She didn't idolize him, she didn't do the idol worship thing...he was a human being just like her...She had no life changing moment behind him, he hadn't pulled her mind from the gutter to salvation... like some said he had done for wasn't that kind of trip with Dean Ambrose for her.

Gabriella had started watching Dean years ago. Way before his FCW debut. She was an Indy queen so seeing him come over to FCW she saw a slightly watered down version of Jon Moxley. Yet she still loved the dude. He was out spoken and raw...all the things she wasn't, which intrigued her...and made her wonder what he really was like...who he really was behind the character on television.

Most of the wrestlers she saw, she knew how to take ...Dean, not so much...once he went to the main roster she was content to watch WWE on a regular basis again.

The Shield had made wrestling interesting again for her...the Power of Roman Reigns, The agility of Seth Rollins and that gritty street hustle mentality of Dean rounded up one of the baddest combinations she had seen in a long time...and she loved the fresh depth they brought...she was sold.

Yeah she watched him, she fantasized about him often...yeah she wanted just was what it was.

Gabbie would watch his promos and curl up and listen to the gruff voice that seemed to spit fire when he talked and her legs would quiver...just at the mere thought is having that voice in her ear of course she never thought it would happen so she just floated in the fantasy.

He was her type though...gritty, grimy, raw and real. She would sit up some nights and just watch his old promos on CZW, Dragon Gate and HCW. He just lit her flames.

So meeting him in person was inevitable. Bedding him , of course, was out of the the question..but being able to look into those baby blues was enough.

She had gotten to New York the day before the meet and greet and Raw live event that would take place two days later. Her hair was an awful mess getting off the plane. She despised flying, but to get a glimpse of him made her do it. She had waited seven years to just walk close to him so a flight wasn't going to stop her.

Gabbie was 5'4, and contrary to most conceptions was a chubby black girl, she wasn't a model...nor did she try to be, she barely wore make up..and when she did it was always lip gloss , and eyeliner ...she wasn't one to try to impress because she was woman enough to accept the fact that she was cool with being herself.

People saw her as fat, and she was ok with that...this gave her a realization that Dean of all people would not be interested in her romantically. Did anyone have any idea how many skinny chicks, no offense meant, he met daily that probably kept his attention and gave him numbers? So once again , meeting him was more than enough to quench her thirst.

Walking into the hotel lobby she looked around at the beauty of it. The chandelier reminded her of a hotel in South Carolina . Walking to the front desk she waited as the man in front of her , who wore a black hoodie and jeans checked in.

Her ears were filled with the sounds of Rascal Flats and she was just ready to go to her room and lie down for a bit before venturing out a little later for dinner.

As a male figure in front of her moved to the side to gather his bags and speak with the manager she stepped up to the desk and removed her headphones.

"Hi Gabriella Mason"

"Hello Mrs. Mason and welcome to the Marriott Manhattan,how are you?"

"I'm good and yourself, Kamden" she said looking at his name tag.

"I am awesome, what brings you to New York?"

"I have a meet and greet with a wrestler, so kind if excited and then Raw afterwards."

"Oh so your a wrestling fan huh? Who are you meeting?"

"Dean Ambrose, and yeah been on wrestling since I was a kid."

Kamden smiled and looked to his left at the man that was taking to the manager. Who at that second seemed to stiffen, but she paid no attention and kept talking. The two of them discussed where she was from, her love of Dean and and other things before he finally gave her a room key.

"Well your in room 618 it one of our suites, and I hope you enjoy your time here. If you need anything , and I mean anything I am just a phone call away."

Smiling she thanked him and he winked at her as she gathered her bags and headed for the elevators . Laughing all the way to the elevator she put her headphones back in and mashed the button for the elevator. The figure that had been standing at the desk was now creeping up behind her. He was tall…..looked to be about 6'3 or 6'4, he had his head down and she had kept her head forward and only saw his figure in the reflection of the elevator doors.

Her head swung back and forth as she listened to the music that was drowning out all of the sites around her…including the guy standing next to her, she wondered why he kept his head down the entire time….but she wound up feeling as if that was a trivial question to ask herself. As the elevator reached her floor she exited.

When he walked into the hotel lobby, he was exhausted. It was evident, and he at that moment did not care too much. Fans started to gather around him, and although he really wanted to tell them all to get the hell out of his face, he smiled slightly and took pictures and signed autographs.

It was the same scene when he got off of the plane that had carried him from Las Vegas to New York, for Raw. He had performed in a live show in Arizona the night before. He had planned on driving, because he loved to drive across country..just him, the open road and some Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings or whatever he was in the mood for at the time. Yet he knew he wouldn't have made the meet and greet they had for him two days before Raw so he did what he had to, fly, Although he didn't shift moods too much…he pretty much was who he was. Stephanie and Hunter knew it, Roman and Seth knew it…and all of the backstage talent knew it.

People thought he was a loner to be honest, at least until they got to know him..which very few honestly did. Minus the ones that had gone through the struggle. The struggle of making it. Dean Ambrose was that guy…the guy others actually wanted to be. He said what and how he felt…like it, love it or hate it he really didn't give a damn. His main focus was making it in wrestling. He started out very young liking wrestling, but never had that aha moment in which he said wow I am going to do this. He just could never see himself doing anything else. He liked it, he studied it, he dreamed of it..and he went for it.

When asked he always said the same thing, which means he was telling it like it is, I knew it was what I wanted but I didn't know how..until he saw the flier that changed his life. His history was one he kept to himself, he wasn't ashamed of it, just didn't want to dredge up old demons that were not there for him any longer. His path took him to many independent organizations, and in each one he either held a championship belt or his clout and status within the organization was so over that he was just the top dog in the yard, and then came the FCW (developmental) call.

Dean had fought to reach this level and although he was comfortable, he was still fighting for his own recognition and his own spot in the WWE. Show after show, night after night he did what he loved, and this brought him semi full circle. So standing in the lobby looking at the little mixed girl that stood in front of him, with her Ambrose Asylum shirt on, smiling up at him..made him grin and bare it. Until he could get to his room. Take a nice hot shower, and pass out for the remainder of the day.

As he approached the counter the young lady smiled at him and he nodded.

"Mr. Ambrose, your room is already ready for you would you like anything before you head up?"

"Yeah, can I talk to the manager real quick?"

"Sure is there anything I can help you with?" she said with a frown.

"Nah, I just have a request, where's the manager at"

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Ambrose?"

"No, just want to speak with the manager real quick, that's all."

"Ok sir, Mr. Wallace, can you come here for a second."

As the manager approached he smiled and spoke to Dean. "Hello, how can I help you today sir. Mr. Ambrose right?"

"Yeah, look quick question, I don't want to be disturbed at all tonight, even if someone calls for me, the people that need me have my cell number. So do you have some kind of block so no one can call me?"

"Sure Mr. Ambrose, we can put a do not disturb on your line so no one will be able to get through, how's that?"

"That's perfect."

Dean stood and listened to the manager as he spoke to him about himself being a wrestling fan and how long he had been watching wrestling. Dean listened and smiled but in his mind he was ready to leave the conversation. He watched in the mirror in front of him as a woman walked into the hotel corridor, she looked so fresh faced and confused at the same time. He could tell this was her first time, just by the reaction she was showing. As she approached the front desk, Dean was listening to the manager of the hotel, but had slightly tuned him out to a point, so he could listen to her.

When she mentioned his name in her conversation, he smiled to himself and then put his head down slightly, so she would not see his face fully. His hand held a key on the 6th floor, so when the front desk agent said she was on the same floor he once again laughed to himself. Then watched her head to the elevator.

Shaking the managers hand he thanked him and then walked slowly towards the elevator, in hopes that she would be gone before he got there…but she wasn't. She moved slowly and he didn't think she saw him behind her. She was short, and chubby, but she had one heck of a cute smile. He was fighting himself at this point, holding himself back form approaching her. He had his reasons for that.

She started singing, once again thought that she did not realize she was doing it, and she had a nice voice. In his mind Dean was trying to figure out how he was going to shield his face so she was not aware that it was him, then he remembered the winter face mask that was attached to his hoodie, this would cover the area below his eyes down to his chin and he smiled as he pulled it down over his face.

She smelled sweet….too sweet actually…her scent was making him woozy and horny…she needed to be still, stop dancing like that, before I he said in his mind as he gripped the handle of his bag that lagged behind him… as his thoughts exploded into a scene that seemed to automatically play before him, the elevator doors opened and she poured in..and he slinked in behind her. Since he was on the side with the buttons she asked him to push the button for floor 6 and he did…his mind wondered again…you smell to sweet…what perfume was that….glancing to his left she was leaning against the elevator wall. She looked dazed, so he broke the ice and tried changing his voice just a bit..which worked..

"First time in New York huh?" he said tapping her shoulder softly

"Huh?" she said, as her thoughts were interrupted by the touch

"I said first time visiting New York huh?"

"Oh, sorry I was lost in thought over here, and yes I haven't been too many places actually."

"What you here for, a convention or something?"

"No meeting my favorite wrestler, Dean Ambrose."

Dean smirked to himself under the mask that covered the full length and features of his face.

"Ok so one, you like wrestling and two…you like that bum Dean Ambrose?"

A look of disgust seemed to come over her face, which made Dean laugh even more. He was told by his friends how seriously his fans took him. Same with Roman and Seth. So he waited for the firestorm of words that were about to come from this short beauty who's mocha skin was within his grasp, in front of him. Her face balled up and she seemed as if she was about to spew a barrage of curse words his way. Yet she didn't, her calmness took over and she told the hooded figure to buzz off.

"Oh that's all, your not going to curse me out! Hit me! Or scream? Wow not much of a fan are we?"

"I am probably one of his biggest fans, but Dean is a chill guy, he doesn't like drama and I know who Dean is. I have studied his skills in the ring, I follow him because I admire him. So I am not going to argue about who he is…sorry."

Dean smiled, she was spunky…he liked that…as her scent began to rise again, his mind went to thoughts he kept to himself. "What is that you have on, it is intoxicating?"

"Thank you, its actually not anything expensive..just Curve," she said looking down at the floor..he saw this bashfulness and he wanted to throw her against the elevator and…

"Dammit, I wish this thing would hurry up, I…I need to get to my room asap and crash."

"Why are you here, are you visiting family…on business?"

As the doors opened to the elevator, Dean stepped out before her and pulled down the facial mask he had on and smiled. Turned around and watching her exit the elevator. She was going the opposite way but he waited patiently for her to focus. Turning to face him, her mouth dropped and she laughed…"Nah, actually here for an autograph signing and picture taking event tomorrow."

"You are so sneaky, why didn't you say it was you?"

"Didn't want to freak ya out."

"Well it wouldn't have freaked me out Dean, but it did make my day though."

"Glad I was able to….."

"You always do…on TV, on video…where ever, you always do."

"So question, whats the appeal? I mean I know I am the James Dean of the WWE." He said with a hearty laugh. "Just curious though…what's the appeal."

"Your, …I don't know Dean, different. You don't care what anyone has to say…your not changing and I love that about you. Plus I don't give a flying freak, your one of the most handsome ..if not the most handsome man in the WWE."

Dean looked at the floor and felt his face beginning to flush…he wasn't a good compliment taker, he had his moments of bashfulness as well. He actually was not comfortable with the attention. He was more used to his Indy days..those days in which he was hated. It was easier to be hated to him than to be liked. He knew that sounded odd, but it just was. By being hated he was able to build up a wall…a wall to the insults and disrespect. A wall to the things that the dirt sheets had to say about him as a wrestler. A wall to the way people regarded him. He was able to ignore and shake off the things that were said and done to him, so when a person hated him he liked it. Now as he climbed to the spot of excellence in the WWE he would see individuals with dolls and figures of him. People wanted to meet him, ask him questions…get to know him…it was weird for a long time…and some may have taken him as a dick .

Truth was he wasn't. He was the guy that had been hated by so many and loved by so few on the indy circuit, that he had become immune to it, he wasn't here to prove who he was..he had proven that by winning belt after belt in HWA, CZW and other circuits.

As his thoughts refocused on the woman in front of him, he smiled and nodded his response to her without saying a word. "Dean your so, awkward with yourself, but I don't understand why?"

"Not awkward Gabbie, just cautious…very very cautious. I have learned a person will say anything in this business to get your attention. Even down to pretending to be genuine, when they have a hidden agenda. So although I appreciate what you said. I don't know I don't trust you."

This kind of shot a pain towards her, and Dean could see the look that came across his face. He was sorry but not sorry. This is Dean Ambrose, outspoken, and honest no matter what the situation is.

Looking up at him as he began to turn to walk the other way towards his room. Gabbie got a huge boost of confidence.

"So how does one get you to trust them, I mean what if they are really interested in you, for you?...Not your name, not your material assets or status, not your career, but because they really want to know you. How would someone ..I don't know…break through this?"

She said as she walked closer to him and touched his heart. "Im just curious."

"Be honest, be real, no pushing, allow me to do the pushing, no obsessive behavior..and just be yourself. I hate fake people who are just here in my life to be there. Who try to get close to me because they are looking for something, and that something is not good, why are you asking?" he said pushing his hoodie down off of his head.

As he stood before her, she had the urge to kiss him, she didn't care why, she didn't care what he had to say…and if he stopped her before their lips met, and he shunned her at least she threw caution to the wind and did something wild for once. Stepping closer to him, she looked up into his eyes, which were becoming shifty at this point…he kept looking away from her. Placing her hand on his chest she smiled "Can you bend down I want to tell you something."

"Huh, what is it." He said bending his ear down to her.

Gabbie moved herself towards his lips and brushed against them, waiting for him to push her away, or to scream at her…but he didn't, instead he accepted the kiss she was giving him softly on his lips. It wasn't a severely passionate kiss, it was spontaneously done and Dean looked at her as he returned to his upright position. "Your slick Gabbie"

"How do you know my name Dean?"

"I heard you say it at the desk, and Gabbie is my nickname for you."

"That's my nickname from everyone."

"Yeah but when I say it, it send chills through you doesn't it." He said as he began to walk towards her.

She watched him as she backed into the wall beside her. Dean was coming towards her..he mind was screaming louder and louder…He leaned down and returned her formal kiss to her. His lips forging a seal with her and searching her for a sign of desire. Which he found when she let out a groan under his touch. Dean released himself from her, and she stood, staring at him quietly.

"I will see you tomorrow Gabbie." He said as he walked away from her.

Dean entered his room, and fell on his bed…it took no time, he was gone in a matter of minuets.

Walking towards her room she began to shed her jacket and outer layer top. This left her tank top and jeans as a remnant of what she had left on….her room was so comfortable, her bed enveloped her, her body still reacting to his touch..he kissed her…Oh My Goodness he kissed her she said to herself. Turning over, and balling up…and she began to dream..with a smile