Hey, guys! So I'm back with a new story. I wanted to do something with Clary and Jace, because why the hell not? It's all human this time, no superpowers (Sorry). So we all know how much of an ass Jace is and I'm going to lay it on you pretty thick. You'll probably hate him or love him, maybe both. Clary, of course, is totally badass in this story. Not a fragile Clary that you might be used to (You're welcome), although she has her moments. I'll still be finishing Storms, I have many more things that have to happen. So enjoy this and let me know what you think.

Full summary: Clary is a sixteen year old Agent that has just graduated from The Academy at the top of her class. Her first task: The Herondales. Someone is after them and it is Clary's job to keep them safe. The task seems simple enough, it's what she was trained to do. But what will happen when she meets their arrogant son, Jace? It's kind of hard to protect someone that you want nothing more than to kill yourself. Jace Herondale is a seventeen year old senior in high school, the captain of the football team, and the boyfriend of the hottest girl in school. But he's just learned that someone is out to get him and his parents. His world is soon turned upside down when a certain redhead is thrown into his life to protect him. Will he fall for the stubborn redhead? Will they be able to protect his family? Clace with some Sizzy and Malec. Rating may change to M.

Also if anyone is interested in betaing (hope I'm saying that right) this story, send me a PM :)

Disclaimer: All TMI characters belong to Cassandra Clare :)

Chapter Song:

**Harps by Max and the Moon

Lucian Graymark sat behind his mahogany desk, tapping his foot in tune with the grandfather clock's sweep hand in order to calm his nerves. A beige folder sat on the center of his desk, fraught with papers holding the details of that specific case. It was an important case—one of the most important that he'd ever encountered—and he needed the best of the best to execute what needed to be done. There were many options, but there was one Agent that Lucian had his utmost faith in. He'd had the privilege of interacting with this Agent over the years and knew they would be perfect for the job. But even knowing this, he still had an overwhelming sense of anxiety that twisted in his stomach. Lucian knew of the Agent's past, it was not a good one, but they never let it effect their performance. And being a former Agent, he knew an astounding performance when he saw one.

The door to Lucian's office opened, drawing his attention as a small voice filled the space. "Mr. Graymark, your two o'clock has just arrived."

Lucian nodded to his secretary. "Thank you, Tessa. Send her in."

"Yes, sir."

The soft click of her heels resounded as she retreated from the room. Lucian fixed his posture by sitting up straighter in his desk chair and smoothing out his suit. He'd always hated suits, but it was protocol. Today was important and it was crucial that he was professional.

A few moments later, the door opened and Lucian saw a flash of bright red hair. The Agent walked forward, her hands clasped behind her back. She stood in front of his desk, a chair on either side of her. Lucian pointed toward one of the chairs. "Have a seat, Agent."

She smiled then, taking a seat and relaxing. "You know, Luke, no one from the Academy is here. There's no need for the formalities."

A grin spread across Lucian's face. "Any other time, that would be acceptable, but this is important, Clarissa."

That seemed to pull her attention. "Clarissa?" She said with a hint of distaste. "Wow, this is serious. Do tell."

Lucian sat forward and pushed the folder towards her, flipping it open. The Agent scooted her chair towards the desk to get a closer look. He knew how attentive she was to details. It was one of her many strengths. The folder opened to reveal the details of the case as he spoke.

"Stephen Herondale, you are familiar with him, yes?"

She nodded. "Yeah. He's a top notch lawyer. Put away tons of drug dealers, money launderers, sketchy cops, etcetera. A good man, makes our jobs a lot easier."

Lucian nodded, impressed by how much she already knew. "Yes, well we have just been informed that Hodge Starkweather—a mobster that Stephen put away years ago—has been released from prison." He took a moment for her to process that before continuing, "Now we do not know the exact whereabouts of Mr. Starkweather, but what we do know is that he wants revenge. He is ruthless in his ways and will probably kill to get what he wants, but we cannot let him get to Stephen or his family."

"Sorry to ask, but what does this have to do with me?" She asked.

"This, Clarissa," Lucian smiled. "Is your first assignment."

The Agent laughed incredulously. "Seriously? I literally just graduated from the Academy two days ago. I just went from Trainee to Agent."

"And you were at the top of your class, if I may remind you. Also from what I've seen, you are more than prepared for a job out in the field. Even at sixteen, you've already surpassed some of the best agents out in the field."

Her eyes widened with shock. "You're really putting me out into the field? I'm going on an actual assignment?"

Lucian wasn't expecting her to question it. From her skill, she should've saw this day coming. "Yes and yes. You are to start as soon as possible."

Her emerald green eyes brightened as she looked at him. "Well, what's the assignment exactly?"

Lucian flipped to a specific place in the folder, removing a small photo. "This is Jace Herondale—Stephen's only child. Now, we know Starkweather won't try to get Stephen directly. Being the psychopath that he is, he will most likely go after the kid. Your job is to protect him. You'll be thrown into his life at home, at school, you will follow him everywhere. We have a copious amount of agents that will be set up along the perimeter, but you will be on the inside. No one, other than the Herondales, are to know who you are. This is a very important assignment, Agent, and I trust that you will be able to handle the task. Do you?"

The Agent looked at the picture situated on the desk. "So you're saying, I'm going to be stuck babysitting this kid until this entire thing blows over. That's the big assignment."

Lucian laughed. "Herondale is a year older than you, but nonetheless you are to watch him, keep him safe. That is all Stephen asks of us. He will take care of himself and his wife, it is the child he is worried about."

"So, just keep him safe. That's all." She said.

He nodded. "It will not be as easy as you might think, but yes, that's all."

The Agent smiled and rubbed her small, pale hands together. "Well you've got yourself a deal." She picked up the picture. "Seems simple enough."

But Lucian knew this was far from simple. This agent was in for a wild ride and it would only benefit her if she thought of it that way. "As simple as it might seem, there are many things that could go wrong and it is your job to stay focused and do what you were taught to do. Stephen is a great man and phenomenal at what he does, the city needs him."

She sat up straighter in her chair and gave an affirmative nod. "Yes, sir. I promise to keep them safe."

She was ready. Lucian stood, flipping the folder closed to hand it to her. She took it and held it tight. "This is all you need to know on the Herondale family. Look it over, study it, because your job starts next week. Your name is: Clary Fray. That is what you will go by at school and in public. You are to check in with me every week to give me updates on the case. I have faith in you, Clarissa. You'll do great."

She smiled. "Thanks Lu—Director Graymark." She recovered quickly.

Lucian walked around the desk to stand in front of her. He pulled her into a hug, knowing that he was breaking all kinds of rules, but this girl was like a daughter to him and sending her off to her first assignment was hard. He knew what it was like out in the field and even though he knew she could handle it, it still made him nervous.

"Luke." She laughed a little. "I'll be okay."

He let her go, but gripped her shoulders. "You better be. You made a promise to the Agency to protect the Herondales, but I made a promise to your parents to protect you. So try not to get yourself killed out there."

Her smile faltered a little at the mention of her parents, but not as much as he thought it would. She was slowly getting better and he was proud of her for it.

"I'll try my best." She said with a smile, "but I make no promises."

He laughed. "I'll accept that." He pushed her towards the door. "Now go. Study. You've got a big week coming up."

She nodded and tucked the folder into her side, giving him a mock salute. "Sir yes sir."

Lucian returned to his spot behind his desk. "Just get the hell out of here, kid." He said with a grin.

He heard her laugh as she exited the room into the corridor, leaving him alone to think. He'd seen many cases like this; the agent gets put into the life of a client. The most common issue in this situation is that the Agent gets so caught up in the other life that they forget their original task. It was how most Agents failed their missions, but all Lucian could hope was that Clarissa didn't do the same.

So what did you think?

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