A/N: Hey again~ I'm back with a Mikayuu Halloween one-shot in order to celebrate Halloween today~ so without further ado, I present to you Sweet Tooth! (Tbh the title has nothing to do with the story at all lol im so random I know)

Warning: Unbetaed

Disclaimer: OnS is not mine

Sweet Tooth

Tonight was Halloween night. A fun and thrilling night where people would dressed up in different spooky costumes, doing trick-or-treating with their friends or just partying all night long. But here he was struggling to meet the deadlines for his pile of untouched assignments. Screw his life. Amane Yuuichirou sighed for the umpteenth time.

By the time he finished the final sentence of his last essay, he was already drained of energy and lost the spirit to experience Halloween altogether.

"Uhh.. so tired..."

Yuuichirou rolled on top of his bed and was fast asleep in no time.

Ting! Tong!

The doorbell rang. Amane Yuuichirou blinked open his bright green eyes and sleepily checked the time on his phone. Were the kids in his neighbourhood still going around doing trick-or-treating?

03:30 A.M.

'Eh? It's half past three in the morning. Who the heck comes this late at night..?'

Without wasting another thought, the black-haired male shut his eyes close once more. He had a rough time completing all of his assignments today since he's the type to do everything at the last minute. So, the exhausted Yuuichirou was not going to bother entertaining some crazy brats who would still go candy-hunting at this time of the day.

But, mercy was not on his side. His ears were immediately bombarded by the nonstop ringing of the doorbell.

"AHHH FINE, I'M COMING SO SHUT THE F*** UP ALREADY!" The baggy-eyed college student exploded as he was forced to jump out of the comfort of his bed to answer the door. And beat the crap out of whoever it was outside his house while he's at it.

"Do you realise what time it is - ...eh..?" Words were cut short from the young man with messy dark hair. Owner of round emerald eyes stared in shock at the sight before him.

"Trick or -hic- treat~~~"

At his doorstep, stood a very familliar blonde with sapphire eyes in a vampire costume. It was none other than his childhood friend.


His full name was Shindo Mikaela, voted as the most beautiful person in their university. And yes, right now he looked absolutely dashing in that black and red outfit of his. He was wearing a sleeveless maroon double-breasted vest on top of a gray long-sleeved shantung shirt accompanied with a black satin cape and fitted black slacks which complemented his lean figure perfectly.

The said person staggered and fell into his arms as soon as he opened the door. "Yuu-chan~~~ I'm -hic- home~" Mikaela squeezed the other man into a tight hug. His fake little fangs protruded out of his pink lips cutely as he grinned from ear to ear.

Yuuichirou fastened his hold onto the red-faced colleague of his when he felt the other slowly slipping down to the ground. A strong smell invaded his nostrils not long after. "Ugh, you reeked of alcohol Mika!" A grunt escaped his lips as he dragged the wasted blonde to the sofa and tossed him almost recklessly.

"Stay here. I'll get you a glass of water." Yuu said as he got up from the couch to head to the kitchen. But then, he felt a soft hand tugging his wrist.

"Nooo -hic- Yuu-chan~ don't leave me~~" Mikaela quickly hugged the green-eyed man from behind, all the while giggling like a little child. "Play -hic- with me, pwease~?" The plastered blonde continued laughing merrily, sticking to his back like a superglue.

'Oh Lord, why tonight of all nights?' Yuu sighed and rubbed his temple tiredly. He had known the blonde for almost twelve years now, long enough to know that this so-called 'angel incarnation' (as mentioned by every other student who laid eyes on him) was completely alcohol intolerant. And to add to his misery, Mika was a happy drunk whenever he took a sip of alcoholic beverage or even a bite of cake containing wine. The beautiful blonde would become all clingy and behave childishly exactly like what he was doing now. He was that bad at holding in his liquor.

"Why and how did you get yourself intoxicated again?" Yuu asked rhetorically, not that he's expecting a believable explanation from a drunkard anyway. Because Mika would never drink unless he was forced to, since that perfectionist blonde was so embarrassed to be seen drunk by anyone else. Yuu remained the only one who had seen him in this state he was in right now.

And maybe it was better that way. Heavens know what would befall the blonde should he be left in this state to someone other than Yuu. Else Mika would definitely be attacked by perverted wolves lusting over his body.

Mika hummed and answered nevertheless, "A little witch told me -hic- to drink a special potion." The blonde's voice was muffled by the fabric as he planted his face flat on Yuu's back while talking. "She -hic- said it would make Yuu-chan happy -hic- ehehehee~" He popped his head up again so that their faces came close together, their noses almost touching, "Nee, Yuu-chan... are you happy now?" Mika's voice suddenly dropped a note lower, his enticing sapphire eyes gazed intensely into Yuu's emerald ones. Almost as if any trace of docility in him was erased completely and replaced by a more predatory version of Mika.


Yuu could feel the heat rose up to his cheeks and his heart started to race like a jet. He finally realised how dangerously close their bodies were and the feeling of Mika's hot breath down his neck didn't made it any better. The butterflies in his tummy were now doing a three sixty degree backflip or something.

"W-witch? Wh-who could that be?" Yuu turned his face away from the blonde who was snuggling closer to his back once more, arms wrapping around his waist. He cursed himself internally for stuttering his words out. 'Where the hell did the happy go lucky Mika disappeared to?' Yuu then was hit by a sudden revelation.

'...told me -hic- to drink a special potion.'

"What the hell was in that potion?!" He cluck his tongue in irritation. 'Damn, Shinoa. Always doing unnecessary things.'

Then, he let out a startled moan when he felt a prickling sensation down his neck. "Nngh!"

Yuu turned as still as a statue.

Oh. God. Mika. Was. Literally. Biting. Him.

"Mi- Mika! Wha-wha-what are you doing?!" Yuu squirmed to release himself from the blonde's embrace, but to no avail. There it was. Mika's superhuman strength whenever he's drunk. The green eyed man added panickingly, "Do-don't bite me! You're not a freakin' vampire!"

"But... Yuu-chan's blood. I want it... Can I have some?" Mikaela murmured into Yuuichirou's ear in the most seductive way possible. "Hn..!" Yuu shuddered involuntarily and accidentally nodded to the blonde's absurd request. His face instantaneously turned scarlet. "T-that's so unfair." He pouted whilst rubbing his reddened ear sulkily.

Since young, Yuu had always been sensitive around the ears, especially when touched by others. And Mika used to tease him about it all the time. How dare Mika used his weakness against him in this kind of situation.

The blonde swiftly changed their positions so that Yuu was now lying on the couch with Mika pressing hard against him, one of his knees situated in between the other's legs. Yuu gasped in pleasure before covering his mouth with the back of his hand. His face now resembled that of an overripe tomato. Mika simply chuckled lightly before slowly removing Yuu's hand and planting a chaste kiss onto the tender lips. Slender pale fingers trailed down Yuu's chest and unbuttoned his shirt effortlessly. "Then, thank you for the meal, Yuu-chan." Mika whispered gently into Yuu's ear once more before nipping the base of his neck.

"A-ah! You idiot..!"

Heck, Mika was no angel. If it's anything, he was definitely the wretched devil himself!

Alas, Yuu realised this a tad too late.

The End

A/N: So, that's all for today~ Happy Halloween, everyone. :)