Back from the dead mother fuckers!

Holy shit! It has been a long while since I've updated!

Okay so look, when I first started this story I was kinda figuring out what I wanted to write and this was to pass the time. Since then I've figured myself out and have been writing more serious things. So, I want to continue this story, but the thing is I'm not really feeling all of the wacky and crazy things that they do. Don't get me wrong in the continuation of the story I'll have some humor and the like in there, but I would primarily focus on the more serious aspects of what I had planned for this story, this would mean, a sort of time jump, I would include what had happened during the years between the last chapter and the time skip. If you guys are okay with this then grand, if not then I guess I could give another try at this whole thing. So leave a review, send me a PM or leave a vote in the poll I'm putting up. Thanks for your patience everyone.


P.S. So another reason I hadn't posted in a long time on this story is because I was writing a book which is now out! Check it out on Amazon! The Old World by Edward Clyde!