Chapter 13: What Makes A Monster And What Makes A Man

After Dartz's men retreated Yugi raced to his room to tell Yami the good news.

"We've done it Yami! We've beaten them back, come and see!" He cried happily.

But then he noticed Yami hadn't woken up yet.

"Yami wake up, your safe now." He smiled, but the gypsy didn't respond.

"Yami?" Yugi placed a hand on his friend's cheek and gasped when he felt how cold it was.

"Oh no." He whispered.

Joey, Tristan and Tea stood by the door with sad looks on their faces.

Yugi filled a cup with water and pressed it against Yami's cold lips.

But instead of swallowing it, Yami didn't move and most of the water fell out his mouth a rolled down his cheeks.

Yugi felt tears in his eyes, he dropped the cup and took hold of the crimson eyed teen's hand and watched as it remained limp in his own.

"Oh no." He said and tears fell from his eyes.

He was too late, Yami was dead.

Yugi lifted Yami's head up and cried into to older teen's hair.

Tea closed the door to give Yugi sometime alone...

After 5 minutes of crying Yugi heard the door open and saw Dartz's shadow walking up to him.

He stiffed when he felt the man place a hand on his shoulder.

Unbeknownst to Yugi was the fact that Dartz was holding a knife behind his back.

"You killed him." Yugi whispered and he help Yami's hand to his cheek, not facing his master.

"It was my duty, horrible as it was. I hope you can forgive me one day." Dartz said with fake sympathy.

Yugi sobbed quietly.

Dartz slowly raised the dagger above his head.

"My dear Yugi I know this must hurt, but now the time has come to end your suffering. Forever."

Yugi looked up at the wall and saw Dartz's shadow with the knife.

He gasped and turned around just in time to stop Dartz's attack.

The two wrestled for a bit until Yugi managed to knock Dartz into the wall.

The man looked up and his eyes widened in fear when he saw Yugi walking over to him with the knife, his body shaking with anger.

"Now listen to me Yugi." He said in fear.


"...Yugi..." Came a quiet moan.

Yugi turned around and saw Yami was starting to wake up!

He was still faint and dizzy from all the smoke he inhaled but Yugi was just happy he was alive.

Yugi ran over to him and lifted him up bridal style.

The gypsy lay limp in the shorter boy's arms.

"He lives." Dartz snarled and pulled out a sword.

"No!" Yugi cried and ran out the room with Yami in his arms...

When Dartz ran after Yugi he couldn't find the spiky haired teen anywhere.

He looked left and right but there was still no sight of them.

Suddenly an idea came in Dartz's head.

He slowly walked over to the edge of the balcony and looked down, he saw Yugi holding onto one of the statues with one hand and the other was holding a now fully awake Yami.

"Leaving so soon?" He smirked and tried to hit them with his sword but Yugi swung out the way.

"Look! Up there!" Mana cried when she saw Dartz, Yugi and Yami fighting.

Seto saw this and ran into the temple...

Dartz tried to hit them again.

"Hang on Yami!" Yugi exclaimed and swung onto another statue.

They continued this until Dartz's sword got stuck in one of the statues.

Yugi help Yami climb onto the balcony but Dartz managed to free himself and raised his sword.

Yugi gasped and pushed his friend out of the way just in time.

"I should have known you'd give your life to save that gypsy. Just as your own mother died trying to save you." Dartz said.

"What?" Yugi whispered, all his life Dartz had told him that his mother had abandoned him when he was a baby because of his shadow magic.

"And now I'm going to do what I should have done 15 years ago!" He cried and wrapped his cape around Yugi's head.

The boy lost his footing and fell over the edge, unfortunately Dartz forgot to let go and he also fell.

They both would have fell into the fiery pit below if Yami hadn't grabbed Yugi's hand.

Dartz began to swing on the cape until he was able to grab hold of a statue and pull himself up.

Yami looked up at him in fear as the manic rose to his feet and lifted his sword.

"I shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!" He laughed crazily.

Yugi saw the fear in Yami's eyes and then he saw Dartz raise his sword.

Something inside Yugi began to boiling and he released a wave of the most powerful Shadow Magic ever seen.

Some hit Dartz and some hit Yami.

The blast was strong enough to knock Dartz off the statue and he screamed as loud as he could as he fell into the lava below.

The energy from the blast hit Yami in the abdomen and the pain was so strong Yami ended up accidently letting go of Yugi's hand.

"NNNOOOO!" He cried as Yugi fell to his death.

Out of no where Seto appeared on the bell tower's lower levels and caught Yugi just in time.

Yami smiled and ran to the stairs...

When Seto pulled Yugi to safety the tri-haired teen opened his eyes and smiled when he saw that it was Seto who had saved him.

He gave the ex-captain a tight hug and, surprisingly, Seto hugged back.

They both turned to the door and saw Yami running towards them, he stopped and smiled when he saw they were alright.

Yugi smiled also and took hold of one of Seto's hand and one of Yami's.

He then joined the hand's together and the too lovers smiled at one another...

When Seto and Yami walked out the temple everyone cheered.

The battle was over, Dartz was defeated and they had won.

Seto and Yami smiled at each other and Yami walked back over to the door.

He extended his hand to Yugi, who was hiding in the shadows.

The smaller boy took hold of the hand and stepped into the light.

Everyone stared at his quietly and Yugi waited with baited breath for their reaction.

In the crowd a young girl who looked around 5 years old looked at her Grandfather before walking over to the bell ringer.

Yugi tensed up when she brushed her soft hand against his cheek but soon relaxed and they both hugged.

"THREE CHEERS FOR YUGI MOUTO!" Bakura yelled from the top of a lamppost.

Some men lifted Yugi onto their shoulders and they paraded him around the city.

Ishizu picked up the girl who went up to Yugi.

So here is a riddle to guess if you can
Sing the bells of the temple

Marik came over and took the girl from his sister and then he pulled out a puppet of Dartz.

What makes a monster and what makes a man?

Whatever and which you,
Can feel them bewitch you

Bakura then took the child.

The rich and the ritual Chants

Of the bells of the temple

As the crowd took Yugi away Yami and Seto watched from the temple until the brunette pulled his lover closer and gave him a passionate kiss, both unaware of what Yugi's shadow magic had do to Yami.

In the bell tower Tea was crying tears of joy and Joey and Tristan had cracked open the champagne to celebrate...