get something out in honor of New Year's. Drop a review to let me know your thoughts, I hope you all enjoy it and have a good New Year's! Thank you for all of the read, follows, and favorites!

Mr. Shade - I'm glad you enjoyed the last chapter, I was hoping to do it some justice! And thank you for the luck.

Guest - Thank you for the comment and the idea, but I'm afraid I am not the best person to ask to write that sort of scene! That is out of my range of expertise - I apologize greatly. I hope you can find someone who is better suited to write what you want.