CH.10: Future ties

Kara felt coldness creep over her skin and lace around her heart like a cold grip of death preying upon the dieing, which is what was happening to her. Kryptonite had entered her body, while not the first time this played close to her heart leaving little trace of recovery in her system. She would think that death greeted one like an old friend…more or less…well this was no cloak of invisibility like that guy in that Harry Potter story. Sinking into the abyss she figured her tale would be a tragic one…of a hopeful heroine who was drawn off her path by Red K and thus she became a stripper earning a daily living putting off the concerns and requests of others to get herself off.

She thought death would take her quickly…seeing how close the attack had struck her. Opening her eyes she found herself in a room…it was her room back on Krypton. Kara thought it kind of odd that this was the place she was taken…but…maybe Kryptonians went somewhere different in death. Pushing herself off her bed she tries to leave the room but is prevented…sent back into the bed she figures no point in trying that again. "Hello…I'd like to leave my room now."

"And why would you wish to do that Kara Zora-El?" The voice was eerie…almost too eerie like a feeling one felt when seeing a ghost.

"Well…for starter if I am to spend the rest of my life in this room I'd like some room to breathe. I mean if this is Krypton I would like to visit my mom or dad…if that is alright with you distant echo voice you."

The voice laughs a musical laugh and she fights the urge to not cry. It was just like her…but it couldn't be…right? "You were always impatient…so eager to explore and learn. I remember when I sat you on my lap how anxious you were to get down and start walking on your own. My how you have grown since then…my baby girl."

Kara sniffed feeling her body wracked with sadness and yet also a happiness that she was here as well. "Mother…I have missed you so much…I can't tell you-."

"Shhh…there isn't much time. Perhaps I should let myself be seen for this next part…if that is alright?" Kara waits not sure who her mother is talking to and as she appears before her she nearly starts.

"M-Mother you are here…I mean I figured you would be here…still I have missed you so." She hurried over fearing she would disappear once she came into contact with her and she'd fall on her face. However her mother was solid…her joy was shown on her face as she nuzzled against her feeling happiness she hadn't felt in a while.

"I missed you too my darling Kara…but…I was not expecting to see you for some time. Is everything alright on Earth…did you protect Kal-El?" She inquires running her soft hand through her hair.

"That is a rather long story…but…I figure we have time for that." And so she related to her mother her travels and her romantic life…which she worried for a bit about telling but her mother didn't seem to mind. By the time she was done they were seated on her bed and Kara had her legs crossed anxiously awaiting what her mother would think of her time on Earth.

"I remember Ray…he was unstable and so caught up in his work the ethics of it just vanished leaving nothing but an obsessed man. He experimented on those not willing…and he put to shame the house of El. We always knew he was working for someone else…but he never would reveal a name or source. The day we took his lab and sent him away he was raving that he would get his revenge on my family…and clearly it seems he has done so finally."

Kara nods her head somber like, her hands were in her lap as she listened to every word her mother said…just to soak it all in bask in the reality of it all. "My journey is over mother…I made many mistakes down there but now we are reunited-."

"Kara…I did not raise a quitter. I appreciate the time we have now but it is not time for you to be here with me or your father. You want to know why you are only permitted to this room instead of being allowed to roam Krypton…it is because you are still tied to your body. Ray may have pierced your heart…but…in so doing he freed you from the influence of the Red K in your system and whoever said it was easy killing our kind clearly hasn't realized the full extent of our powers-."

"I don't get it…if he stabbed me in the heart with kryptonite it would have affected my entire body and ended my life-." Kara looks to her mother for help on this but she wears a smile.

"I said Ray may have pierced your heart because the stab wasn't entirely through and through. Yes the sword did push through your body…but…at best it only nicked you a bit sending your body into a shut-down that ensured time for rest and healing. You see we Kryptons require time to heal after our bodies are thrown into a state of distress…namely exposure of Kryptonite and for it to get out of our system. Think of it like a virus…runs rampant through the body and only through rest and the right medication can it be taken care of. There was just enough Kryptonite on the blade to free you of the Red K and if not for it in your body…you would be dead."

Kara heaved a sigh at hearing all this and knowing this meant she would be leaving her mother…again. It was so great to see her and to be in her presence…and yet a lot of what Cat said stuck with her. People needed her and most of all far be it for her to leave things unfinished between her and Cat. "I have to go mother…I need to stop Ray and make things right."

"I know you do sweetie…and when the time is right for you to come here…your father and I will be here waiting. Now go…my Supergirl." Alura kisses her forehead and Kara rises up and as she advances to the door she takes one look back at her mother before the room vanishes and Krypton is gone from her once again. Someday she would return here…but it would not be this day.

Kara returned to her body and sat bolt upright and as she looked around she noticed Cat still there, never leaving her side. Gunfire could be heard and the screams of people all around. The DEO had arrived and were laying down retaliating fire against Ray and a few of his men who were impervious to gunfire and were throwing bodies about. Cat looked at her and as she returned the look the two of them shared a moment…just the two of them amidst all the chaos that stormed around them.

"I thought I lost you," Cat says softly, her hand playing through her hair and Kara reaches up to stroke her face.

"I couldn't leave…not yet…not when I have so much to make up for. I am sorry for hurting you Cat…I am sorry for letting the people of National City down. I turned away from my duty and it is time to set things right. I promise you and I will have time to talk later…but right now-."

"I get it, I do, go stop Ray Supergirl." She urges her on and Kara would have kissed her but there'd be time for that later. Rising up she Shoots her heat vision at the back of Ray sending him stumbling forward.

"Hey Ray…next time you stab someone you should aim clear through the heart," Kara calls out folding her arms over her family symbol.

"You are just like your cousin…just can't stay dead!" Ray orders his men to attack her and as she races at them she dodges the first punch and connects her first with his abdomen sending him skidding away. Taking a hit to her cheek she turns her body just slightly as she tackles him in the side and crashes through a window with his body. The two of them end up rolling along the ground exchanging punches, each one hard enough to shatter ribs.

Kara refused to go down though and as he had her pinned under him she blew a strong burst of air at him, but instead of shooting him up into the ceiling she froze him. The guy wore a stunned expression not expecting this and as he just lay there, well, she eased him off her. No she would not kill him, she had decided this long ago, killing was not in her nature and even if they worked for Ray, a bad man, it was never right in her culture killing.

Walking out of the building she spots Ray waiting for her. "You do realize my mistake earlier will be made up…but this time everyone will see you die."

"I've died once…came back…you can try and fix your mistake but in front of all these people…I cannot afford to lose. I let you all down…I promise that won't happen again." Kara grins as she pushes a fist into her open palm and spreads her feet apart.

"Enough with the speeches…you shall pay for what your family has done to me!" Ray removes his sword and she could see the Kryptonite dripping from the tip. It was clear this was not going to be a fair fight…she could already feel the Kryptonite reaching across towards her.

Ray then charged swinging at her…and she managed to dodge it though albeit a tad sluggish. Ray was in a state of rage…his movement fast and unrelenting…but she made him work for his revenge and it was clear his state of mind was slipping. "Who did you work for Ray?"

"I worked for your family!" He told her bringing his blade in and nicking her shoulder causing her to hiss out in pain. Turning her body she sent her leg to connect with his stomach sending him doubling over in pain.

"That is known knowledge…I mean who did you really work for?" Kara was getting nowhere fast and it was clear with all these people around he could use them as a hostage if things didn't work out for him. Looking up at the CatCo building she saw another avenue of fighting…less dangerous.

"What good would it do telling you now…seeing how half of Krypton is dead?" He inquires racing at her again.

"You were on Krypton yet you live…as well as others who escaped their prison," Kara retorts, "so clearly someone may have survived to answer for their crimes. However let us take this up to the roof and discuss this in a more personal manner." Kara then shoots up into the sky embracing her power of flight and from below she sees Ray racing up along the side of the building. So…that is how he got down around the same time as her.

Kara lands on the roof and not far behind her is Ray. This would not be a fair fight lest she get that sword from him. She needed answers…she needed to know who had put him up to all this. There was no way a renowned scientist like himself did all this to put his career in jeopardy…no way. "So here we are…now…shall we finish this?"

"Alright…if that is the way you want this to go down." Kara races at him and the two of them fight. In close quarter combat with what training Alex gave her she managed to hold her own even without the use of her abilities as she was weighed down by the sword. Of course even with the hits she lands watching his stunned reaction…the sword still tears at her cutting into her costume leaving it barely holding to her body. The cuts nicked her side and face causing her to wince…not sure how much longer she can hold; still, with it all on the line now was the time to strike.

Kara shoots her heat vision down into the sword heating it up. Ray wears a startled look and as she aims one at the handle he tries his best to hold on…but…he eventually drops it. Kara picks it up and points the sword at him sending him back. "What do you intend to do with that…get revenge for all I've done?"

"I do not kill…I just want answers. Who did you work for…and no runaround this time!" Kara could withstand the heat…while apparently Ray was only able to handle so much.

They began to near the edge of the building and Ray held up his hands placating his final moment, speaking his peace as it were. "Fine…you want to know who I worked for…you won't believe me if I tell you. When I told you that I worked for your family…it was not a lie. The person I worked for, really worked for was-."

It may have been a trick of the eye but Kara thought she saw someone in the distance and a strong burst of breath came pushing across. The breath was so strong that it might have been a breeze over on this side but it was enough to send Ray into her blade. The man's face looked horrified, blood working down his lip and there is nothing she can do…her face still trying to work through the emotion of seeing death first hand. "Ray…no…this was not how it was supposed to be. Tell me who you work for…what do you mean that it was someone in my family…Ray?"

Ray closed his eyes and as he backed away his body fell over the edge. Kara couldn't let his body fall…maybe she could still get an answer from him. Racing after him she noticed some Kryptonite had fallen from his body at the edge…or was it placed there…hard to say but she could not move. Watching as his body hits the ground below she falls to her knees. Just what had he been ready to tell her…she may never know now.

After the events on the rooftop and some time to herself Kara heads to Cat's apartment and knocks on the door. After a bit of waiting and waiting…well…she figured Cat was either out or perhaps her words were just something she heard…or wanted to hear. Wearing a sad smile she slowly turns around ready to leave when the door opens.

"You aren't planning on leaving again are you?" Kara turns to see Cat standing in the threshold wearing some sweats and a short shirt. She looks so beautiful and moving towards her she moves into Cat's open arms and cries.

"I couldn't save him Cat…and…he might have known who put him up to all this. I know…I felt deep down that all this, all he did was brought on by someone else." Kara breathed her in and Cat moved her hand through her hair.

"I know you did all you could Kara…that is in your nature, to see the good in people. Now how about we move this inside…or if you want we can stand here." Cat had a point and as Kara inches in she hears the door close behind her. Pulling back she notes how quiet it is in there.

"Where is Carter?" She inquires as she goes to the couch and Cat moves to the fridge to get them something to drink.

"James took him to the movies…relax he volunteered and besides I told you we aren't dating any more. James treated me with respect and what we did…well…I'm sure you did with others." Kara didn't comment as she did fool around with Linda at the club. The two of them had not parted ways easily so it is understandable that both had opted for a little companionship.

"Where do we go from here…I mean…it is clear we still have feelings for each other but how do we manage what didn't work before?" Kara loved Cat with all her heart but what if she got affected by Red K again…she didn't trust herself to not act out as she had done.

"Kara…when we first started this both of us were working things out…nothing was for certain and the future might as well have been leagues ahead of us. However the whole point of a beginning of a relationship is to test things out…iron out the differences and falls waiting to snare us whole. We fell into a lot of typical first time traps…but we know better now. I know myself better Kara and I am willing to work on my problems…question being are you?"

Kara gave it some thought and as she accepted her drink from Cat she leans her head back turning it slightly to look at Cat as she takes a seat beside her. The two of them had been through so much to get to this point. Ray and his followers were taken care of…National City was enjoying its first peace in a while…and here she was sitting next to the most beautiful woman in the city. "Here is what I think."

Kara leans in kissing her lips and trailing a hand behind her head. The two of them share this moment and the kiss goes deeper, and why wouldn't it, the two had so much chemistry stored up from their time apart that it wouldn't take too long for them to have resurfaced feelings for each other rise and bubble to the top. Cat slides into her lap effortlessly and Kara trails her hands down pulling at her shirt which she removes with her permission. It was a good thing Carter wasn't around for this. While Ray's death still hung in the air…for now she would focus on Cat's lips and leave the Supergirl business for another day.


Authors note: I realize there might be some or a lot of you that feels ten chapters isn't enough for these two, and in answer to it…I feel it is. I find their romance albeit set off track at one point to be strong and in that last chapter even with their time with someone else deep in the back of their consciousness there was no other person for them but their significant other. I also find doing long stories can be draining and finding that reserve determination to see it through waning. I wanted to end on a high instead of have updates fall behind and I wanted to do this while it was still fresh and out there. I thank you all for reading and making this story what it is. I still have the complex emotions story going and who knows what pairing I may tackle next out there. Evening.