Hestia handed Natsu a hot cup of tea. His mouth dry from running around the city in search of the white rabbit, the salmon-haired adventurer graciously accepted the Goddess' gift. Taking a sip, he watched the little Goddess move the blanket further up the shoulders of a soundly sleeping Bell Cranel.

"Now. Tell me what happened."

Per Hestia's divine will, Natsu recounted everything that happened just a few short hours ago: from meeting Bell at the Benevolent Mistress, to the insults lodged by Loki Familia, to Bell's running away, and it finally ending with Natsu finding him inside Babel Tower.

Hestia's face remained calm throughout the entire tale – though Natsu noticed her hands slowly clenching around her cup when he mentioned Loki Familia. It was moments like these where her presence truly lived up to her title as Goddess.

"Honestly, I should smack the both of you for being so reckless." She said with a weary sigh.

"Yeah, but…" Natsu's hand squeezed around his cup. "I couldn't let those jerks get away with saying crap like that!"

Hestia placed a gentle hand on Natsu's head, her smile just as soft as Vermillion's.

"Thank you, Natty. I'm glad Bell found a friend like you."

She looked to her sleeping child. His head, arms, and chest were wrapped tightly in stained bandages. It was like he had wrestled with a pincushion. He tossed and turned on the bed, muttering to himself about monsters and stories of heroes. It was clear he was dreaming, but whether it was good or bad was hard to tell.

"He's been pushing himself so hard lately." Hestia said. "No matter how many times I tell him to slow down, he just keeps going faster and faster. If this keeps up I won't be able to reach him at all. If I knew running a Familia would be this stressful, I would have stayed at the Inn."

"Why does he keep doing it?" Natsu wondered.

Hestia raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? It's because of you."

Natsu was still confused.

"You and that Aiz Wallensomething girl from Loki Familia." Hestia clarified. "Bell looks up to both of you. He won't stop until he's caught up. No matter how sick I get from worrying."

"Well he'll probably pass me up pretty soon." Natsu said ruefully. "I go to the dungeon every day, but I'm not getting any stronger. It's like I'm stuck behind a wall or something. Maybe I should just give up and-"

Suddenly, Hestia smacked him in the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For being an idiot." Hestia fired back. "Do you remember the promise you made to Mavis when you were a kid?"

"What promise?"

Natsu searched his scrambled mind for the answer. It took some time, but eventually he came across a memory from roughly ten or so years ago.

It wasn't long after he had entered the dungeon for the first time. He somehow survived the dangers on the first floor despite his age and lack of strong equipment, and ran back to Magnolia Manor as fast as he could. His face covered in sweat, dust, and dried blood he burst through the doors of the inn, his smile the biggest it had ever been.

Vermillion was beside herself with fear, bombarding him with questions and concerns about his wellbeing the second he entered the door.

After his first ever status update, Natsu's eyes lit up seeing the jump in his abilities. He stood on the kitchen table – much to Vermillion's chagrin – and boldly declared:

"One day, I'm gonna be strong enough to conquer the whole dungeon!"

Natsu recited those long buried words to Hestia. She nodded with a satisfied grin.

"Have you gotten that strong yet?"

Natsu shook his head.

"Then until you have, no more moping around. Ok? That's not the Natty I know."

He nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now it's almost morning so you should head on home. I'm sure Mavis is worried sick."

"Right." Natsu reached for the door. "Thanks for the tea."

"Anytime. Tell Mavis I said hi. Also could you thank that Panther Lily person for finding Bell? I'd really appreciate it."

"Ok. Night, Lady Hestia."

"See you later, Natty."

With a warm smile, Natsu left the basement of the abandoned church and started down the road back to Daedalus Street. When the door closed behind him, Hestia snuck into bed with Bell. He wasn't tossing and turning anymore, but his soft murmurs still echoed in the darkness.

"Goddess…I want to be stronger."

She nuzzled closer to him.

"I know."

Birds sang their daily songs as the sun rose over the labyrinth city. The rays of the glowing star pierced through a stained glass window on on a church in Daedalus Street, the now multicolored streaks illuminating one Cana Alberona.

Unintelligible grunts and moans came from her dry mouth as she rolled around in a haphazardly made bed, the sole pillow being used to cover her exhausted face. Underneath her makeshift shelter she heard the muffled whispers of children.

"She's sleeping here again."

"She smells like alcohol."

"Well she does drink a lot."

"Go away!"

Cana threw the pillow at the doorway, scattering the children who shouted and laughed at her sorry state as they scurried down the hall. Sleep time was officially over.

Hungover, she crawled to the edge of the bed and slithered her legs over it, the cold stones of the cobblestone floor chilling the bottoms of her callused feet.

Her clothes were strewn all over, leaving her nothing but underwear and a loose fitting tank top - one of the straps having fallen from her shoulder – to wear to bed. Her hair was spread in all directions, a stark contrast to the elegant wavy brown locks she took so much pride in flaunting around town.

Her yawn was quickly followed by a splitting headache.

"I'm never drinking again."

An empty promise. Same as before.

After being caught by Loki at the Benevolent Mistress, the giddy Goddess put in a request for a special made drink. Somewhere along the line the conversation turned into drinking contest; one that Cana handily lost.

"By my count that's the tenth time you've said that."

An elderly woman in a nun's habit entered the room and handed the aching fortuneteller a glass of tomato juice.

"Drink. It should cure your headache."

"Ugh. I hate this stuff." Despite her disgust Cana did as she was told, albeit tentatively. As the nun predicted her headache started to subside, but the dull throbbing was still annoying.

"How many times must I tell you not to come here drunk?" the woman scolded. "It sets a bad example for the children."

"Yeah I know, but I can't go to the Inn or Vermillion will hang me to dry."

"So you trouble me instead?"

The lush smiled brightly. "I know you'd never turn me away, Maria."

The woman sighed. "Bless you, child."

Maria Martel was the caretaker of an orphanage located on the far end of Daedalus Street. Every child under her care was either abandoned by their parents, or lost them to the dungeon.

The latter was sadly a common case in Orario. The dungeon contained many perils, it would make sense that the ones left behind would suffer just as much as those who went in. It was simply the way of things. Nevertheless, the children were happy and thankful for Maria's warmth and kindness, and she was more than grateful to have them.

Cana got dressed not long after finishing her drink. "Guess I'll head back. Sorry to barge in again. Thanks for putting up with it."

"As long as the children don't mind, I don't either." Maria smiled. "Though I must say you must be really fond of Lady Vermillion to not be drunk in front of her."

"It's not that." Cana asserted. "You know how I feel about the Deusdea. I just don't want to hear her nagging. It's bad for my hangover."

"A good remedy for that would be to stop getting drunk."

"Now you're just being cruel." The fortuneteller grinned. She headed for the door. "See you later."

"Are you sure you don't want to at least bathe before leaving?"

"Nah. I wouldn't want to put the kids out. I'll do it at the Inn."

"I see. Well, have you spoken to Liliruca yet? I would imagine you've seen her in town once or twice."

Cana stopped just short of the doorway when Maria's question touched her ears. Her expression slowly started to sour – not that the kindly nun could see it.

"No. I haven't seen her. City's a big place."

That was a lie. Maria could tell, but she chose to play along.

"Wouldn't it be best to let her know you've returned at least? I'm sure she'd be happy to see you."

You're abandoning Lilly! Just like everyone else! Lilly hates you!

Cana gripped the door handle tightly. It had to be at least a couple of years since she had spoken to that young girl, but those spiteful words were as clear as if they had been heard just yesterday. No matter how much she drank she wouldn't be able to rid herself of those memories. Not that she had a right to.

"I'll see you later."

Without another word, Cana left the room, exited the church, and returned to the winding roads of Daedalus Street.

Passersby on West Main Street turned curious heads towards the doors of the Benevolent Mistress early in the morning. Two adventurers – one with bright pink hair, the other snow white - bowed sorrowful heads to a dwarf woman and her all female wait staff.

"We're sorry!"

Natsu and Bell had been forced by their respective Goddesses to apologize for their actions the previous night – Natsu for starting a fight and Bell for dine and dashing. It didn't take much to get them motivated. Both knew that they were in the wrong.

If there was anything Mia Grand hated more than her ex-husband: it was dine and dashers, and troublemakers. Unfortunately for her, this pair turned out to be both.

"Alright! Alright! Stand straight already, yer both givin' me a headache." The boys promptly did as they were told. "Yer lucky that Cana picked up the tab, otherwise I would have hunted ya both down."

A nervous laugh escaped Bell's lips, but Natsu remained silent. He knew from personal experience that Mia wasn't joking.

"If you weren't friends with Spitfire, kid, things would have got serious…and even then…" She started to laugh. "Listen. Looks aren't the only thing that help an adventurer get by. Ya gotta focus on staying alive. Just getting stronger doesn't make you better. Only way to get better is to be the last man standing in the end! No matter how weak you may be!"

Bell's eyes widened at Mia's earnest words. She seemed to be speaking from experience.

"Come back after that and I'll pump ya so full of booze that ya won't be able to see straight! Both of you!"

Natsu and Bell nodded.

"Here." Syr presented two lunch boxes to the pair. "Take them. For your trip into the dungeon today."

"Thanks!" Bell smiled.

"Yeah. You're the best, Syr." Natsu added.

"Oh I didn't make yours, Natsu." The waitress clarified. "Mira did."

"Really?" Natsu looked around, but his former familia partner was nowhere to be found. "Where is she?"

"Out running errands." Mia spoke up. "She'll be back later on, but you don't have time to be loitering around here, right? You got dungeon crawling to do."

"Right. Let's go, Bell."


"That's the spirit!" Mia smacked Natsu in the arm, her immense strength nearly sending him across the street. "Don't go dyin on me now!"

"Y-yeah." He rubbed his sore shoulder. "Thanks."

After one last goodbye the adventurers were on their way to Babel Tower, but things were a little different today. For the last few days Bell travelled in a small party with Natsu and Wendy, but after the incident at the Benevolent Mistress he had decided to return to solo adventuring.

It was nothing against Natsu or Wendy, he still valued them as friends and he gained valuable experience on being in a party, but he was only holding them back – or so he thought. Because of his low level, Natsu couldn't travel as far as he normally did and this made the young boy feel guilty.

He was grateful to Natsu for all that he had taught him, but now it was time to put it to use. Of course this meant he couldn't travel as deeply on his own, but he didn't mind. Mia's words had engrained themselves in his heart. He couldn't become stronger if he was constantly relying on someone else.

Natsu accepted Bell's decision with a smile. He felt the same way at one time. When he was around Bell's age he travelled in a party with older adventurers he had befriended as well before finally deciding to go it alone.

Before he knew it, Lisanna and Mirajane arrived and he formed his own party. The cycle was starting again with Wendy and Bell but he always knew the boy would want to do things on his own after a while. He respected that. So he let him go, but also made sure that he let Bell know that he would always be there when he needed help.

They shook hands as men and Bell went on ahead, leaving Natsu in the middle of West Main.

"He looks up to me, huh?" Natsu mused as the rabbit disappeared into the crowd. "Guess that means I have to do my best too. Alright! Let's go to the dungeon and-gah!"

Without warning, Natsu was pulled into a nearby alley. He fell to the ground with a thud, his confused eyes meeting Cana's smiling face above him.

"Cana? What the hell was that for? Wait, Wendy? You're here too?!"

"G-Good morning."

The alchemist in training meekly waved to him from behind the fortuneteller. She was on her way to meet Natsu at the Tower when Cana abducted her from the Blue Pharmacy.

"I've been looking for you." Cana explained to Natsu. "I need a big, strong man to help me carry a few things I need for my stall."

"Hell no. Find someone else. I'm not your lapdog."

"Oh really?" Cana's smiled faded. "Looks like someone forgot how much trouble he would have been in if I hadn't bailed him out last night. Paying for your meal wasn't cheap you know."

Natsu shamefully looked away.

"Remind me, what did Mama Mia do the last time you ran off without paying? If you want I can ask her and-"

"Alright! Alright! I get it!" Natsu conceded. "I'll go with you, but only for a couple of hours."

"That's all I ask." Cana's mischievous smile returned. "This is a lesson, Wendy. Always make sure people pay their debts."

"O-ok." She nodded nervously.

"Yeah. Yeah." Natsu waved off. "Let's get going already."

"I still don't get why I had to come along."

"It's fine isn't it? Not like we had anything else to do today."

"I much prefer to train."

"You can put it off for one day."

Aiz absently walked the back streets of North Main in the high noon. Along with her were: Lefiya, Tiona, Tione, Kagura, and Erza. Their destination was southwest main, or more specifically the shopping district.

The kenki still didn't quite understand why the younger amazon was so eager to go shopping, but she didn't deny her request. If she was being honest, she was looking for an excuse to get out of Twilight Manor. Though she would have preferred the dungeon.

"Where are we going, Miss Tiona?" asked Lefiya. "What are you planning on purchasing?"

"Clothes of course! I'll take you guys to this little shop Tione and I go to all the time! You ok with that, Aiz?"

The Kenki nodded softly.

"Then it's decided! Let's go!"

"I suppose I could let loose a little bit."

The Amazons hooked Aiz's arms and dragged her into a store called Terra Firme. It was a shop that specialized in Amazonian clothing, as such everything on the racks was rather…risqué. Amazons were never a race that valued modesty.

"What about this one, Aiz? You're slender so it would look good on you!"

Tione grabbed a plain white slingshot bikini hanging on a nearby rack. The second Aiz saw it her cheeks flushed red.


"Absolutely not!" Lefiya shrieked, her cheeks burning as well. "There is nothing in this store for Miss Aiz to wear!"

"Don't be mad, Lefiya. Here! I found one for you too." Tiona grabbed an identical bikini from the rack.

"I don't want that!"

"I must admit it's quite cute." Erza noted with an intrigued smile. "I think you would look good in it, Kagura."

The mermaid turned her back to the redhead, hiding her embarrassed face. "You're insane."

"How about this?" With a wide smile Tiona showed the group an outfit similar to hers. "This way we'll match!"

Once again Lefiya came to her idol's defense. "I absolutely cannot allow Miss Aiz to wear something so…so obscene! I will not stand for it!"

"But don't you want to see her try it on at least?"

Lefiya paused at Tiona's suggestion, her mind swimming with images of the graceful and angelic Aiz Wallenstein in clothes similar to the amazon's. She herself was wearing the same clothing as the older of the amazon twins, her cheeks getting redder and redder as her embarrassment grew.

"We look like sisters."

Imagination Aiz's words made Lefiya's ears twitch.

"Big sister Aiz…"


The elf jumped when Tiona called out to her. She had changed into a sleeveless dress with a slit down the down the leg, her black hair tied into two buns on either side of her head. From what Lefiya could remember this dress was called a "cheongsam". It was quite popular in eastern countries.

"Where did you find that?"

"It's the store's specialty. You like it?" Tiona posed, her butt pointed towards the young elf as she looked over her shoulder.

Lefiya admired the craftsmanship of the garment. It was certainly well made but there was something that had been drawing her attention ever since she saw her friend in the outfit. There wasn't a panty line.

"Miss Tiona, are you wearing any…?"

Lefiya trailed off, hoping the amazon would understand what she was hinting at. Tiona blushed, looking away as she nervously rubbed the back of her head.

"Well, I thought it would be kind of embarrassing if everyone could see them so…"

"That's it! We're leaving! Come on, Miss Aiz! We can shop in a normal elf store! You need more beautiful, modest clothing!"


The young elf gave the Kenki no time object. She grabbed her wrist, pulling her out of the store as Erza and Kagura followed. The amazon sisters however stayed behind, smiling as their friends went out to the street.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it?" Tione guessed.

"Maybe. Come on. They'll leave us behind."

"Yeah. Yeah."

Tione could read her younger sister like a book. It was the curse of being twins. Aiz would never admit it to anyone, but ever since the incident the Benevolent Mistress she had been off. Perhaps it was because of Bete's interrogation, maybe it was the rage in Natsu's eyes, maybe it was because of the boy that ran off into the night, or just maybe it was all three.

Tiona herself didn't remember much from that night – even now things were still kind of hazy thanks to all the drinking she did – but she heard that the dine and dasher was none other than the boy Aiz had saved from the Minotaur. Not long after she crafted her plan. She spent all morning looking for Aiz, eventually finding her sitting alone in the garden of the Twilight Manor thanks to directions from an apologetic Bete. Tiona didn't know for sure why Aiz was so down, but she would do her best to cheer her up. That's what friends did after all.

Lefiya lead the bewildered Aiz to an elven clothing shop not far from the last store. As expected, all of the attire was elegant and regal in nature; befitting the image of what was considered by some to be the most noble of the races.

Lefiya was over the moon, gathering various different dresses and blouses for Aiz to sample.

"All the women's clothing in here have long sleeves and frills." Tiona commented. "Wouldn't guy's clothes be easier to move in? That's what you and Kagura wear right, Erza?"

The redhead nodded. "I tend to wear men's shirts in the dungeon. They aren't as restricting as women's clothing so it's easy to maneuver."

"I do the same." Added Kagura.

Lefiya began to daydream once again, this time with Aiz wearing a black suit with a frilled top and a sword fastened to her waist. Her hair neatly styled in a ponytail, she gave off the air of a gallant knight. Lefiya herself was wearing an elegant pink and white dress.

Aiz watched Tiona bring Lefiya out of her stupor for a second time. While they were distracted she slowly wandered out to the road. Nothing was familiar: not the shops, the streets, or even the people walking them. It was all foreign to the Kenki.

In all her years in Orario, Aiz had never ventured this far beyond the Twilight House unless it was to go to the dungeon. She never made the time to explore the labyrinth city unless it was dungeon related, so the only locations she knew by heart were the weapons, armor, and potion shops. Everything else was unimportant to her. If nothing but the dungeon was able to make her stronger, then there was no other place she needed to be.

She hadn't been to the dungeon since the incident in the bar a couple of days prior. She tried to explain herself to Riveria in the garden that morning, but she felt halted. Should she have chased Natsu and the boy? She still didn't know. Getting stronger was the most important thing to her, but for some reason she couldn't bring herself to forget these uneasy feelings.

"How long are they going to take? I should have been in the dungeon by now."

Aiz heard a familiar voice as she aimlessly walked down the main road. Kneeling below a shop window was a young man with messy pink hair. Around him were multiple bags, each filled with clothing from different shops in the district.


The young man looked to her, his eyes widening a bit when he realized who she was. "Aiz? What's up? Didn't think you'd be shopping around here." He stood up and walked towards her, being careful to keep a small distance between them.

"I was…invited by friends. Why are you here?"

"Oh. I was invited by friends too." He smiled somewhat unsteadily.

There was an awkward silence between them for a while. Neither were really good at expressing themselves. Aiz normally approached situations with a stoic awkwardness, while Natsu tended to overreact to most things. They were complete opposites, but somehow neither of them minded the other's behavior.

Aiz searched for the right words to say. She felt she had to apologize for incident at the Benevolent Mistress. Apologize for what? Saying nothing while Bette said those things? For not chasing after him and the rabbit? She didn't know where to start. She started to open her mouth, hoping something would fall out.


"Natsu! Come on! We're leaving!"

A tanned woman with long brown hair and young girl whose dark blue locks were in twintails on the sides of her head exited the shop, the former calling to Natsu the second she saw him.

"Hold on a second!"

He turned back to Aiz, but the tanned woman would not be ignored.

"Nope! If you don't hurry we're leaving you behind!"

"Crap!" His hands were tied. He had no choice but to leave or risk getting lost in the shopping district. "I gotta go! See ya later, Aiz!"

With that quick goodbye Natsu ran to rejoined his group, the numerous bags hanging from his arms.


Aiz reached out to him, her weak plea drowned out by the crowd as his form shrunk into the street. Her arm limply fell to her side, her fist slowly clenching in frustration. She messed up again. She had failed to say what she wanted, or rather she was upset that she didn't know what to say.

"Here's where you ran off to. We were starting to get worried."


The elder Amazonian twin approached Aiz with a wave and a smile. As she said, she and the others had been looking for the Kenki ever since she had wandered off from the store. Lefiya was panicking, blaming herself for taking Aiz to a store that she clearly didn't like, but Tione assured her that the ace of Loki Famiia would be fine after clearing her head for a few minutes.

"The marketplace has all kinds of shops." Tione remarked. "Sneak out to find some clothes?"

"…I don't know." For some reason Aiz didn't want to bring up that she had just seen Natsu. It wasn't that the amazon hated the young man – in fact she was fairly neutral to him – but Aiz still found no reason to reveal the information to her. She was lost. Before she knew it strange words started to flow out of her mouth before she could catch them.

"…I've only thought about getting stronger. I don't really know anything else."

"I see…" was Tione's short reply. Aiz was speaking to her, but she knew the words weren't meant for her exactly. It was if she was speaking to someone that would never hear them.

"Look up here, Aiz."

At Tione's suggestion the sword princess turned her attention towards the shop window that she and Natsu were in front of. Her eyes widened. She hadn't noticed before, but in the window was a beautiful, white, wedding dress. Aiz didn't know much about clothing, but even she could tell that this particular dress was expertly made. It was similar to something she had seen a few deities wear during those formal events Loki would drag her to on occasion.

"Beautiful, right?"

Aiz nodded. "…Do you want to wear one, Tione?"

The elder amazon thought for a moment. "When I was young…I never thought much of men. Because of that Tiona and I were considered strange among our people."

Aiz listened intently to Tione's story, and agreed a bit with that assessment. Amazon's are a strong race, as such they desire strong men in order to continue their line. To hear that both sisters – both helplessly in love now with different men - at one time had no interest in men was shocking to say the least.

"When I first met the captain I didn't really think much of him. He was just a prum after all."

"…But Finn is strong." Aiz interjected.

"He is, but thats not why I feel for him." Tione smiled. "In the captain's office, there's a tapestry hanging on the wall. On it is a woman named Phiana, a mythical Goddess that every Prum believes in. In ancient times, Prum knights gathered under her banner despite never having seen her. Eventually the deities descended unto us from above, but she wasn't among them. The Prum were so devastated that their society nearly fell to ruin.

These days you don't hear much in the way of Prum legends or heroes. Even what few Prum adventurers there are either end up supporters or working in the rear. The entire race is declining little by little each day. The captain came to Orario to revitalize his people. Every day he fights for every Prum that is and has yet to be born. He risks his life to become a beacon of hope for them.

When I learned that I…" her cheeks flushed red. "I couldn't help myself. For the first time in my life I fell in love with a man. I wanted to become someone special to him. That's why my goal…is to someday wear this dress next to the Captain."

Aiz was astounded by Tione's earnest words. As her friend posed in front of the store window, Aiz could clearly see an image of Tione wearing the dress. She looked beautiful. A presence befitting a bride.

"What I'm saying, Aiz, is that I once I met the captain I found another goal besides getting strong. Tiona and Lefiya are looking for something beyond the dungeon as well, same with Erza and Kagura. They are all finding things just as important as their own growth. Though when I look at you, it seems like you have found something else as well."


Aiz's eyes were downcast. Tione's words seemed to make sense, but she still couldn't fully wrap her head around them. Shrouded by darkness, she saw visions of Natsu and the rabbit running ahead of her. She didn't know what to do. If she had chased them, if she caught them, what would she say?

"I don't think…that's right…for me."

She had nothing more to say. She saw the boys running further and further away, but she wouldn't move. She couldn't. There was nothing more for her. Her only goal was to get stronger. So why did she feel so conflicted?

Tione could still see the apprehension in the Kenki. She was pulling herself into too many different directions.

"You wanna know why I think we go into the dungeon as a party?"

The blonde looked squarely at the amazon, her eyes begging for an answer.

"It's not just about efficiency. Everyone. Me, my sister, you, Kagura, Erza, and everyone else in the familia. We all have our own reasons and histories for why we are here, but no matter the situation, when we're together, we can fight without having to worry about that."

She placed her hands on the kenki's porcelain skin. Despite them having been stained countless times with the blood of monsters, her touch was soft. Almost motherly.

"We're with you, Aiz. So don't make such a sad face. Be true to your feelings."


"Yep!" chirped the amazon with a wink. "Look at me! I always fight at least fifty percent better when the Captain is around. Double that when he's watching!"

Aiz's cheeks turned red when she pressed her hands against where Tione had touched.

A stronger feeling than wanting to go into the dungeon…

She thought of those words, but they had yet to connect. Just what would she have done if she caught them? What would she say?


"Oh! Sorry!"

A commotion roused Aiz out of her thoughts. Tiona and Lefiya had caught up to them, the former having collided with someone.

"Forgive me, Miss Amazon. I'm in a bit of a hurry!"

"O-oh ok."


Just then a light went off in the kenki's head. She dashed towards Natsu and the boy, grabbing them both by the arm.

I wanted to apologize to them…!

"Miss Aiz! We've finally found you! Thank goodness you were with Miss Tione."

Aiz nodded at Lefiya's relieved cry.

"Where are Erza and Kagura?" Tione asked.

"They are searching the other side of the district, but they should catch up with us shortly."

"What's up with you?"

Tione looked to her sister. The smaller amazon was staring at the back of the girl she had ran into earlier, her mouth agape.

"That…that girl I bumped into…"

Tione watched the cute little girl meld into the crowd, her long black twintails bouncing with each step.

"Her? I think she's a goddess."

"She's so short! But her chest was huge!" Tiona shouted. It was the first thing she noticed when the Goddess bumped into her. It was maddening. They were almost the same height, but clearly deities didn't follow natural laws of development.

"So where to now?" Tione asked Lefiya. She had completely given up on her sister.

"I still think an elf shop would be best. I know one around the corner that specializes in more casual wear."

"Sounds good to me. Should we wait on Erza and Kagura?"

"Yes." Lefiya nodded. "I think we-"

"Hey don't ignore me!" interjected Tiona.

As the sisters bickered, Aiz placed a hand over her chest and thought of Tione's words once more. She then looked to the sky. The sun was still out. Hovering just overhead. It was roughly about noon. Somewhere under the bright star, Natsu and the boy were having their own journeys. Were they in the dungeon? She had no way of knowing, but she did know that she would see them again soon. And this time, when she finally caught them, she would be true to her feelings.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Tione said. "I saw you talking to someone earlier, Aiz. Who was it? Another admirer?"

Lefiya started to pout, but Aiz didn't notice. She shook her head and answered calmly as she always did.

"It was Natsu."

Tiona's eyes widened and she grabbed Aiz by the arms, much to the blonde's surprise. "Natsu was here?! Why didn't you tell me! I could have showed him this cute underwear I was going to buy!"

"M-Miss Tiona, please stop shaking her!" Lefiya cried.

The liveliness of Loki Familia had yet to settle down.

"That's everything. Good luck down there, and please try to be careful."

"Got it. Thanks, Levy."

"S-see you soon!"

After separating from Cana, Natsu and Wendy promptly made their way to Babel Tower. Now that things were somewhat back on track, Natsu told Wendy that they would be heading down to the town of Rivira - the safe zone located on the 18th Floor. If they didn't encounter the floor boss on the way then they would arrive in roughly half of a day. Wendy was anxious to go further down into the dungeon, but Natsu being at her side helped quell those fears, if only a little.

Levy had just finished her briefing, but Natsu was only half listening the entire time she was talking. His mind was focused on his encounter with Aiz earlier. She looked unsure of herself, struggling to form words that just wouldn't come out. He hadn't seen her like that since they were kids. It made him curious.

"I guess I can ask her about it later." he muttered.

"Ask what?" questioned Wendy, who had picked up his musings.

"Nothing." He quickly waved off with a smile. "Let's just hurry and get in there."


Before the pair reached the staircase leading down to the first floor, Natsu noticed a familiar figure coming down the stairs from the second floor of the tower. A large figure draped in a massive cloak, with an even larger sword strapped to their back. They let down the hood covering their head, revealing two small, black, rounded ears sticking out of a large panther's head.

Wow. It's really been over a year since I updated this, where does the time go? Either way, sorry for the wait. I havent forgotten this story, in fact the opposite is true. Recently I've been reading through the DanMachi novels to catch up (Currently finishing up the 11th Volume of the Main Series and will soon start the 4th volume of Sword Ortaoria).

Ive been getting a lot of new ideas and hopefully I will be able to utilize them well in this story. Hopefully you guys continue to be patient and follow this story further.

As always leave a comment/review letting me know what you think. Thanks for reading!