Red, orange, and the last rays of yellow covered the sky. One could just barely see two figures swimming side by side just off of the rocky, cliff-filled shore. One of the figures stopped and lifted his head higher, the other stopped and copied that action. Both seemed to listen to a small voice barely covering the sound of its own crying.

Mother, Father, am I not good enough

Why did you leave me?

Auntie's mean and Uncle too,

They say it's my fault that you're not coming back

Did I do something wrong

To leave me unloved,

Did I do something wrong

To deserve this pain

I think and I think and can't find an answer

Mother, Father, can you make the pain stop,

Can you make the pain stop?

Please" the last word as spoken almost so quiet the two figures almost couldn't hear it. Now that the song had ended they could hear the sound of a child crying clearly with their advanced hearing. They could smell blood. Both figures swam closer to the sound using their tails to propel them silently through the water. They saw a small child covered in open wounds bandaged with what obviously used to be part of the rags the child wore. The child was crying his little heart out.

Both of the figures in the water looked at the child until the bigger of the two figure's looked at the other and just barely whispered, "His voice, it's so beautiful, I at first thought it might have belonged to one of our kind. Let us take him, a voice as pure as that does not belong in the hands of the horrid humans that hold it."

"Yes let us make that child ours, but first this 'auntie' and 'uncle' sound as though they plead for death as none who do not would ever think to harm one so innocent," The second figure responded. Both looked at one another and smiled, revealing their teeth sharp and strong enough to shatter bone. They then started swimming to the boy careful to stay out of the child's sight.

End of Intro

Hello I'm Myth! This is my first time writing something. This is supposed to be the intro but I won't cont. unless I get at least one review, good or bad. Feel free to say anything about this you want. Translation:Please be nice to me! All ideas on changes to this or for the future of this story are welcome and will be seriously considered! Also I'm still trying to find my way around so please be patient.

P.S. I would love it if you would tell me the titles of some of your stories so I could read them! Thanks!