I looked at the wrist watch that was on my hand and decided it was time to get home. I walked over to the hospital staff and waved goodbye. All I wanted to do was get home and pass out on my bed with Rex. Who is Rex you ask,well he's my Siberian Husky who is about 3 years old. Today has been the longest day I've left him at home and all I wanted to do was cuddle with him.

I woke at a hospital as a doctor and being a doctor required long hours on call.

As I opened the door I was ambushed by my little Rexy, "did you miss mommy?" I cooed to him, as he let out small whimpers and cries," let's go get you something to eat. I brought you your favorite wet food".

He bounced up and down as I was pouring the food into his bowl. As he was eating I headed off upstairs to get ready for bed, even though it was 4 in the afternoon.

Once I was down showering I put on my pajamas and jumped on my bed. Letting out a exhausted sigh, I was able to close my eyes.

Then the doorbell rang.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed as I placed my pillow over my face.

The doorbell chimed again and this time Rex started barking.

"Eat them Rex!" I said muffled under the pillow.

Just then my phone vibrated with a new message, "Open the door loser", it read.

"Critters" I sighed.

What was my annoying of a brother doing at my house, he never comes to my house.

I unwillingly got out of bed and headed to the door still in my pajamas.

To my horror as I opened the door it wasn't just my brother at the door.

"Mr. Masrani?"

Oh kill me now, I thought to myself.

"Hello sis" Lowery said with a slight chuckle.

I was going to kill him.

"Com..Come on in" I said opening the door wide enough.