Hello all so I decided to start another story and I really hope you like it. Feel free to tell me how it is.


It's been a few days since Seth's moved into his new home. He was a little nervous about moving back home but he could no longer afford living upstate. He's been afraid to leave the house though, afraid that he'd run into someone from his past, mainly Dean. It was Tuesday morning and Seth found himself sitting in front of the TV surround by unpacked boxes and bags. He slightly jumped when there was a knock at the door. Getting up he peeked through the peephole and smiled. As soon as he opened the door Becky jumped into his arms. He just hugged her tightly back. "God I missed you."

"I missed you too." Pulling back she slapped Seth on the arm. "Where the hell have you been, seven years Seth?"

"I know I'm sorry." Seth says closing the door.

"What happened?" Becky asked sitting on the couch. "Why did you leave?"

Seth spent the next half hour telling Becky everything that happened.

Becky couldn't believe she was looking at a seven year old spitting image of Dean. "What's his name?"

"Tyler...Tyler James Ambrose." Seth smiled. "I'm so glad that you're here Becky." Becky and Seth had been BFF's since middle school and when he came back she was the first person he called.

"Me too." Becky sat the picture back on the table and sat back.

Seth looked down and played with his fingers. "So...what happened to the other guys...I mean did you stay in contact?"

"Yeah." Becky says. "Roman, Dean, Randy and I actually all live together and they're still the immature, goofball they've always been. Plus Roman and Randy have been dating for almost three years now."

"You're kidding, I mean we always knew they liked eachother but I never thought they would do anything about it." Seth says.

"I know me either but Roman stepped up and finally asked him out, its crazy."

Seth smiled slightly. "What about Dean...has he-"

"He hasn't." She says. "He keeps saying that he's okay but you leaving really messed him up." She glanced at the picture.

"I was scared." Seth says. "The day I found out I was pregnant we got into this huge fight and I just panicked. He didn't want a baby, he didn't want a family."

"How do you know that?"

"Because he said it all the time!" Seth yelled. "You guys always laughed because you thought he was joking but he wasn't. You know how he can be something's."

Becky frowned and was about to respond but stopped when she heard a small voice. Looking towards the hallway she saw a sleepy seven years old in TMNT pj's rubbing his eyes.

"Hey buddy, come here." Seth says picking him up. "This is daddy's friend Becky, can you say hi."

"Hi." Replied Tyler before tucking his head in the crook of Seth's neck.

Becky chuckled. "Hi." She then looked around. "So I'm free all day, do you need any help unpacking?"

Another two hours had passed and Tyler was sitting in the livingroom watching Disney while Becky chatted with Seth in the kitchen.

"So what happens now?" Asked Becky.

"Well first I want to get settled in and get him into school." Seth says. "I'm not sure how to even approach this with Dean. Can you keep this between us for a while...just until I figure out what I'm going to do."

"Of course I can." Becky then looked at her watch. "Crap I gotta go but if you ever need anything just call me, okay."

Seth smiled. "Thanks Becky, I know I can always count on you."

Becky smiled and picked up the recent picture of Seth and Tyler. "And thanks for letting me keep this."

"I have a million of them anyway." After walking her out Seth sat in the living room with Tyler. "So buddy are you ready to go back to school tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Replied Tyler not looking away from the TV.

He just smiled.



Roman entered his three bedroom apartment and frowned when he saw Dean passed out on the couch. Sitting his bad down he walks over and picks up the empty bottles. Dean had never drank before but after Seth left that's all he did. Picking him up he threw him over his shoulder and carried him to his room. When he got back upfront Randy was just coming in. "Hey."

Randy smiled. "Hey, how was work?"

Roman shrugged and walked over to the couch. "Same old same old." He was a elementary school gym teacher. It was a temporarily job until he finds another one though. When Randy sat down he turned on the TV.

"Where's Dean?"

"He was passed out when I got here so I put him too bed." Roman sighed. "I'm worried about him man. He already lost his job because of this."

"I know." Randy replied sitting. "I still can believe it's been seven years since he left."

"Me either." Roman says. "I had always hoped he would come back but when days turned to weeks, months and then years I kinda lost hope. I wish we knew why he left in the first place. Did anything seem odd to you between them?"

"No, they seemed as close as they always were." Randy sighed. "I remember Dean saying something about them having a fight but I don't know what it was about and he wouldn't tell me. Anyway I'm going to hop in the shower." He stared to get up but was pulled back down.

"Where do you think you're going?" Roman pulls Randy into a kiss. Randy's fingers weaved through his hair as he moaned into the kiss. Finally pulling away he frowned. "You do need a shower?"

"Ha ha you're so funny." Randy got up and headed to the back.

Roman put his feet on the table and went back to the TV. It wasn't long before Becky arrived. "Hey, where have you been?"

"Oh just running some errands." Becky says. "Where's everybody else?"

"Randy's in the shower and Dean's asleep." Roman says. "He had another rough night."

Becky frowned and immediately thought of Seth. "Alright." She headed to Dean's room and indeed found him asleep. She felt so guilty keeping Seth's news to herself but she knew that Seth wasn't ready.


3:47 in the morning

Dean grumbled as he opened his eyes. He sat up and immediately grabbed his head. Out the corner of his eyes he saw the picture of Seth on his nightstand. Reaching over he picked it up and sighed. He truly did missed Seth like crazy. Even though it's been seven years he was still hopeful that Seth would come back. He was never going to give up on Seth.


A/N Hey again new story I hope you guys like. I'll probably be updating these two around the same time. Feel free to like or review and I'll see you next time.