New story! I've been looking forward to posting this, and I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter. I apologize for any mistakes.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. Unfortunately...

"Oi, oi," Isabelle Lightwood was whispering, her mouth so close to her best friends ear that it was heating with her breath. "They're totally checking you out." Clarissa Fairchild-Morgernstern looked down at the ground and then subtly glanced over her shoulder. There were two guys, both of them looking over at her, their eyes skimming over her body. Clary looked back at her friend and made a face.

"Not really my type," she said with a one shouldered shrug, a disinterest expression on her face.

"Oh yeah?" Isabelle grinned. "Well, they can still buy our drinks for the evening. Doesn't mean that we need to go home with them." Clary smirked.

"Of course," she replied with a smirk as the music swelled through the club and the throngs of people all started jumping and screaming to the lyrics of an old Jessie J song. The two girls leaned in, Izzy's hands going around Clary's neck and pulling her in close as their lips came together. The two men who had been staring at them widened their eyes as they took in the females, the taller one's mouth dropping as the girls turned slightly to give them a better view. Clary's hand skimmed down her friends side and cupped Izzy's ass through her thin black dress and gave it a squeeze. When they pulled apart, Isabelle glanced to the side and then grinned and pressed one last kiss to Clary's mouth.

"I think we're good," she whispered against the red heads skin.

The night went as expected.

Izzy got so drunk that she couldn't stand, and Clary only had a couple; enough to get her feeling a little tipsy but not enough so that she was acting sloppy. The douche bags who clearly didn't get the hint that they weren't interested kept buying them drinks, but that was what they wanted. By the time the girls ditched them and ended up on top of the bar, hands above their heads and shaking their asses, they had spent over a hundred dollars on the two.

"I need to be screwed, Clare," Isabelle slurred against her Clary's ear as she helped her to the toilet. "I'm fucking horny."

"Well, I like kissing you, babe, but I don't think I'm the one for that particular job," Clary grinned as she helped her friend stand and then waited as Isabelle pulled her thong up. "You want me to call Simon?"

"I won't be able to get on the back of his bike," Isabelle muttered. "Can you just help me to a cab?"

"We'll share one to Simon's place. I'll check that he's home first," Clary said as she pulled Isabelle out of the booth and turned on the tap. While Isabelle washed her hands, Clary got her phone out of her clutch and speed dialled Simon, holding the phone up to her ear as she quickly jumped forward to stop Izzy from pitching to the left.

"Hey," came a response.

"Hey, Si," Clary said, wrapping an arm around Isabelle's waist. "You home?"

"Yeah, you guys need a ride?" Simon Lewis asked.

"Nah, it's fine, I've got money for a cab. She'll be there in about twenty minutes," Clary said. Isabelle looked as she was about to pass out against the wall of the bathroom and Clary quickly steadied. "Okay, girl, your man is waiting for you."


"Well, he's the only man who would put up with yo ass," she grinned at her and helped Isabelle finish drying her hands. She called up a taxi, who told her that it would be there in about ten minutes. It was a little past two, and the club wasn't quite as busy as it had been before. There were still lots of people, but there was actually breathing room now; it wasn't like that really mattered. Most people knew who Clary and Isabelle were anyway, and they parted to let the two girls through. When the taxi arrived, Clary pushed Isabelle in first and then climbed in after her, giving the driver the address for Simon's place.

"We're going to Simon's?" Isabelle slurred.

"Yeah, babe. We're going to Simon's," Clary grinned over at her as her head lolled back again. It only took a few minutes to get out of the township and over to Simons place. She paid the cab fare and then got out, one arm circled around Isabelle. Simon opened the door and rolled his eyes with a grin when he saw his girlfriend.

"This is how you bring her to me?" Simon asked as he took Isabelle from Clary.

"Hey, she's ready for the taking," Clary smirked up at him.

"Look, I'll give you a ride home, okay? Or you can crash in the spare room."

"No, no, it's fine," Clary shook her head. "The taxi is waiting." Simon looked over her shoulder and didn't see it at the end of the driveway. "It's just a little further up," she assured him. Simon pursed his lips, not looking too happy but she was already taking a couple of steps back. "Enjoy the rest of your night, love birds!" She called before turning around and heading down the drive way, holding her clutch close to her.

She liked walking home at night. It was dark, and the streets were empty, but she had only had a couple of drinks, so she had her wits about her. Plus, people knew who her dad was.

Anyone would have to be suicidal to mess with her.

She was only a block away from home, and taking a short cut through an alley between a couple of houses when she first heard something behind her. There was a rustle and a snap of a twig and she paused, glancing over her shoulder, but not able to see anything in the shadows. There was only one light in the alley, and even that was flickering and not particularly bright. Clary tightened her hand around her clutch, and continued walking, forcing herself not to go any faster than she was now. There was another shuffle behind her and this time she stopped, opening up her clutch. Inside where the two of the most important things a girl could carry.

Her phone, and the gun that her mother had given her for her eighteenth birthday.

It was tiny, and able to be carried in pretty much any tiny purse she had.

"Okay, asshole," she announced into the blackness. "I would stop following right about now or I'm going to shoot a hole right through your balls. And don't think I'll miss, because I won't." She was greeted with silence, but she didn't move, still watching the darkness, legs braced slightly apart as she watched for any movement. There was nothing, but she trusted her instincts, poised at the ready, before finally, someone stepped out from the shadows. Her whole body coiled tight and her eyes narrowed as she saw who it was. "You're fucking kidding me," she growled out.

"Hey, Red," came a low voice that still made her shiver all over.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Clary snapped, still aiming her gun directly at the apex of his legs in case he got any ideas. "What the fuck are you even doing around here? I thought you left."

"I'm back," he shrugged, undeterred by the gun as he took a couple of steps closer.

"Don't take another step closer," Clary bit out and clearly the ice in her tone was clear because he stopped, but by now he was fully out of the shadows and now she could see him clearly in the moonlight.

And he was just as gorgeous as he did four years ago.

"I came back, Red," Jace Herondale said to her. "And I'm not leaving any time soon."

"That doesn't have jackshit to do with me," she threw back at him. He let out a laugh, running his hand through his shaggy hair and tilting his head to the side as he risked another step forward.

"That's bullshit, and you know it," he said to her softly, his voice carrying over the silence of the night. The silence stretched out, and finally, Clary let her gun drop to her side, the safety still off and her finger still resting on the trigger. Jace took that as a good side, and took a couple steps in her direction until he was only a few inches away from her, and they studied each other up and down.

She was wearing a tiny blue and silver sequinned dress, clinging to her body. There were heels strapped to her ankles, which was footwear he had never seen her in before. She had a few more curves, her breasts and hips a little rounder and more womanly than they had been when she was a teenager. Her red hair was a shade darker and a little bit longer, the curls surrounding her perfect, heart shaped face and make up emphasizing her lips and eyelashes.

He had another piercing, so that there were now two hoops in lower left lobe of his ear. His hair was about the same length, just above shoulder length, wavy and blonde. He was wearing a pair of dark haired jeans and a white tee-shirt, with a leather cut over the top, a patch on the breast of one side announcing 'Devils Hand'. There were two rings on one hand, and one on the other, and his fingers were curled into his fist as he stared at her.

"You need to stay away from me, Herondale," Clary said with a shake of her head. "And you need to get out of this town before someone recognizes you and tries to bury you six feet under."

"I'm pretty sure I learnt how to sneak around this town over the two years we were together," Jace assured her with a confident smirk.

"Yeah, well, you know what?" Clary snapped her safety on and shoved the gun into her clutch. "I don't want to responsible when my dad finds out who's in his town, and tries to cut off your fingers one by one. So fuck off, and leave me alone." And with that, she spun on her heel and took off at a stalk, as fast as she could walk in the high heels that she was in. There was a rush of air behind her as Jace caught up with her, grasping her arm and jerking her back around to face him. His other hand went to the back of her head, pulling her face against his and pressing his lips against hers.

The kiss lasted all of five seconds, before Clary was jumping back, and throwing a punch directly at Jace's nose, blood spurting over his mouth and down his neck.

Clary shot him one last glare before taking off running in the opposite direction.

So? What are we all thinking? She's a little feisty in this one. Haha. It's fun to write.

I haven't figured out a posting schedule yet, but I'll let you know when I do. A lot of it will depend on feedback, so make sure you let me know what you think ;) I'll send out a preview for a review x