Chapter 4: Epilogue

Newt and Minho were talking together one night in the Scorch, while everyone was still asleep.

"Yeah, I can't believe we actually did that, blubbering over one idiotic slinthead." Minho said, trying to be as cocky as ever. A trace of his understanding and emotions showed through though.

"Well, we both know we still feel the same way. We still couldn't bear to lose him. Probably a good thing though, that he didn't hear us. On the one hand, think what it must have done to him! On the other, it would've been so embarrassing. Having you walk in on my sob fest was bad enough. If he knew about it..."

"I might tell him, just to embarrass you all over again." Minho joked.

"No, you wouldn't because I could pull the same trick on you!"

"You wouldn't! You'd ruin my tough guy image! I have a reputation to uphold. And besides, I'm the leader of this whole trip, do you really think I should be seen as vulnerable while we are traipsing through a desert towards a city that is most likely chock full of Cranks?"

"You won't get far black mailing each other if the party you intend to give the information to already knows it." A familiar voice came up beside them.

"THOMAS?" Newt and Minho said at the same time, jumping about a foot in the air.

"The one and only." He smirked, pulling off a Minho style narcissistic bow.

"You knew?! How?" Newt asked incredulously.

"I heard every word you shanks said. I love of you guys too. I was going to tell you that I knew, give you slintheads a big hug and all too, but I figured it'd bring up old embarrassment, and besides, it sort of would've been done after the moment and might have been awkward. But since you two decided to bring it up, I love you too." Newt and Minho suddenly found themselves stuck in a big group hug.

A/N Leave a review and tell me what you think. And just to clarify in case anyone was wondering, this is not slash, please don't ask in the reviews. This is strictly friends and family genre. I'm glad for any suggestions for writing style, plotline, characters being in character and all. And I'm always looking for ideas! If you aren't an author and want to see something in a fic, let me know and I'll weave a wonderful tale for you to read.:)