A/N: So, here we are with day 2 of BixLu week. This one isn't going to be as funny as the last chapter, but I make up for it in fluff! Um…let's see…the theme for today is "Hidden" and this wasn't too much of a struggle for me since I kind of set myself up for it in the chapter before. Yay for quick moving relationships OTL DON'T JUDGE ME! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Oh yeah, I also apologize for any errors in this chapter. I got a new keyboard so it's weird to type on. I mean I'm proof reading, but I have more errors than normal thanks to this keyboard and I might miss a few here and there even with proof reading.

Disclaimer: I still do not own Fairy Tail. Seriously, I'm still glad I don't because all you canon shippers would be all trying to murder me for making crack ships a thing. Oh boy, if I ever write a famous manga you will know. Anyways, Fairy Tail belongs to the godly Hiro Mashima! Please, everyone lets go thank him for this glorious piece of work.

Chapter 2: A present just for you

Lucy sat beside Bickslow on his couch while she used a little black remote to flip through the channels. She, as well as the man beside her, both had a small Tupperware of what appeared to be some sort of pasta.

"Hey, Cosplayer, stop with the flipping and just pick something already," Bickslow said for probably the fifth time now while his babies in the background quickly copied a few of his words.

"Bix, I swear if you complain one more time I'm jamming this remote up your asshole," Lucy said before using her free hand to shove some pasta into her mouth. It was amazing, but that was no surprise especially given the fact that it was Freed's cooking, something she was told rivaled even Mirajane.

"You sure about that cosplay? I might end up liking it," Bickslow responded with barely any hesitation; honestly, he had a feeling he could go back and forth with her all day, it was just too much fun.

"Alright then, how about we find out? Take off your pants," Lucy said, peeking over at the crazy haired male from the corner of her eyes. Of course she quickly started panicking when he sat his plate down, stood up, and started messing with the belt around his waist. "Never mind! Keep them on! Keep them on!" Lucy shouted at him while tossing the remote at his head. She watched as he easily caught the little black thing and promptly sat back down onto the couch.

"Changed you mind pretty quick there, afraid I would have been too much for you to handle?" he asked while flipping back to a comedy channel that Lucy had passed over a while back.

"Yeah right, I just didn't feel like gauging my eyes out today. I kind of need them for you know, checking out real men, like Ichiya," Lucy said attempting to keep a straight face , but it wasn't long before both of them promptly began laughing their asses off.

Time Skip

Bickslow picked up the camera from his dresser. It was an older type of camera that printed up the image as soon as the picture was taken. The little Lacrima on the inside sometimes came out of its spot which made it rather unfavorable for a lot of people, but he personally didn't have any kind of problem with it.

"You sure about this cosplayer?" he asked before slowly turning toward the little celestial mage that was currently sitting in the center of his bed.

"I don't see why not. I mean I did a bit of modeling for Jason while in Lingerie," Lucy said with a small shrug of her shoulders. It had been a one-time thing and she supposed it wasn't so bad, but the thought of some old bastard using her photos for something disgusting didn't sit well with her. She had told Jason after her shoot that day that she would never do any kind of modeling like that again…bikini's included.

"When the hell was that?" Bickslow asked while making a mental note of going out and finding that issue. He was sure Mirajane probably had a copy of it somewhere.

"Hm…It was for the Christmas special. The one year where the guild had separated," Lucy said with a small shrug of her shoulders. "Why? Did you wanna see them?" she asked, a small smile spreading across her lips as the man smiled widely back at her.

"Of course, why the fuck wouldn't I?" he replied and watched as Lucy's smile went from a small grin to a full on laugh. Bickslow slowly lifted the camera and took a quick photo of the blonde woman as she laughed her ass off, but she immediately stopped when she heard the click of the camera.

"Hey! I wasn't ready yet!" she said before grabbing one of his pillows and chucking it at his head. She was careful not to hit the camera, but in the end it didn't really matter since the man had simply caught the pillow in his free hand before it made impact.

"Why's it matter so much?" he responded while tossing the pillow back onto his bed. He then caught the photo as soon as it slid out of the camera. It was black at first, but slowly it began to lighten up and reveal the image of Lucy laughing while clutching her sides. He raised the image for her to see and gave off a somewhat cocky smirk. "See, it looks pretty good if you ask me," he said, a bark of laughter escaping his lips when he saw Lucy's cheeks flush a light color of pink.

"Whatever weirdo," she muttered under her breath and then before she had a chance to turn away he took yet another photo. She blinked a few times in surprise before glaring over at him…he just took a photo of her blushing and pouting face. "Will you stop that!?" she yelled at him as the man raised the newly acquired photo to her face. She blushed harder at the image before attempting to snatch it from the man. She had every intention of destroying it the moment she got her hands on it. That image was more embarrassing than when she had done her lingerie pieces.

"Nope, sorry cosplayer, but these are mine," Bickslow said while giving him her signature smile. He had to admit this girl was just far too fun to play with.

"Come on Bix, just get rid of that one, I look like a pouting child," Lucy said before crawling off of the bed and trying to snatch it from his hand once more, but much to her anger he avoided her once more. He then raised his hand over his head with the photo gripped gently in his hand. He grinned down at her, but for some reason the face looked rather taunting to Lucy as if he was just asking for her to try and snatch the photo from him, but the height between them was too much.

"If you destroy that photo right now I'll take photos in my panties for you," she said and watched the man's cocky grin quickly left his face. A small look of shock took its place; honestly, who wouldn't be surprised when someone like Lucy offered to take photos like that…just for you. Still though…the photo in his hand seemed like it was even more worth it than those little skimpy photos she was offering.

"Nope, sorry cosplayer, as much as I'd love to see you in your panties, I like this photo more," he said the grin returning to his lips as Lucy's smile faded. It was her turn to stare in shock. The fact that he wanted that photo even more than what she had offered was just so surprising, but it was rather...sweet in a way. He preferred seeing her in a natural way with real clothes rather than seeing her with some fake expression on her face and little to nothing on her body. This wasn't something she was used to. No, she was used to men loving, fawning over her body and even going as far as simply dating her for sex. She was thankful that only happened once because; honestly, it wasn't a good feeling, getting dumped because you didn't want to put out as often anymore. She made another pouting face at Bickslow before slowly turning away from him.

"Aw, come on cosplayer no need to p-," Bickslow started to speak, but his words got trapped in his mouth when he saw what Lucy was doing. She pulled her shirt up and over her head, leaving her topless without a bra in his bedroom. "C-Cosplayer, what the hell are you doing?" he stuttered out…him of all people, he stuttered.

"You get one, okay? Because what you said made me really happy," Lucy said slowly while raising an arm over her chest, successfully covering a small portion of her breasts, mainly her nipples though. She slowly turned to look at him and smiled softly when she saw just how shocked his expression was. "Well, do you want one?" she asked, raising a curious brow as he swallowed back a bit of saliva that had formed in the back of his throat. She watched as he finally nodded his head. "Alright then, one sexy photo for the amazing Bix coming up," she said happily and then carefully moved back onto his bed. She used her free hand to run her fingers through her hair to give her a bit of a messy look. She then slowly laid out onto his bed, resting on her side and showing an ample amount of her breasts to him. "You better keep this photo in a good hiding spot because I swear if anyone see's it I'll murder the both of you," she said and smiled happily when he nodded his head in agreement. She was tempted to tell him 'good boy', but decided it best to keep her mouth shut.

"You sure about this cosplayer?" he asked, finally finding his voice after what had felt like an eternity. There was a beautiful girl laying in his bed in nothing, but what appeared to be his boxers. The fact that the beautiful girl was Lucy, his longtime secret crush, but woman he never thought he had a chance with, made his self-control run a little too thin. His mind began running with tempting little thoughts such as moving that arm of hers and replacing it with his hands. After a moment though his thoughts began to wander toward the question 'why?' Why was Lucy doing this for him? Was she just leading him on? Was she just teasing him? No, that couldn't be it, this was Lucy, the angel of Fairy Tail. She was always there for others, making them laugh, helping them out, and she never expected anything in return. She was the last person Bickslow would expect to lead him on. The fact that the question had even formed in his head made him slightly angry with himself. Lucy laid in the bed, staring at the unmoving Bickslow before she gave a small sigh and slowly got up from her spot. She moved toward the edge of the bed, sitting in front of him with her legs dangling at the edge.

"You know…you're really different from what a lot of the others say," she said slowly before reaching for his camera, gently taking it from him and placing it on the bed beside her. She was careful to keep her arm wrapped around her chest as she slowly reached to grab his hand with her own free one. Her fingertips gently brushed against the smooth skin of his hand, dancing along there for a moment before she gently grasped it. Bickslow stared down at the little blonde, eyes widening slightly as she pulled him down to her level and rested her forehead against his own. "Hey Bix, can I try something?" Lucy asked while the Seith mage watched her lips move…he really wanted to just press his own, right there against hers. Lucy patiently waited for his response while her lips pulled upward into something of a smile when she found him staring at her lips. It was funny how easily readable he was right now, but that might have been because he was lacking the helmet. It was a moment longer before Bickslow finally gave her a quiet 'yeah'. "Alright, can you close your eyes for me then?" she said, grinning happily up toward him, a light blush splashing across her cheeks. For a second Bickslow gave her a somewhat questioning gaze, but before long he agreed to her request and gently closed his eyes. He wasn't sure what to expect when he closed his eyes, but what he got was the last thing he thought would have happened. She had kissed him.

Lucy watched as the male closed his eyes, staring at his lips for a moment, wondering if it wasn't too late to go back on her decision. About a month ago she had heard from Evergreen that their resident Seith mage had a liking for her and apparently he had for quite some time. For the first week she had contemplated what kind of relationship she might have if she gave Bickslow a chance. She had even gone as far as asking Cana, albeit discreetly, about the relationship they had. The second week she spent gaining a bit of information on him, well, even more than she had already learned in the past. The third week she had finally decided that she would give the man a chance and began subtly flirting with him, but to be honest the man seemed denser about her advances than Natsu had been with Laxus. She had asked Ever about the whole situation, maybe she could have been mistaken, but according to Ever it wasn't that he was dense, it was because he thought that she, Lucy, would never look at him in such a way. As far as he was concerned he wasn't even on her radar. Evergreen had told her that if she really wanted any kind of future with Bickslow she was going to have to take the initiative and subtle flirting was not going to cut it as an initiative with him. So, here she was gently sucking his lower lip into her mouth, nibbling softly, and moving her arms around his neck. If he didn't understand this then she was just going to throw in the towel and tell Ever that she was wrong. Oh so very wrong, because if getting topless for a man wasn't a strong enough initiative she didn't know what was.

Bickslow slowly began kissing her back, after having gotten over his shock; honestly, he still couldn't believe that Lucy was kissing him…and in a none so innocent way at that. The moment he had started kissing her back she had wasted no time in exploring his mouth. She waged a war that she quickly lost because let's face facts his tongue was more than long enough to wrap around her own. He slowly wrapped his arms around her, holding onto her waist and pulling her up to her feet, never once removing his lips from her own. He refused to break this kiss, she tasted like strawberries and vanilla; apparently, this taste would be his new drug. He pulled her flush against him and was quickly reminded that her chest was bare to him. He slowly raised a hand from her waist, trailing his fingertips along her side until he reached the side of her breast. If this was a dream he hoped he would never wake up from it; fuck, he'd happily stay in a comma for the rest of his life if it meant having Lucy all to himself. Lucy soon pulled away from the kiss, but she kept herself pressed against his chest. Her cheeks were stained pink and she was panting lightly from the intimate moment they had just shared. She was beautiful.

"What was…? Why would you do that?" Bickslow asked slowly once he had finally found his voice, but he quickly regretted his words when he felt the blonde in his arms purposely ram the heel of her foot into the top of his own foot.

"Bix, you're an idiot! Even after that you're still going to make me fucking spell it out for you? Fine then, I'll explain this in a way even you can understand. I want a relationship with you and no, not a friendly relationship. I want to go on dates with you. I want to call you mine. I want to find out how great of a fuck you are…" Lucy said, but paused when she heard Bickslow snicker under his breath at her last comment. God, he could be such a perv sometimes.

"Say that again," he spoke, leaning down once more to press his forehead against her own again.

"Which part?" she huffed out a bit angered, but anyone with eyes could tell that she was enjoying the attention he was giving her. Finally.

"All of it," he said and laughed when he saw her face light up in color.

"No way! That's too much! Fuck you pervert," she muttered while casting her gaze somewhat off to the side.

"That sounds good to me. I'd let you fuck me any day," he replied, grinning toward her when she quickly cast a somewhat heated glare toward him.

"Seriously though Bix, can we give…us a try?" Lucy asked as the expression on her face softened. She had a feeling she already knew the answer, but she still wanted to hear it from his mouth.

"Yes, but can we hide this from your team for a while? I don't exactly want to deal with having my ass burned, froze, stabbed, or the most likely option, all of the above," Bickslow said while imagining just what kind of torture he was going to have to deal with when her team found out. Lucy laughed at his words, but none the less she went ahead and agreed with him mainly because she was curious to see how long the two of them could go before they were caught by the guild. It was almost like some sort of exciting game. "So, about that photo you promised me…" Bickslow said trailing off at the end of his sentence before Lucy awarded him with yet another laugh.

"How many do you want?" she asked while pushing herself out of his arms, revealing her naked torso to him. Bickslow felt his hands twitch at his sides. He had no idea that Lucy could be such a tease, but that definitely wasn't a bad thing.