Disclaimer: I don't own the X-Men!

Warning: A little bit of a love scene coming up next. Not too explicit, I think.

Chapter 1: The playing with fire.

"'kay, Ah gotta admit Ah used to hate dancin' in parties, but with yah… it ain't that horrible".

From the driver's seat, Remy chuckled: "Come on cherie, who ya tryin' to fool? Ya know ya had a blast".

"That's what Ah'm sayin'! It wasn't bad."

"Just that?"

"Yeah" she shrugged with a mock innocent expression on her face.

"See, I wouldn't think so. Ya know the girl that took her shoes off there to dance with this Cajun in the middle of the crowd? She seemed to be in her element, even".

"Maybe a little, yeah" she got real at last: "No, Ah mean, yah know Ah couldn't do any of that before, 'cause Ah could hurt someone. So Ah preferred to stay away from anything too social".

"An' now?"
"Now, things are better" she recognized: "Ah can be more… free".

"An' it shows".

"Really? What do yah mean?"

"Well, ya used to hide from Remy all the time, push 'im away, treat 'im like shit…"

"Aw, poor thin'."

"…but finally, ya let 'im get closer."

"Oh yeah? How close?"

He took a look at her in her red party dress, long, wavy hair and playful eyes.

"Chere, ya ask that, ya play with fire".

"Well maybe Ah wanna get burned".

She had to laugh at his face at this moment: he looked like a kid who had just been offered candy.

"Ya know I can't say no to ya, don't ya?"

"What yah doin'?"

He slowed the car down until it stopped completely. They were in a residential area and around there was nothing but houses, trees and a couple of lamp posts, a little further.

"Ya asked a question, cherie, I'm 'bout to answer it".

He unfastened his seat belt, next hers and then leaned over and started to kiss her left shoulder and its surroundings and even though she was sitting, she could feel her legs wobble a little. Because it always killed her slowly, the way his stubble felt against her skin, as he went up to her neck. Why did he have to smell so amazingly?

She closed her eyes and let him do. It was just so good…

Then, she felt his hand lightly caress her knee, which was left exposed by the slit of her long dress. A hand that started to slide up her thigh, at the same pace her heart sped up.

But her senses snapped, all of a sudden.


"Hm?" He was too busy to say a whole sentence or word.

"What…" she swallowed hard before continuing: "…are yah up to?"

He faced her, his devil eyes standing out in the darkness.

"Right now I'm tryin' to get into your panties, so if ya don't mind…"

"Ah see" she giggled, as he wasted no time and directed his attention to the zipper of her dress, which was at the front. "Wait, can't we wait to get home?"

"But…" he started to unzip gradually, so the soft clicks of the zipper could be heard, one by one: "…ya said ya wanted to get close, didn't ya?"

"Yeah but Ah didn't mean here and now!"

"Why not?"

"'Cause we're in the middle of the street and home's fifteen, ten minutes from here, can't we…?"

The first time his lips touched hers, was almost six months ago. And still, every time it felt like the first. She buried her fingers in his hair, letting herself go with this kiss that sent any trace of logic to hell. Almost.

"Remy…" she gasped, as he pulled away to kiss her collarbone.

"We should go to the back seat" he whispered with a husky voice that gave her a shiver.

"Are yah crazy? What if get caught?"

"By whom? There no one 'round here. Don't ya think it'd be fun?"

He continued dropping kisses all over her, which was quite distracting from the rational thoughts she was trying to hold on to. At last, they all dissolved.

"Oh my God, Remy, if we get caught…"

"We won't get caught!"

"…it'll be on yah, an' I'ma kick your butt".

"It'll be worth it, I'm sure. Come on, let's go to the back, we'll make it quick".

"Yah never make it quick".

"I can make an exception this time, hein?"

He winked at her before getting off the car and closing the door. Finding herself alone in there, it surprised her to see she was more excited than actually worried or scared. She laughed to herself as she crawled to the back of the car, trying not to get her dress stuck somewhere or hit herself with the roof or the handbrake or anything else. It was such a rush of thrill, like drinking a large sip of liquor at once and savoring it later, knowing there's more to come.

"Couldn't hear a thing, chere" he informed her, as he got on back in the car and shut the door: "No cars, no people, no nothin', just ya and me".

"Okay, let's believe yah…" She hadn't finished her sentence when he was already kissing her again, his arms around her and her hands on his arm and chest. "Hey" she managed to say, when he started to slide the straps of her dress down her arms: "Ah'm assumin' we have… condoms here, right?"

"'Course we do" he led her arms out of the straps, so she'd be bare from the waist up: "Told ya to leave that to me, 'member?"

"Yeah, just checkin'…"

She helped him get rid of his jacket and then began to undo his black tie. Gazing up, their eyes met again. He didn't say anything, just stared at her like she was some sort of miracle:

"What?" she smiled, removing the tie at last.

"That I love ya, chere" he kissed her again and moments later, she was lying on the seat with Remy on top of her, going over her body like scanning every inch of it with his skilful lips and hands.

"An' Ah love yah, hun" she murmured.

Nothing she had ever done before, nothing she had imagined or dreamed of, and nothing that could exist on the face of the Earth, felt as great as his body close to hers.

This was perfection, even in the reduced space of a car's back seat.

"Remy loves to hear ya moan like that, chere" he said, looking up at her.

"Stop again an' Ah'll kill yah" she mumbled, clutching the front seat with one hand.

He smirked and continued, as she tilted her head back and shut her eyes tight.

Damn Swamp Rat, how can he do this to me? How can he…?


She opened her eyes again, to see the smoked glass window up there, a little shaky and out of focus as she squirmed and…

Out of the blue, a beam of light traversed the space, coming from the other side of the window. Rogue jumped in her spot and kicked Remy in the stomach, who then jolted as well.

Three knocks on the window and they heard a deep, not-very-happy voice that went:

"This is the Bayville Police Department, you have ten seconds to step out of the vehicle. I repeat, please step out NOW".

Note: Hi guys! I'm back with a little fic that tries to be humoristic, or at least laid back and silly. I think this chapter is the smuttiest thing I've written so far, oh Gosh (*covers her face with both hands like the Whatsapp monkey*). Also, this idea came to my mind from a friend. She was telling me that something like this happened to her, I mean, the getting caught by cops while in a car with a guy. So I thought "hm, why don't I put my two personal puppets (that is, Rogue and Remy) in this tasty situation?" Another thing, I'm no expert in police procedures besides from what I've seen on movies and series, so I'll just make that how I think it could be ok. Thanks for reading and please drop me a review!