I do not own Naruto, only Hima

Chapter. Konoha

In this shinobi world I was taught peace, hate, love, and death. I was pretty much taught that in my past life also.

I don't remember my past life that much, only that I had two awesome parents who were painters who barely got bills paid on time. Even though the family still held on together they still lost a daughter.

Hima Tori was my given name for this world; I was born in Konoha, Village Hidden in The Leafs.

Though for the past five years of my life I've been traveling with Uncle Jiraiya. He pretty much taught me all the rules of being a Shinobi and trained me like one.

I mostly resembled Uncle Jiraiya in many ways, but mostly by my hair since it was just as white as his. Though he did say I have my mother's eyes.

"What's keeping you Hima?" Uncle Jiraiya asked with a smirk. "I thought you wanted to get to the village today?"

My eight year old self sat down on the ground.

"I'm so tired though!" I whined. "I don't have as much stamina as you!"

"Oh? But you're going to be a Shinobi, then a Sannin!"

"That's legendary to you pervert!" I pointed at him.

Uncle Jiraiya cried, "I told you not to call me that!"

"Your books don't help with that."

"Alright get up get up, I'll get you dango then."

Cheering I caught up with Uncle Jiraiya, and started talking with him about the village.

My Uncle was raised in Konoha and fought in the second ninja war though now he is continuing his journey to find his student.

I always asked him why and he said that student can most likely make a peaceful world, after another ten times I never asked again. It was always the same either way.

It took half of the day to finally reach the village, but it was a beautiful view.

The sun was coming down making Konoha bright.

A mixture of pink, red, and orange, filled my eyes.

"Finally we're here!" I yelled running a head of Uncle.

A chuckle filled my ears.

"Hey wait up on me now! You don't need to be going on a head!"

This village, this is where my mom and dad grew up at. They found love, and had a family for a little while. After five years, I've wanted to come back to this village, and make myself strong like my mom and dad.

My mom and dad died eight years ago. The Nine-tails had gone destroying the village, killing shinobi and citizens everywhere. Including my parents, I was only two months old then, so I never understood about it until Uncle told me.

Still can't be mad at my parents nor the Nine-tails. Mom and dad protected this village for the next generation, including me. Though the Nine-tails, just imagine being trapped inside someone and they just use you. Plus they're the only way to live. If they die you die.

"Come along Hima!" Uncle called to me as he started to walk through the gated getting approval from the guards.

Nodding, I ran up to him grabbing a hold of his hand. Uncle tried to hide his smile but it didn't work.

Though finally, we made it up to the Hokage's office. The old man showed a smile as Uncle brought me in.

"How was the journey?" He asked, still holding that smile.

"It was awesome!" I exclaimed. "We visited so many places, and I was taught some of the academy lessons!"

"Oh really? Jiraiya did you run into any trouble?"

"No not at all! Just went and did my research."


"What did you say you little brat?"

"You heard me!"

We then did a stare down, which the third just sighed at us.

"Hima, I've been told you want to be a Shinobi. Have you gone through any training?"

"Of course she has!" Uncle patted my head. "Taught her all of the basics."

The third hummed then continued with a smile.

"We shall put you into the academy; you can graduate with the rest of your age in four years."

I cheered as the third and uncle laughed.

"Now Jiraiya, we need to talk."

"Well that's my cue! Bye Hima have a fun time!"

"Bye Uncle!"

He then undid the shadow clone, probably being happy to not answering the third's questions.

"You have quite a family there." The third sighed.

"I know, but I love him!"

_4 years later_

"Congratulations on becoming Genin!" Iruka sensei called this us why others smiled at each other.

I looked from the very back of the room sitting next to Shikamaru.

So this finally the day I get out of this Academy. Trust me I had fun, though I do want a little action now. Even after four years I still can't get use to sitting in a classroom.

"Listen as I call the teams! Usually all Genin teams are only four man but this year we will have a five man team!"

'Oh please do not put me on a team with Sasuke or Naruto please, but mostly Sakura! I can't stand that girl.'

'Well.' Looking over to the left, I see Ino almost fangirling as much as Sakura. 'Just don't put me in her group too.'

"Team Seven is Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno." Naruto jumps up as Sakura Sulks. "Sasuke Uchiha," Of course now Sakura and Naruto do the opposite. "And Hima Tori."

Naruto and Sakura turn around too look at me, seeing this I waved with a smile.

Of course I have to end up in their team, the trouble maker team.

"Hima you're so lucky!" Ino goes and sighs to me. "You ended up in Sasuke's team!"

"I don't think I am."

"Well you did end up in Naruto's team." Shikamaru smirked at me.

"No Naruto is not the worse or Sasuke." I muttered to him. "It's Sakura; you know how much she is going to be flirting? So much for teamwork!"

Shikamaru laughs at me as Ino goes on about wanting to be in Sasuke's team, earning a comeback from him.

"I feel sorry for whoever ends up in your team."

"Team ten, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara."

"Oh as you were saying!"

"And Choji Akimichi!"

Ino buried her head in her arms.

"I'm worried about her now." I muttered twisting my hair.

As soon as Iruka finished announcing the names we went to lunch break.

I tried to find the others, hopefully getting to eat with each other, like team ten is doing.

With no luck it ended with me eating all by myself, and then trying to find them again. Which I found them, seeing Sasuke running away why holding on to his butt, and Sakura waiting for Sasuke, for the real Sasuke to come back and tell her off.

We really need team work, or we're all going to die.

After lunch everyone ended up back in the class room waiting for their Jounin to come get them.

This of course ended with Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and I still waiting on ours.

"He's late!" Naruto complained. "I can't stand it anymore!"

"Shut up Naruto!"

Naruto then laughed and grabbed a chalkboard eraser and putting it between the door.

"This is going to be so funny!"

"Naruto! Stop that!"

'My gosh Sakura shut up!'

"You're going to get us in trouble Naruto!" She screeched at him.

"But Sakura!"

"Sakura just let him do it." I told her. "Our sensei is a jounin. He isn't going to care about it."

Sakura groaned at this muttering about me being rude.

Of course a few minutes later a white head appeared in the door only to get the chalkboard eraser to drop on his head.

Naruto started laughing why Sakura why apologizing to our sensei and Sasuke looks unimpressed, disappointed really.

"My first impression," He smiled. "I hate you."

Really, now you just made me dislike you too.

"I guess we're on the same page then." I told him.

Sakura gasps at me.

"She doesn't mean it sensei!"

"Of course I do. I mean every word I say."

He sighed. "Come on now. We're going to the roof."

Silently we followed our new sensei up to the roof, and sat down.

Of course I was near Sakura so I tried to distance myself from her.

It's already bad I'm on her team, but it makes it worse when I have to see her fangirling over Sasuke.

"Now tell us about yourselves." He continued on now looking at the four of us.

"Like what?"

"You know. Your favorite things, what you dislike, hobbies, dreams, stuff like that.

"You go first Sensei." Naruto told him.

"Yeah!" Sakura nodded in agreement. "Show an example."

"My name is Kakashi Hatake. I don't want to tell my likes or dislikes, I'm just that type of guy. My dreams for the future are none of your business. Hobbies? "Kakashi hummed. "I have a lot of hobbies."

"He only told us his name!" Sakura told us.

"Thank you for telling us! I never knew that!" I smiled at her.

"Now it's your turn." Kakashi continued. "Starting on the right."

Oh thank goodness I don't have to go first!

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup, oh and when Iruka Sensei treats me to ramen from Ichiraku Ramen! I hate the three minute wait though.

Naruto only focused on Ramen, I smirked.

"My dream is to one day be Hokage, so I can be someone important and then everyone will have to acknowledge me! Oh and my hobbies are pranks I guess."

"Next." Kakashi's eye went to Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke had a dark shadow on his eyes. "There are plenty of things I hate, and almost nothing I do like. I can't really call this a dream. But I have an ambition, I will restore my clan and there's a certain man I will kill."

And now I see he is obsessed with revenge. I know his own brother kill his whole entire clan but him. He is never going to accomplish anything with revenge. Or at least that's what Uncle told me.

"And you."

"My name is Sakura Haruno. I like…." She squealed. "My dreams for the future are…"another squeal.

I silently started to move further away.

"And your dislike?"

"I hate Naruto!"


I sighed.

"Okay now you." Kakashi looked at me.

"So if I tell you what I like you'll buy it for me right?"


"Like if I tell you I like a certain food you'll buy it for me right?" I huffed.


"My name is Hima Tori. I like dango, rice balls, sushi, soba, rice, udon…"

"Uh; how about your dislikes now?"

I hummed for a moment. What did I dislike?

"Uhh fangirls, people who disturb peace." I started thinking again. "And perverts!"


"Not telling."


"My dreams? I can't say it's a dream but an ambition; to be a legendary Sannin!" I smiled. "Though I do have a dream….to have a world of peace where we all understand each other as shinobi….so no more lives have to be killed by this avenging world."

Kakashi hummed at this.

I looked to see Naruto and Sakura looking at me weird, and Sasuke looked like he kind of understood what I was talking about.

"Now that introductions are done, we will start our duties as shinobi tomorrow. " Kakashi spoked.

"Oh what kind?"

"Something the five of us can do. A team survival exercise."

A then talked about how we did that already in the academy which really was all of us being stupid children at the time.

"Well I don't want you to freak out about this but out of the twenty-eight graduates only ten will be Genin and the rest will return to the academy."

My head popped up at this. Well this is new, I never heard of this from uncle!

Seems everyone else had thought almost the same thing.

"Oi oi," Kakashi motioned his hand at us. "Don't freak out over this you still have a chance."

"But we practice so hard to graduate! No way I'm going back to the academy!" Naruto yelled as loud as he could.

"Oi Naruto." I spoke to him. "We still have a chance so."

"Anyway bring all of your shinobi tools, and meet at the training grounds." Kakashi continued.

I got up from the ground and started rubbing the dirt off of myself.

"Oh and don't eat breakfast tomorrow you might puke it up." He smiled and sent four pieces of paper towards us.

Maybe this is what Uncle was telling me about that was going to be hard.

The next day I woke up at four a.m. and eat breakfast, and I mean a big one of course.

As I eat my eggs, I looked around at my apartment. It was colorful with an orange couch and brown pillows. Pictures hung around the house also. Most of them were of Uncle and me.

Some showed us in front of a shop, or a village. Uncle was always smiling like I was the best thing in his life when I was in a picture. I guess I was since he lost his brother and his sister in law.

Though some hung pictures of my mom and dad, one showed the both of them in their teens. My dad's white haired shined next to my mom's red hair, mom was smiling why tugging on dad's arm making him look at the camera with a painful smile on his face.

The next one was of their wedding day. Mom's beautiful wedding dress had brought out her emerald eyes, as dad was in a tux grinning from ear to ear. The scenery showed that it was snowing on that day but they didn't seem to care.

Finally the one and only picture that had me in it was set in spring. My mom was holding me as dad had his arm around mom's shoulders. I was only three weeks since I was born; they had stood outside of our little home. This picture had hung here from as long as I been here, but now it's coming with me.

Since I'm a shinobi, I want them to follow me on my missions. I want them to see me live and hopefully make peace in this world which will happen on way or another.

Today I decided that since I'm not in the academy anymore it was time for a wardrobe change.

I wore a white tank top which had a deep purple jacket over it, containing a diamond on the back of it. A black pair of shorts that went to the knees, my blue shinobi shoes since we didn't get a choice sadly on that, but finally my headband went on my arm.

Yep good to go!

Checking the clock I went and grabbed all of my things, with included putting my hair into a pony tail.

"Well mom….dad…..my adventure starts now!"