Chapter 6:...or maybe not…

Disclaimer: I own nothing and this is in no way sponsored or approved byDelta Airlines orJFK Airport.

Previously on Castle… The car stops and their driver turns to face them. "We're here."

A few minutes later the car pulls away to join the mob of incoming and outgoing cars, leaving all five friends on the curb.

Castle glances at his watch and then at one of the tickets and then back at his watch. "Ah, crap!"

"What?" Beckett asks, a note of alarm in her voice.

"It might be nothing, but it's 10:30 already. Let's just say if security takes forever we might be pulling a McCallister family," replies Castle.

All he gets are blank stares.

"McCallister family? Late for the plane? Running through the airport...seriously?" Castle shakes his head with a sigh. "Never mind, let's get going."

Still confused, but reminding themselves it's Castle everyone heads into the airport.

Inside they're faced with mobs of people and lines of great lengths.

"Oh, this should be fun," states Esposito sarcastically.

"Which line is ours?" Beckett asks, ignoring the sarcastic remark.

"Delta," replies Castle, scanning the busy area and the above signs overhead.

"There." Lanie points at the end of the row.

"Good eye, Chica," says Espo as they start towards the far end of the lines.

Thankfully, Delta's lines aren't as long as the others and Castle of course has preferred membership, so by 10:50 their checked bags are weighed, tagged and sent on their way. They make their way back to the other end to join the people in line for security.

"Oh, shit," The lines for security are all the way back by the entrance of the airport.

Glancing at their watches they exchange a glance before joining the long line.

They slowly make their way forward until eventually they reach a point where they either go left or right so personnel could check their passes and IDs. Their group is chosen to go right and a little while later they end up on the other side of the checkpoint and in the line that would eventually split four separate security lines. Around 11:20 they reach the point where they can begin placing their belongings in bins.

Ryan takes off his shoes and suit coat, watch and badge before pulling out his phone and notepad placing them all in a bin. The others follow suit. He slings his duffel bag onto the conveyor and pushes them forward until he reaches the back of a small line for the security gate.

They pass through without issue and Kevin collects his things before meeting his friends at a bench where they're redressing themselves. He sets everything on the bench along with his duffel before bending down to put his shoes on. Standing, he pulls his suit jacket on, puts his notepad and phone in the inside breast pocket, slips his badge into his pants pocket and fastens his watch on wrist. Once he's finished, he glances at the time.

"We've got fifteen minutes to get to our gate," he announces.

Beckett places a hand on Castle's shoulder as she pulls on her shoe. "What gate do we need?"

Esposito helps Lanie up and glances at his ticket. "A5."

Stepping away from the small group Lanie locates an overhead sign before approaching their group again. "A5 is at the very end, heading left."

"Of course it is, then let's get going," says Castle, packing up his bag, now alleviated of shoulder balance duties.

Quickly they hurry towards their gate arriving with 5 minutes to spare. If it wasn't the last gate they might've missed it, finding themselves to be one of the only one's waiting.

They drop their bags and the boys locate a bathroom to fill their water bottles and relieve their bodies if need be.

Ryan is the first one back 2 minutes later, allowing Beckett and Lanie to leave to do the same.

Confused and a little concerned about the lack of people Ryan approaches the desk. "Welcome to JFK! How may I help you?"

"Uh, yes, me and my friends are on the Delta flight to SFO, it leaves in like 2 minutes and there's nobody here…"

The perky attendant taps a few keys on her computer. "The 11:45 Delta flight to SFO?"

"Yes, why?" He asks with a sinking feeling.

"I'm afraid it's been moved to gate B41…"

His eyes widen, his mind conjuring up an airport map he must've glanced at. "Is the time of departure still the same?"


"Thank you," he cuts her off and hurries back to their stuff where the others are just sitting down.

Beckett looks up in alarm as he slides to a stop in front of them, panic in his eyes. "Ryan wh-."

"Come on! We've got to go! We're gonna miss our flight!" He exclaims without explanation, grabbing his bags.

"What are you talking about? Our flight leaves in a few minutes and we're already here," Castle soothes.

"No, it's not!" He gasps.

Javier stands up and grabs Ryan by his shoulders, turning him to face him. "Bro, what are you talking crazy for?"

"They changed the gate for our flight, this is the gate for the 3:55 Delta New York to San Francisco flight!"

This has everyone on their feet with their bags and a few curses at once. "What?!"

"Gate B41," he announces as they head back the way they came.

"Shit!" Beckett exclaims as she catches sight of a large terminal map once they reach the end of the security checkpoint once again.

B41 is on the opposite side of the terminal.

Castle glances at his watch as they all take off, sprinting through the airport, hand in hand, all helping each other out.

"Last call for Delta flight 419 JFK to SFO," a voice over the loudspeaker announces.

Without a word Javier tosses his bag to Kevin and pours on the speed, sprinting ahead to the gate.

The overly cheerful attendant behind the desk looks up in alarm as Javier skids to a stop in front of her desk. "Hold...the...plane…" he gasps, out of breath.

Kate, Rick, Lanie and a panting Kevin jog up a minute or so later, also out of breath.

Javier takes his bag from Kevin as the others pull out their boarding passes.

A little while later all five of them are sitting in the comfy first class seats. Rick sits in the window seat, Kate next to him, across the aisle Lanie is seated with Javier next to her and Kevin next to him in the opposing window seat.

The plane takes off without issue and in a little while they're at altitude and on their way to San Francisco.