***All rights belong to DC***

Intro: It has been six months since Wally's death and both of the teams were hugely impacted. The Allen and West households were no different. Batgirl became the leader of the Young Justice team and Bart became kidflash. The Allen household was put under tons of stress from Wally's death. Barry seemed to be gone all the time and Iris just had the twins. Now Bart was a different story, he had almost completely lost it, which wasn't helping the family at all. Artemis was spending more time with Wally's parents and more time out of the team in general. Nightwing stayed away from the team as well.

Chapter 1:

"No... He can't be actually gone" tears rolled down my face "He has to come back" I cried harder "Please don't leave me.. please" I woke up crying. The dream felt too real. I couldn't believe that g- My thoughts were cut off with my alarm going off for the first day of school. I wiped away the tears and ran down stairs smiling. "Hi Grandma." I said as I passed her to get to the kitchen. " Hi Bart" she responded sounding drowsy, most likely from taking care of the twins all night while Gramps and I were at the Watchtower. I got down a bowl and filled it with cereal and sat down next to Iris. While I was eating I thought about the dream that I had. I mean it felt like it had actually happened, but I knew gramps was fine. He was just already at work, hopefully. It must have been just another nightmare like the rest of them. I continued to get more cereal until I was full and then went to go pack my bag for school. "Notebook, pencils, random junk" I threw everything in my bag and ran back downstairs and said bye to Iris and headed to the bus stop.

I sat down by the curb and took out my phone and started to play games on it. Soon more people showed up and the bus pulled up. I sat near the back of the bus alone. I plugged in headphones and listened to music, while looking out the window. When the bus finally reached the school, I turned off my phone and put it in my bag. I waited for everyone else to get off and I waved bye to the bus driver and got off and went to the cafeteria. I found a seat in the back and waited to be dismissed to class. I sat there for a while until a kid with black hair and sunglasses sat at the same table as me. "Hi" I smiled. The boy looked at me and then back down at a book that he was reading. I looked at him and realized that he looked familiar. "Aren't you rob-" The boy glared at me and I stopped talking. "Yes I am, just call me Tim at school." I looked at him confused. "Why are you going to Cent-" I was cut off by the bell ringing and I walked off to my first class, history.

Now do I do bad like the mask would or do I do good in history like the actual me would do.. I thought as I sat down in the second row from the back. Once all the kids were seated the teacher started to talk, "Hello class, my name is Mrs. Walker" she said cheerfully. "So why don't I talk about the supplies you need for this class. Okay you will need a notebook, writing utensils, and a folder. Now I will call on people randomly from my list to say their name and what they're favorite part of summer was." she smiles and calls on a random kid in the middle row and I start to think about how I can make this school year interesting. Soon enough that thought was answered when the teacher called out the name Thaddeus Thawne. I started to get a tiny bit mad. I mean he already torments me when I'm impulse and now hes going to do it at school now. "Hi my name is Thaddeus Thawne or you can call me Thad." He smiles in a cynical way " Well I would have to say my favorite part of the summer was probably bugging the crap out of my twin brother" he smiles normally at the teacher. "And who may your twin be?" The teacher asked out of curiosity. "Well his name is Bart Allen. Our parents enrolled us with different last names because they thought that it would help in school" I basically wanted to kill him right now for saying that. The teacher nodded and the whole class bursted out in laughter and then the bell rang and I walked out into the hallway with Thad following me.

"Hey brother" Thad said in an evil sort of way. "Can't you just leave me alone for once. I mean it's like you follow me everywhere." I said back grumpily. "I don't know what's amatter with you but I cant leave you alone we're in all the same classes." he smiled and I glared at him. I was soon pulled aside by Henry Wilks. "Hey scum bag. Your ready to pay for what you did last year" he said angrily, while slamming me into a locker. Thad walked off to class. "Yeah why not.." I started to remember last year. My first year in school since I was ten and man did I make some people mad. That's why this year I decided to be myself and not the mask. Before Henry could punch me in the face the principle came out and said that we both have detention and to get to class. Luckily for Henry his class was right there but I knew i was going to be late. I ran through the hallways without using superspeed because there were cameras but I was still late to class. When I finally got to room 206 I had to sit outside the entire time because of the teachers strict rules. So I waited and it was time for third period.

When I made it to third period I sat down in the middle row and Thad came and sat beside me. The teacher's name was Mr. Morgan and he was our math teacher. The day went on until the end of fourth period, which was Band, and then it was lunch time. I made my way to the cafeteria and I ran into Robin or Tim as he said to call him. I knew I had to act like the mask around him. When we sat down I ate all my food quickly and rambled on and on about things that didn't matter. Finally lunch was over and I made it through fifth period, which was Reading, and then I went to my last period which was Jazz Band. I made my way out to the buses only to get stopped by the principal telling me that on Friday I will be in detention after school for 3 hours. I nodded and when I got out to the bus loop the buses were already gone so I ran home.

When I got home Iris was no where in sight. I ran up the stairs and threw my backpack on my bed and went to the kitchen to get some food and I noticed a note on the fridge. It was very poorly written and had water marks on it.

Bart.. I'm headed over to Jay and Joan's house. The twins were sent to daycare.. I got a call from the Justice League earlier and they said that Barry had died.. he ran too fast and disappeared like Wally did.. Love you- Iris

I dropped the note and tears rolled down my face. Gramps couldn't be dead. I cried harder. He can't be gone. I can't lose anyone else. It soon became nighttime and I was still crying trying to do homework. When I finally gave up I laid down and cried myself to sleep. I can't loose him again.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I hope it hit you right in the feels towards the end.. It did for me.. I sorta cried while writing it.. even without the song. Chapter two will be posted sometime next week. Well I hope you have a crash day, night, whatever time it is where you are right now and remember to always CRASH THE MODE!- The Author