This is it. The end. That's all I'll say.


Nick Striker: You will have to... find out.

Elvisfonz23: It's been a pleasure to have you since the start, man. If you like Star Wars, a series may come out for that soon... Other than that, the next edition may take a while to make.

A special thanks to those who have stuck by the series, and the 800 views you have given me. So awesome!

Chapter 15: Taking Names And Kicking...

No. This isn't possible. This cannot be happening. This is just a nightmare that I will wake up from. But... it is real, and I am finally confronted by the truth. It's the person I least expected it to be.

"You know that I've missed our together time?" the horrifying man from my past turns around. Yet, there is something odd about his stature. Whereas the shadow that haunts me was silent and dominating, this person is carefree and relaxed. Something is off, I think, slowly tensing my muscles to respond in a moment's notice. "A point to the lab rat! Something is off! And before you ask me how, think about why." he guesses, no reads my thoughts.

"How are you here? The program was shut down." I question, feeling the same rage I experienced during the procedure.

"For them, yes; me, no. I've been observing you for a long while now." so fast that I nearly missed it, the horror shifts into the blonde figure of Jake. "Are we still best pals?"

"What!?" I resist the urge to breakdown from the emotional bombardment. Betrayal, fear, and anxiety gushes into my personal bubble of reality. "How?"

"Think about it! I'm a shapeshifter and a telepath, so... what am I?" he theatrically asks as though this was all a weekend quiz show, and a huge game to him. Still, the answer escapes my immediate attention for the time being. "I'm a Martian!" Jake molds into a tall, slender, green alien. "And I am here with a simple task: learn everything about your race, so I can destroy it."

Once I got over the slight shock at having an extra-terrestrial in my mind, I respond "Okay... what does that have to do with making me trust you! And then doing your best to ruin my life! I thought we were friends!" I boldly march up to the alien- who outstrips my height my a few feet- and yell in it's ugly face. However, the 'Martian' remarkably keeps it's cool and analytically stares at me. "I thought that we understood each other." my voice is reduced to a whisper as I come to my senses and discreetly back away.

"Interesting. Human's seek companionship and once broken, they react in a way considered 'angry' by your species. I shall add that to my notes. As for understanding, I understand you better than you do yourself. I disguised myself as scientist to discover the natural potential of your species. And, you were the only successful survivor of my experiments. You are peak-human, and that intrigues me more than I can describe in your primitive language. Humans are usually weak, but once altered like yourself, they become significant obstacles to my will be changed in the future." the Martian thoroughly explains his findings for some reason. Maybe just to screw with my head further.

"So... all of this... was an experiment?" the thought crushes the hope that I have built over the last few months. Experiment or not, it makes me question everything that I have done to save this city from itself.

"Yes. Since the beginning of our relationship, I have engineered the city to self-implode. Or, in better terms, to give you a test of your skills. The gangs, our unfortunate acquaintance that I sent after you, all are my doing."

Well... there we finally have the truth of the situation. From the start, I've done nothing but been manipulated for some sick research. How can I ever forget this and move on? The damage has already been done and I can't see a way past it. Perhaps this the end for Black Titan? For good.

If it is, then I go out on my own terms.

"What have we ever done to you?" I ask. "There has to a reason as to why you want to extinct us."

"You're right. There is a reason why your pathetic species must die. When the White Martians waged war against my people, where was our neighbor? We have always known about humans and yet your so-called civilised race think that you are the only ones in this system. I watched my relatives die! Whilst Earth was content with it's own greed and selfishness. " the alien paces in front of me whilst talking, feet stepping in a steady rhythm.

"Revenge. It's always about revenge."

Comparing this particular Martian to the majority of people, they aren't so different as it thinks. Both have felt helpless before and desperately seeked out a remedy to their pain. For the telepath, it's lashing out at the thing he blames for the war. With everyday humans, family and friends soothe the emotional agony, but it didn't have that. So, I almost pity the alien.

"It doesn't have to be this way." I resort to pleading. I cannot give up on the chance for everything to resolve peacefully, otherwise it won't be the last Martian to come to Earth. "There are also ways around our problems."

"Such optimism." it drily remarks. "I never revealed your name to your enemies, because I wanted you to learn for yourself how to conceal your true name. And it worked. You managed to live a fairly efficient double life and that's most likely my most astonished finding. Sorry, I was 'going off on a tangent' as humans say. No, we cannot find an alternative. It's time for you to die."

Before I could have time to react, I get hit over the head with glass. Glass? Seriously, you have to do better than that.

"If you wish." made me regret what I just thought.

And like that, it vanished from my sight. Frantically, I turn around on the spot to attempt to find the manipulator. Martians must have some kind of cloaking device, or is simply good at hiding and evading people. Either way, I can't fight what I can't see.

My calculations come true as I am knocked to the ground from behind, and the green assailant hovers in the air directly above me.

"Time to die."


There you have it folks. This is the end, and ending in true comic fashion.

Hope you all enjoyed, and have a good time.