A fireball flew towards him, easily blocking it but it singed his sleeve, "Now I see where she gets her fight from!" And without another word, vanished.

Everyone turned and stared Regina, her face beet red. Emma took a step forward, "Regina?"

She glanced around the group, stopping at me, and bolted into the woods. Everyone just stared to where she disappeared, then turned towards me. "What did he mean?" Emma took a step forward while everyone else continued to study me.

"I-I think. I should go after her." I bolted into the woods after her, Emma trying to stop me.

"Regina! Come on!" I was completely lost and vulnerable. Everywhere seemed the same, like I was walking in circles. The only difference was the farther I hiked the more overgrown and dark it became. I kept tripping over vines and roots, landing on my hands and knees, a rock piercing my hand. "Lost?"

I glanced up, Pan leaning against a tree, a cruel smile twisting his face. "What do you want?"

He stepped forwards, offering me his hand that I slapped away, standing and brushing the dirt off of me, "Well, love, i think you've been wondering the woods long enough. Besides today's been very exciting." He smirked and grabbed me by my waist, "Time to go."

I pushed away from him, "No! I'm going to go and find Regina. And when I do we'll be back to get Henry and leaving. Try to stop me and you'll get hurt. Got it?" I turned and huffed away, walking farther into the forest.

Not even ten steps away he appeared ahead of me, "Now, Kendra. Why don't you just turn around and go back to camp, before this gets ugly." He held up his hand, as if that could stop me.

I pushed by him, forcing him against a tree. "Get out of my way, Pan." He grabbed my arm and whirled me around to face him, "Let go!" I clawed at his hand, feeling my own getting hotter and hotter.

"Enough! I'm through playing your games! You will listen to me and do as I say."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I rose my hand to slap him, his eyes grew wide as I felt my hand grew incredibly hot. He let go, throwing his hands up in surrender. I glanced at my rose hand, seeing a fireball. I glared back at him. "Don't move, I'm not afraid of you like the rest of them and I know you hurt me." I moved back, and bolted away from him.

I dashed over vines and upturned roots, losing my footing. "Kendra!" I glanced behind me, searching for Pan.

I tripped over a log, excruciating pain shooting through my leg, "Fuck!" I twisted my body and glanced down at my ankle, the bone protruded out of my skin, blood pouring out into the dark earth.

I heard leaves and branches snap as he ran closer, "Oh no, Kendra!" He kneeled by me and scanned my body, stopping at my mangled ankle.

"Please help me, oh my god it hurts so much. Please!" I grabbed his arm and sobbed into the worn fabric.

"Sh, it'll be ok. I can fix it." He waved his hand over my ankle as it emitted a purple glow. The pain disappeared, he gathered me into a hug as I slowly calmed down. "It's not the first time I've had to heal broken bones for you, you were such a clutz when you were younger." He chuckled.

Behind us branches snapped as a group of people rushed to where we were embracing. Emma was the first to appear, drawing her sword when she spotted Pan. Regina and Mary were behind and just like her, brandished their weapons. Pan gripped me tighter before vanishing. Emma sheathed her weapon, "What did he do to you?" She held out her hand, helping me stand.

"Nothing, I was running and tripped over the log and snapped my ankle, he healed it for me." Mary stepped forward, wrapping my arm over me to help to steady myself while Regina studied me. I glared at her, "I think it's time we spoke. You have a lot to explain to me. She nodded and led the way to camp as Mary and Emma helped me walk.

Regina and I sat around the low fire while Mary and Emma searched for fire wood.
"So you're my mother."

"Yes." Sighing she watched the fire as it slowly died down. "When I first married Kind Leopold, Mary's father, I became pregnant with you. I covered it up, I couldn't let anyone know. I was to ashamed, I didn't love him."

"So I'm Mary's half sister?"

She nodded, "Yes, but she never even knew you existed. When you were born, I kept you in the tower with guards sworn to me. You became restless the more you grew up, more precocious." She glanced at me. "You reminded me so of much of myself at that age. You still do, and you remind me of your father." Tears started to stream down her face, "At night I would go to your room and hear you talking with someone, with Peter Pan. You grew up a Lost Girl, and pan had a very strange interest in you. I tried everything to keep him away, more guards, magic, but nothing worked. I had to protect my reputation. When you turned sixteen, you started escaping your tower with him. I couldn't let anyone know who you were, they'd hurt you just to hurt me. It could have ruined everything I had worked to do. So I put you under a curse and covered your memories and dropped you at a village. Red and Granny took you in, but Pan followed. You regained your memories, I have no idea how but you did. Then I did it again, but this time brought you to a land without magic, somewhere Pan could never find you."

I sat there completely silent, shocked, trying to let everything sink in. "Wait, what's the only thing that can break a curse? Like the one you put Mary under when you were the Evil Queen."

"Well, true loves kiss. Wait. You can't be saying."

"That's how I first got my memories back. When Pan kissed me. Oh my god, I'm going to be sick. That prick?"

"Fate can be a twisted bitch." Emma and Mary trekked back into the clearing, arms full of wood which they dumped near the fire pit.

Mary sat next to me, "So, what did you guys talk about?"

"Well." I crossed my legs underneath me, "Turns out I'm your half sister, Emma's aunt, and Henry's great aunt."

"Wait, what?" Emma sat across the three of us.

"Kendra is my daughter."

"So you did have a kid with my father. I heard rumors but I never thought they were true."

"They were, I kept her hidden. I used a smaller version of the curse on her bringing her to the realm were in now. thats why shes still so young. But it seems Pan has broken the curse."

David and Hook entered the clearing, arms full of vines and wood. The group set up makeshift tents from the vines and sticks. After they were finished the group settled in, preparing for the battle tomorrow to free Henry.

Later that night, Emma was awoken by the sounds of crying children, "Guys, wake up!" No one stirred. She rose from her bed and trekked after the noise.

She heard a branch snap behind her, Pan behind her, "You hear that, too? You're Emma, right? I wonder why they can't hear the crying?"

Emma pinned him by shoulders to the tree, her sword against his throat, "Where's Henry?"

"You've got fire. I like fire."

She slammed him against the tree, "Where's my son?"

"He's alive, if that's what you're worrying about."

"Why the hell did you take him?"

"He's a very special boy, Emma."

"I know. That doesn't answer my question." She moved back, her sword still pointed at him. "What do you want with him?"

"I came here to see who I was up against," He circled her, studying, ";The savior'. Gotta say, I'm not disappointed.

"What do you say now? You're gonna tell me how I'm never gonna see Henry again?"

"No, I'm going to help you find him." He pulled a rolled up parchment from his pocket, "I'll give you this map. A map that will lead you straight to you son."

She ripped it from his hands, "If this is some kind of trap.."

He chuckled "I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but i always keep my promises. The path to finding Henry is on this map."

"Why are you giving this to me?"

"See, it's not about finding Henry. It's about how you find him. And, Emma, you're the only who can."

She unrolled the map, flipping it over repeatedly, "It's blank."

"You'll only be able to read that map when you stop denying who you really are. Oh and tell Kendra, I'll be seeing her very soon." She swung the sword only to see he has disappeared again.

"He so likes his games." Hook sat on a rock by the fire, rubbing his hook.

"What game? Theres nothing there." Regina continued to pace, pulling her blazer.

"if he said there's a map on this parchment," gesturing twoards papaer that was resting on a rock infront of a kneeling emma, "Then there is."

"Great, so if I just stop denying who I really am, whatever that means. then we'll b able to read this thing." Emma rested her head on her and, studying the blank parchment.

"But how do we know Pan won't use it to lead us striaght into a trap?"

"Because he doesnt need to. This whole island's his bloddy trap." Hook rose from his perch, everyone on edge.

I shuffled towards Emma, peeking over her shoulder, "So he charmed the map? Why can't we just uncharm it?"

MAry and David climbed through the thick brush back into the camp, "There's no sign of him anywhere."

Mary trekked to her daughter, "Any luck with the map?"

"Don't hold your breath."

Emma glared up at Regina, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Regina continued to pace, "Don't you see what he's doing? Every second we spend talking about this is another second we're not out looking for Henry."

"You gotta better idea?"

"Magic, just like Kendra said. If there's a lock on there, I'll find a way around it."

"Pan said it had to be me."

"I'd listen to Emma, love. Breaking Pan;s rules would be unwise."

"SAdly, I agree with the pirate."

"And your magic doesn't exactly have a gentle touch, Regina."

She turned and glared at Mary Margaret. "That's a risk I'm willing to take."

Emma stood, "Well, I'm not. If I'm the one who's supposed to figure out this thing, I need to do what Pan said."

"She'll get there. Hey." She placed her hand on Emma's shoulder, "Don't give up. He's playing a game, you can win."