Author's Note: This is my first Gravity Falls fanfic so I'm kinda nervous! I hope you like it! I feel like there isn't a lot of Stanley and Dipper Fics on here so I decided to make one mine own!

It was over. The world was back to normal. Bill was defeated. And everyone was safe.

So everything should be ok right? Dipper thought as he walked home with his Grunkle Stan and Ford.

Dipper looked over at Stanley as he held a sleeping Mabel in his arms. She looked so peaceful dozing off despite the fact they just defeated a hellish demon and saved the world. He really didn't understand at times. How could she be so upbeat? How can she despite all the weird and bad things can she still be as happy and joyous as she is?

This town really drug the boy's demeanor down this summer. While yes he had fun at times, there were still a lot of things he did wrong and he still can't forgive himself now for it. Like being tricked by Bill, Raising the living dead at Mabel's party, Mind controlling Stan with a tie, And almost shutting down a portal which held the man of mystery himself! The Author! He couldn't believe he just shot at him with the mind erase gun.

Thinking of all those thoughts made the boy involuntarily cringe now.

Stanley looked down at Dipper to see him cringing now, with his usual gruff tone he asked

"Is everything ok over there kid? It looks like you've just eaten a bad lemon." Stanley joked as he gave the kid a friendly nudge. But his expression changed quickly as the kid held a worried look.

Dipper suppressed the thoughts and gave his Grunkle a fake smile and laugh to keep him from getting to worried. He had Mabel, He really didn't need to worry about BOTH twins right now. Dipper thought

"Im fine Grunkle Stan!" Dipper jokingly responded.

Stanley went back to focus on Mabel now as the 4 were now walking up to the shack.

"I'm gonna bring Mabel up to bed." Stanley told Stanford as he began to go in the house

"Ok Stanley, I'm gonna talk to Dipper." Ford replied as he turned to Dipper.

Dipper began to feel a sense of extreme joy! He always found it fun talking to his Grunkle Ford.

"Dipper how could you…" Stanford began to say

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked a bit as he tugged a bit on his vest

"You know exactly what I mean!" Stanford exclaimed as he grabbed the boy by his shoulders roughly and shaking him a bit.

"How could you just let Mabel run off the rift?! Which Led to the literal end of the world! I could have died! Stanley could have died! You AND Mabel could have died!" "And it all could have been prevented if you'd have been more with your intellect! You showed too much emotion and it almost killed us all!" Stanford barked more as he was getting angrier by the second

"You know..I thought you were worthy to be more apprentice, but apparently that isn't true." Stanford continued.

"I should have caught that on the minute you said you were tricked by Bill." Stanford said the last part with plenty of malice.

"….But I" Dipper began to say but was cut off as the author now roughly shoved him into the ground before going into the house.

Dipper now sat there. In complete shock. He couldn't believe what just happened! The first person who he held a lot of similarities with and could really bond with probably hated his guts now!

Dipper now sat on the ground with his stained vest and started to cry. With his hands cupped in his face, he let out croaking sobs as he breathed heavily. The thoughts of everything that happened this summer, and how useless he felt to the pines at that moment. Stanley was an expert conman, Mabel held a really magnetic and fun personality, and Stanford was the Brains, ..but what was he? He basically relied on the journals and Mabel for almost every accomplishment he did..

Dipper wiped his tears now as he stood up and started to walk into the forest.

He couldn't take this anymore, he didn't want to be in a world where he basically held no purpose. So Dipper decided he had to end it now.

Grunkle Stan came back outside putting up flyers to see Dipper picking up big rocks and stuffing them in any pocket he could find. Even small rocks in his socks.

"I hope you're not trying to solve any MORE strange mysteries over there kid!" Stanley barked at the boy.

He honestly wondered about what Dipper was doing sometimes..

To Stanley's surprise, instead of saying a response the boy ran off!

"Hey wait kid where ya going?!" He asked as he followed him, He tried keeping pace but failed as the boy was now out of his view.

"Ah it doesn't matter." Grunkle Stan said as he now walked back to the shack taking the trail.

Dipper now stood at the top of the waterfall. Why he was quite questioning and a bit nervous..he knew in his heart he had too.

With a quick deep breath, Dipper began to run and jump off into the waterfall, Awaiting for death to take over.

As Grunkle Stan was walking back to the shack he glanced over at the waterfall to see the scenery.

But to his horror, he saw a looked familiar like Dipper! It was falling down into the waterfall and abruptly stopped with a large SPLOOSH.

"Oh my god Kid! I'm coming!" He said as he now ran towards the waterfall.

Dipper was now fresh underwater, The rocks pulling him deep down so he wouldn't float. A burning feeling of water rushing through his lungs. While at first it was all pain, it transitioned into a light feeling of numbness..and then everything going dark.

Stanley looked worriedly now as he dove into the water looking underwater for any signs for where he was.

After scanning for a good minute and constant going back up for air, he found him! Stanley swam quickly over to the boy bringing him out the water.

"Geesh Kid your heavier than usual." Stanley remarked to him as he pulled him out.

He didn't look blue yet, and he still had color to his face so there was still a chance. The boy was still breathing thankfully but he still needed to get the water out of him.

Carrying the boy he ran back to the shack and burst in placing him in the living room.

"O-oh my gosh what's going on?!" Mabel asked worriedly as she looked at her passed out brother in the living room. She was watching her favorite show before it being interrupted by this.

"Uh I don't know much on how or why but all I know is that Dipper drowned in the waterfall."

"Just help me get these clothes off of him so he doesn't catch hypothermia or something." Stanley responded as he laid him on the table.

"Ok Grunkle Stan!" Mabel said as she began to take off Dipper's pants.

CLUNK! Two large rocks lied on the floor now as they slipped from Dipper's pockets.

"Why would Dipper have rocks in his pockets? Awwww he has a secret rock collection." Mabel squealed as she took off his shirt.

While Stanley pieced it together, didn't feel it was appropriate for Mabel to know yet. She's only 12.

"Yeah sweetie...rock collection." Stanley falsely agreed.

After Beating Dipper's chest a few times, the boy coughed up a load of water.

Dipper slowly opened his eyes as he asked "W-where am-" He was cut of as Grunkle Stan shushed him and brought him up to the attic to his bed.

"Look Dipper, You need your sleep. I have questions but those can wait until you're ready.."

"Kid if there's something wrong can you tell me?" Grunkle Stan asked

Dipper stayed silent as he already went off to sleep after his second sentence.

With a sigh he closed the door, knowing he'd may be more receptive tomorrow.

Author's Note: End of chapter! Review and Favorite if you liked it please!