I want to take the time to thank everyone that has followed, favorited, alerted, reviewed and read this story. I hope that you have enjoyed it. This probably won't be my last historical fiction piece as I am always coming up with ideas for more stories but I know I would love to do another historical fiction. Here is the final chapter of The Suitor.

The weeks that followed were filled with war and battles, invasions and riots throughout England but the men defending England from both the Spanish and the English armies had battled non-stop, giving it all to their country and their new ally's country so they could receive a victory against France protecting them from being taken over and being controlled permanently by France and King Charles. The victory was well deserved and needed for England. They came out stronger and more united than they had been since the death of King Arthur. England had reunited once again not because of war but because Alexandra's care and thoughtfulness for her country, having Spain supply the markets and the villagers with grain and food so they didn't suffer from a famine. Spain provided them gold to help rebuild towns and villages destroyed in the battle. Alexandra introduced religious freedom allowing the Protestants and Catholics to worship and honor God as they wished and believed. She turned England around while they fought against France. As the battle continued on more men were siding with their country, stepping up joining their country's army to defeat France. Alexandra was not giving up her country without a fight.

"There you are," said Roman as he walked into their bed chamber to see Alexandra being prepared for her day ahead. He smiled as she sat in her chair wearing one of the most beautiful white dresses with gold dots over the laced skirt layer over the white silk skirt and a gold belt at her slender waist. Her strawberry hair was half up and half down as a small bun rested on the crown of her head. She was breathtaking, she looked perfect as her abigail helped her into her white shoes. Roman had a flashback of their wedding night when she wore her white gown, promising to be his wife through better or through worse. He often thinks how she could have married a Prince, how she could have married Barrett, Dolph or Seth Rollins but she didn't. She chose him, she LOVED him. Her heart was his and she married him to spend the rest of their lives together and to have children together to be by his side for all eternity. He was not oblivious to the fact that she could have married above him and often found himself unworthy of her affection but she made sure he knew how worthy he was of her affection. He never thought he would be able to love after the first love of his life was taken from him in a carriage accident resulting in her death and the death of their unborn child. Roman selfishly hid away, pushing all love aside, taking vixens and harlots to his bed but never wishing to share a bed with another wife until he met Alexandra. His feelings of lust for her turned to love and affection as he got to know her. He was used to women throwing themselves at his gypsy feet, having his choice of any woman he wanted but Alexandra was different. She challenged him, she made him work for her affection but most importantly Alexandra had a way of making him see his worth, seeing that he truly deserved her as his lover and his wife. He looked at her in the chair as she was getting earrings put into her ears and she was not the woman he met months earlier, she was different, stronger, smarter and more beautiful. She had seen the world, went through their first war, birthed their children, had mothered an orphan and formed a new relationship with her brother and had helped bring her country out of a famine and despair. She was different now, she was going to be crowned Queen to rule over England for the next years of her life.

She turned to him and smiled. "Are you ready for the coronation?" she asked him flashing him a smile.

"As ready as I am ever going to be," he said with a smile. "I'm proud of you for making this choice Alexandra. I knew that in your heart that you had the right decision, the right choice in your heart. Look at what you have done for England so far imagine what you'll do the next few years and the legacy you will pass down to Vivian as she takes the throne after you are done being Queen. I'm proud of you, Alexandra," he said making her smile.

"I couldn't have done it without you by my side, My Love," she smiled. She looked at Roman and she couldn't picture her life without him. She knew that she could have married a Prince allying herself with another country making her country stronger but she chose to marry the Gypsy man that came into her castle as her guard. She knew the moment she saw him that he wouldn't always be her guard, she knew that she wouldn't always have him working for her. Alexandra knew that Roman was going to change her life in the best way. She knew Roman was a man that was used to getting what he wanted, used to having any woman he wished to have, taking any woman to his bed but she didn't want to be that woman. She wanted to be different, show him she was stronger. She played hard to get and made him work for his affection even though from the moment he first laid eyes on her he already had it. Alexandra knew Roman's heart was hers and she wasn't giving it up. She loved him like she never loved any man before. He was everything to her and while many wanted her to marry for wealth and power she chose to marry for love and showed her country that she was still powerful and still wealthy but she was happy with her choice, happy to be his wife and the mother of his children. She looked forward to their life together, their future as they stood side by side ruling England together, raising their children together, producing more children but most importantly she was looking forward to loving him the rest of her life, every minute of every day she would love him. He was the strength she needed to be the Queen, he encouraged her and pushed her to be stronger but he stayed beside her, guiding her through their life together.

"It has all been you, Alexandra," he said with a nod.

"It isn't about me anymore Roman, it's about us, you and I. It is about our life together, being parents together and ruling a country together. It is a marriage," she said. "You're my partner in life which is why you will help me rule our country."

"Alexandra," he said with a soft smile. "You look so beautiful."

"Thank-you," she smiled.

"Are you ready for today?"

"I'm nervous but I am ready," she answered. "Thank-you for guiding me into making the right choice."

"You're welcome, My Love," he said as he leaned down and kissed her lips softly. "The children are ready and Henry is ready. We're waiting for you," he said.

"I'm almost ready," she said with a smile. "You look handsome."

"Thank-you," he smiled as he pulled on his navy blue overcoat. He was dressed in a white shirt with a navy blue overcoat and a pair of beige doeskin breeches and his hair was pulled into a low ponytail. He constantly took Alexandra's breath away because he was so perfect in her eyes. His face was handsome and his body was strong, powerful and ignited a fired deep within her soul. She had read about romances but never thought a true fairytale love existed for her. She dreamed and hoped her life she would find a man like the ones in her books to love and to love her. She was living her own love story and she was enjoying every moment of it.

"I am finished, Your Majesty," announced her abigail.

"Thank-you," said Alexandra with a smile as Roman placed his hand out for her. She placed her slender hand into his and he helped her up from the chair. He kissed her cheek softly before admiring the powerful and strong woman standing beside him. He smiled with a nod as he placed his hand in the small of her back and guided her out of their bedchambers.

Roman and Alexandra made their way through the castle with their guards by their side. They stopped outside the coronation hall doors. The guards opened the doors for them and Roman guided his wife into the hall. English men and women gathered to watch the coronation of their Queen, rulers from other lands gathered to watch the coronation but something that had not been done before were villagers had gathered in the castle walls in the coronation hall to see the rightful Queen crowned. Alexandra and Roman made their way through the crowd as it parted in half like Moses splitting the Red Sea. They kneeled down onto their knees and bowed as Roman and Alexandra passed them. Alexandra greeted her people with a handshake and a nod. Alexandra and Roman reached the front of the crowd and they gathered around them. Alexandra kissed Vivian, Emma and Arthur on their cheeks before giving Henry a hug as they were greeted by the bishop performing the crowning ceremony. Alexandra bows her head to the bishop as Roman does the same as they stand side by side. The hymn of Psalms 23 being sung by the choir in the distance as they stand to wait, "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN" the crowd shouts out as Alexandra presents a Bible and a Chalice to the bishop for the ceremony.

"The Undoubted Queen Alexandra," said the Bishop as he presents Alexandra to the crowd gathered.

"Long live the Queen," shouted one of the people in the crowd.

The Bishop begins the crowning ceremony by having Alexandra take the oath to be Queen. "Madam, is your majesty willing to take the Oath?"

"I am willing," she answered as she stood before the Bishop and her family by her side.

The Bishop handed Alexandra the book to hold as she answered his questions. "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of England?"

"I solemnly promise," she answered.

"Will you to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will," she stated.

"Will you to your utmost power maintain the laws of God, will you to your utmost power maintain the protestant reformed religion established by the law and will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England?"

"All this I promise to do," she vowed. Alexandra kneels down to her knee and places her right hand on the Bible as she holds the book in her other hand. "The things which I have promised, I will perform and keep so help me God," she said before she kissed the book and signed the oath. They followed the oath by partaking in communion before she is anointed with oil as the choir sings another hymn. Followed by the anointing Alexandra was present with a blue velvet robe with a white fur trim that fell to her knees which is a symbol of civil authority before they presented her with a sword that symbolized power and justice. Followed by the robe and the sword Alexandra was gifted the Wedding Ring of England symbolizing her marriage and vow to rule England. They presented her with a scepter to show her power when making decisions for her country to give her the power needed in her decision making. As Alexandra kneeled down before the Bishop and her people she was crowned with a crown made of diamonds and sapphires. They placed it on her head as they prayed over her. Alexandra prayed her vow in front of her people before she was lifted up by the Bishops and placed onto her throne in front of her family and in front of her people.

"I present to you Queen Alexandra Mary Catherine of England," the Bishop presented the Queen to her people.

"All Hail Queen Alexandra!" they cried out as they bowed to their Queen. She looked over at Roman and smiled as he too bowed down with the people as they honored and paid homage to their beautiful, intelligent, young ruler. She waved to her babies and her young daughter. She had great plans for England, to make it a better place, to make it stronger. She was on the right path. She had a legacy to make to pass down to Princess Vivian when it would be her time to rule England but she never wanted her daughter to be forced to marry for wealth and power, to marry for an alliance. She paid their way out of the marital contract to Prince Fernando of Spain she wanted Vivian to grow up happy and fall in love in her own time, her own way. If there is anything that Roman taught her in life when it came to finding a suitor for her marriage it was that "you do not learn to love, love is a feeling bedded deep within our souls."


*A/n: What did you think of Alexandra choosing to be Queen? Did you expect her to make that decision? What about all the good she has done for England so far? Did you expect her to buy out of the marital contract so that Vivian could be free to marry for love instead of wealth and power? What did you think of the ending? Please review and thank-you for reading.