So I recently re-watched Gossip Girl and I felt really inspired to write a TVD version of it. I am aware that there is already a version of this, called 'You Know You Love Me' by GGirlxoxoA, I highly recommend you go read it as it is really well written. (Perhaps there is more but this is the only one I've come across.)

Either way, hopefully you'll like my new story. Please feel free to give me critique, I am always looking for ways to improve my writing. And also do you think I'm jumping abit too much between times? Like is the pace going abit fast for the 1st chapter?

I kind of wanted to get things going abit quicker for the first chapter, so that in the second one there could be more in depth stuff.

As for my old readers, I am working on chapter 10 of 'All Kinds of Wrong' I am looking to make longer chapters so there is more to read for you guys!



'Hello Upper-East siders, it's a new day and best of all a new year of school. So many possibilities, so much to come. Remember to keep a look out, and don't forget to send in all the juicy gossip.

You know you love me, xoxo Gossip Girl.'

Caroline scoffed as she re-read the text she'd gotten. Gossip girl had been on her case ever since her huge break up with Stefan a month ago. Dragging the comb carefully through her blonde locks she did a once over in the mirror before she stood up and grabbed her bag, making her way downstairs.

Caroline Forbes was what you would call the 'It' girl. She was the queen of Constance Billard. Every girl wanted to be her, and those who were lucky enough got to be in her clique.

Walking down the steps she saw her maid Valerie standing by the elevator, holding it open for her with a smile on her face.

"Have fun at school, Miss Caroline." She spoke with a Russian accent. Caroline offered her a kind smile as she stepped into the elevator and watched as the doors closed. Her phone went off as it alerted her of a new message.

Fishing her phone up from her bag she opened the text.

'You'll never guess who's back.' It was from Katherine, Caroline quickly typed up a 'Who?' and sent it back.

'Elena.' Caroline felt her whole body freeze as she stared down at the name who had haunted her dreams. Elena Pierce. Her once best friend, whom had mysteriously vanished 6 months ago. Leaving Caroline heartbroken and confused.

Of course 5 months later she had found out the reason why Elena had ran, without saying anything. At the wedding for one of her mother's friends, Stefan and Elena had, had sex ontop of a bar.

Stefan being the all time nice guy that he was, hadn't been able to keep it in anymore and came clean to her about it, on her birthday.

The ding of the elevator doors jerked her back to reality as she quickly put her phone back into her bag. She stepped out of the elevator and the doorman held the door open for her so she could pass through.

Outside the penthouse building a black limo stood parked, the door was open as a young man with dark brown hair and brown eyes leaned casually against it.

"Your ride, my dear miss Forbes." The man spoke with an English accent, sending her a flirtatious grin. Caroline rolled her eyes as she stepped up to the limo before climbing into it.

The man followed after her, closing the door behind him and notified the driver to take them to Constance/St. Judes.

"No siblings this time, Kol?" Caroline asked as she looked over to her friend. Kol Mikaelson was the youngest of the males in the Mikaelson clan. He was charming, flirty and probably the nicest of the Mikaelsons.

"Nik and Rebekah took the other limo, besides, I know how much you detest my darling brother Nik." Kol replied as he looked over to the blonde.

"Well he doesn't leave much to desire, now does he?" Caroline replied as the two broke out into laughter.

"It's good to see you laugh again, Care. It's been awhile." Kol said as his laughter died down.

"Well it's difficult to not laugh in your presence Kol." Caroline replied with a smile on her face.

Kol was about to reply when both of their phones went off, Kol fished his phone out from his jacket and read the text out loud.

"Spotted, the long lost Pierce twin. What's brought this Pierce out of her hiding? And most importantly, what does Queen C have to say about her best friends return? Only time will tell, xoxo Gossip girl."

Kol looked over at Caroline. "Did you know she was back?" He asked as Caroline slowly nodded.

"Of course I did." She replied with a fake smile. Kol eyed her skeptically but decided to let it go as the limo came to a halt.

The driver opened the door for Caroline and Kol, and the two climbed out. "Ready for another year, Queen C?" Kol asked and Caroline shot him a look before she let out a sigh.

"Well if I'm not, I better get ready." She said sending him a smile. Kol held his arm out for her and Caroline accepted it as the two made their way into the school.



Elena nervously walked up the steps of Constance Billard, she wasn't sure what to expect. But she knew she had to speak to Caroline.

She opened the doors to the school and stepped inside, quickly making her way to the locker she had been assigned.

As she arrived she saw Rebekah and her sister Katherine talking by their lockers. She looked down, gathering her courage before she walked up to her locker, which just happened to be besides theirs.

"Well, well. If it isn't the long lost Pierce sister." She heard Rebekah drawl and Elena fought the urge to roll her eyes and say something mean back to the girl.

"What's brought you out from your hiding spot?" Rebekah continued as her eyes raked over the brunette.

"I don't believe that's any of your business, Rebekah." Elena replied as she opened her locker to grab her English books.

"Ease up, Bek's. She's still my sister." Katherine said as she turned around to look at her sister.

"I'm just asking questions." Rebekah said as her eyes moved over to Katherine, sending her a small smile.

Elena shook her head at both of them before she closed her locker and turned to walk away, only to come face to face with her biggest worry. Caroline.

The blonde stopped in her tracks, blue locking with brown. "Caroline.." Elena breathed out, holding her books closer to her chest.

Caroline's eyes wandered over the brunette briefly before her eyes snapped to the two girls behind her.

"Kat, Bekah, you have to tell me about your summers." Caroline said in her usual girly bubbly voice, brushing past Elena like she didn't exist.

Elena closed her eyes, she could feel her heart pounding in her ears. Taking a few breaths to calm herself she quickly walked away, making her way to her English class.

Katherine watched as her sister practically ran away from them, shaking her head she turned back to her two blonde friends.

"Wasn't that a little harsh?" Katherine asked eyeing them. "I don't think so, no." Rebekah quickly replied giving Katherine one of her mean girl grins.

"Look, Kat. You don't know the whole story, ok. So let's just not get into it. It's the first day of school, I need to get the first years applicants sorted." Caroline said.

Katherine sighed in defeat but linked her arms with the blonde as they made their way to AP French.



Kol had made his way to the corner of St. Judes after he dropped Caroline off at the school doors. He rounded the corner and there he found none other than, Stefan and Damon Salvatore, his own brother Klaus whom was leaning against the brick wall and Kai Parker.

"I knew I'd find you stoner heads here." Kol said as he walked up to the group. "Says the biggest stoner of us all." Kai replied handing a joint over to Kol.

"Where have you been Mikaelson? Took you a little longer than usual to join us for our first day of school festivities." Damon asked as he eyed the younger Mikaelson.

"Why I escorted the Queen to her kingdom, like the true gentleman that I am." Kol replied as he handed the joint back to Kai.

"You were with Caroline?" Stefan asked and Kol detected a slight hope in his voice, a hope that maybe she had mentioned him or talked to Kol about him.

"I picked her up outside her building, and no mate. She hasn't said a word about you." Kol replied and watched as Stefan hung his head slightly.

"I don't get why you are so hell bent on getting back with Forbes, she's so uptight and abit of a bitch." Klaus drawled as he handed his joint over to Damon.

"Oi!" Kol said as he smacked his brother on the arm. "That's my best female friend you are speaking of." Klaus rolled his eyes at his little brother.

"I honestly don't see what she sees in you, to keep you around as company." Kai spoke as Kol's eyes left his brothers to his partner in all crimes.

"Well I am charming,well mannered and it does help that I am by far the sexiest Mikaelson." Kol replied, sending his friend a wink.

"Not to mention you have the biggest ego, that constantly needs to be rubbed." Damon muttered under his breath sending Kol a smile.

"Say what you want Salvatore, the ladies want me. And Kol certainly wants the ladies." Kol said earning a chuckle from the group.

"So have you heard about Elena?" Kol suddenly asked, he saw Stefan freeze for a moment before his green eyes landed on Kol.

"No, but do tell." Damon said suddenly very interested in the conversation. "Apparently she's back at Constance, Gossip Girl posted about it this morning."

"I can't believe you read Gossip Girl." Kai said as he shook his head. "Well someone has to." Kol replied sending his friend a look.

"So Elena is back?" Stefan asked and Kol nodded. "Good, this place was getting boring. Maybe she can spice things up." Klaus said as he stood up and fixed his coat, he sent a knowing look to Stefan before he nodded for the Salvatore to follow him.

Kol did not miss the look his brother had sent to Stefan, and if it was one thing Kol Mikaelson was good at, it was finding out people's secrets. And he was now hell bent on finding out what Nik knew about Stefan and Elena.

"Well, we should be getting to class." Kai said as he finished off the joint, Damon nodded as he did the same. The two boys grabbed Kol and dragged him along with them.



Caroline,Katherine,Rebekah and Bonnie, the last girl in their clique all sat on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

"April Young, 5'5, black hair blue eyes. Her father is a successful restaurant owner and she's got an IQ of 150." Rebekah spoke as she handed over a blue file to Caroline.

"She goes in the 'Yes' pile." Caroline said as she handed the blue file to Bonnie. "Vicky Donovan." Rebekah read as she opened the file.

"She doesn't come from wealth, but she's clever." Caroline grabbed the file as she eyed the girl in the picture. "I know Donovan from somewhere." She mumbled under her breath.

"She's Matt's sister." Bonnie said as she ate some of her yoghurt. "Ah yes. Matt Donovan, the heartthrob of the lacrosse team." Caroline mused sending a look towards Rebekah whom blushed in return.

The girls continued to go through the files of possible candidates until they got interrupted by one Elena Pierce.

"Picking out candidates?" She asked holding a yoghurt in her hand as she eyed the group. Caroline had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, instead she put on a fake smile and looked over to her ex-friend.

"As a matter of fact, we are." She replied in a sugary sweet tone, a tone Elena knew was beyond fake.

"I was hoping we could talk." Elena pushed as Caroline stood up. "I would love to, but I am far too busy and we just finished lunch." Caroline replied as the rest of the girls stood up and brushed past the brunette.

Elena turned around with them. "7pm, at The Palace." Making it clear it wasn't a request and that the blonde had no option but to accept.

Caroline turned around to look at the brunette. "Fine, I'll see you there." She replied sending Elena yet another fake smile before she walked off, Rebekah,Katherine and Bonnie following after her.

Elena let out a sigh of relief before she sat down on the steps. Her phone went off, alerting her of a new message.

She fished her phone up from her bag and rolled her eyes as she saw the Gossip Girl blast.

'Spotted on the steps of Metropolitan Museum of Art. A confrontation between Queen C and old friend Elena. Did E really think she could just walk back into C's life? Keep me updated, xoxo Gossip Girl.'

Elena shook her head as she stood up. Throwing her yoghurt into the trashcan she made her way back to Constance.



The school day had finally come to an end, without any more confrontations from Elena. Caroline exhaled as she stood outside the school, patiently awaiting Kol to arrive and give her a ride back to her home.

"Awaiting my brother?" She heard the smooth accented voice of one Klaus Mikaelson say, turning slightly she eyed the older Mikaelson. She couldn't help the slight jump her heart made whenever she looked at him.

His hairs were in slight curls, his blue eyes locking with hers. His dark lips curved into a slight smirk and that sexy stubble.

"As a matter of fact, yes I am." She replied, snapping out of her trance. "Kai and him got into trouble, so he'll be awhile." Klaus spoke and Caroline let out a groan. Idiot. She thought angrily as she fished her phone up from her bag.

"You can always go with me." Klaus offered as his driver opened the door to the black limo that had arrived in front of them.

"Thanks, but I rather freeze to death." Caroline replied as she searched for the number to her driver.

"Come on, love. I don't bite...That hard." He said sending her a rather sexy smirk. "Don't you have some poor, deluded freshman to drool over?" Caroline asked as a cheeky smile crept up on her lips.

Klaus smirk faltered and he sent her a glare. "Atleast I can get laid." He snapped at her before he climbed into the limo, slamming the door shut.

Caroline couldn't help but flinch slightly at his words, ever since Elena had disappeared she had tried to get Stefan to have sex with her. But time and time again he had refused her, pushed her away and told her they should wait.

Caroline watched as the limo drove off and she swallowed the lump that had gathered in her throat she put her phone to her ear and made a call to her driver.

Not 10 minutes later the black town car arrived and she climbed in as the driver shut the door after her. She leaned back against the car seat and took some calming breaths, today had been troublesome, and the day wasn't even over.

No, she had to go and meet up with Elena at The Palace, which just happened to be one of Mikael Mikaelsons many hotels. And also where Klaus were living, along with Elena,Katherine, their younger brother Jeremy and their aunt Jenna.

"Where to Miss Forbes?" The driver asked as he looked at her through the mirror. "Home." Caroline replied as she turned her head to stare out of the car window.



Evening arrived and the clock struck 7, Elena drummed her black nails nervously against the bar counter. Constantly eyeing the door opening for the blonde she was meeting up with.

She ordered another martini before she turned her head back to the opening, a few seconds later the girl she was waiting for walked through it.

Swallowing hard her eyes locked with the blondes as she made her way over. "I'm glad you could make it." Elena said sending Caroline a smile as the bartender placed a martini in front the both of them.

"Let's skip the small talk and get to the reason you wanted to talk to me." Caroline said as she slid into the bar stool and lifted her drink to her lips, taking a sip of it.

Elena nodded. "I know that I just left Care, and I'm sorry I didn't respond to you or let you know I was going away. But... I just had to get away."

"Why? Why did you just have to get away? What was so horrible that you dumped your best friend and left without a word?" Caroline asked angrily, she knew the answer but she wanted to see if Elena was going to come clean.

"I want to tell you Care, but it's...I Can't." Elena replied, trying to find the right words. Caroline scoffed and shook her head, blond curls going everywhere.

"I know you slept with Stefan." Elena choked on her martini as she stared at the blonde, eyes wide.

"I was your best friend Elena, you knew how much Stefan meant to me. But you just couldn't allow me to be happy for once? To be in the spotlight for once, could you?" Caroline asked, her eyes starting to water up.

"I am your best friend, Care. And I am so sorry about Stefan, we didn't plan it or anything. We were drunk and it just...happened." Elena tried to explain as Caroline let out a dry laugh.

"You could of told me Elena, sure I would of been mad, pissed even. But you ran away, leaving Stefan to take all the blame."

Elena looked down at her lap, she was ashamed of what had happened between Stefan and her, and frankly she had hoped that Stefan would of never told Caroline about their time together.

"I don't know what to say to even begin to fix this..." Elena spoke in a low tone, her head rising to look into Caroline's blue eyes.

"There is nothing you can say to fix this Elena. You slept with my boyfriend and then ran away like a coward." Caroline snapped at her, blinking away the tears that had formed in her eyes.

"Please Care." Elena begged as Caroline downed the martini and moved out of the bar stool.

"Stay away from me, Elena. Stay away from my friends." Caroline said coldly before she turned on her heel and walked away.

Elena turned back to the bar and placed her elbows onto the counter, she let her head fall into her hands as she tried her hardest to not cry.

"Another martini?" The bartender asked as he came to stand in front of her. Elena looked up from her hands and nodded.

"Keep them coming." She added as the bartender started to make her another martini.



Thoughts? Should I continue or just give this up completely? /Scars