This is based on recent episodes, so scenes are similar, with my added twist. Not 100% happy with how this turned out, it was a challenge to write the scenes with Kyle, but hopefully someone will enjoy, it's only a short six chapter story.

Sorry for any spoilers and feedback is always highly appreciated. Thank you. :)

Chapter 1

Twenty three year old Kyle Braxton shuffled his way into the living room of the house he once shared with Phoebe and Josh. However the high spirited cheerfulness of his once girlfriend: Phoebe Nicholson, no longer marked the hallways of the moderately sized house, instead it was hanging in the dumpy caravan of the freshly acquired Summer Bay resident and long time friend of his deceased brother, Martin Ashford, otherwise better known as Ash.

The break up had hit Kyle hard when Phoebe rejected his marriage proposal and told him it was better if they had some space from one another. Phoebe was the love of Kyle's life. After having meet the boisterous, carefree girl back in Melbourne and after everything they had gone through with Phoebe's father, the young couple had still came out on top, but with commitment in sights, it was just something the young girl from Melbourne just wasn't ready for.

What had hurt Kyle the most was when Ash, a long time friend of Brax's had began to make his move on Phoebe; it left Kyle crushed when he'd walked in on the two sharing a passionate moment in Angelo's.

After a nasty fist fight occurred between the two males in the Braxton home, Phoebe had packed up her belongings and left, deciding she could no longer stay around Kyle and in fact made it clear that she would be spending the time with Ash.

Ricky had consoled the disgruntled Braxton that night, but Kyle just had never been the same and everything was still raw in his mind from finding out that Brax had drowned to his death after a botched- up prison transfer.

The young Braxton felt alone and empty, like nothing was keeping him in Summer Bay. He loved spending time with Ricky and baby Casey, but inside he felt he didn't belong; one Braxton on his own.

Kyle's demeanor went from bad to worse as he turned to drinking away his sorrows, often leaving Ricky to come to his defense at Angelo's after hours, having found Kyle drunk. With the support of Ricky Kyle was able to slow down the drinking, though he still felt like something inside him was missing.

Kyle made his way into the kitchen to grab himself a drink before walking back to the living room and flopping down on the couch. Kyle barely turned his head when the front door swung open, revealing the well groomed thirty-two year old Ricky Sharpe, holding a bassinet carrying baby Casey.

"Morning Kyle, how are you?" the blonde asked.

Kyle swiftly moved his head around and glanced at her brother's widowed girlfriend.

"Kyle, is something bothering you?" Ricky asked, closing the door and making her way over to the couch.

Ricky took a seat and pulled Casey out of his bassinet, nursing the small baby in her arms.

"Kyle, you can talk to me you know. I know it's been hard for you since Phoebe left to go with Ash, but you need to try move on."

"I just don't know anything about my life anymore Ricky. I don't belong here and nothing's keeping me here," Kyle explained.

"Kyle you've got family here; Case and I are family," Ricky assured.

"I get that but I don't know myself anymore. When I first came to the Bay I had three brothers, now I've only got one who's far away in the city with a family of his own. When Phoebe came back, she made my life happy and complete, but now...I just can't stay here," Kyle sighed.

Ricky adjusted Casey in her arms and gave a nod.

"Well I can't keep you here if that's what you really feel. I'm going to miss you and so will this little guy."

"I'll miss you and Case too, but I need to do this and I'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone that I'm leaving," Kyle requested.

Ricky nodded in agreement. "Don't you want them to at least know?"

"Please Ricky; I don't want to make a big deal of this," Kyle asked.

"Well okay. Where will you go?"

Kyle shrugged. "Probably back to Melbourne; try and find out who I am again," Kyle said with some hesitance in his voice.

"I meant what I said Kyle; you're a great guardian to Casey and I do hope that you'll come back to stay with us again. "

Kyle smiled, "Thanks Ricky. I should get packing on my stuff."

Kyle stood up from the couch and placed down his empty drink.

"At least let me make you a farewell dinner before you go," Ricky offered.

Kyle nodded, "Yeah I'd like that."

Kyle then made his way into his bedroom and began stuffing essential belongings into a backpack. When Kyle finally emerged from his room he looked towards Ricky who was busy feeding Casey.

"I'm all packed," Kyle announced quietly.

Ricky smiled sweetly up at Kyle, she didn't want him to go, but at the same time she knew the young man had to figure things out for himself.

"Did you want anything special for your final night?" she asked, taking Casey away from feeding on her breast and placing him against her shoulder; rubbing his back gently to burp him.

Kyle shrugged, "Maybe some chicken with that special mushroom and cream sauce that you make?"

Ricky placed Casey on her lap and adjusted her maternity bra and shirt.

"That was always Brax's favourite too," Ricky commented.

"That's fine. I just have to pop up to the shops and get the food."

"Did you want me to get it?" Kyle offered, feeling like he owed her something.

"No. You stay here and spend your last moments with your nephew," Ricky implied and stood up to hand baby Casey to Kyle.

When Kyle looked at the tiny baby in his arms it seemed everything bad in his life was forgotten, for just a brief second. Ricky grabbed her purse and car keys. Kissing her son on his soft baby hair, she fare-welled Kyle and made her way into town.

Kyle bounced Casey on his knee, smiling as the baby gurgled and sucked on his tiny fist.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, little guy, but you know what; you got a great Mum who's gonna be here for you. I'm sorry you're gonna grow up without a Dad. You'd have really loved your Dad; he was a great man who always looked after his family. I really miss him too," Kyle whispered.

Casey let out a cough and Kyle stopped bouncing him and placed him against his chest in a hug; reflecting on the moment, until the baby fell asleep.

Ricky returned twenty minutes later with the groceries and watched her son with Kyle.

"I thought he'd fall asleep," Ricky stated.

Kyle twisted his head around to glance at her.

"Yeah: sleeping peacefully for a while now. I just didn't have the heart to put him down. I wanted to keep hold of him for longer."

"You're so good with him Kyle," Ricky replied and walked into the kitchen to prepare the dinner.

Ricky and Kyle sat silently at the table during dinner, only being interrupted when Casey's cries came from the living room where the baby had woken from his sleep. Kyle automatically shifted his chair back to attend to his nephew.

"I got it. Finish your meal," Ricky spoke softly and got up from the table.

The following morning Ricky stood in the living room staring at Kyle, who was armed with his packed bags.

"Are you really sure about this? You won't change your mind?" Ricky asked.

Kyle shook his head and wrapped Ricky in a hug.

"I'm sure," Kyle whispered sadly.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me and Casey. Look after yourself, you hear me?" Ricky said firmly to which Kyle obediently nodded.

"You take care of yourself and the little guy too," Kyle replied, smiling.

"You always have a home here Kyle," Ricky told Kyle softly, and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.

Kyle pulled away and walked over towards Casey who was in his bassinet. Picking up the baby, Kyle gave his head a quick kiss.

"You be good for your Mum, little guy. I'll see you again soon. Goodbye Ricky," Kyle fare-welled, after placing Casey back down and grabbing his bags.

"Bye Kyle. Did you want me to at least give you a lift to the bus?"

Kyle shook his head, "No it's fine. Thank you Ricky."

"Let me know when you get to Melbourne and that you're okay," Ricky ordered.

Kyle nodded and walked out the door, on his way to discover his new life.

Kyle walked around his old town of Melbourne. He'd found a local pub to stay at and paid for his accommodation and slung his bag onto the bed in his room. As promised Kyle sent Ricky a text telling her he'd arrived and had found a place to stay.

'Stay safe Kyle,' Ricky had replied.

After reading the responded message, Kyle placed his phone down on a nearby cupboard and flopped down on the bed.

"What am I even doing here?" he questioned.

Kyle stared up at the white patterned ceiling, thoughts running through his head of who he was and what he was going to do.

Kyle sighed and reached his hand into his jacket pocket, pulling out the wad of hundred dollar notes he had taken from the restaurant for his trip. Kyle sat up flicking the money between his fingers.

"I've got money, but nothing else," Kyle mumbled.

Kyle stood up from the bed and tucked the money back into his pocket and made his way downstairs into the main part of the pub.

"Can I get a Wurther's beer thanks?" Kyle asked the well built bar attendant with black hair and a mustache.

"There ya go mate. That'll be six bob."

Kyle slapped down a ten dollar note on the counter and waited for his change; taking a large sip of his beer.

Kyle heard a loud ruckus of shouts and turned his attention to a group of tough and cold looking guys.

"'Ey another round of drinks for us boss!" the older of the group called out.

To Kyle he looked like he could have been in a bikey gang. He had coarse grey hair, held back in a pony tail, had worn out facial features, and was quite muscular.

"No problem; just the same?" the bar attendant yelled.

The four men cheered and Kyle sat staring, sipping his drink.

"How's it going boys?" the bar attendant asked.

"Like always: Mick is a tough one to beat," another more overweight man responded.

Kyle became curious as to what these guys were up to and it reminded him of his shifty, mysterious past; the past he knew before he'd met any of his brothers.

"You got a problem, kid?" the bikey-looking man edged gruffly towards Kyle.

Kyle cautiously shook his head. "I was just wondering what game you guys were talking about?" Kyle inquired.

The biker man's head shifted towards another balding man with a moustache; Kyle noted that he must have been the leader. The biker looking man approached Kyle.

"You interested in playing?"

"What are we playing?" Kyle questioned again.

"The game's poker; you think you're still up for it?" the man pressed.

Kyle stood up from his bar stool; what else did he have to lose.

"Sure, I got the money," Kyle shrugged, pulling the wad of cash from his pocket.

The man shook him off.

"Not here kid; come on," he encouraged with a head nod and Kyle could see the balding man stare at him with a threatening look in his eye.

Inside Kyle knew these guys were probably thugs, but in reality maybe that was where he felt he belonged. Kyle followed the four men into a back room; two of them carrying the drinks from the bar.

"Have a seat," the bald man instigated. Kyle looked around the rounded table as the four blokes took their seats and hesitantly sat down.

A man wearing a black hoodie, jeans, black gloves, and cap, sat at a far away table in the bar staring closely at Kyle, watching as the young man disappeared with the four rough looking guys. The man took a sip of his beer and waited.